
() More...


void Lorene::arrete (int a=0)
 Setting a stop point in a code. More...
bool Lorene::zero_premier (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, int n, double &a0, double &b0)
 Locates the sub-interval containing the first zero of a function in a given interval. More...
double Lorene::zerosec (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter, bool abort=true)
 Finding the zero a function. More...
double Lorene::zerosec_b (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double a, double b, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter)
 Finding the zero a function on a bounded domain. More...
void Lorene::zero_list (double(*f)(double, const Param &), const Param &par, double xmin, double xmax, int nsub, Tbl *&az, Tbl *&bz)
 Locates approximatively all the zeros of a function in a given interval. More...
Tbl Lorene::integ1D (const Tbl &xx, const Tbl &ff)
 Integrates a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae. More...
void Lorene::compute_derivative (const Tbl &xx, const Tbl &ff, Tbl &dfdx)
 Derives a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae. More...
Tbl Lorene::poly_regression (const Tbl &, const Tbl &, int)
 Polynomial regression, giving Chebyshev coefficients. More...
int Lorene::fwrite_be (const int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Writes integer(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int Lorene::fwrite_be (const double *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Writes double precision number(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int Lorene::fread_be (int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Reads integer(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
int Lorene::fread_be (double *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
 Reads double precision number(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention. More...
char * Lorene::load_file (char *fname)
 Read file into memory and returns pointer to data. More...
char * Lorene::load_file_buffered (char *fname)
 Returns pointer to data from a file using a buffer. More...
int Lorene::read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, char *fmt, void *varp)
 Reads a variable from file. More...
int Lorene::read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, int &var)
 Read an integer-variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int Lorene::read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, bool &var)
 Read a bool variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int Lorene::read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, double &var)
 Read a double variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ). More...
int Lorene::read_variable (const char *fname, const char *var_name, char **str)
 Read a (ANSI C) string variable from file. More...
void * Lorene::MyMalloc (long bytes)
 'Improved' malloc that sets memory to 0 and also auto-terminates on error. More...
int Lorene::FS_filelength (FILE *f)
 A portable routine to determine the length of a file. More...
void Lorene::c_est_pas_fait (const char *)
 Helpful function to say something is not implemented yet. More...
bool Lorene::search_file (ifstream &infile, const string &pattern)
 A function that searches for a pattern in a file and places the file stream after the found pattern. More...
bool Lorene::read_compose_table (const string &tablename, Tbl *&p_ental, Tbl *&p_entro, Tbl *&p_press, Tbl *&p_ener, Tbl *&p_nb, Tbl *&p_temp, Tbl *&p_ye)
 A function to read CompOSE table and return themro quantities in Lorene units. More...
bool Lorene::admissible_fft (int)
 Checks whether or not a given number of degrees of freedom is compatible with the FFT transform. More...

Detailed Description


Function Documentation

◆ admissible_fft()

bool Lorene::admissible_fft ( int  )

Checks whether or not a given number of degrees of freedom is compatible with the FFT transform.

Definition at line 58 of file FFT991/admissible_fft.C.

◆ arrete()

void Lorene::arrete ( int  a = 0)

Setting a stop point in a code.

Stops the execution of a code, until the 'Enter' case is hit.

a[input] stops the run if, and only if, a=0. Default value : 0.

Definition at line 64 of file arrete.C.

◆ c_est_pas_fait()

void Lorene::c_est_pas_fait ( const char *  fichier)

Helpful function to say something is not implemented yet.

Definition at line 76 of file c_est_pas_fait.C.

◆ compute_derivative()

void Lorene::compute_derivative ( const Tbl xx,
const Tbl ff,
Tbl dfdx 

Derives a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae.

This function performs the numerical derivative of a function given by its values on a unequally-spaced grid, by means of local parabolic approximation.

xx[input] Tbl containing the grid abscissas
ff[input] Tbl containing the values of the function to be derived, on the grid points
dfdx[output] Tbl with the values of the derivative of ff at the grid points.

Definition at line 64 of file misc.C.

References Lorene::Tbl::get_dim(), and Lorene::Tbl::set().

◆ fread_be() [1/2]

int Lorene::fread_be ( int *  aa,
int  size,
int  nb,
FILE *  fich 

Reads integer(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention.

This function has the same prototype and return value than the fread function of the stdio C library. The difference is that it assumes that the binary file is written in the big endian format, whatever the system is using little endian or big endian.

aa[output] integer array to be read (in case of one element, address of this integer)
size[input] number of bytes of one int (must be 4)
nb[input] number of elements in the array aa
fich[input] binary file (must have been open by fopen )
number of integers effectively read in the file

Definition at line 72 of file fread_be.C.

◆ fread_be() [2/2]

int Lorene::fread_be ( double *  aa,
int  size,
int  nb,
FILE *  fich 

Reads double precision number(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention.

This function has the same prototype and return value than the fread function of the stdio C library. The difference is that it assumes that the binary file is written in the big endian format, whatever the system is using little endian or big endian.

aa[output] array of double to be read (in case of one element, address of this double )
size[input] number of bytes of one double (must be 8)
nb[input] number of elements in the array aa
fich[input] binary file (must have been open by fopen )
number of double effectively read in the file

Definition at line 120 of file fread_be.C.

◆ FS_filelength()

int Lorene::FS_filelength ( FILE *  f)

A portable routine to determine the length of a file.

Definition at line 272 of file read_variable.C.

◆ fwrite_be() [1/2]

int Lorene::fwrite_be ( const int *  aa,
int  size,
int  nb,
FILE *  fich 

Writes integer(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention.

This function has the same prototype and return value than the fwrite function of the stdio C library. The difference is that it ensures that the binary file is written in the big endian format, whatever the system is using little endian or big endian.

aa[input] integer array to be written (in case of one element, address of this integer)
size[input] number of bytes of one int (must be 4)
nb[input] number of elements in the array aa
fich[input] binary file (must have been open by fopen )
number of integers effectively written in the file

Definition at line 73 of file fwrite_be.C.

◆ fwrite_be() [2/2]

int Lorene::fwrite_be ( const double *  aa,
int  size,
int  nb,
FILE *  fich 

Writes double precision number(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention.

This function has the same prototype and return value than the fwrite function of the stdio C library. The difference is that it ensures that the binary file is written in the big endian format, whatever the system is using little endian or big endian.

aa[input] array of double to be written (in case of one element, address of this double )
size[input] number of bytes of one double (must be 8)
nb[input] number of elements in the array aa
fich[input] binary file (must have been open by fopen )
number of double effectively written in the file

Definition at line 123 of file fwrite_be.C.

◆ integ1D()

Tbl Lorene::integ1D ( const Tbl xx,
const Tbl ff 

Integrates a function defined on an unequally-spaced grid, approximating it by piecewise parabolae.

This function performs the numerical integration of a function given by its values on a unequally-spaced grid, by means of local parabolic approximation. The resulting primitive is set to 0 on the lower end of the integration interval.

xx[input] Tbl containing the grid abscissas
ff[input] Tbl containing the values of the function to be integrated, on the grid points
a Tbl with the values of the primitive of ff at the grid points, such that it is zero at the first grid point.

Definition at line 50 of file integrate_1D.C.

◆ load_file()

char* Lorene::load_file ( char *  fname)

Read file into memory and returns pointer to data.

: pointer to allocated memory or NULL on error.\

NOTE: don't forget to free the memory after use !

◆ load_file_buffered()

char* Lorene::load_file_buffered ( char *  fname)

Returns pointer to data from a file using a buffer.

This function only reads from disk if the file has not been buffered yet. If a new file is read, the buffer is free'ed and the new data allocated.

fname[input] name of file to read in. You can use NULL for previous file.
: pointer to buffered data or NULL on error.\

NOTE: do NEVER free the (buffer-)data pointer, or the next call will crash!!

◆ MyMalloc()

void * Lorene::MyMalloc ( long  bytes)

'Improved' malloc that sets memory to 0 and also auto-terminates on error.

Definition at line 293 of file read_variable.C.

◆ poly_regression()

Tbl Lorene::poly_regression ( const Tbl xx,
const Tbl yy,
int  n_poly 

◆ read_compose_table()

bool Lorene::read_compose_table ( const string &  tablename,
Tbl *&  p_ental,
Tbl *&  p_entro,
Tbl *&  p_press,
Tbl *&  p_ener,
Tbl *&  p_nb,
Tbl *&  p_temp,
Tbl *&  p_ye 

A function to read CompOSE table and return themro quantities in Lorene units.

Definition at line 34 of file read_compose_table.C.

References Lorene::Tbl::set(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Tbl::t.

◆ read_variable() [1/5]

int Lorene::read_variable ( const char *  fname,
const char *  var_name,
char *  fmt,
void *  varp 

Reads a variable from file.

Variable definitions can be of the type "variable = value", all other lines are ignored as comments. (alternatively, you can use ":" or whitespace instead of "=")

NOTE: the variable-definition has to be at the beginning of a line (modulo whitespace), or it will be considered a comment!

fname[input] Name of config-file to read from. Use NULL to use buffered file.
var_name[input] Variable-name to read from config-file
fmt[input] C-style format string for reading (see sscanf ).
varp[output] Pointer to C-variable to read value into (has to be big enough!!)
0 on success, -1 on error. \

NOTE: rather use one of the type-specific overloaded functions below whenever possible (safer due to type-checking)

Definition at line 110 of file read_variable.C.

References Lorene::load_file_buffered(), and Lorene::MyMalloc().

◆ read_variable() [2/5]

int Lorene::read_variable ( const char *  fname,
const char *  var_name,
int &  var 

Read an integer-variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ).

Definition at line 211 of file read_variable.C.

References Lorene::read_variable().

◆ read_variable() [3/5]

int Lorene::read_variable ( const char *  fname,
const char *  var_name,
bool &  var 

Read a bool variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ).

Definition at line 221 of file read_variable.C.

References Lorene::read_variable().

◆ read_variable() [4/5]

int Lorene::read_variable ( const char *  fname,
const char *  var_name,
double &  var 

Read a double variable from file (cf read_variable(char *, char *, char *, void *) ).

Definition at line 234 of file read_variable.C.

References Lorene::read_variable().

◆ read_variable() [5/5]

int Lorene::read_variable ( const char *  fname,
const char *  var_name,
char **  str 

Read a (ANSI C) string variable from file.

Definition at line 244 of file read_variable.C.

References Lorene::read_variable().

◆ search_file()

bool Lorene::search_file ( ifstream &  infile,
const string &  pattern 

A function that searches for a pattern in a file and places the file stream after the found pattern.

It returns 'false' if the pattern is not found.

Definition at line 53 of file misc.C.

◆ zero_list()

void Lorene::zero_list ( double(*)(double, const Param &)  f,
const Param par,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
int  nsub,
Tbl *&  az,
Tbl *&  bz 

Locates approximatively all the zeros of a function in a given interval.

The N zeros are located in N intervals [az(i), bz(i)] with $0\leq i \leq N-1$.

(*f)(double,constParam&) [input] Function the zeros of which are to be located: a zero x0 is defined by f(x0, par) = 0 , where par are the parameters of the function f, stored in an object of the Lorene class Param .
par[input] Parameters of the function f.
xmin[input] Lower bound of the search interval
xmax[input] Higher bound of the search interval
nsub[input] Number of subdivision of the interval [xmin, xmax] to locate the zeros
az[output] 1-D array (Lorene Tbl ) contain the lower bounds of the intervals containing a zero. This Tbl \ is allocated by the routine via a new Tbl \ command (hence the pointer type).
bz[output] 1-D array (Lorene Tbl ) contain the higher bounds of the intervals containing a zero. This Tbl \ is allocated by the routine via a new Tbl \ command (hence the pointer type).

Definition at line 60 of file zero_list.C.

References Lorene::Tbl::set(), and Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq().

◆ zero_premier()

bool Lorene::zero_premier ( double(*)(double, const Param &)  f,
const Param par,
double  a,
double  b,
int  n,
double &  a0,
double &  b0 

Locates the sub-interval containing the first zero of a function in a given interval.

(*f)(double,constParam&) [input] Function the zero of which is to be searched: f(x0, par) = 0 , where par are the parameters of the function f, stored in an object of the Lorene class Param .
a[input] Lower bound of the search interval [a, b]
b[input] Higher bound of the search interval [a, b]
n[input] Number of subdivisions of the interval [a, b]
a0[output] Lower bound of the first (i.e. closest to a) interval [a0, b0] which contains a zero of f
b0[output] Higher bound of the first (i.e. closest to a) interval [a0, b0] which contains a zero of f
true if the interval [a0, b0] containing a zero of f has been found, false otherwise

Definition at line 64 of file zero_premier.C.

◆ zerosec()

double Lorene::zerosec ( double(*)(double, const Param &)  f,
const Param par,
double  a,
double  b,
double  precis,
int  nitermax,
int &  niter,
bool  abort = true 

Finding the zero a function.

This routine locates a zero by means of the secant method.

(*f)(double,constParam&) [input] Function the zero of which is to be searched: the routine computes x0 in a given interval [a, b] such that f(x0, par) = 0 , where par are the parameters of the function f, stored in an object of the Lorene class Param .
par[input] Parameters of the function f.
a[input] Lower bound of the search interval [a, b]
b[input] Higher bound of the search interval [a, b]
precis[input] Required precision in the determination of x0 : the returned solution will be x0 +/- precis
nitermax[input] Maximum number of iterations in the secant method to compute x0.
niter[output] Number of iterations effectively used in computing x0
abort[input] Should the function abort if the maximal number of iterations has been reached?
x0 (zero of function f)

Definition at line 92 of file zerosec.C.

◆ zerosec_b()

double Lorene::zerosec_b ( double(*)(double, const Param &)  f,
const Param par,
double  a,
double  b,
double  precis,
int  nitermax,
int &  niter 

Finding the zero a function on a bounded domain.

Same as zerosec but insures that all calls to the function f are within [x1,x2]. Namely, it requires that f(x1)*f(x2)<0.

(*f)(double,constParam&) [input] Function the zero of which is to be searched: the routine computes x0 in a given interval [a, b] such that f(x0, par) = 0 , where par are the parameters of the function f, stored in an object of the Lorene class Param .
par[input] Parameters of the function f.
a[input] Lower bound of the search interval [a, b]
b[input] Higher bound of the search interval [a, b]
precis[input] Required precision in the determination of x0 : the returned solution will be x0 +/- precis
nitermax[input] Maximum number of iterations in the secant method to compute x0.
niter[output] Number of iterations effectively used in computing x0
x0 (zero of function f)

Definition at line 71 of file zerosec_borne.C.