Lorene Namespace Reference

Lorene prototypes. More...


class  AltBH_QI
 Alternative black hole spacetime in Quasi-Isotropic coordinates (under development). More...
class  App_hor
 Class describing an apparent horizon. More...
class  Base_val
 Bases of the spectral expansions. More...
class  Base_vect
 Vectorial bases (triads) with respect to which the tensorial components are defined. More...
class  Base_vect_cart
 Cartesian vectorial bases (triads). More...
class  Base_vect_spher
 Spherical orthonormal vectorial bases (triads). More...
class  Bhole
 Black hole. More...
class  Bhole_binaire
 Binary black holes system. More...
class  Bin_bhns
 Class for computing a black hole - neutron star binary system with comparable mass () More...
class  Bin_bhns_extr
 Class for computing a Black hole - Neutron star binary system with an extreme mass ratio. More...
class  Bin_hor
class  Bin_ns_bh
 Neutron star - black hole binary system. More...
class  Bin_ns_ncp
 Extended description of the class for Doc++ documentation. More...
class  Binaire
 Binary systems. More...
class  Binary
 Binary systems. More...
class  Binary_xcts
 Binary systems in eXtended Conformal Thin Sandwich formulation. More...
class  Black_hole
 Base class for black holes. More...
class  Boson_star
 Class for stationary axisymmetric boson stars (under development). More...
class  Change_var
 This class defines a variable change to be used when solving elliptic equations. More...
class  Cmp
 Component of a tensorial field *** DEPRECATED : use class Scalar instead ***. More...
class  Compobj
 Base class for stationary compact objects (under development). More...
class  Compobj_QI
 Base class for axisymmetric stationary compact objects in Quasi-Isotropic coordinates (under development). More...
class  Connection
 Class Connection. More...
class  Connection_fcart
 Class Connection_fcart. More...
class  Connection_flat
 Class Connection_flat. More...
class  Connection_fspher
 Class Connection_fspher. More...
class  Coord
 Active physical coordinates and mapping derivatives. More...
class  Diff
 Base (abstract) class for 1D spectral differential operators in one domain. More...
class  Diff_dsdx
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \frac{\partial}{\partial \xi} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_dsdx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \xi^2} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_id
 Class for the elementary differential operator Identity (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_mx
 Class for the elementary differential operator multiplication by $ \xi $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_mx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator multiplication by $ \xi^2 $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_sx
 Class for the elementary differential operator division by $ \xi - 1$ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_sx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator division by $ \xi^2 $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_sxdsdx
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \frac{1}{\xi} \frac{\partial}{\partial \xi} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_x2dsdx
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi^2 \frac{\partial}{\partial \xi} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_x2dsdx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi^2 \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \xi^2} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_x3dsdx
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi^3 \frac{\partial}{\partial \xi} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_x3dsdx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi^3 \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \xi^2} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_x4dsdx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi^4 \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \xi^2} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_xdsdx
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi \frac{\partial}{\partial \xi} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Diff_xdsdx2
 Class for the elementary differential operator $ \xi \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \xi^2} $ (see the base class Diff ). More...
class  Dim_tbl
 Storage of array dimensions. More...
class  Dyn_eos
 Equation of state for use in dynamical code base class. More...
class  Dyn_eos_cons
 Equation of state for the CompOSE database with a consistent computation of the baryon density. More...
class  Dyn_eos_poly
 Polytropic equation of state (relativistic case) for use in dynamical code. More...
class  Dyn_eos_tab
Class for tabulated equations of state for use in dynamical code. More...
class  Eos
 Equation of state base class. More...
class  Eos_AkmalPR
 Equation of state AkmalPR (Akmal, Pandharipande & Ravenhall 1998). More...
class  Eos_BalbN1H1
 Equation of state BalbN1H1 (Balberg 2000). More...
class  Eos_BBB2
 Equation of state BBB2 (Baldo, Bombaci & Burgio 1997). More...
class  Eos_bf_poly
 Analytic equation of state for two fluids (relativistic case). More...
class  Eos_bf_poly_newt
 Analytic equation of state for two fluids (Newtonian case). More...
class  Eos_bf_tabul
 Class for a two-fluid (tabulated) equation of state. More...
class  Eos_bifluid
 2-fluids equation of state base class. More...
class  Eos_BPAL12
 Equation of state BPAL12 (Bombaci et al 1995). More...
class  Eos_CompOSE
Equation of state for the CompOSE database. More...
class  Eos_compose_fit
Equation of state for fitting the 1-parameter EoSs from the CompOSE database. More...
class  Eos_consistent
Equation of state for the CompOSE database with a consistent computation of the log-enthalpy (derived from Eos_CompOSE ). More...
class  Eos_Fermi
 Degenerate ideal Fermi gas. More...
class  Eos_fit_AkmalPR
 Fitted equation of state of AkmalPR. More...
class  Eos_fit_FPS
 Fitted equation of state of FPS. More...
class  Eos_fit_SLy4
 Fitted equation of state of SLy4. More...
class  Eos_fitting
 Base class for the analytically fitted equation of state. More...
class  Eos_FPS
 Equation of state FPS (Friedman-Pandharipande + Skyrme). More...
class  Eos_GlendNH3
 Equation of state GlendNH3 (Glendenning 1985, case 3 ). More...
class  Eos_incomp
 Equation of state of incompressible matter (relativistic case). More...
class  Eos_incomp_newt
 Equation of state of incompressible matter (Newtonian case). More...
class  Eos_mag
 Class for a magnetized (tabulated) equation of state. More...
class  Eos_multi_poly
 Base class for a multiple polytropic equation of state. More...
class  Eos_poly
 Polytropic equation of state (relativistic case). More...
class  Eos_poly_newt
 Polytropic equation of state (Newtonian case). More...
class  Eos_SLy4
 Equation of state SLy4 (Douchin & Haensel 2001). More...
class  Eos_strange
 Strange matter EOS (MIT Bag model). More...
class  Eos_strange_cr
 Strange matter EOS (MIT Bag model) with crust. More...
class  Eos_tabul
Base class for tabulated equations of state. More...
class  Et_bin_bhns_extr
 Class for a neutron star in black hole - neutron star binary systems. More...
class  Et_bin_nsbh
 Class for a star in a NS-BH binary system. More...
class  Et_magnetisation
class  Et_rot_bifluid
 Class for two-fluid rotating relativistic stars. More...
class  Et_rot_diff
 Class for differentially rotating stars. More...
class  Et_rot_mag
 Class for magnetized (isolator or perfect conductor), rigidly rotating stars. More...
class  Etoile
Base class for stars *** DEPRECATED : use class Star instead ***. More...
class  Etoile_bin
 Class for stars in binary system. More...
class  Etoile_rot
 Class for isolated rotating stars *** DEPRECATED : use class Star_rot instead ***. More...
class  Evolution
 Time evolution (*** under development ***). More...
class  Evolution_full
 Time evolution with full storage (*** under development ***). More...
class  Evolution_std
 Time evolution with partial storage (*** under development ***). More...
class  Excised_slice
 Class to compute single black hole spacetime excised slices. More...
class  Excision_hor
 Surface where boundary conditions for quantities in the bulk will be calculated It relies on geometrical properties of the associated Spheroid() (*** WARNING! under development***) More...
class  Excision_surf
 Surface where boundary conditions for quantities in the bulk will be calculated It relies on geometrical properties of the associated Spheroid() (*** WARNING! under development***) More...
class  FuncSpec
 Class for representing functions of 3 variables, supposed to be Cartesian coordinates $ f(x, y, z)$. More...
class  Gravastar
 Class for perfect fluid rotating gravastar. More...
class  Grille3d
 3D grid class in one domain. More...
class  Grille_val
 Base class for Godunov-type grids. More...
class  Gval_cart
 Class for cartesian Godunov-type grids. More...
class  Gval_spher
 Class for spherical Godunov-type grids. More...
class  HiggsMonopole
 Higgs monopole (under development). More...
class  Hole_bhns
 Class for black holes in black hole-neutron star binaries. More...
class  Hot_eos
 Base class for 2-parameters equations of state (abstract class). More...
class  Hoteos_tabul
 Hot (temperature-dependent) tabulated equation of state, read from a file. More...
class  Ideal_gas
 Ideal-gas (temperature-dependent) equation of state, with mass-term in the energy density. More...
class  Isol_hole
 Class to compute quasistationary single black hole spacetimes in vacuum. More...
class  Isol_hor
 Spacelike time-slice of an Isolated Horizon in a 3+1 spacetime with conformal decomposition. More...
class  Itbl
 Basic integer array class. More...
class  Kerr_QI
 Kerr spacetime in Quasi-Isotropic coordinates (under development). More...
class  Map
 Base class for coordinate mappings. More...
class  Map_af
 Affine radial mapping. More...
class  Map_eps
class  Map_et
 Radial mapping of rather general form. More...
class  Map_log
 Logarithmic radial mapping. More...
class  Map_radial
 Base class for pure radial mappings. More...
class  Map_star
class  Matrice
 Matrix handling. More...
class  MEos
 EOS with domain dependency. More...
class  Metric
 Metric for tensor calculation. More...
class  Metric_flat
 Flat metric for tensor calculation. More...
class  Mg3d
 Multi-domain grid. More...
class  Mtbl
 Multi-domain array. More...
class  Mtbl_cf
 Coefficients storage for the multi-domain spectral method. More...
class  Ope_elementary
 Basic class for elementary elliptic operators. More...
class  Ope_helmholtz_minus
 Class for the Helmholtz operator $\Delta - m^2$ ( $m > 0$). More...
class  Ope_helmholtz_minus_2d
 Class for the operator of the Helmholtz equation in 2D. More...
class  Ope_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d
 Class for the operator of the modified Helmholtz equation in pseudo-1d. More...
class  Ope_helmholtz_plus
 Class for the Helmholtz operator $\Delta + m^2$ (m > 0). More...
class  Ope_pois_tens_rr
Class for the operator of the rr component of the divergence-free tensor Poisson equation. More...
class  Ope_pois_vect_r
Class for the operator of the r component of the vector Poisson equation. More...
class  Ope_poisson
 Class for the operator of the Poisson equation (i.e. More...
class  Ope_poisson_2d
 Class for the operator of the Poisson equation in 2D. More...
class  Ope_poisson_pseudo_1d
 Class for the operator of the Poisson equation in pseudo 1d. More...
class  Ope_sec_order
 Class for operator of the type $ a \partial^2 / \partial r^2 + b \partial / \partial r + c$. More...
class  Ope_sec_order_r2
 Class for operator of the type $ a r^2 \partial^2 / \partial r^2 + b r \partial / \partial r + c$. More...
class  Ope_vorton
 Class for the operator appearing for the vortons. More...
class  Param
 Parameter storage. More...
class  Param_elliptic
 This class contains the parameters needed to call the general elliptic solver. More...
class  Piecewise_polytrope_1D
class  Pseudo_polytrope_1D
class  Scalar
 Tensor field of valence 0 (or component of a tensorial field). More...
class  ScalarBH
 Black hole with scalar hair spacetime (under development). More...
class  Single_hor
 Binary black holes system. More...
class  Spheroid
 Spheroidal 2-surfaces embedded in a time-slice of the 3+1 formalism. More...
class  Star
 Base class for stars. More...
class  Star_bhns
 Class for stars in black hole-neutron star binaries. More...
class  Star_bin
 Class for stars in binary system. More...
class  Star_bin_xcts
 Class for stars in binary system in eXtended Conformal Thin Sandwich formulation. More...
class  Star_QI
 Base class for axisymmetric stationary compact stars in Quasi-Isotropic coordinates (under development). More...
class  Star_rot
 Class for isolated rotating stars. More...
class  Star_rot_CFC
 Class for relativistic rotating stars in Conformal Flatness Condition and maximal slicing. More...
class  Star_rot_Dirac
 Class for relativistic rotating stars in Dirac gauge and maximal slicing. More...
class  Star_rot_Dirac_diff
 Class for relativistic differentially rotating stars in Dirac gauge and maximal slicing. More...
class  Sym_tensor
 Class intended to describe valence-2 symmetric tensors. More...
class  Sym_tensor_trans
 Transverse symmetric tensors of rank 2. More...
class  Sym_tensor_tt
 Transverse and traceless symmetric tensors of rank 2. More...
class  TabSpec
 3-indices array to be used with the representation of functions with Cartesian coordinates. More...
class  Tbl
 Basic array class. More...
class  Tbl_val
 Finite-difference array intended to store field values. More...
class  Tenseur
 Tensor handling *** DEPRECATED : use class Tensor instead ***. More...
class  Tenseur_sym
 Class intended to describe tensors with a symmetry on the two last indices *** DEPRECATED : use class Tensor_sym instead ***. More...
class  Tensor
 Tensor handling. More...
class  Tensor_sym
 Symmetric tensors (with respect to two of their arguments). More...
class  Time_slice
 Spacelike time slice of a 3+1 spacetime. More...
class  Time_slice_conf
 Spacelike time slice of a 3+1 spacetime with conformal decomposition. More...
class  Tslice_dirac_max
 Spacelike time slice of a 3+1 spacetime with conformal decomposition in the maximal slicing and Dirac gauge. More...
class  Valeur
 Values and coefficients of a (real-value) function. More...
class  Vector
 Tensor field of valence 1. More...
class  Vector_divfree
 Divergence-free vectors. More...
class  Ye_eos_tabul
 Out of beta-equilibrium tabulated equation of state, read from a file. More...


bool ah_finder (const Metric &gamma, const Sym_tensor &k_dd_in, Valeur &h, Scalar &ex_fcn, double a_axis, double b_axis, double c_axis, bool verbose=true, bool print=false, double precis=1.e-8, double precis_exp=1.e-6, int it_max=200, int it_relax=200, double relax_fac=1.)
 Apparent horizon linked functions. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Base_val &)
Base_val operator* (const Base_val &, const Base_val &)
 This operator is used when calling multiplication or division of Valeur . More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Base_vect &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Bin_bhns &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Bin_bhns_extr &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Bin_ns_bh &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Bin_ns_ncp &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Binaire &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Binary &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Binary_xcts &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Black_hole &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Cmp &)
Cmp operator+ (const Cmp &)
Cmp operator- (const Cmp &)
 - Cmp More...
Cmp operator+ (const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
 Cmp + Cmp. More...
Cmp operator+ (const Cmp &, double)
 Cmp + double. More...
Cmp operator+ (double, const Cmp &)
 double + Cmp More...
Cmp operator+ (const Cmp &, int)
 Cmp + int. More...
Cmp operator+ (int, const Cmp &)
 int + Cmp More...
Cmp operator- (const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
 Cmp - Cmp. More...
Cmp operator- (const Cmp &, double)
 Cmp - double. More...
Cmp operator- (double, const Cmp &)
 double - Cmp More...
Cmp operator- (const Cmp &, int)
 Cmp - int. More...
Cmp operator- (int, const Cmp &)
 int - Cmp More...
Cmp operator* (const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
 Cmp * Cmp. More...
Cmp operator% (const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
 Cmp * Cmp with desaliasing. More...
Cmp operator* (const Cmp &, double)
 Cmp * double. More...
Cmp operator* (double, const Cmp &)
 double * Cmp More...
Cmp operator* (const Cmp &, int)
 Cmp * int. More...
Cmp operator* (int, const Cmp &)
 int * Cmp More...
Cmp operator/ (const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
 Cmp / Cmp. More...
Cmp operator/ (const Cmp &, double)
 Cmp / double. More...
Cmp operator/ (double, const Cmp &)
 double / Cmp More...
Cmp operator/ (const Cmp &, int)
 Cmp / int. More...
Cmp operator/ (int, const Cmp &)
 int / Cmp More...
Cmp sin (const Cmp &)
 Sine. More...
Cmp cos (const Cmp &)
 Cosine. More...
Cmp tan (const Cmp &)
 Tangent. More...
Cmp asin (const Cmp &)
 Arcsine. More...
Cmp acos (const Cmp &)
 Arccosine. More...
Cmp atan (const Cmp &)
 Arctangent. More...
Cmp exp (const Cmp &)
 Exponential. More...
Cmp log (const Cmp &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Cmp log10 (const Cmp &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Cmp sqrt (const Cmp &)
 Square root. More...
Cmp racine_cubique (const Cmp &)
 Cube root. More...
Cmp pow (const Cmp &, int)
 Power ${\tt Cmp} ^{\tt int}$. More...
Cmp pow (const Cmp &, double)
 Power ${\tt Cmp} ^{\tt double}$. More...
Cmp abs (const Cmp &)
 Absolute value. More...
Tbl max (const Cmp &)
 Maximum values of a Cmp in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Cmp &)
 Minimum values of a Cmp in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Cmp &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Cmp
in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Cmp &a, const Cmp &b)
 Relative difference between two Cmp (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Cmp &a, const Cmp &b)
 Relative difference between two Cmp (max version). More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Coord &)
Mtbl operator+ (const Coord &)
Mtbl operator- (const Coord &)
 - Coord More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Coord &a, const Coord &b)
 Coord + Coord More...
Mtbl operator- (const Coord &a, const Coord &b)
 Coord - Coord More...
Mtbl operator* (const Coord &a, const Coord &b)
 Coord * Coord More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Coord &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Coord + Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator- (const Coord &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Coord - Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator* (const Coord &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Coord * Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Mtbl &a, const Coord &b)
 Mtbl + Coord More...
Mtbl operator- (const Mtbl &a, const Coord &b)
 Mtbl - Coord More...
Mtbl operator* (const Mtbl &a, const Coord &b)
 Mtbl * Coord More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Dim_tbl &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Dyn_eos &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Eos &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Eos_bifluid &)
Cmp prolonge_c1 (const Cmp &uu, const int nzet)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Etoile &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Spheroid &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator- (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator+ (const FuncSpec &, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator+ (const FuncSpec &, double)
FuncSpec operator+ (double, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator- (const FuncSpec &, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator- (const FuncSpec &, double)
FuncSpec operator- (double, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator* (const FuncSpec &, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator* (const FuncSpec &, double)
FuncSpec operator* (double, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator/ (const FuncSpec &, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec operator/ (const FuncSpec &, double)
FuncSpec operator/ (double, const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec sin (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec cos (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec tan (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec exp (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec log (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec sqrt (const FuncSpec &)
FuncSpec pow (const FuncSpec &, double)
FuncSpec abs (const FuncSpec &)
double max (const FuncSpec &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Grille_val &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Mg3d &)
int std_base_scal_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
int std_base_scal_odd_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
int leg_base_scal_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
int leg_base_scal_odd_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
int jac02_base_scal_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
int jac02_base_scal_odd_1z (int type_r, int type_t, int type_p)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Hot_eos &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Itbl &)
Itbl operator+ (const Itbl &)
Itbl operator- (const Itbl &)
Itbl operator+ (const Itbl &, const Itbl &)
 Itbl + Itbl. More...
Itbl operator+ (const Itbl &, int)
 Itbl + int. More...
Itbl operator+ (int a, const Itbl &b)
 int + Itbl More...
Itbl operator- (const Itbl &, const Itbl &)
 Itbl - Itbl. More...
Itbl operator- (const Itbl &, int)
 Itbl - int. More...
Itbl operator- (int, const Itbl &)
 int - Itbl More...
Itbl operator* (const Itbl &, const Itbl &)
 Itbl * Itbl. More...
Itbl operator* (const Itbl &, int)
 Itbl * int. More...
Itbl operator* (int, const Itbl &)
 int * Itbl More...
Itbl abs (const Itbl &)
 Absolute value. More...
int max (const Itbl &)
 Maximum value of the Itbl elements. More...
int min (const Itbl &)
 Minimum value of the Itbl elements. More...
int norme (const Itbl &)
 Sum of the absolute values of all the Itbl elements. More...
double diffrel (const Itbl &a, const Itbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Itbl (norme version). More...
double diffrelmax (const Itbl &a, const Itbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Itbl (max version). More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Map &)
Mtblmap_af_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_af_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_rsxdxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_rsx2drdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_log_fait_dxdlnr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_star_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_eps_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Matrice &)
Matrice operator+ (const Matrice &, const Matrice &)
 Matrice + Matrice More...
Matrice operator- (const Matrice &, const Matrice &)
 Matrice - Matrice More...
Matrice operator* (const Matrice &, double)
 Matrice * double More...
Matrice operator* (double, const Matrice &)
 double * Matrice More...
Matrice operator* (const Matrice &, const Matrice &)
 Matrix product. More...
Matrice operator/ (const Matrice &, double)
 Matrice / double More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Mtbl &)
Mtbl operator+ (const Mtbl &)
Mtbl operator- (const Mtbl &)
 - Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Mtbl &, const Mtbl &)
 Mtbl + Mtbl. More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Mtbl &, double)
 Mtbl + double. More...
Mtbl operator+ (double, const Mtbl &)
 double + Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator+ (const Mtbl &, int)
 Mtbl + int. More...
Mtbl operator+ (int, const Mtbl &)
 int + Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator- (const Mtbl &, const Mtbl &)
 Mtbl - Mtbl. More...
Mtbl operator- (const Mtbl &, double)
 Mtbl - double. More...
Mtbl operator- (double, const Mtbl &)
 double - Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator- (const Mtbl &, int)
 Mtbl - int. More...
Mtbl operator- (int, const Mtbl &)
 int - Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator* (const Mtbl &, const Mtbl &)
 Mtbl * Mtbl. More...
Mtbl operator* (const Mtbl &, double)
 Mtbl * double. More...
Mtbl operator* (double, const Mtbl &)
 double * Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator* (const Mtbl &, int)
 Mtbl * int. More...
Mtbl operator* (int, const Mtbl &)
 int * Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator/ (const Mtbl &, const Mtbl &)
 Mtbl / Mtbl. More...
Mtbl operator/ (const Mtbl &, double)
 Mtbl / double. More...
Mtbl operator/ (double, const Mtbl &)
 double / Mtbl More...
Mtbl operator/ (const Mtbl &, int)
 Mtbl / int. More...
Mtbl operator/ (int, const Mtbl &)
 int / Mtbl More...
Mtbl sin (const Mtbl &)
 Sine. More...
Mtbl cos (const Mtbl &)
 Cosine. More...
Mtbl tan (const Mtbl &)
 Tangent. More...
Mtbl asin (const Mtbl &)
 Arcsine. More...
Mtbl acos (const Mtbl &)
 Arccosine. More...
Mtbl atan (const Mtbl &)
 Arctangent. More...
Mtbl exp (const Mtbl &)
 Exponential. More...
Mtbl Heaviside (const Mtbl &)
 Heaviside function. More...
Mtbl log (const Mtbl &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Mtbl log10 (const Mtbl &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Mtbl sqrt (const Mtbl &)
 Square root. More...
Mtbl racine_cubique (const Mtbl &)
 Cube root. More...
Mtbl pow (const Mtbl &, int)
 Power ${\tt Mtbl}^{\tt int}$. More...
Mtbl pow (const Mtbl &, double)
 Power ${\tt Mtbl}^{\tt double}$. More...
Mtbl abs (const Mtbl &)
 Absolute value. More...
double totalmax (const Mtbl &)
 Maximum value of the Mtbl elements in all domains. More...
double totalmin (const Mtbl &)
 Minimum value of the Mtbl elements in all domain. More...
Tbl max (const Mtbl &)
 Maximum values of the Mtbl elements in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Mtbl &)
 Minimum values of the Mtbl elements in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Mtbl &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the Mtbl elements in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Mtbl &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Mtbl (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Mtbl &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Mtbl (max version). More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Mtbl_cf &)
Mtbl_cf operator+ (const Mtbl_cf &)
Mtbl_cf operator- (const Mtbl_cf &)
 - Mtbl_cf More...
Mtbl_cf operator+ (const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &)
 Mtbl_cf + Mtbl_cf. More...
Mtbl_cf operator- (const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &)
 Mtbl_cf - Mtbl_cf. More...
Mtbl_cf operator* (const Mtbl_cf &, double)
 Mtbl_cf * double. More...
Mtbl_cf operator* (double, const Mtbl_cf &)
 double * Mtbl_cf More...
Mtbl_cf operator* (const Mtbl_cf &, int)
 Mtbl_cf * int. More...
Mtbl_cf operator* (int, const Mtbl_cf &)
 int * Mtbl_cf More...
Mtbl_cf operator/ (const Mtbl_cf &, double)
 Mtbl_cf / double. More...
Mtbl_cf operator/ (const Mtbl_cf &, int)
 Mtbl_cf / int. More...
Mtbl_cf abs (const Mtbl_cf &)
 Absolute value. More...
Tbl max (const Mtbl_cf &)
 Maximum values of the Mtbl_cf elements in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Mtbl_cf &)
 Minimum values of the Mtbl_cf elements in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Mtbl_cf &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the Mtbl_cf elements in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Mtbl_cf &a, const Mtbl_cf &b)
 Relative difference between two Mtbl_cf (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Mtbl_cf &a, const Mtbl_cf &b)
 Relative difference between two Mtbl_cf (max version). More...
double * cheb_ini (const int)
double * chebimp_ini (const int)
void four1d (const int, double *)
void chebyf1d (const int, double *)
void chebyr1d (const int, double *)
void cfpcossin (const int *, const int *, double *)
void cfpcossini (const int *, const int *, double *)
void cftcos (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftsin (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcosp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcosi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftsinp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftsini (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossincp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossinsi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossinsp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossinci (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossins (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftcossinc (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftleg (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegmp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegmi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegpp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegip (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegpi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cftlegii (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrcheb (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebpimp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebpimi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebpip (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebpii (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cipcossin (const int *, const int *, const int *, double *, double *)
void cipcossini (const int *, const int *, const int *, double *, double *)
void citcos (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcosp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcosi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citsinp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citsini (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossincp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossinsi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossinsp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossinci (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossins (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citcossinc (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citleg (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegmp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegmi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegpp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegip (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegpi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citlegii (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circheb (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cirleg (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cirlegp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cirlegi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebpimp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebpimi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebpip (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void circhebpii (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
double * legendre (int, int)
double * legendre_norm (int, int)
double * mat_cossincp_legp (int, int)
double * mat_cossinci_legi (int, int)
double * mat_cossinc_leg (int, int)
double * mat_cosp_legpp (int, int)
double * mat_cosi_legip (int, int)
double * mat_sini_legpi (int, int)
double * mat_sinp_legii (int, int)
double * mat_cos_legmp (int, int)
double * mat_sin_legmi (int, int)
double * mat_legp_cossincp (int, int)
double * mat_legi_cossinci (int, int)
double * mat_leg_cossinc (int, int)
double * mat_legpp_cosp (int, int)
double * mat_legip_cosi (int, int)
double * mat_legpi_sini (int, int)
double * mat_legii_sinp (int, int)
double * mat_legmp_cos (int, int)
double * mat_legmi_sin (int, int)
void chb_cossincp_legp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legp_cossincp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_cossinc_leg (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_leg_cossinc (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_cosp_legpp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legpp_cosp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_cosi_legip (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legip_cosi (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_sini_legpi (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legpi_sini (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_cossinci_legi (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legi_cossinci (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_sinp_legii (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legii_sinp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_cos_legmp (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legmp_cos (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_sin_legmi (const int *, const double *, double *)
void chb_legmi_sin (const int *, const double *, double *)
double int1d_chebp (int, const double *)
double int1d_chebi (int, const double *)
double int1d_cheb (int, const double *)
void cfrleg (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrlegp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrlegi (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void legendre_collocation_points (int, double *)
double * jacobi (int, double)
double * pointsgausslobatto (int)
Tbl jacobipointsgl (int)
double * coeffjaco (int, double *)
void cfrjaco02 (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void citsin (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cirjaco02 (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebp (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebi (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebu_deux (int, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebu_trois (int, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebu_quatre (int, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_chebu_cinq (int, int)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_cheb (int, int, double, int)
Matrice laplacien_mat (int, int, double, int, int)
Matrice _cl_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_r_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebu_cinq (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebu_quatre (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebu_trois (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_r_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice combinaison (const Matrice &, int, double, int, int)
Tbl _cl_pas_prevu (const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _cl_r_cheb (const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _cl_r_chebi (const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _cl_r_chebu (const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _cl_r_chebu_deux (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_r_chebu_trois (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_r_chebu_quatre (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_r_chebu_cinq (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_r_chebp (const Tbl &, int)
Tbl combinaison (const Tbl &, int, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebu_trois (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebu_quatre (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_chebu_cinq (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice prepa_nondege (const Matrice &, int, double, int, int)
Tbl _solp_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_r_cheb (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_r_chebp (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_r_chebi (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_r_chebu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &)
Tbl _solp_r_chebu_trois (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, const Tbl &)
Tbl _solp_r_chebu_quatre (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, const Tbl &)
Tbl _solp_r_chebu_cinq (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &)
Tbl solp (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int, int)
Tbl _solh_pas_prevu (int, int, double)
Tbl _solh_r_cheb (int, int, double)
Tbl _solh_r_chebp (int, int, double)
Tbl _solh_r_chebi (int, int, double)
Tbl _solh_r_chebu (int, int, double)
Tbl solh (int, int, double, int)
Matrice helmholtz_minus_mat (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Matrice cl_helmholtz_minus (const Matrice &, int)
Tbl cl_helmholtz_minus (const Tbl &, int)
Matrice prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege (const Matrice &, int)
Tbl solp_helmholtz_minus (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &, double, double, int, int)
Tbl solh_helmholtz_minus (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Matrice helmholtz_plus_mat (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Matrice cl_helmholtz_plus (const Matrice &, int)
Tbl cl_helmholtz_plus (const Tbl &, int)
Matrice prepa_helmholtz_plus_nondege (const Matrice &, int)
Tbl solp_helmholtz_plus (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &, double, double, int)
Tbl solh_helmholtz_plus (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Tbl val_solh (int, double, double, int)
Tbl val_solp (const Tbl &, double, int)
double val1_dern_1d (int, const Tbl &, int)
double valm1_dern_1d (int, const Tbl &, int)
void _d2sdx2_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_chebu (int, double *, double *)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void d2sdx2_1d (int, double **, int)
void _dsdx_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _dsdx_1d_r_chebu (int, double *, double *)
void _dsdx_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void _dsdx_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void dsdx_1d (int, double **, int)
void _multx_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _multx_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void multx_1d (int, double **, int)
void multxpun_1d (int, double **, int)
void _sx_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _sx_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void _sx_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void sx_1d (int, double **, int)
void _sx2_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _sx2_1d_identite (int, double *, double *)
void _sx2_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void _sx2_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void _sxm12_1d_r_chebu (int, double *, double *)
void sx2_1d (int, double **, int)
void _sxdsdx_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _dsdx_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void _sxdsdx_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void _sxdsdx_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void sxdsdx_1d (int, double **, int)
void _dsdx_r_chebp (Tbl *, int &)
void _dsdx_r_chebi (Tbl *, int &)
int nullite_plm_sym (int, int, int, int)
int nullite_plm_nonsym (int, int, int, int)
int nullite_plm_nonsym_anti (int, int, int, int)
int nullite_plm (int, int, int, int, Base_val)
void donne_lm_sym (int, int, int, int, int &, int &, int &)
void donne_lm_nonsym (int, int, int, int, int &, int &, int &)
void donne_lm_nonsym_anti (int, int, int, int, int &, int &, int &)
void donne_lm (int, int, int, int, Base_val, int &, int &, int &)
void som_r_pas_prevu (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_cheb (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebi (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebp (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebu (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_p (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_i (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpi_p (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpi_i (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_cheb_symy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebu_symy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_p_symy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_i_symy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_cheb_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebu_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_p_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_chebpim_i_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_leg (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_legi (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_legp (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_r_jaco02 (double *, const int, const int, const int, const double, double *)
double som_r_1d_pas_prevu (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_cheb (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_chebp (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_chebi (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_leg (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_legp (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_legi (const double *, int, double)
double som_r_1d_jaco02 (const double *, int, double)
void som_tet_pas_prevu (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cos (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cos_p (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cos_i (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_sin (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_sin_p (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_sin_i (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_cp (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_ci (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_c (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_s (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_sp (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_si (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_cp_symy (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_ci_symy (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_cp_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_tet_cossin_ci_asymy (double *, const int, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_pas_prevu (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_cossin (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_cossin_p (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_cossin_i (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_cossin_symy (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void som_phi_cossin_asymy (double *, const int, const double, double *)
void sxm1_1d_cheb (int, double *)
void mult_xm1_1d_cheb (int, const double *, double *)
void mult2_xm1_1d_cheb (int, const double *, double *)
void mult_xp1_1d_cheb (int, const double *, double *)
void _xdsdx_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void _xdsdx_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void _xdsdx_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void _xdsdx_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void xdsdx_1d (int, double **, int)
void multx2_1d (int, double **, int)
void _multx2_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void _multx2_1d_r_chebp (int, double *, double *)
void _multx2_1d_r_chebi (int, double *, double *)
void _multx2_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
void sxpun_1d (int, double **, int)
void _sxpun_1d_r_cheb (int, double *, double *)
void _sxpun_1d_pas_prevu (int, double *, double *)
Cmp division_xpun (const Cmp &, int)
void get_operateur_dal (const Param &, const int &, const int &, int &, Matrice &)
Tbl dal_inverse (const int &, const int &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &, const bool)
Mtbl_cf sol_dalembert (Param &, const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &)
void runge_kutta3_wave_sys (double, const Scalar &, const Scalar &, Scalar &, Scalar &, int dl=0)
void evolve_outgoing_BC (double, int, const Scalar &, Scalar &, Tbl &, Tbl &, Tbl &, int dl=0)
void tilde_laplacian (const Scalar &B_in, Scalar &tilde_lap, int dl=-1)
void initialize_outgoing_BC (int, const Scalar &, const Scalar &, Tbl &)
void tensorelliptic (Scalar source, Scalar &resu, double fitd1, double fit2d1, double fit0d2=0., double fit1d2=0., double fit0d3=0., double fit1d3=0.)
void tensorellipticBt (Scalar source, Scalar &resu, double fitd1, double fit2d1, double fit0d2=0., double fit1d2=0., double fit0d3=0., double fit1d3=0.)
void tensorellipticCt (Scalar source, Scalar &resu, double fitd1, double fit2d1, double fit0d2, double fit1d2, double fit0d3, double fit1d3)
Sym_tensor secmembre_kerr (const Sym_tensor &hij, const Sym_tensor &aa, const Scalar &nn, const Scalar &ppsi, const Vector &bb)
Sym_tensor boundfree_tensBC (Sym_tensor source, Vector Beta, Scalar Psi, Scalar Nn, Sym_tensor hij_guess, double precision, int loopmax=250)
Matrice lap_cpt_mat (int, int, int)
Matrice xdsdx_mat (int, int, int)
Matrice combinaison_cpt (const Matrice &, int, int)
Tbl combinaison_cpt (const Tbl &, int)
void dirichlet_binaire (const Cmp &source_un, const Cmp &source_deux, const Valeur &boundary_un, const Valeur &boundary_deux, Cmp &sol_un, Cmp &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void dirichlet_binaire (const Cmp &source_un, const Cmp &source_deux, double bound_un, double bound_deux, Cmp &sol_un, Cmp &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void dirichlet_binaire (const Scalar &source_un, const Scalar &source_deux, const Valeur &boundary_un, const Valeur &boundary_deux, Scalar &sol_un, Scalar &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void neumann_binaire (const Cmp &source_un, const Cmp &source_deux, const Valeur &boundary_un, const Valeur &boundary_deux, Cmp &sol_un, Cmp &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void neumann_binaire (const Cmp &source_un, const Cmp &source_deux, double bound_un, double bound_deux, Cmp &sol_un, Cmp &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void neumann_binaire (const Scalar &source_un, const Scalar &source_deux, const Valeur &boundary_un, const Valeur &boundary_deux, Scalar &sol_un, Scalar &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void poisson_vect_frontiere (double lambda, const Tenseur &source, Tenseur &shift, const Valeur &lim_x, const Valeur &lim_y, const Valeur &lim_z, int num_front, double precision, int itermax)
void poisson_vect_boundary (double lambda, const Vector &source, Vector &shift, const Valeur &lim_x, const Valeur &lim_y, const Valeur &lim_z, int num_front, double precision, int itermax)
void poisson_vect_binaire (double lambda, const Tenseur &source_un, const Tenseur &source_deux, const Valeur &bound_x_un, const Valeur &bound_y_un, const Valeur &bound_z_un, const Valeur &bound_x_deux, const Valeur &bound_y_deux, const Valeur &bound_z_deux, Tenseur &sol_un, Tenseur &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
void poisson_vect_binaire (double lambda, const Vector &source_un, const Vector &source_deux, const Valeur &bound_x_un, const Valeur &bound_y_un, const Valeur &bound_z_un, const Valeur &bound_x_deux, const Valeur &bound_y_deux, const Valeur &bound_z_deux, Vector &sol_un, Vector &sol_deux, int num_front, double precision)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver (const Param_elliptic &, const Mtbl_cf &)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver_boundary (const Param_elliptic &ope_var, const Mtbl_cf &source, const Mtbl_cf &bound, double fact_dir, double fact_neu)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver_no_zec (const Param_elliptic &, const Mtbl_cf &, double val)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver_only_zec (const Param_elliptic &, const Mtbl_cf &, double val)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver_sin_zec (const Param_elliptic &, const Mtbl_cf &, double *, double *)
Mtbl_cf elliptic_solver_fixe_der_zero (double, const Param_elliptic &, const Mtbl_cf &)
double integrale2d (const Scalar &)
Scalar pois_vect_r0 (const Scalar &)
double regle (Tenseur &shift_auto, const Tenseur &shift_comp, double omega, double)
double serie_lindquist_plus (double rayon, double distance, double xa, double ya, double za, double precision, double itemax)
double serie_lindquist_moins (double rayon, double distance, double xa, double ya, double za, double precision, double itemax)
double adm_serie (double rayon, double distance, double precision)
double bare_serie (double rayon, double distance, double precision)
void set_lindquist (Cmp &psi_un, Cmp &psi_deux, double rayon, double precision)
void separation (const Cmp &c1, const Cmp &c2, Cmp &res1, Cmp &res2, int decrois, int puiss, int lmax, double precision, const double relax=0.5, const int itemax=100, const int flag=1)
void coupe_l_tous (Sym_tensor &hij, Sym_tensor &aa, Scalar &nn, Scalar &ppsi, Vector &bb, int ntt, int cutoff)
void tensor_coupe_l (Sym_tensor &ten, int ntt, int cutoff)
void cfrcheb_interp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebp_interp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void cfrchebi_interp (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void do_first_call_initializations (void(*coef_r0[MAX_BASE])(const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *), double(*som_r_1d0[MAX_BASE])(const double *, int, double))
bool check_grids (const Map_af &, const Map_star &, int &)
bool check_grids (const Map_star &, const Map_af &, int &)
void pasprevu_r (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
void base_non_def_r (const int *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Scalar &)
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &)
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &)
 - Scalar More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar + Scalar. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar + Mbtl. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl + Scalar. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar + double. More...
Scalar operator+ (double, const Scalar &)
 double + Scalar More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, int)
 Scalar + int. More...
Scalar operator+ (int, const Scalar &)
 int + Scalar More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar - Scalar. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar - Mbtl. More...
Scalar operator- (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl - Scalar. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar - double. More...
Scalar operator- (double, const Scalar &)
 double - Scalar More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, int)
 Scalar - int. More...
Scalar operator- (int, const Scalar &)
 int - Scalar More...
Scalar operator* (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar. More...
Scalar operator% (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing. More...
Scalar operator| (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing only in r. More...
Scalar operator* (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl * Scalar. More...
Scalar operator* (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar * Mtbl. More...
Scalar operator* (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar * double. More...
Scalar operator* (double, const Scalar &)
 double * Scalar More...
Scalar operator* (const Scalar &, int)
 Scalar * int. More...
Scalar operator* (int, const Scalar &)
 int * Scalar More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar / Scalar. More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar / double. More...
Scalar operator/ (double, const Scalar &)
 double / Scalar More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, int)
 Scalar / int. More...
Scalar operator/ (int, const Scalar &)
 int / Scalar More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar / Mtbl. More...
Scalar operator/ (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl / Scalar. More...
Scalar sin (const Scalar &)
 Sine. More...
Scalar cos (const Scalar &)
 Cosine. More...
Scalar tan (const Scalar &)
 Tangent. More...
Scalar asin (const Scalar &)
 Arcsine. More...
Scalar acos (const Scalar &)
 Arccosine. More...
Scalar atan (const Scalar &)
 Arctangent. More...
Scalar exp (const Scalar &)
 Exponential. More...
Scalar Heaviside (const Scalar &)
 Heaviside function. More...
Scalar log (const Scalar &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Scalar log10 (const Scalar &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Scalar sqrt (const Scalar &)
 Square root. More...
Scalar racine_cubique (const Scalar &)
 Cube root. More...
Scalar pow (const Scalar &, int)
 Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt int}$. More...
Scalar pow (const Scalar &, double)
 Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt double}$. More...
Scalar abs (const Scalar &)
 Absolute value. More...
double totalmax (const Scalar &)
 Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
double totalmin (const Scalar &)
 Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl max (const Scalar &)
 Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Scalar &)
 Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Scalar &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b)
 Relative difference between two Scalar (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b)
 Relative difference between two Scalar (max version). More...
void exp_filter_ylm_all_domains (Scalar &ss, int p, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter in angular directions in all domains. More...
void exp_filter_ylm_all_domains (Scalar &ss, int p_tet, int p_phi, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter in angular directions in all domains. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Star &)
TabSpec operator+ (const TabSpec &, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator+ (const TabSpec &, double)
TabSpec operator+ (double, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator- (const TabSpec &, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator- (const TabSpec &, double)
TabSpec operator- (double, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator- (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator* (const TabSpec &, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator* (const TabSpec &, double)
TabSpec operator* (double, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator/ (const TabSpec &, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec operator/ (const TabSpec &, double)
TabSpec operator/ (double, const TabSpec &)
TabSpec sin (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec cos (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec tan (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec exp (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec log (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec sqrt (const TabSpec &)
TabSpec pow (const TabSpec &, double)
TabSpec abs (const TabSpec &)
double max (const TabSpec &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Tbl &)
Tbl operator+ (const Tbl &)
Tbl operator- (const Tbl &)
 - Tbl More...
Tbl operator+ (const Tbl &, const Tbl &)
 Tbl + Tbl. More...
Tbl operator+ (const Tbl &, double)
 Tbl + double. More...
Tbl operator+ (double, const Tbl &)
 double + Tbl More...
Tbl operator+ (const Tbl &, int)
 Tbl + int. More...
Tbl operator+ (int, const Tbl &)
 int + Tbl More...
Tbl operator- (const Tbl &, const Tbl &)
 Tbl - Tbl. More...
Tbl operator- (const Tbl &, double)
 Tbl - double. More...
Tbl operator- (double, const Tbl &)
 double - Tbl More...
Tbl operator- (const Tbl &, int)
 Tbl - int. More...
Tbl operator- (int, const Tbl &)
 int - Tbl More...
Tbl operator* (const Tbl &, const Tbl &)
 Tbl * Tbl. More...
Tbl operator* (const Tbl &, double)
 Tbl * double. More...
Tbl operator* (double, const Tbl &)
 double * Tbl More...
Tbl operator* (const Tbl &, int)
 Tbl * int. More...
Tbl operator* (int, const Tbl &)
 int * Tbl More...
Tbl operator/ (const Tbl &, const Tbl &)
 Tbl / Tbl. More...
Tbl operator/ (const Tbl &, double)
 Tbl / double. More...
Tbl operator/ (double, const Tbl &)
 double / Tbl More...
Tbl operator/ (const Tbl &, int)
 Tbl / int. More...
Tbl operator/ (int, const Tbl &)
 int / Tbl More...
Tbl sin (const Tbl &)
 Sine. More...
Tbl cos (const Tbl &)
 Cosine. More...
Tbl tan (const Tbl &)
 Tangent. More...
Tbl asin (const Tbl &)
 Arcsine. More...
Tbl acos (const Tbl &)
 Arccosine. More...
Tbl atan (const Tbl &)
 Arctangent. More...
Tbl exp (const Tbl &)
 Exponential. More...
Tbl Heaviside (const Tbl &)
 Heaviside function. More...
Tbl log (const Tbl &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Tbl log10 (const Tbl &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Tbl sqrt (const Tbl &)
 Square root. More...
Tbl racine_cubique (const Tbl &)
 cube root More...
Tbl pow (const Tbl &, int)
 Power ${\tt Tbl}^{\tt int}$. More...
Tbl pow (const Tbl &, double)
 Power ${\tt Tbl}^{\tt double}$. More...
Tbl abs (const Tbl &)
 Absolute value. More...
double max (const Tbl &)
 Maximum value of the Tbl elements. More...
double min (const Tbl &)
 Minimum value of the Tbl elements. More...
double norme (const Tbl &)
 Sum of the absolute values of all the Tbl elements. More...
double diffrel (const Tbl &a, const Tbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Tbl (norme version). More...
double diffrelmax (const Tbl &a, const Tbl &b)
 Relative difference between two Tbl (max version). More...
Tbl_val operator+ (const Tbl_val &)
Tbl_val operator- (const Tbl_val &)
 - Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator+ (const Tbl_val &, const Tbl_val &)
 Tbl_val + Tbl_val. More...
Tbl_val operator+ (const Tbl_val &, double)
 Tbl_val + double. More...
Tbl_val operator+ (double, const Tbl_val &)
 double + Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator+ (const Tbl_val &, int)
 Tbl_val + int. More...
Tbl_val operator+ (int, const Tbl_val &)
 int + Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator- (const Tbl_val &, const Tbl_val &)
 Tbl_val - Tbl_val. More...
Tbl_val operator- (const Tbl_val &, double)
 Tbl_val - double. More...
Tbl_val operator- (double, const Tbl_val &)
 double - Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator- (const Tbl_val &, int)
 Tbl_val - int. More...
Tbl_val operator- (int, const Tbl_val &)
 int - Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator* (const Tbl_val &, const Tbl_val &)
 Tbl_val * Tbl_val. More...
Tbl_val operator* (const Tbl_val &, double)
 Tbl_val * double. More...
Tbl_val operator* (double, const Tbl_val &)
 double * Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator* (const Tbl_val &, int)
 Tbl_val * int. More...
Tbl_val operator* (int, const Tbl_val &)
 int * Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator/ (const Tbl_val &, const Tbl_val &)
 Tbl_val / Tbl_val. More...
Tbl_val operator/ (const Tbl_val &, double)
 Tbl_val / double. More...
Tbl_val operator/ (double, const Tbl_val &)
 double / Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val operator/ (const Tbl_val &, int)
 Tbl_val / int. More...
Tbl_val operator/ (int, const Tbl_val &)
 int / Tbl_val More...
Tbl_val sin (const Tbl_val &)
 Sine. More...
Tbl_val cos (const Tbl_val &)
 Cosine. More...
Tbl_val tan (const Tbl_val &)
 Tangent. More...
Tbl_val asin (const Tbl_val &)
 Arcsine. More...
Tbl_val acos (const Tbl_val &)
 Arccosine. More...
Tbl_val atan (const Tbl_val &)
 Arctangent. More...
Tbl_val exp (const Tbl_val &)
 Exponential. More...
Tbl_val Heaviside (const Tbl_val &)
 Heaviside Function. More...
Tbl_val log (const Tbl_val &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Tbl_val log10 (const Tbl_val &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Tbl_val sqrt (const Tbl_val &)
 Square root. More...
Tbl_val racine_cubique (const Tbl_val &)
 cube root More...
Tbl_val pow (const Tbl_val &, int)
 Power ${\tt Tbl_val}^{\tt int}$. More...
Tbl_val pow (const Tbl_val &, double)
 Power ${\tt Tbl_val}^{\tt double}$. More...
Tbl_val abs (const Tbl_val &)
 Absolute value. More...
double max (const Tbl_val &)
 Maximum value of the Tbl_val elements. More...
double min (const Tbl_val &)
 Minimum value of the Tbl_val elements. More...
double norme (const Tbl_val &)
 Sum of the absolute values of all the Tbl_val elements. More...
double diffrel (const Tbl_val &a, const Tbl_val &b)
 Relative difference between two Tbl_val (norme version). More...
double diffrelmax (const Tbl_val &a, const Tbl_val &b)
 Relative difference between two Tbl_val (max version). More...
void write_formatted (const double &, ostream &)
void write_formatted (const Tbl &, ostream &)
Tenseur operator* (const Tenseur &, const Tenseur &)
 Tensorial product. More...
Tenseur operator% (const Tenseur &, const Tenseur &)
 Tensorial product with desaliasing. More...
Tenseur contract (const Tenseur &, int id1, int id2)
 Self contraction of two indices of a Tenseur . More...
Tenseur contract (const Tenseur &, int id1, const Tenseur &, int id2)
 Contraction of two Tenseur . More...
Tenseur flat_scalar_prod (const Tenseur &t1, const Tenseur &t2)
 Scalar product of two Tenseur when the metric is $\delta_{ij}$: performs the contraction of the last index of t1 with the first one of t2 , irrespective of the type of these indices. More...
Tenseur flat_scalar_prod_desal (const Tenseur &t1, const Tenseur &t2)
 Same as flat_scalar_prod but with desaliasing. More...
Tenseur manipule (const Tenseur &, const Metrique &, int idx)
 Raise or lower the index idx depending on its type, using the given Metrique . More...
Tenseur manipule (const Tenseur &, const Metrique &)
 Raise or lower all the indices, depending on their type, using the given Metrique . More...
Tenseur skxk (const Tenseur &)
 Contraction of the last index of (*this) with $x^k$ or $x_k$, depending on the type of S . More...
Tenseur lie_derive (const Tenseur &t, const Tenseur &x, const Metrique *=0x0)
 Lie Derivative of t with respect to x . More...
Tenseur sans_trace (const Tenseur &tens, const Metrique &metre)
 Computes the traceless part of a Tenseur of valence 2. More...
Tenseur operator+ (const Tenseur &)
Tenseur operator- (const Tenseur &)
 - Tenseur More...
Tenseur operator+ (const Tenseur &, const Tenseur &)
 Tenseur + Tenseur. More...
Tenseur operator+ (const Tenseur &, double)
 Tenseur + double (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator+ (double, const Tenseur &)
 double + Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator+ (const Tenseur &, int)
 Tenseur + int (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator+ (int, const Tenseur &)
 int + Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator- (const Tenseur &, const Tenseur &)
 Tenseur - Tenseur. More...
Tenseur operator- (const Tenseur &, double)
 Tenseur - double (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator- (double, const Tenseur &)
 double - Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator- (const Tenseur &, int)
 Tenseur - int (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator- (int, const Tenseur &)
 int - Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator* (const Tenseur &, double)
 Tenseur * double. More...
Tenseur operator* (double, const Tenseur &)
 double * Tenseur More...
Tenseur operator* (const Tenseur &, int)
 Tenseur * int. More...
Tenseur operator* (int, const Tenseur &)
 int * Tenseur More...
Tenseur operator/ (const Tenseur &a, const Tenseur &b)
 Tenseur / Tenseur (b must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator/ (const Tenseur &, double)
 Tenseur / double. More...
Tenseur operator/ (double, const Tenseur &)
 double / Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur operator/ (const Tenseur &, int)
 Tenseur / int. More...
Tenseur operator/ (int, const Tenseur &)
 int / Tenseur (the Tenseur must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur exp (const Tenseur &)
 Exponential (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur log (const Tenseur &)
 Neperian logarithm (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur sqrt (const Tenseur &)
 Square root (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur abs (const Tenseur &)
 Absolute value (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur pow (const Tenseur &, int)
 Power (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur pow (const Tenseur &, double)
 Power (for a scalar only) More...
Tenseur_sym operator* (const Tenseur &, const Tenseur_sym &)
 Tensorial product. More...
Tenseur_sym manipule (const Tenseur_sym &, const Metrique &)
 Raise or lower all the indices, depending on their type, using the given Metrique . More...
Tenseur_sym lie_derive (const Tenseur_sym &t, const Tenseur &x, const Metrique *=0x0)
 Lie Derivative of t with respect to x . More...
Tenseur_sym sans_trace (const Tenseur_sym &tens, const Metrique &metre)
 Computes the traceless part of a Tenseur_sym of valence 2. More...
Tenseur_sym operator+ (const Tenseur_sym &)
Tenseur_sym operator- (const Tenseur_sym &)
 - Tenseur_sym More...
Tenseur_sym operator+ (const Tenseur_sym &, const Tenseur_sym &)
 Tenseur_sym + Tenseur_sym. More...
Tenseur_sym operator- (const Tenseur_sym &, const Tenseur_sym &)
 Tenseur_sym - Tenseur_sym. More...
Tenseur_sym operator* (const Tenseur_sym &, double)
 Tenseur_sym * double. More...
Tenseur_sym operator* (double, const Tenseur_sym &)
 double * Tenseur_sym More...
Tenseur_sym operator* (const Tenseur_sym &, int)
 Tenseur_sym * int. More...
Tenseur_sym operator* (int, const Tenseur_sym &)
 int * Tenseur_sym More...
Tenseur_sym operator/ (const Tenseur_sym &a, const Tenseur &b)
 Tenseur_sym / Tenseur (b must be a scalar) More...
Tenseur_sym operator/ (const Tenseur_sym &, double)
 Tenseur_sym / double. More...
Tenseur_sym operator/ (const Tenseur_sym &, int)
 Tenseur_sym / int. More...
Tensor operator* (const Tensor &a, const Tensor &b)
 Tensorial product. More...
Tensor_sym operator* (const Tensor &a, const Tensor_sym &b)
 Tensorial product with symmetries. More...
Tensor_sym operator* (const Tensor_sym &a, const Tensor &b)
 Tensorial product with symmetries. More...
Tensor_sym operator* (const Tensor_sym &a, const Tensor_sym &b)
 Tensorial product of two symmetric tensors. More...
Tensor contract (const Tensor &t1, int ind1, const Tensor &t2, int ind2, bool desaliasing=false)
 Contraction of two tensors. More...
Tensor contract (const Tensor &t1, int ind_i1, int ind_j1, const Tensor &t2, int ind_i2, int ind_j2, bool desaliasing=false)
 Double contraction of two tensors. More...
Tensor contract (const Tensor &t1, int ind1, int ind2)
 Contraction on two indices of a single tensor (trace). More...
Tbl max (const Tensor &aa, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Maxima in each domain of the values of the tensor components. More...
Tbl min (const Tensor &aa, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Minima in each domain of the values of the tensor components. More...
Tbl maxabs (const Tensor &aa, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout, bool verb=true)
 Maxima in each domain of the absolute values of the tensor components. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Tensor &aa, const Tensor &bb, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Relative difference between two Tensor ( $L^1$ version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Tensor &aa, const Tensor &bb, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Relative difference between two Tensor (max version). More...
Tbl central_value (const Tensor &aa, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Central value of each component of a tensor. More...
Tbl max_all_domains (const Tensor &aa, int l_excluded=-1, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Maximum value of each component of a tensor over all the domains. More...
Tbl min_all_domains (const Tensor &aa, int l_excluded=-1, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout)
 Minimum value of each component of a tensor over all the domains. More...
Tbl maxabs_all_domains (const Tensor &aa, int l_excluded=-1, const char *comment=0x0, ostream &ost=cout, bool verb=true)
 Maximum of the absolute value of each component of a tensor over all the domains. More...
Tensor operator+ (const Tensor &)
Tensor operator- (const Tensor &)
 - Tensor More...
Tensor operator+ (const Tensor &a, const Tensor &b)
 Tensor + Tensor. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Tensor &a, const Scalar &b)
 Tensor + Scalar. The Tensor must be of valence 0. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &a, const Tensor &b)
 Scalar + Tensor. The Tensor must be of valence 0. More...
Tensor operator- (const Tensor &a, const Tensor &b)
 Tensor - Tensor. More...
Scalar operator- (const Tensor &a, const Scalar &b)
 Tensor - Scalar. The Tensor must be of valence 0. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &a, const Tensor &b)
 Scalar - Tensor. The Tensor must be of valence 0. More...
Tensor operator* (const Scalar &a, const Tensor &b)
 Scalar * Tensor. More...
Tensor operator* (const Tensor &a, const Scalar &b)
 Tensor * Scalar. More...
Tensor operator* (double, const Tensor &)
 double * Tensor More...
Tensor operator* (const Tensor &, double)
 Tensor * double. More...
Tensor operator* (int, const Tensor &)
 int* Tensor More...
Tensor operator* (const Tensor &, int)
 Tensor * int. More...
Tensor operator/ (const Tensor &, const Scalar &)
 Tensor / Scalar. More...
Tensor operator/ (const Tensor &, double)
 Tensor / double. More...
Tensor operator/ (const Tensor &, int)
 Tensor / int. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Time_slice &)
void arrete (int a=0)
 Setting a stop point in a code. More...
bool zero_premier (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, int n, double &a0, double &b0)
 Locates the sub-interval containing the first zero of a function in a given interval. More...
double zerosec (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter, bool abort=true)
 Finding the zero a function. More...
double zerosec_b (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter)
 Finding the zero a function on a bounded domain. More...
void zero_list (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double xmin, double xmax, int nsub, Tbl *&az, Tbl *&bz)
 Locates approximatively all the zeros of a function in a given interval. More...
Tbl integ1D (const Tbl &xx, const Tbl &ff)
 Integrates a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae. More...
void compute_derivative (const Tbl &xx, const Tbl &ff, Tbl &dfdx)
 Derives a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae. More...
Tbl poly_regression (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, int)
 Polynomial regression, giving Chebyshev coefficients. More...
int fwrite_be (const int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Writes integer(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int fwrite_be (const double *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Writes double precision number(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int fread_be (int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Reads integer(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int fread_be (double *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Reads double precision number(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
char * load_file (char *fname)
 Read file into memory and returns pointer to data. More...
char * load_file_buffered (char *fname)
 Returns pointer to data from a file using a buffer. More...
int read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, char *fmt, void *varp)
 Reads a variable from file. More...
int read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, int &var)
 Read an integer-variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, bool &var)
 Read a bool variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, double &var)
 Read a double variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, char **str)
 Read a (ANSI C) string variable from file. More...
void * MyMalloc (long bytes)
 'Improved' malloc that sets memory to 0 and also auto-terminates on error. More...
int FS_filelength (FILE *f)
 A portable routine to determine the length of a file. More...
void c_est_pas_fait (const char *)
 Helpful function to say something is not implemented yet. More...
bool search_file (ifstream &infile, const string &pattern)
 A function that searches for a pattern in a file and places the file stream after the found pattern. More...
bool read_compose_table (const string &tablename, Tbl *&p_ental, Tbl *&p_entro, Tbl *&p_press, Tbl *&p_ener, Tbl *&p_nb, Tbl *&p_temp, Tbl *&p_ye)
 A function to read CompOSE table and return themro quantities in Lorene units. More...
bool admissible_fft (int)
 Checks whether or not a given number of degrees of freedom is compatible with the FFT transform. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Valeur &)
Valeur operator+ (const Valeur &)
Valeur operator- (const Valeur &)
 - Valeur More...
Valeur operator+ (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur + Valeur. More...
Valeur operator+ (const Valeur &, const Mtbl &)
 Valeur + Mtbl. More...
Valeur operator+ (const Mtbl &, const Valeur &)
 Mtbl + Valeur. More...
Valeur operator+ (const Valeur &, double)
 Valeur + double. More...
Valeur operator+ (double, const Valeur &)
 double + Valeur More...
Valeur operator+ (const Valeur &, int)
 Valeur + int. More...
Valeur operator+ (int, const Valeur &)
 int + Valeur More...
Valeur operator- (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur - Valeur. More...
Valeur operator- (const Valeur &, const Mtbl &)
 Valeur - Mtbl. More...
Valeur operator- (const Mtbl &, const Valeur &)
 Mtbl - Valeur. More...
Valeur operator- (const Valeur &, double)
 Valeur - double. More...
Valeur operator- (double, const Valeur &)
 double - Valeur More...
Valeur operator- (const Valeur &, int)
 Valeur - int. More...
Valeur operator- (int, const Valeur &)
 int - Valeur More...
Valeur operator* (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur * Valeur. More...
Valeur operator% (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur * Valeur with desaliasing. More...
Valeur operator & (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur * Valeur with desaliasing only in and direction. More...
Valeur operator| (const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
 Valeur * Valeur with desaliasing only in r direction. More...
Valeur operator* (const Valeur &, double)
 Valeur * double. More...
Valeur operator* (double, const Valeur &)
 double * Valeur More...
Valeur operator* (const Valeur &, int)
 Valeur * int. More...
Valeur operator* (int, const Valeur &)
 int * Valeur More...
Valeur operator* (const Valeur &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Valeur * Mtbl. More...
Valeur operator* (const Mtbl &b, const Valeur &a)
 Mtbl * Valeur. More...
Valeur operator* (const Valeur &a, const Coord &c)
 Valeur * Coord. More...
Valeur operator* (const Coord &c, const Valeur &a)
 Coord * Valeur. More...
Valeur operator/ (const Valeur &a, const Valeur &b)
 Valeur / Valeur. More...
Valeur operator/ (const Valeur &, double)
 Valeur / double. More...
Valeur operator/ (double, const Valeur &)
 double / Valeur More...
Valeur operator/ (const Valeur &, int)
 Valeur / int. More...
Valeur operator/ (int, const Valeur &)
 int / Valeur More...
Valeur operator/ (const Valeur &a, const Mtbl &b)
 Valeur / Mtbl. More...
Valeur operator/ (const Mtbl &b, const Valeur &a)
 Mtbl / Valeur. More...
Valeur sin (const Valeur &)
 Sine. More...
Valeur cos (const Valeur &)
 Cosine. More...
Valeur tan (const Valeur &)
 Tangent. More...
Valeur asin (const Valeur &)
 Arcsine. More...
Valeur acos (const Valeur &)
 Arccosine. More...
Valeur atan (const Valeur &)
 Arctangent. More...
Valeur exp (const Valeur &)
 Exponential. More...
Valeur Heaviside (const Valeur &)
 Heaviside function. More...
Valeur log (const Valeur &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Valeur log10 (const Valeur &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Valeur sqrt (const Valeur &)
 Square root. More...
Valeur pow (const Valeur &, int)
 Power ${\tt Valeur}^{\tt int}$. More...
Valeur pow (const Valeur &, double)
 Power ${\tt Valeur}^{\tt double}$. More...
Valeur abs (const Valeur &)
 Absolute value. More...
Valeur racine_cubique (const Valeur &)
 Cube root. More...
double totalmax (const Valeur &)
 Maximum values of the Valeur in entire space. More...
double totalmin (const Valeur &)
 Minimum values of the Valeur in entire space. More...
Tbl max (const Valeur &)
 Maximum values of the Valeur (configuration space) in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Valeur &)
 Minimum values of the Valeur (configuration space) in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Valeur &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the Valeur (configuration space) in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Valeur &a, const Valeur &b)
 Relative difference between two Valeur (configuration space) (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Valeur &a, const Valeur &b)
 Relative difference between two Valeur (configuration space) (max version). More...
void basename_p_unknown (int, string &)
void basename_p_cossin (int, string &)
void basename_p_cossin_p (int, string &)
void basename_p_cossin_i (int, string &)
void basename_r_unknown (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_cheb (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebp (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebi (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebpim_p (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebpim_i (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebpi_p (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_chebpi_i (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_leg (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_legp (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_legi (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_r_jaco02 (int, int, int, string &)
void basename_t_unknown (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cos (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_sin (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cos_p (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_sin_p (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cos_i (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_sin_i (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_cp (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_sp (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_c (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_s (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_ci (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cossin_si (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_p (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_mp (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_mi (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_pp (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_i (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_ip (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_pi (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_leg_ii (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cl_cos_p (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cl_sin_p (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cl_cos_i (int, int, string &)
void basename_t_cl_sin_i (int, int, string &)
void phi_funct_pas_prevu (int, double *)
void phi_funct_cossin (int, double *)
void phi_funct_cossin_p (int, double *)
void phi_funct_cossin_i (int, double *)
void theta_funct_pas_prevu (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cos (int, double *)
void theta_funct_sin (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cos_p (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cos_i (int, double *)
void theta_funct_sin_p (int, double *)
void theta_funct_sin_i (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_cp (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_ci (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_sp (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_si (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_c (int, double *)
void theta_funct_cossin_s (int, double *)
double func_binbhns_orbit_ks (double, const Param &)
double func_binbhns_orbit_is (double, const Param &)
double fonc_bhns_orbit_ks (double, const Param &)
double fonc_bhns_orbit_cf (double, const Param &)
double fonc_bin_ns_bh_orbit (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binaire_axe (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binaire_orbit (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binary_axe (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binary_orbit (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binary_xcts_axe (double, const Param &)
double fonc_binary_xcts_orbit (double, const Param &)
double gg (double, const double)
double ff (double, const double)
double one (double)
double zero (double)
double ide (double x)
double part_ln (double x)
double part_ln_der (double x)
double moins_log (double x)
double plus_sur (double x)
double plus_log (double x)
double moins_sur (double x)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_frontiere (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &, int, int, int, double=0., double=0.)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_frontiere_double (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &, int)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_interne (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const Mtbl_cf &)
Matrice matrice_raccord_pair (int cont, double alpha_kernel)
Matrice matrice_raccord_impair (int cont, double alpha_kernel)
Tbl sec_membre_raccord (Tbl coef, int cont, double alpha_shell)
Tbl regularise (Tbl coef, int nr, int base_r)
int cnp (int n, int p)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ost, const Compobj &co)
double funct_compobj_QI_isco (double, const Param &)
double funct_compobj_QI_rmb (double, const Param &)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ost, const Diff &ope)
void mult2_xp1_1d (int, double **, int)
void sxp12_1d (int, double **, int)
void sxpundsdx_1d (int, double **, int)
void xpundsdx_1d (int, double **, int)
void interpol_herm (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, double, int &, double &, double &)
void interpol_linear (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, double, int &, double &)
double puis (double, double)
double enthal1 (const double x, const Param &parent)
double enthal23 (const double x, const Param &parent)
double enthal (const double x, const Param &parent)
double fc (double)
double gc (double)
double hc (double)
void interpol_herm_2d (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, double, double, double &, double &, double &)
double logp (double, double, double, double, double, double)
double dlpsdlh (double, double, double, double, double, double)
double dlpsdlnb (double, double, double, double, double)
void interpol_quad (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, double, int &, double &)
void huntm (const Tbl &xx, double &x, int &i_low)
void interpol_linear_2d (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, double, double, int &, int &, double &)
Tbl extract_column (const Tbl &xytab, const Tbl &ytab, double yy)

Extraction of a column of a 2D Tbl

Cmp raccord_c1 (const Cmp &uu, int l1)
double et_rot_diff_fzero (double omeg, const Param &par)
double fonct_etoile_rot_isco (double, const Param &)
double fonc_expansion (double rr, const Param &par_expansion)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, int, bool match=true)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_tau (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, int)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_falloff (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const int)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_ylm (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const int, const double *)
void _primr_pas_prevu (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_cheb (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_chebp (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_chebi (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_leg (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_legp (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_legi (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_chebpim_p (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_chebpim_i (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void _primr_r_jaco02 (const Tbl &, int, const Tbl &, Tbl &, int &, Tbl &)
void pas_fait_eps ()
double fonc_invr_map_et_noyau (double, const Param &)
double fonc_invr_map_et_coq (double, const Param &)
double fonc_invr_map_et_zec (double, const Param &)
void pas_fait ()
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_compact (const Mtbl_cf &, double, double, bool)
Mtbl_cf sol_poisson_compact (const Map_af &, const Mtbl_cf &, const Tbl &, const Tbl &, bool)
void pas_fait_star ()
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ost, const Metric &meti)
void _lapang_pas_prevu (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_p (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_i (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_pp (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_ip (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_pi (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_ii (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_mp (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg_mi (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _lapang_t_leg (Mtbl_cf *, int)
void _poisangu_pas_prevu (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_p (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_i (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_pp (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_ip (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_pi (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_ii (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_mp (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg_mi (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void _poisangu_t_leg (Mtbl_cf *, int, double)
void get_legendre_data (int, Tbl *&, Tbl *&)
void donne_lm_nonsymTP (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_nonsym (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_nonsym_anti (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_sym (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_t_leg_ip (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_t_leg_mp (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_t_leg_mi (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_t_leg_pi (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
void donne_lm_t_leg_ii (int j, int k, int &m_quant, int &l_quant)
int * facto_ini (int)
double * trigo_ini (int)
fftw_plan prepare_fft (int, Tbl *&)
fftw_plan back_fft (int, Tbl *&)
void poly_leg (int n, double &poly, double &pder, double &polym1, double &pderm1, double &polym2, double &pderm2, double x)
int nullite_plm_t_leg (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
int nullite_plm_t_leg_ip (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
int nullite_plm_t_leg_pi (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
int nullite_plm_t_leg_ii (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
int nullite_plm_t_leg_mp (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
int nullite_plm_t_leg_mi (int j, int nt, int k, int np)
void des_bi_coupe_y (const Cmp &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, const Cmp *defsurf2, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_bi_coupe_y (const Cmp &uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coef (const double *cf, int n, double pzero, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
 Basic routine for drawing spectral coefficients. More...
void des_coef_xi (const Valeur &uu, int l, int k, int j, double pzero, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_coef_theta (const Valeur &uu, int l, int k, int i, double pzero, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_coef_phi (const Valeur &uu, int l, int j, int i, double pzero, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_coupe_bin_x (const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double x0, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_bin_y (const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_bin_z (const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double z0, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_x (const Scalar &uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_x (const Scalar &uu, double x0, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_y (const Scalar &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_y (const Scalar &uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_z (const Scalar &uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_z (const Scalar &uu, double z0, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vect_x (const Tenseur &vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_x (const Tenseur &vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_y (const Tenseur &vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_y (const Tenseur &vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_z (const Tenseur &vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vect_z (const Tenseur &vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vect_x (const Vector &vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_x (const Vector &vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_y (const Vector &vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_y (const Vector &vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vect_z (const Vector &vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vect_z (const Vector &vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Scalar *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_x (const Cmp &uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_x (const Cmp &uu, double x0, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_y (const Cmp &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_y (const Cmp &uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_z (const Cmp &uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, double zoom, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_z (const Cmp &uu, double z0, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf, bool draw_bound, int ncour, int nx, int ny)
double fonc_des_domaine_x (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_domaine_y (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_domaine_z (double, const Param &)
void des_domaine_x (const Map &mp, int l0, double x0, const char *device, int newgraph, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomy, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_domaine_y (const Map &mp, int l0, double y0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_domaine_z (const Map &mp, int l0, double z0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_equipot (float *uutab, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, int ncour, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
 Basic routine for drawing isocontours. More...
void des_evol (const Evolution< double > &uu, const char *nomy, const char *title, int ngraph, const char *device, bool closeit, bool show_time, const char *nomx)
 Plots the variation of some quantity against time. More...
void des_evol (const Evolution< double > &uu, int j_min, int j_max, const char *nomy, const char *title, int ngraph, const char *device, bool closeit, bool show_time, const char *nomx)
 Plots the variation of some quantity against time on a specified time interval. More...
void des_map_et (const Map_et &mp, int lz)
void des_profile (const Cmp &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, const char *nomy, const char *title)
void des_profile (const Cmp &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double scale, double theta, double phi, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title)
void des_profile (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, const char *nomy, const char *title, bool draw_bound)
void des_profile (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double scale, double theta, double phi, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, bool draw_bound)
void des_profile_mult (const Scalar **uu, int nprof, double r_min, double r_max, const double *theta, const double *phi, double radial_scale, bool closeit, const char *nomy, const char *title, int ngraph, const char *nomx, const int *line_style, const char *device, bool draw_bound)
void des_meridian (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, const char *nomy, int ngraph, const char *device, bool closeit, bool draw_bound)
void des_meridian (const Sym_tensor &hh, double r_min, double r_max, const char *name, int ngraph0, const char *device, bool closeit)
void des_points (const Scalar &uu, double theta, double phi, const char *nomy, const char *title, bool draw_bound)
void des_points (const Scalar &uu, double scale, double theta, double phi, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, bool draw_bound)
void des_profile (const float *uutab, int nx, float xmin, float xmax, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int nbound, float *xbound, bool)
 Basic routine for drawing a single profile with uniform x sampling. More...
void des_profile_mult (const float *uutab, int nprof, int nx, float xmin, float xmax, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const int *line_style, int ngraph, bool closeit, const char *device, int nbound, float *xbound, bool)
 Basic routine for drawing multiple profiles with uniform x sampling. More...
void des_profile (const float *uutab, int nx, const float *xtab, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int nbound, float *xbound)
 Basic routine for drawing a single profile with arbitray x sampling. More...
void des_profile_mult (const float *uutab, int nprof, int nx, const float *xtab, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const int *line_style, int ngraph, bool closeit, const char *device, int nbound, float *xbound)
 Basic routine for drawing multiple profiles with arbitrary x sampling. More...
void des_profile_log (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, double pzero, const char *nomy, const char *title, bool draw_bound)
void des_prof_mult_log (const Scalar **uu, int nprof, double r_min, double r_max, const double *theta, const double *phi, double pzero, double radial_scale, bool closeit, const char *nomy, const char *title, int ngraph, const char *nomx, const int *line_style, const char *device, bool draw_bound)
void des_meridian_log (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, const char *nomy, int ngraph, double pzero, const char *device, bool closeit, bool draw_bound)
double fonc_des_surf_scal_x (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_surf_scal_y (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_surf_scal_z (double, const Param &)
void des_surface_x (const Scalar &defsurf, double x0, const char *device, int newgraph, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomy, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_surface_y (const Scalar &defsurf, double y0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_surface_z (const Scalar &defsurf, double z0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
double fonc_des_surface_x (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_surface_y (double, const Param &)
double fonc_des_surface_z (double, const Param &)
void des_surface_x (const Cmp &defsurf, double x0, const char *device, int newgraph, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomy, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_surface_y (const Cmp &defsurf, double y0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomz, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_surface_z (const Cmp &defsurf, double z0, const char *device, int newgraph, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, int nxpage, int nypage)
void des_vect (float *vvx, float *vvy, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, double scale, double sizefl, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
 Basic routine for plotting vector field. More...
void des_vect_bin_x (const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int ny, int nz)
void des_vect_bin_y (const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int nx, int nz)
void des_vect_bin_z (const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1, const Cmp *defsurf2, bool draw_bound, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vtk_x (const Scalar &uu, double x0, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vtk_x (const Scalar &uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char *title, double zoom, int ny, int nz)
void des_coupe_vtk_y (const Scalar &uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vtk_y (const Scalar &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title, double zoom, int nx, int nz)
void des_coupe_vtk_z (const Scalar &uu, double z0, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, int nx, int ny)
void des_coupe_vtk_z (const Scalar &uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char *title, double zoom, int nx, int ny)
void des_vtk_xyz (const Scalar &uu, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, int nx, int ny, int nz)
void des_vtk_xyz (const Scalar &uu, int nzdes, const char *title, int nx, int ny, int nz)
void save_profile (const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, const char *filename)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_leg (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_legp (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _d2sdx2_1d_r_legi (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _dsdx_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _dsdx_1d_r_leg (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _dsdx_1d_r_legi (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _dsdx_1d_r_legp (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _mult2_xp1_1d_pas_prevu (int nr, double *tb, double *res)
void _mult2_xp1_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _multx2_1d_r_legp (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _multx2_1d_r_legi (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _multx2_1d_r_leg (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _multx_1d_r_leg (int nr, double *tb, double *res)
void _multxpun_1d_pas_prevu (int nr, double *tb, double *res)
void _multxpun_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _d2sdphi2_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _d2sdphi2_p_cossin (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdtet2_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &)
void c_est_pas_fait (char *)
void _d2sdx2_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebu_0 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebi (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebpim_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebpim_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebpi_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_chebpi_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_leg (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_legp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_legi (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _d2sdx2_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdphi_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _dsdphi_p_cossin (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdphi_p_cossin_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdphi_p_cossin_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdtet_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_ci (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdtet_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdx_r_chebu (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdx_r_chebpim_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_chebpim_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_chebpi_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_chebpi_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_leg (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _dsdx_r_legp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_legi (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _dsdx_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _mult2_xm1_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _mult2_xm1_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _mult_cp_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &base)
void _mult_cp_p_cossin (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_cp_p_cossin_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_cp_p_cossin_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_ct_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_ct_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_ci (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_ct_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_sp_pas_prevu (Tbl *, int &base)
void _mult_sp_p_cossin (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_sp_p_cossin_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_sp_p_cossin_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_st_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_st_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_ci (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_st_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _mult_x_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _mult_x_r_chebp (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_chebi (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_chebpim_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_chebpim_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_chebpi_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_chebpi_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _mult_x_r_legp (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_legi (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_x_r_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_xm1_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _mult_xm1_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _mult_xp1_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _mult_xp1_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _mult_xp1_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _mult_xp1_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _primr_r_chebpi_p (const Tbl &tin, int bin, const Tbl &val0, Tbl &tout, int &bout, Tbl &valp1)
void _primr_r_chebpi_i (const Tbl &tin, int bin, const Tbl &val0, Tbl &tout, int &bout, Tbl &valp1)
void _scost_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _scost_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_ci (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _scost_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _ssint_t_cos (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_sin (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cos_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_sin_p (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_sin_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cos_i (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_cp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_ci (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_si (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_sp (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_c (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _ssint_t_cossin_s (Tbl *tb, int &b)
void _sx_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _sx_r_chebp (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_chebi (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_chebpim_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_chebpim_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_chebpi_p (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_chebpi_i (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_legp (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_r_legi (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx_1d_r_legp (int, double *, double *)
void _sx_1d_r_legi (int, double *, double *)
void _sx2_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sx2_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebi (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebpim_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebpim_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebu (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebpi_p (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_chebpi_i (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_legp (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_r_legi (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sxm1_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _sxm1_cheb (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sxp12_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sxp12_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _sxp12_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sxpun_pas_prevu (Tbl *tb, int &base)
void _sxpun_identite (Tbl *, int &)
void _sxpun_r_jaco02 (Tbl *tb, int &)
void _sx2_1d_r_legp (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sx2_1d_r_legi (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sx_1d_r_chebu (int nr, double *tb, double *res)
void _sxmundsdx_1d_r_chebu (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sxp12_1d_pas_prevu (int nr, double *tb, double *res)
void _sxp12_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sxpun_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sxpundsdx_1d_pas_prevu (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _sxpundsdx_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _xpundsdx_1d_pas_prevu (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
void _xpundsdx_1d_r_jaco02 (int nr, double *tb, double *xo)
Matrice _cl_r_jaco02 (const Matrice &source, int l, double echelle, int)
Tbl _cl_r_jaco02 (const Tbl &source, int)
Matrice _cl_cpt_pas_prevu (const Matrice &source, int)
Matrice _cl_cpt_r_chebp (const Matrice &source, int)
Matrice _cl_cpt_r_chebi (const Matrice &source, int l)
Tbl _cl_cpt_pas_prevu (const Tbl &tb)
Tbl _cl_cpt_r_chebp (const Tbl &tb)
Tbl _cl_cpt_r_chebi (const Tbl &tb)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_pas_prevu (const Matrice &so)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_cheb (const Matrice &source)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebu (const Matrice &source)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebp (const Matrice &source)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebi (const Matrice &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_pas_prevu (const Tbl &so)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_cheb (const Tbl &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebu (const Tbl &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebp (const Tbl &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_r_chebi (const Tbl &source)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_plus_pas_prevu (const Matrice &so)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_plus_r_chebp (const Matrice &source)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_plus_r_cheb (const Matrice &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_plus_pas_prevu (const Tbl &so)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_plus_r_chebp (const Tbl &source)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_plus_r_cheb (const Tbl &source)
Tbl _dal_inverse_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Tbl &, const bool)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_cheb_o2d_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_cheb_o2d_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_cheb_o2_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_cheb_o2_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebp_o2d_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebp_o2d_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebp_o2_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebp_o2_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebi_o2d_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebi_o2d_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebi_o2_s (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_chebi_o2_l (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
Tbl _dal_inverse_r_jaco02 (const Matrice &op, const Tbl &source, const bool part)
void _get_operateur_dal_pas_prevu (const Param &, const int &, int &, Matrice &)
void _get_operateur_dal_r_cheb (const Param &par, const int &lz, int &type_dal, Matrice &operateur)
void _get_operateur_dal_r_chebp (const Param &par, const int &lzone, int &type_dal, Matrice &operateur)
void _get_operateur_dal_r_chebi (const Param &par, const int &lzone, int &type_dal, Matrice &operateur)
void _get_operateur_dal_r_jaco02 (const Param &par, const int &lz, int &type_dal, Matrice &operateur)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_mat_r_chebu (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_mat_r_cheb (int n, int lq, double alpha, double beta, double masse)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_mat_r_chebp (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_mat_r_chebi (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Matrice _helmholtz_plus_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Matrice _helmholtz_plus_mat_r_chebp (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Matrice _helmholtz_plus_mat_r_cheb (int n, int lq, double alpha, double beta, double masse)
Matrice _lap_cpt_mat_pas_prevu (int n, int l)
Matrice _lap_cpt_mat_r_chebp (int n, int l)
Matrice _lap_cpt_mat_r_chebi (int n, int l)
Matrice _laplacien_mat_r_jaco02 (int n, int l, double, int)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege_pas_prevu (const Matrice &so)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege_r_chebp (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_minus_nondege_r_chebi (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_plus_nondege_pas_prevu (const Matrice &so)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_plus_nondege_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_helmholtz_plus_nondege_r_chebp (const Matrice &lap)
Matrice _prepa_nondege_r_jaco02 (const Matrice &lap, int l, double echelle, int)
Tbl _solh_r_jaco02 (int n, int l, double echelle)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_r_cheb (int n, int lq, double alpha, double beta, double masse)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_r_chebp (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_r_chebi (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_r_chebu (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_plus_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_plus_r_cheb (int n, int lq, double alpha, double beta, double masse)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_plus_r_chebp (int n, int lq, double alpha, double, double masse)
Tbl _solp_r_jaco02 (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, double alpha, double, const Tbl &source, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &, double, double, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double, double, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double alpha, double beta, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_r_chebp (const Matrice &, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double alpha, double, int lq)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_r_chebi (const Matrice &, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double alpha, double, int lq)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_plus_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &, double, double)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_plus_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double alpha, double beta)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_plus_r_chebp (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, const Tbl &source, double alpha, double)
Tbl _val_solh_pas_prevu (int, double, double)
Tbl _val_solh_r_cheb (int l, double alpha, double beta)
Tbl _val_solh_r_chebp (int l, double alpha, double)
Tbl _val_solh_r_chebi (int l, double alpha, double)
Tbl _val_solh_r_chebu (int l, double alpha, double)
Tbl _val_solp_pas_prevu (const Tbl &, double)
Tbl _val_solp_r_cheb (const Tbl &sp, double alpha)
Tbl _val_solp_r_chebp (const Tbl &sp, double alpha)
Tbl _val_solp_r_chebi (const Tbl &sp, double alpha)
Tbl _val_solp_r_chebu (const Tbl &sp, double alpha)
void Dirichlet_BC_AtB (const Evolution_std< Sym_tensor > &hb_evol, const Evolution_std< Sym_tensor > &dhb_evol, Tbl &ccA, Tbl &ccB)
void Dirichlet_BC_Amu (const Evolution_std< Vector > &vb_evol, const Evolution_std< Vector > &dvb_evol, Tbl &ccA, Tbl &ccmu)
Matrice _xdsdx_mat_pas_prevu (int n, int)
Matrice _xdsdx_mat_r_chebp (int n, int)
Matrice _xdsdx_mat_r_chebi (int n, int l)
void interpol_mixed_3d (const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &ztab, const Tbl &ftab, const Tbl &dfdytab, const Tbl &dfdztab, const Tbl &d2fdydztab, double x, double y, double z, double &f, double &dfdy, double &dfdz)
void interpol_mixed_3d_mod (const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &ztab, const Tbl &ftab, const Tbl &dfdytab, const Tbl &dfdztab, double x, double y, double z, double &f, double &dfdy, double &dfdz)
void interpol_herm_2d_new_avec (double y, double z, double mu1_11, double mu1_21, double mu2_11, double mu2_12, double p_11, double p_21, double p_12, double p_22, double n1_11, double n1_21, double n1_12, double n1_22, double n2_11, double n2_21, double n2_12, double n2_22, double cross_11, double cross_21, double cross_12, double cross_22, double &f, double &dfdy, double &dfdz)
void interpol_herm_2d_new_sans (double y, double z, double mu1_11, double mu1_21, double mu2_11, double mu2_12, double p_11, double p_21, double p_12, double p_22, double n1_11, double n1_21, double n1_12, double n1_22, double n2_11, double n2_21, double n2_12, double n2_22, double &f, double &dfdy, double &dfdz)
void interpol_mixed_3d_new (double m_1, double m_2, const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &ztab, const Tbl &ftab, const Tbl &dfdytab, const Tbl &dfdztab, const Tbl &d2fdydztab, const Tbl &dlpsddelta_car, const Tbl &d2lpsdlent1ddelta_car, const Tbl &d2lpsdlent2ddelta_car, const Tbl &mu2_P, const Tbl &n_p_P, const Tbl &press_P, const Tbl &mu1_N, const Tbl &n_n_N, const Tbl &press_N, const Tbl &delta_car_n0, const Tbl &mu1_n0, const Tbl &mu2_n0, const Tbl &delta_car_p0, const Tbl &mu1_p0, const Tbl &mu2_p0, double x, double y, double z, double &f, double &dfdy, double &dfdz, double &alpha)
void interpol_herm_der (const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &dytab, double x, int &i, double &y, double &dy, double &ddy)
void interpol_herm_2d_sans (const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &ftab, const Tbl &dfdxtab, const Tbl &dfdytab, double x, double y, double &f, double &dfdx, double &dfdy)
void interpol_herm_2nd_der (const Tbl &xtab, const Tbl &ytab, const Tbl &dytab, const Tbl &d2ytab, double x, int &i, double &y, double &dy, double &d2y)
Tbl extract_row (const Tbl &xytab, const Tbl &xtab, double xx)

Extraction of a row of a 2D Tbl

Tbl initialize_dd (int ncoef)
Scalar raccord_c1 (const Scalar &uu, int l1)
char * load_file (const char *fname)
char * load_file_buffered (const char *fname)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_pas_prevu (const Matrice &source, int)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_cheb (const Matrice &source, int)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu (const Matrice &source, int puis)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_mat_r_chebu_deux (int, int, double, double)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_mat_r_chebu (int n, int l, double masse, double alpha, double, int puis)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_mat_r_cheb (int n, int l, double masse, double alf, double bet, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_non_dege_pas_prevu (const Matrice &lap, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_non_dege_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_non_dege_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_2d_non_dege_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap, int puis)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_2d_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_cheb (int n, int l, double masse, double alpha, double beta)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu (int n, int l, double masse, double alpha, double)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_pas_prevu (const Tbl &source, int)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_cheb (const Tbl &source, int)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu_deux (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu (const Tbl &source, int puis)
Tbl cl_helmholtz_minus_2d (const Tbl &source, int puis, int base_r)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_2d_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_cheb (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, double alpha, double beta, const Tbl &source, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_2d_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, double, double, const Tbl &source, int puis)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_pas_prevu (const Matrice &source, int)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &)
Matrice _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu (const Matrice &source, int puis)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_mat_r_chebu_deux (int, int, double, double)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_mat_r_chebu (int n, int l, double masse, double alpha, double, int puis)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_non_dege_pas_prevu (const Matrice &lap, int)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_non_dege_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &)
Matrice _helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_non_dege_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap, int puis)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, double)
Tbl _solh_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu (int n, int l, double masse, double alpha, double)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_pas_prevu (const Tbl &source, int)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu_deux (const Tbl &)
Tbl _cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu (const Tbl &source, int puis)
Tbl cl_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d (const Tbl &source, int puis, int base_r)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, double, double, const Tbl &, int)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, const Matrice &, const Tbl &)
Tbl _solp_helmholtz_minus_pseudo_1d_r_chebu (const Matrice &lap, const Matrice &nondege, double, double, const Tbl &source, int puis)
Matrice _cl_ptens_rr_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_ptens_rr_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_ptens_rr_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_ptens_rr_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_ptens_rr_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice cl_ptens_rr (const Matrice &source, int l, double echelle, int puis, int base_r)
Matrice _cl_pvect_r_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_pvect_r_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_pvect_r_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_pvect_r_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_pvect_r_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice cl_pvect_r (const Matrice &source, int l, double echelle, int puis, int base_r)
Matrice ope_ptens_rr_mat (int, int, double, int, int)
Tbl sh_ptens_rr (int, int, double, int)
Matrice nondeg_ptens_rr (const Matrice &, int, double, int, int)
Matrice ope_pvect_r_mat (int, int, double, int, int)
Tbl sh_pvect_r (int, int, double, int)
Matrice nondeg_pvect_r (const Matrice &, int, double, int, int)
Matrice _ope_ptens_rr_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_ptens_rr_mat_r_chebp (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_ptens_rr_mat_r_chebi (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_ptens_rr_mat_r_chebu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_ptens_rr_mat_r_cheb (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_pvect_r_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_pvect_r_mat_r_chebp (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_pvect_r_mat_r_chebi (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_pvect_r_mat_r_chebu (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _ope_pvect_r_mat_r_cheb (int, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_ptens_rr_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_ptens_rr_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_ptens_rr_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_ptens_rr_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_ptens_rr_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_pvect_r_pas_prevu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_pvect_r_cheb (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_pvect_r_chebp (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_pvect_r_chebi (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Matrice _nondeg_pvect_r_chebu (const Matrice &, int, double, int)
Tbl _sh_ptens_rr_pas_prevu (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_ptens_rr_cheb (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_ptens_rr_chebp (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_ptens_rr_chebi (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_ptens_rr_chebu (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_pvect_r_pas_prevu (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_pvect_r_cheb (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_pvect_r_chebp (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_pvect_r_chebi (int, int, double)
Tbl _sh_pvect_r_chebu (int, int, double)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_pas_prevu (const Matrice &source, int, double, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_cheb (const Matrice &source, int l, double echelle, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebp (const Matrice &source, int l, double, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebi (const Matrice &source, int l, double, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebu_quatre (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebu_trois (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebu_deux (const Matrice &, int)
Matrice _cl_poisson_2d_r_chebu (const Matrice &source, int l, double, int puis)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_pas_prevu (int, int, double, double, int)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_r_chebp (int n, int l, double, double, int)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_r_chebi (int n, int l, double, double, int)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_r_chebu_deux (int, int)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_r_chebu_trois (int, int)
Matrice _poisson_2d_mat_r_chebu_quatre (int, int)