Lorene::Scalar Class Reference

Tensor field of valence 0 (or component of a tensorial field). More...

#include <scalar.h>

Inheritance diagram for Lorene::Scalar:

Public Member Functions

 Scalar (const Map &mpi)
 Constructor from mapping. More...
 Scalar (const Tensor &a)
 Constructor from a Tensor (must be of valence 0) More...
 Scalar (const Scalar &a)
 Copy constructor. More...
 Scalar (const Cmp &a)
 Constructor by conversion of a Cmp. More...
 Scalar (const Map &, const Mg3d &, FILE *)
 Constructor from a file (see sauve(FILE*) ) More...
virtual ~Scalar ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void set_etat_nondef ()
 Sets the logical state to ETATNONDEF (undefined). More...
virtual void set_etat_zero ()
 Sets the logical state to ETATZERO (zero). More...
virtual void set_etat_qcq ()
 Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state). More...
void set_etat_one ()
 Sets the logical state to ETATUN (one). More...
virtual void allocate_all ()
 Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state) and performs the memory allocation of all the elements, down to the double arrays of the Tbl s. More...
void annule_hard ()
 Sets the Scalar to zero in a hard way. More...
int get_etat () const
 Returns the logical state ETATNONDEF (undefined), ETATZERO (null) or ETATQCQ (ordinary). More...
int get_dzpuis () const
 Returns dzpuis. More...
bool dz_nonzero () const
 Returns true if the last domain is compactified and *this is not zero in this domain. More...
bool check_dzpuis (int dzi) const
 Returns false if the last domain is compactified and *this is not zero in this domain and dzpuis is not equal to dzi , otherwise return true. More...
bool is_nan (bool verbose=false) const
 Looks for NaNs (not a number) in the scalar field. More...
void operator= (const Scalar &a)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on the same mapping. More...
virtual void operator= (const Tensor &a)
 Assignment to a Tensor (of valence 0) More...
void operator= (const Cmp &a)
 Assignment to a Cmp. More...
void operator= (const Valeur &a)
 Assignment to a Valeur. More...
void operator= (const Mtbl &a)
 Assignment to a Mtbl. More...
void operator= (double)
 Assignment to a double. More...
void operator= (int)
 Assignment to an int. More...
 operator Cmp () const
 Conversion to a Cmp. More...
const Valeurget_spectral_va () const
 Returns va (read only version) More...
Valeurset_spectral_va ()
 Returns va (read/write version) More...
Tblset_domain (int l)
 Read/write of the value in a given domain. More...
const Tbldomain (int l) const
 Read-only of the value in a given domain. More...
double val_grid_point (int l, int k, int j, int i) const
 Returns the value of the field at a specified grid point. More...
double val_point (double r, double theta, double phi) const
 Computes the value of the field at an arbitrary point $(r, \theta, \phi)$, by means of the spectral expansion. More...
double & set_grid_point (int l, int k, int j, int i)
 Setting the value of the field at a given grid point. More...
virtual void annule (int l_min, int l_max)
 Sets the Scalar to zero in several domains. More...
void set_inner_boundary (int l, double x)
 Sets the value of the Scalar at the inner boundary of a given domain. More...
void set_outer_boundary (int l, double x)
 Sets the value of the Scalar at the outer boundary of a given domain. More...
Tbl multipole_spectrum () const
 Gives the spectrum in terms of multipolar modes l . More...
Tbl tbl_out_bound (int l_dom, bool leave_ylm=false)
 Returns the Tbl containing the values of angular coefficients at the outer boundary. More...
Tbl tbl_in_bound (int n, bool leave_ylm=false)
 Returns the Tbl containing the values of angular coefficients at the inner boundary. More...
Scalar scalar_out_bound (int n, bool leave_ylm=false)
 Returns the Scalar containing the values of angular coefficients at the outer boundary. More...
const Scalardsdr () const
 Returns $\partial / \partial r$ of *this . More...
const Scalarsrdsdt () const
 Returns $1/r \partial / \partial \theta$ of *this . More...
const Scalarsrstdsdp () const
 Returns $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial / \partial \phi$ of *this . More...
const Scalardsdt () const
 Returns $\partial / \partial \theta$ of *this . More...
const Scalardsdradial () const
 Returns $\partial / \partial r$ of *this if the mapping is affine (class Map_af) and $\partial / \partial \ln r$ of *this if the mapping is logarithmic (class Map_log). More...
const Scalardsdrho () const
 Returns $\partial / \partial \rho $ of *this . More...
const Scalarstdsdp () const
 Returns $1/\sin\theta \partial / \partial \phi$ of *this . More...
const Scalardsdx () const
 Returns $\partial/\partial x$ of *this , where $x=r\sin\theta \cos\phi$. More...
const Scalardsdy () const
 Returns $\partial/\partial y$ of *this , where $y=r\sin\theta \sin\phi$. More...
const Scalardsdz () const
 Returns $\partial/\partial z$ of *this , where $z=r\cos\theta$. More...
const Scalarderiv (int i) const
 Returns $\partial/\partial x_i$ of *this , where $x_i = (x, y, z)$. More...
const Vectorderive_cov (const Metric &gam) const
 Returns the gradient (1-form = covariant vector) of *this
const Vectorderive_con (const Metric &gam) const
 Returns the "contravariant" derivative of *this with respect to some metric $\gamma$, by raising the index of the gradient (cf. More...
Scalar derive_lie (const Vector &v) const
 Computes the derivative of this along a vector field v. More...
const Scalarlaplacian (int ced_mult_r=4) const
 Returns the Laplacian of *this. More...
const Scalarlapang () const
 Returns the angular Laplacian $\Delta_{\theta\varphi}$ of *this , where $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} f = \frac{\partial^2 f} {\partial \theta^2} + \frac{1}{\tan \theta} \frac{\partial f} {\partial \theta} +\frac{1}{\sin^2 \theta}\frac{\partial^2 f} {\partial \varphi^2}$. More...
void div_r ()
 Division by r everywhere; dzpuis is not changed. More...
void div_r_dzpuis (int ced_mult_r)
 Division by r everywhere but with the output flag dzpuis
set to ced_mult_r . More...
void div_r_ced ()
 Division by r in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag is not changed. More...
void mult_r ()
 Multiplication by r everywhere; dzpuis is not changed. More...
void mult_r_dzpuis (int ced_mult_r)
 Multiplication by r everywhere but with the output flag dzpuis
set to ced_mult_r . More...
void mult_r_ced ()
 Multiplication by r in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag is not changed. More...
void mult_rsint ()
 Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ everywhere; dzpuis is not changed. More...
void mult_rsint_dzpuis (int ced_mult_r)
 Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ but with the output flag dzpuis set to ced_mult_r . More...
void div_rsint ()
 Division by $r\sin\theta$ everywhere; dzpuis is not changed. More...
void div_rsint_dzpuis (int ced_mult_r)
 Division by $r\sin\theta$ but with the output flag dzpuis set to ced_mult_r . More...
void mult_cost ()
 Multiplication by $\cos\theta$. More...
void div_cost ()
 Division by $\cos\theta$. More...
void mult_sint ()
 Multiplication by $\sin\theta$. More...
void div_sint ()
 Division by $\sin\theta$. More...
void div_tant ()
 Division by $\tan\theta$. More...
Scalar primr (bool null_infty=true) const
 Computes the radial primitive which vanishes for $r\to \infty$. More...
double integrale () const
 Computes the integral over all space of *this . More...
const Tblintegrale_domains () const
 Computes the integral in each domain of *this . More...
virtual void dec_dzpuis (int dec=1)
 Decreases by dec units the value of dzpuis and changes accordingly the values of the Scalar in the compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void inc_dzpuis (int inc=1)
 Increases by inc units the value of dzpuis and changes accordingly the values of the Scalar in the compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void change_triad (const Base_vect &new_triad)
 Sets a new vectorial basis (triad) of decomposition and modifies the components accordingly. More...
void filtre (int n)
 Sets the n lasts coefficients in r to 0 in the external domain. More...
void filtre_r (int *nn)
 Sets the n lasts coefficients in r to 0 in all domains. More...
void filtre_r (int n, int nzone)
 Sets the n last coefficients in r to 0 in the domain nzone . More...
virtual void exponential_filter_r (int lzmin, int lzmax, int p, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the radial direction. More...
void sarra_filter_r (int lzmin, int lzmax, double p, double alpha=-1E-16)
 Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the radial direction. More...
void exp_filter_r_all_domains (Scalar &ss, int p, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter in radial direction in all domains. More...
void sarra_filter_r_all_domains (double p, double alpha=1E-16)
 Applies an exponential filter in radial direction in all domains for the case where p is a double (see Scalar:sarra_filter_r ). More...
virtual void exponential_filter_ylm (int lzmin, int lzmax, int p, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the angular directions. More...
virtual void exponential_filter_ylm_phi (int lzmin, int lzmax, int p_r, int p_tet, int p_phi, double alpha=-16.)
 Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the angular directions. More...
void annule_l (int l_min, int l_max, bool ylm_output=false)
 Sets all the multipolar components between l_min and l_max to zero. More...
void filtre_phi (int n, int zone)
 Sets the n lasts coefficients in $\Phi$ to 0 in the domain zone . More...
void filtre_tp (int nn, int nz1, int nz2)
 Sets the n lasts coefficients in $\theta$ to 0 in the domain nz1 to nz2 when expressed in spherical harmonics. More...
void fixe_decroissance (int puis)
 Substracts all the components behaving like $r^{-n}$ in the external domain, with n strictly lower than puis , so that *this
decreases at least like $r^{\tt puis} $ at infinity. More...
void smooth_decay (int k, int n)
 Performs a $C^k$ matching of the last non-compactified shell with a decaying function $\sum_{j=0}^k {\alpha_j \over r^{\ell+n+j}}$ where $\ell$ is the spherical harmonic index and n is some specifiable parameter. More...
void raccord (int n)
 Performs the $C^n$ matching of the nucleus with respect to the first shell. More...
void raccord_c1_zec (int puis, int nbre, int lmax)
 Performs the $C^1$ matching of the external domain with respect to the last shell using function like $\frac{1}{r^i}$ with ${\tt puis} \leq i \leq {\tt puis+nbre}$ for each spherical harmonics with $l \leq {\tt lmax}$. More...
void raccord_externe (int puis, int nbre, int lmax)
 Matching of the external domain with the outermost shell. More...
void match_tau (Param &par_bc, Param *par_mat=0x0)
 Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition. More...
void match_tau_star (Param &par_bc, Param *par_mat=0x0)
 Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition. More...
void match_tau_shell (Param &par_bc, Param *par_mat=0x0)
 Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition. More...
void match_collocation (Param &par_bc, Param *par_mat=0x0)
 Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition. More...
virtual void sauve (FILE *) const
 Save in a file. More...
virtual void spectral_display (const char *comment=0x0, double threshold=1.e-7, int precision=4, ostream &ostr=cout) const
 Displays the spectral coefficients and the associated basis functions. More...
void visu_section (const char section_type, double aa, double umin, double umax, double vmin, double vmax, const char *title=0x0, const char *filename=0x0, bool start_dx=true, int nu=200, int nv=200) const
 3D visualization via a plane section. More...
void visu_section (const Tbl &plane, double umin, double umax, double vmin, double vmax, const char *title=0x0, const char *filename=0x0, bool start_dx=true, int nu=200, int nv=200) const
 3D visualization via a plane section. More...
void visu_section_anim (const char section_type, double aa, double umin, double umax, double vmin, double vmax, int jtime, double ttime, int jgraph=1, const char *title=0x0, const char *filename_root=0x0, bool start_dx=false, int nu=200, int nv=200) const
 3D visualization via time evolving plane section (animation). More...
void visu_box (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax, const char *title0=0x0, const char *filename0=0x0, bool start_dx=true, int nx=40, int ny=40, int nz=40) const
 3D visualization (volume rendering) via OpenDX. More...
void operator+= (const Scalar &)
 += Scalar More...
void operator-= (const Scalar &)
 -= Scalar More...
void operator*= (const Scalar &)
 *= Scalar More...
virtual void std_spectral_base ()
 Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va to the standard ones for a scalar field. More...
virtual void std_spectral_base_odd ()
 Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va to the standard odd ones for a scalar field. More...
void set_spectral_base (const Base_val &)
 Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va
const Base_valget_spectral_base () const
 Returns the spectral bases of the Valeur va. More...
void set_dzpuis (int)
 Modifies the dzpuis flag. More...
Valeur ** asymptot (int n, const int flag=0) const
 Asymptotic expansion at r = infinity. More...
Scalar poisson () const
 Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source. More...
void poisson (Param &par, Scalar &uu) const
 Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source (version with parameters to control the resolution). More...
Scalar poisson_tau () const
 Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source using a real Tau method The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this . More...
void poisson_tau (Param &par, Scalar &uu) const
 Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source using a real Tau method (version with parameters to control the resolution) The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this . More...
Scalar poisson_dirichlet (const Valeur &limite, int num) const
 Is identicall to Scalar::poisson() . More...
Scalar poisson_neumann (const Valeur &, int) const
 Idem as Scalar::poisson_dirichlet , the boundary condition being on the radial derivative of the solution. More...
Scalar poisson_dir_neu (const Valeur &limite, int num, double fact_dir, double fact_neu) const
 Is identicall to Scalar::poisson() . More...
Scalar poisson_frontiere_double (const Valeur &, const Valeur &, int) const
 Idem as Scalar::poisson_dirichlet , the boundary condition being on both the function and its radial derivative. More...
void poisson_regular (int k_div, int nzet, double unsgam1, Param &par, Scalar &uu, Scalar &uu_regu, Scalar &uu_div, Tensor &duu_div, Scalar &source_regu, Scalar &source_div) const
 Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source (version with parameters to control the resolution). More...
Tbl test_poisson (const Scalar &uu, ostream &ostr, bool detail=false) const
 Checks if a Poisson equation with *this as a source has been correctly solved. More...
Scalar poisson_angu (double lambda=0) const
 Solves the (generalized) angular Poisson equation with *this
as source. More...
Scalar avance_dalembert (Param &par, const Scalar &fJm1, const Scalar &source) const
 Performs one time-step integration (from $t=J \to J+1$) of the scalar d'Alembert equation with *this being the value of the function f at time J . More...
Scalar sol_elliptic (Param_elliptic &params) const
 Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting zero at infinity. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_boundary (Param_elliptic &params, const Mtbl_cf &bound, double fact_dir, double fact_neu) const
 Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting zero at infinity and with inner boundary conditions. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_boundary (Param_elliptic &params, const Scalar &bound, double fact_dir, double fact_neu) const
 Resolution of general elliptic equation, with inner boundary conditions as Scalars on mono-domain angulare grids. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_2d (Param_elliptic &) const
 Solves the scalar 2-dimensional elliptic equation with *this as a source. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_pseudo_1d (Param_elliptic &) const
 Solves a pseudo-1d elliptic equation with *this as a source. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_no_zec (Param_elliptic &params, double val=0) const
 Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting a given value at the outermost shell and not solving in the compactified domain. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_only_zec (Param_elliptic &params, double val) const
 Resolution of a general elliptic equation solving in the compactified domain and putting a given value at the inner boundary. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_sin_zec (Param_elliptic &params, double *coefs, double *phases) const
 General elliptic solver. More...
Scalar sol_elliptic_fixe_der_zero (double val, Param_elliptic &params) const
 Resolution of a general elliptic equation fixing the dericative at the origin and relaxing one continuity condition. More...
Scalar sol_divergence (int n) const
 Resolution of a divergence-like equation. More...
void import (const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void import_symy (const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void import_asymy (const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void import (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void import_symy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void import_asymy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping. More...
void set_triad (const Base_vect &new_triad)
 Assigns a new vectorial basis (triad) of decomposition. More...
Scalarset (const Itbl &ind)
 Returns the value of a component (read/write version). More...
Scalarset (int i1, int i2)
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 2 (read/write version). More...
Scalarset (int i1, int i2, int i3)
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 3 (read/write version). More...
Scalarset (int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 4 (read/write version). More...
void annule_domain (int l)
 Sets the Tensor to zero in a given domain. More...
void annule_extern_cn (int l_0, int deg)
 Performs a smooth (C^n) transition in a given domain to zero. More...
const Tensordivergence (const Metric &gam) const
 Computes the divergence of this with respect to some metric $\gamma$. More...
Tensor up (int ind, const Metric &gam) const
 Computes a new tensor by raising an index of *this. More...
Tensor down (int ind, const Metric &gam) const
 Computes a new tensor by lowering an index of *this. More...
Tensor up_down (const Metric &gam) const
 Computes a new tensor by raising or lowering all the indices of *this . More...
Tensor trace (int ind1, int ind2) const
 Trace on two different type indices. More...
Tensor trace (int ind1, int ind2, const Metric &gam) const
 Trace with respect to a given metric. More...
Scalar trace () const
 Trace on two different type indices for a valence 2 tensor. More...
Scalar trace (const Metric &gam) const
 Trace with respect to a given metric for a valence 2 tensor. More...
virtual int position (const Itbl &ind) const
 Returns the position in the array cmp of a component given by its indices. More...
virtual Itbl indices (int pos) const
 Returns the indices of a component given by its position in the array cmp . More...
const Mapget_mp () const
 Returns the mapping. More...
const Base_vectget_triad () const
 Returns the vectorial basis (triad) on which the components are defined. More...
int get_valence () const
 Returns the valence. More...
int get_n_comp () const
 Returns the number of stored components. More...
int get_index_type (int i) const
 Gives the type (covariant or contravariant) of the index number i . More...
Itbl get_index_type () const
 Returns the types of all the indices. More...
int & set_index_type (int i)
 Sets the type of the index number i . More...
Itblset_index_type ()
 Sets the types of all the indices. More...
const Scalaroperator() (const Itbl &ind) const
 Returns the value of a component (read-only version). More...
const Scalaroperator() (int i1, int i2) const
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 2 (read-only version). More...
const Scalaroperator() (int i1, int i2, int i3) const
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 3 (read-only version). More...
const Scalaroperator() (int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
 Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 4 (read-only version). More...
void operator+= (const Tensor &)
 += Tensor More...
void operator-= (const Tensor &)
 -= Tensor More...

Protected Member Functions

void del_t ()
 Logical destructor. More...
virtual void del_deriv () const
 Logical destructor of the derivatives. More...
void set_der_0x0 () const
 Sets the pointers for derivatives to 0x0. More...
void import_gal (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings do not have a particular relative orientation. More...
void import_align (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis. More...
void import_anti (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e. More...
void import_align_symy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis. More...
void import_anti_symy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e. More...
void import_align_asymy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis. More...
void import_anti_asymy (int nzet, const Scalar &ci)
 Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e. More...
virtual void del_derive_met (int) const
 Logical destructor of the derivatives depending on the i-th element of met_depend . More...
void set_der_met_0x0 (int) const
 Sets all the i-th components of met_depend , p_derive_cov , etc... More...
void set_dependance (const Metric &) const
 To be used to describe the fact that the derivatives members have been calculated with met . More...
int get_place_met (const Metric &) const
 Returns the position of the pointer on metre in the array met_depend . More...
void compute_derive_lie (const Vector &v, Tensor &resu) const
 Computes the Lie derivative of this with respect to some vector field v (protected method; the public interface is method derive_lie ). More...

Protected Attributes

int etat
 The logical state ETATNONDEF (undefined), ETATZERO (null), ETATUN (one), or ETATQCQ (ordinary). More...
int dzpuis
 Power of r by which the quantity represented by this
must be divided in the compactified external domain (CED) in order to get the correct physical values. More...
Valeur va
 The numerical value of the Scalar. More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial r$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $1/r \partial/\partial \theta$ of *this
(0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/\partial \phi$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial \theta$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $1/\sin\theta \partial/\partial \phi$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial x$ of *this , where $x=r\sin\theta \cos\phi$ (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial y$ of *this , where $y=r\sin\theta \sin\phi$(0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial z$ of *this , where $z=r\cos\theta$ (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on the Laplacian of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on the Laplacian of *this (0x0 if not up to date) More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial radial $ of *this. More...
 Pointer on $\partial/\partial \rho $ of *this. More...
int ind_lap
 Power of r by which the last computed Laplacian has been multiplied in the compactified external domain. More...
 Pointer on the space integral of *this (values in each domain) (0x0 if not up to date) More...
const Map *const mp
 Mapping on which the numerical values at the grid points are defined. More...
int valence
 Valence of the tensor (0 = scalar, 1 = vector, etc...) More...
const Base_vecttriad
 Vectorial basis (triad) with respect to which the tensor components are defined. More...
Itbl type_indice
 1D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence
containing the type of each index: COV for a covariant one and CON for a contravariant one. More...
int n_comp
 Number of stored components, depending on the symmetry. More...
Scalar ** cmp
 Array of size n_comp of pointers onto the components. More...
const Metricmet_depend [N_MET_MAX]
 Array on the Metric 's which were used to compute derived quantities, like p_derive_cov , etc... More...
Tensorp_derive_cov [N_MET_MAX]
 Array of pointers on the covariant derivatives of this with respect to various metrics. More...
Tensorp_derive_con [N_MET_MAX]
 Array of pointers on the contravariant derivatives of this with respect to various metrics. More...
Tensorp_divergence [N_MET_MAX]
 Array of pointers on the divergence of this with respect to various metrics. More...


ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Scalar &)
 Display. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &)
 - Scalar More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar + Scalar. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar + Mbtl. More...
Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar + double. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar - Scalar. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar - Mbtl. More...
Scalar operator- (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar - double. More...
Scalar operator* (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar. More...
Scalar operator% (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing. More...
Scalar operator| (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing only in r. More...
Scalar operator* (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl * Scalar. More...
Scalar operator* (double, const Scalar &)
 double * Scalar More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
 Scalar / Scalar. More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, const Mtbl &)
 Scalar / Mtbl. More...
Scalar operator/ (const Mtbl &, const Scalar &)
 Mtbl / Scalar. More...
Scalar operator/ (const Scalar &, double)
 Scalar / double. More...
Scalar operator/ (double, const Scalar &)
 double / Scalar More...
Scalar sin (const Scalar &)
 Sine. More...
Scalar cos (const Scalar &)
 Cosine. More...
Scalar tan (const Scalar &)
 Tangent. More...
Scalar asin (const Scalar &)
 Arcsine. More...
Scalar acos (const Scalar &)
 Arccosine. More...
Scalar atan (const Scalar &)
 Arctangent. More...
Scalar exp (const Scalar &)
 Exponential. More...
Scalar Heaviside (const Scalar &)
 Heaviside function. More...
Scalar log (const Scalar &)
 Neperian logarithm. More...
Scalar log10 (const Scalar &)
 Basis 10 logarithm. More...
Scalar sqrt (const Scalar &)
 Square root. More...
Scalar racine_cubique (const Scalar &)
 Cube root. More...
Scalar pow (const Scalar &, int)
 Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt int}$. More...
Scalar pow (const Scalar &, double)
 Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt double}$. More...
Scalar abs (const Scalar &)
 Absolute value. More...
double totalmax (const Scalar &)
 Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
double totalmin (const Scalar &)
 Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl max (const Scalar &)
 Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl min (const Scalar &)
 Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl norme (const Scalar &)
 Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Scalar in each domain. More...
Tbl diffrel (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b)
 Relative difference between two Scalar (norme version). More...
Tbl diffrelmax (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b)
 Relative difference between two Scalar (max version). More...

Detailed Description

Tensor field of valence 0 (or component of a tensorial field).


Definition at line 393 of file scalar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Scalar() [1/5]

Lorene::Scalar::Scalar ( const Map mpi)

Constructor from mapping.

Definition at line 210 of file scalar.C.

◆ Scalar() [2/5]

Lorene::Scalar::Scalar ( const Tensor a)

Constructor from a Tensor (must be of valence 0)

Definition at line 221 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, set_der_0x0(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ Scalar() [3/5]

Lorene::Scalar::Scalar ( const Scalar a)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 234 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, and set_der_0x0().

◆ Scalar() [4/5]

Lorene::Scalar::Scalar ( const Cmp a)

Constructor by conversion of a Cmp.

Definition at line 244 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, and set_der_0x0().

◆ Scalar() [5/5]

Lorene::Scalar::Scalar ( const Map mpi,
const Mg3d mgi,
FILE *  fd 

Constructor from a file (see sauve(FILE*) )

Definition at line 254 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, dzpuis, etat, Lorene::fread_be(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), and set_der_0x0().

◆ ~Scalar()

Lorene::Scalar::~Scalar ( )


Definition at line 273 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, and del_t().

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocate_all()

void Lorene::Scalar::allocate_all ( )

Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state) and performs the memory allocation of all the elements, down to the double arrays of the Tbl s.

This function performs in fact recursive calls to set_etat_qcq() on each element of the chain Scalar -> Valeur -> Mtbl -> Tbl .

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 371 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::c, Lorene::Mtbl::get_nzone(), Lorene::Valeur::set_etat_c_qcq(), Lorene::Mtbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Mtbl::t, and va.

◆ annule()

void Lorene::Scalar::annule ( int  l_min,
int  l_max 

Sets the Scalar to zero in several domains.

l_min[input] The Scalar will be set (logically) to zero in the domains whose indices are in the range [l_min,l_max] .
l_max[input] see the comments for l_min .

Note that annule(0,va.mg->get_nzone()-1) is equivalent to set_etat_zero() .

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 397 of file scalar.C.

References etat, Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Valeur::mg, set_etat_zero(), and va.

◆ annule_domain()

void Lorene::Tensor::annule_domain ( int  l)

Sets the Tensor to zero in a given domain.

l[input] Index of the domain in which the Tensor will be set (logically) to zero.

Definition at line 675 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::annule().

◆ annule_extern_cn()

void Lorene::Tensor::annule_extern_cn ( int  l_0,
int  deg 

Performs a smooth (C^n) transition in a given domain to zero.

l_0[input] in the domain of index l0 the tensor is multiplied by the right polynomial (of degree 2n+1), to ensure continuty of the function and its n first derivative at both ends of this domain. The tensor is unchanged in the domains l < l_0 and set to zero in domains l > l_0.
deg[input] the degree n of smoothness of the transition.

Definition at line 699 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ annule_hard()

void Lorene::Scalar::annule_hard ( )

Sets the Scalar to zero in a hard way.

1/ Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ , i.e. to an ordinary state. 2/ Fills the Valeur va with zeros. NB: this function must be used for debugging purposes only. For other operations, the functions set_etat_zero() or annule(int,int) must be perferred.

Definition at line 386 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::annule_hard(), del_deriv(), etat, and va.

◆ annule_l()

void Lorene::Scalar::annule_l ( int  l_min,
int  l_max,
bool  ylm_output = false 

Sets all the multipolar components between l_min and l_max to zero.

This is done for [ l_min , l_max ] and all relevant m in the spherical harmonics expansion basis. If ylm_output is set to true , then the spectral expansion basis of this is left to be that of spherical harmonics.

Definition at line 117 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ asymptot()

Valeur ** Lorene::Scalar::asymptot ( int  n,
const int  flag = 0 
) const

Asymptotic expansion at r = infinity.

Determines the coefficients $a_k(\theta, \phi)$ of the expansion

\[ \sum_{k=0}^n {a_k(\theta, \phi) \over r^k} \]

of *this when $r \rightarrow \infty$.

norder of the expansion
flag: output
Array of n +1 Valeur s on mg->angu
describing the coefficients $a_k(\theta, \phi)$. This array is allocated by the routine.

Definition at line 66 of file scalar_asymptot.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ avance_dalembert()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::avance_dalembert ( Param par,
const Scalar fJm1,
const Scalar source 
) const

Performs one time-step integration (from $t=J \to J+1$) of the scalar d'Alembert equation with *this being the value of the function f at time J .

Works only with an affine mapping (class Map_af ) and, if the last domain is a compactified one, it simply copies the value of the field in this last domain at the time-step J to the last domain of the returned solution.

par[input/output] possible parameters to control the resolution of the d'Alembert equation:
  • par.get_double(0) : [input] the time step dt ,
  • par.get_int(0) : [input] the type of boundary conditions set at the outer boundary (0 : reflexion, 1 : Sommerfeld outgoing wave, valid only for l=0 components, 2 : Bayliss & Turkel outgoing wave, valid for l=0, 1, 2 components)
  • par.get_int_mod(0) : [input/output] set to 0 at first call, is used as a working flag after (must not be modified after first call)
  • par.get_tensor_mod(0) : [input] (optional) if the wave equation is on a curved space-time, this is the potential in front of the Laplace operator. It has to be a Scalar and updated at every time-step (for a potential depending on time). Note: there are many other working objects attached to this Param , so one should not modify it. There should be exactly one Param for each wave equation to be solved.
fJm1[input] solution $f^{J-1}$ at time J-1
source[input] source $\sigma$ of the d'Alembert equation $\diamond u = \sigma$.
solution $f^{J+1}$ at time J+1 with boundary conditions defined by par.get_int(0) .

Definition at line 220 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Map::dalembert(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ change_triad()

void Lorene::Scalar::change_triad ( const Base_vect new_triad)

Sets a new vectorial basis (triad) of decomposition and modifies the components accordingly.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 1003 of file scalar.C.

◆ check_dzpuis()

bool Lorene::Scalar::check_dzpuis ( int  dzi) const

Returns false if the last domain is compactified and *this is not zero in this domain and dzpuis is not equal to dzi , otherwise return true.

Definition at line 879 of file scalar.C.

References dz_nonzero(), and dzpuis.

◆ compute_derive_lie()

void Lorene::Tensor::compute_derive_lie ( const Vector v,
Tensor resu 
) const

◆ dec_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::dec_dzpuis ( int  dec = 1)

Decreases by dec units the value of dzpuis and changes accordingly the values of the Scalar in the compactified external domain (CED).

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 421 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ del_deriv()

void Lorene::Scalar::del_deriv ( ) const

Logical destructor of the derivatives.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 293 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::del_deriv(), p_dsdr, p_dsdradial, p_dsdrho, p_dsdt, p_dsdx, p_dsdy, p_dsdz, p_integ, p_lap, p_lapang, p_srdsdt, p_srstdsdp, p_stdsdp, and set_der_0x0().

◆ del_derive_met()

void Lorene::Tensor::del_derive_met ( int  j) const

Logical destructor of the derivatives depending on the i-th element of met_depend .

Reimplemented in Lorene::Sym_tensor, and Lorene::Vector.

Definition at line 423 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::met_depend, Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_con, Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_cov, Lorene::Tensor::p_divergence, Lorene::Tensor::set_der_met_0x0(), and Lorene::Metric::tensor_depend.

◆ del_t()

void Lorene::Scalar::del_t ( )

Logical destructor.

Definition at line 285 of file scalar.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Valeur::del_t(), Lorene::Valeur::set_etat_nondef(), and va.

◆ deriv()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::deriv ( int  i) const

Returns $\partial/\partial x_i$ of *this , where $x_i = (x, y, z)$.

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

i[input] i=1 for x , i=2 for y , i=3 for z .

Definition at line 359 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References dsdx(), dsdy(), and dsdz().

◆ derive_con()

const Vector & Lorene::Scalar::derive_con ( const Metric gam) const

Returns the "contravariant" derivative of *this with respect to some metric $\gamma$, by raising the index of the gradient (cf.

method derive_cov() ) with $\gamma$.

Definition at line 402 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::derive_con().

◆ derive_cov()

const Vector & Lorene::Scalar::derive_cov ( const Metric gam) const

Returns the gradient (1-form = covariant vector) of *this

gammetric components only used to get the triad with respect to which the components of the result are defined

Definition at line 390 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::derive_cov().

◆ derive_lie()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::derive_lie ( const Vector v) const

Computes the derivative of this along a vector field v.

Definition at line 419 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::compute_derive_lie(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_cost()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_cost ( )

Division by $\cos\theta$.

Definition at line 73 of file scalar_th_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_cost(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_r()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_r ( )

Division by r everywhere; dzpuis is not changed.

Definition at line 136 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_r_ced()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_r_ced ( )

Division by r in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag is not changed.

Definition at line 199 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_r_zec(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_r_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_r_dzpuis ( int  ced_mult_r)

Division by r everywhere but with the output flag dzpuis
set to ced_mult_r .

ced_mult_r[input] value of dzpuis of the result.

Definition at line 150 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ div_rsint()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_rsint ( )

Division by $r\sin\theta$ everywhere; dzpuis is not changed.

Definition at line 351 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_rsint(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_rsint_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_rsint_dzpuis ( int  ced_mult_r)

Division by $r\sin\theta$ but with the output flag dzpuis set to ced_mult_r .

ced_mult_r[input] value of dzpuis of the result.

Definition at line 365 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ div_sint()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_sint ( )

Division by $\sin\theta$.

Definition at line 101 of file scalar_th_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_sint(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ div_tant()

void Lorene::Scalar::div_tant ( )

Division by $\tan\theta$.

Definition at line 114 of file scalar_th_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::div_tant(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ divergence()

const Tensor & Lorene::Tensor::divergence ( const Metric gam) const

Computes the divergence of this with respect to some metric $\gamma$.

The divergence is taken with respect of the last index of this which thus must be contravariant. For instance if the tensor $T$ represented by this is a twice contravariant tensor, whose components w.r.t. the triad $e_i$ are $T^{ij}$: $T = T^{ij} \; e_i \otimes e_j$, the divergence of $T$ w.r.t. $\gamma$ is the vector

\[ {\rm div}\, T = \nabla_k T^{ik} \; e_i \]

where $\nabla$ denotes the connection associated with the metric $\gamma$.

gammetric $\gamma$
divergence of this with respect to $\gamma$.

Definition at line 1064 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Metric::connect(), Lorene::Tensor::get_place_met(), Lorene::Connection::p_divergence(), Lorene::Tensor::p_divergence, and Lorene::Tensor::set_dependance().

◆ domain()

const Tbl& Lorene::Scalar::domain ( int  l) const

Read-only of the value in a given domain.

l[input] domain index
Tbl containing the value of the field in domain l .

Definition at line 631 of file scalar.h.

References etat.

◆ down()

Tensor Lorene::Tensor::down ( int  ind,
const Metric gam 
) const

Computes a new tensor by lowering an index of *this.

indindex to be lowered, with the following convention :
  • ind1 = 0 : first index of the tensor
  • ind1 = 1 : second index of the tensor
  • and so on... (ind must be of covariant type (CON )).
gammetric used to lower the index (contraction with the twice covariant form of the metric on the index ind ).

Definition at line 268 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::contract(), Lorene::Metric::cov(), Lorene::Tensor::indices(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Tensor::n_comp, Lorene::Itbl::set(), Lorene::Tensor::set(), Lorene::Tensor::triad, Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ dsdr()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdr ( ) const

Returns $\partial / \partial r$ of *this .

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 113 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdradial()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdradial ( ) const

Returns $\partial / \partial r$ of *this if the mapping is affine (class Map_af) and $\partial / \partial \ln r$ of *this if the mapping is logarithmic (class Map_log).

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 491 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdrho()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdrho ( ) const

Returns $\partial / \partial \rho $ of *this .

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 522 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdt()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdt ( ) const

Returns $\partial / \partial \theta$ of *this .

Definition at line 208 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdx()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdx ( ) const

Returns $\partial/\partial x$ of *this , where $x=r\sin\theta \cos\phi$.

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 266 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdy()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdy ( ) const

Returns $\partial/\partial y$ of *this , where $y=r\sin\theta \sin\phi$.

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 297 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dsdz()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::dsdz ( ) const

Returns $\partial/\partial z$ of *this , where $z=r\cos\theta$.

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 328 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ dz_nonzero()

bool Lorene::Scalar::dz_nonzero ( ) const

Returns true if the last domain is compactified and *this is not zero in this domain.

Definition at line 820 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ exp_filter_r_all_domains()

void Lorene::Scalar::exp_filter_r_all_domains ( Scalar ss,
int  p,
double  alpha = -16. 

Applies an exponential filter in radial direction in all domains.

(see Scalar:exponential_filter_r ). Note that this may cause regularity problems at the origin if applied in a nucleus.

◆ exponential_filter_r()

void Lorene::Scalar::exponential_filter_r ( int  lzmin,
int  lzmax,
int  p,
double  alpha = -16. 

Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the radial direction.

The filter is of the type: $ \forall n\leq N,\, b_n = \sigma(n/N ) a_n$, with $ \sigma(x) = \exp\left( -\ln (10^\alpha ) x^{2p} \right) $ and N the number of radial coefficients.

lzmin,lzmax[input] the indices of the domain where the filter is applied (in [lzmin , lzmax ])
p[input] the order of the filter
alpha[input] $\alpha$ appearing in the above formula.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 72 of file scalar_exp_filter.C.

References etat, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ exponential_filter_ylm()

void Lorene::Scalar::exponential_filter_ylm ( int  lzmin,
int  lzmax,
int  p,
double  alpha = -16. 

Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the angular directions.

The filter is of the type: $ \forall \ell \leq \ell_{\rm max},\, \forall m,\, b_{\ell m} = \sigma(\ell/\ell_{\rm max} ) a_{\ell m}$, with $ \sigma(x) $ defined for Scalar::exponential_filter_r and $\ell_{\rm max}$ the number of spherical harmonics used.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 154 of file scalar_exp_filter.C.

References etat, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ exponential_filter_ylm_phi()

void Lorene::Scalar::exponential_filter_ylm_phi ( int  lzmin,
int  lzmax,
int  p_r,
int  p_tet,
int  p_phi,
double  alpha = -16. 

Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the angular directions.

The filter is of the type: $ \forall \ell \leq \ell_{\rm max},\, \forall m,\, b_{\ell m} = \sigma(\ell/\ell_{\rm max} ) a_{\ell m}$, with $ \sigma(x) $ defined for Scalar::exponential_filter_r and $\ell_{\rm max}$ the number of spherical harmonics used.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 198 of file scalar_exp_filter.C.

References etat, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ filtre()

void Lorene::Scalar::filtre ( int  n)

Sets the n lasts coefficients in r to 0 in the external domain.

Definition at line 157 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ filtre_phi()

void Lorene::Scalar::filtre_phi ( int  n,
int  zone 

Sets the n lasts coefficients in $\Phi$ to 0 in the domain zone .

Definition at line 255 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ filtre_r() [1/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::filtre_r ( int *  nn)

Sets the n lasts coefficients in r to 0 in all domains.

Definition at line 186 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ filtre_r() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::filtre_r ( int  n,
int  nzone 

Sets the n last coefficients in r to 0 in the domain nzone .

Definition at line 224 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ filtre_tp()

void Lorene::Scalar::filtre_tp ( int  nn,
int  nz1,
int  nz2 

Sets the n lasts coefficients in $\theta$ to 0 in the domain nz1 to nz2 when expressed in spherical harmonics.

Definition at line 276 of file scalar_manip.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::filtre_tp(), and va.

◆ fixe_decroissance()

void Lorene::Scalar::fixe_decroissance ( int  puis)

Substracts all the components behaving like $r^{-n}$ in the external domain, with n strictly lower than puis , so that *this
decreases at least like $r^{\tt puis} $ at infinity.

Definition at line 352 of file scalar_manip.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::base, Lorene::Valeur::c_cf, Lorene::Valeur::coef(), cos, dzpuis, Lorene::Map_af::get_alpha(), Lorene::Base_val::get_base_r(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, mult_r_ced(), pow, R_CHEBU, Lorene::Mtbl_cf::set(), Lorene::Valeur::set_etat_cf_qcq(), and va.

◆ get_dzpuis()

int Lorene::Scalar::get_dzpuis ( ) const

Returns dzpuis.

Definition at line 563 of file scalar.h.

References dzpuis.

◆ get_etat()

int Lorene::Scalar::get_etat ( ) const

Returns the logical state ETATNONDEF (undefined), ETATZERO (null) or ETATQCQ (ordinary).

Definition at line 560 of file scalar.h.

References etat.

◆ get_index_type() [1/2]

int Lorene::Tensor::get_index_type ( int  i) const

Gives the type (covariant or contravariant) of the index number i .

i must be strictly lower than valence and obey the following convention:

  • i = 0 : first index
  • i = 1 : second index
  • and so on...
COV for a covariant index, CON for a contravariant one.

Definition at line 899 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::type_indice.

◆ get_index_type() [2/2]

Itbl Lorene::Tensor::get_index_type ( ) const

Returns the types of all the indices.

1-D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence
containing the type of each index, COV for a covariant one and CON
for a contravariant one.

Definition at line 909 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::type_indice.

◆ get_mp()

const Map& Lorene::Tensor::get_mp ( ) const

Returns the mapping.

Definition at line 874 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ get_n_comp()

int Lorene::Tensor::get_n_comp ( ) const

Returns the number of stored components.

Definition at line 885 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::n_comp.

◆ get_place_met()

int Lorene::Tensor::get_place_met ( const Metric metre) const

Returns the position of the pointer on metre in the array met_depend .

Definition at line 452 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::met_depend.

◆ get_spectral_base()

const Base_val& Lorene::Scalar::get_spectral_base ( ) const

Returns the spectral bases of the Valeur va.

Definition at line 1328 of file scalar.h.

References Lorene::Valeur::base, and va.

◆ get_spectral_va()

const Valeur& Lorene::Scalar::get_spectral_va ( ) const

Returns va (read only version)

Definition at line 607 of file scalar.h.

References va.

◆ get_triad()

const Base_vect* Lorene::Tensor::get_triad ( ) const

Returns the vectorial basis (triad) on which the components are defined.

Definition at line 879 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::triad.

◆ get_valence()

int Lorene::Tensor::get_valence ( ) const

Returns the valence.

Definition at line 882 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ import() [1/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import ( const Scalar ci)

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 71 of file scalar_import.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 83 of file scalar_import.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), import_align(), import_anti(), import_gal(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import_align()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_align ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 535 of file scalar_import.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_align_asymy()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_align_asymy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis.

Case where the Scalar is antisymmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 381 of file scalar_import_asymy.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_align_symy()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_align_symy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have aligned Cartesian axis.

Case where the Scalar is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 352 of file scalar_import_symy.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_anti()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_anti ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e.

$x_1 = - x_2$, $y_1 = - y_2$, $z_1 = z_2$).

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 338 of file scalar_import.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_anti_asymy()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_anti_asymy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e.

$x_1 = - x_2$, $y_1 = - y_2$, $z_1 = z_2$). Case where the Scalar is antisymmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 134 of file scalar_import_asymy.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_anti_symy()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_anti_symy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings have anti-aligned Cartesian axis (i.e.

$x_1 = - x_2$, $y_1 = - y_2$, $z_1 = z_2$). Case where the Scalar is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 134 of file scalar_import_symy.C.

References get_etat().

◆ import_asymy() [1/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import_asymy ( const Scalar ci)

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

Case where the Scalar is antisymmetric with respect to the plane y=0. This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 75 of file scalar_import_asymy.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import_asymy() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import_asymy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

Case where the Scalar is antisymmetric with respect to the plane y=0. This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 87 of file scalar_import_asymy.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), import_align_asymy(), import_anti_asymy(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import_gal()

void Lorene::Scalar::import_gal ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping, when the two mappings do not have a particular relative orientation.

This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 134 of file scalar_import.C.

References get_etat(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import_symy() [1/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import_symy ( const Scalar ci)

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

Case where the Scalar is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0. This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 75 of file scalar_import_symy.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ import_symy() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::import_symy ( int  nzet,
const Scalar ci 

Assignment to another Scalar defined on a different mapping.

Case where the Scalar is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0. This assignment is performed point to point by means of the spectral expansion of the original Scalar.

nzet[input] Number of domains of the destination mapping (i.e. this->mp ) where the importation is performed: the assignment is done for the domains whose indices are between 0 and nzet-1 . In the other domains, *this is set to zero.
ci[input] Scalar to be imported.

Definition at line 87 of file scalar_import_symy.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), import_align_symy(), import_anti_symy(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ inc_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::inc_dzpuis ( int  inc = 1)

Increases by inc units the value of dzpuis and changes accordingly the values of the Scalar in the compactified external domain (CED).

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 473 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ indices()

Itbl Lorene::Tensor::indices ( int  pos) const

Returns the indices of a component given by its position in the array cmp .

pos[input] position in the array cmp of the pointer to the Scalar representing a component
1-D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence giving the value of each index for the component located at the position pos in the array cmp, with the following storage convention:
  • Itbl(0) : value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
  • Itbl(1) : value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
  • and so on...

Reimplemented in Lorene::Tensor_sym, and Lorene::Vector.

Definition at line 548 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::n_comp, Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ integrale()

double Lorene::Scalar::integrale ( ) const

Computes the integral over all space of *this .

The computed quantity is (u being the field represented by *this ) $\int u \, r^2 \sin\theta \, dr\, d\theta \, d\phi$. Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), dzpuis
must be 4 for the computation to take place.

Definition at line 64 of file scalar_integ.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), integrale_domains(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ integrale_domains()

const Tbl & Lorene::Scalar::integrale_domains ( ) const

Computes the integral in each domain of *this .

The computed quantity is (u being the field represented by *this ) $\int u \, r^2 \sin\theta \, dr\, d\theta \, d\phi$ in each domain. The result is returned a Tbl on the various domains. Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), dzpuis
must be 4 for the computation to take place.

Definition at line 82 of file scalar_integ.C.

References etat.

◆ is_nan()

bool Lorene::Scalar::is_nan ( bool  verbose = false) const

Looks for NaNs (not a number) in the scalar field.

If at least one NaN is found, it returns true. If the flag verbose is set to true, it outputs to the standard output the indices where NaNs have been found.

Definition at line 1014 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ lapang()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::lapang ( ) const

Returns the angular Laplacian $\Delta_{\theta\varphi}$ of *this , where $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} f = \frac{\partial^2 f} {\partial \theta^2} + \frac{1}{\tan \theta} \frac{\partial f} {\partial \theta} +\frac{1}{\sin^2 \theta}\frac{\partial^2 f} {\partial \varphi^2}$.

Definition at line 461 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ laplacian()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::laplacian ( int  ced_mult_r = 4) const

Returns the Laplacian of *this.

ced_mult_r[input] Determines the quantity computed in the compactified external domain (CED) (u in the field represented by *this ) :
  • ced_mult_r = 0 : $\Delta u$
  • ced_mult_r = 2 : $r^2 \, \Delta u$
  • ced_mult_r = 4 (default) : $r^4 \, \Delta u$

Definition at line 436 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ match_collocation()

void Lorene::Scalar::match_collocation ( Param par_bc,
Param par_mat = 0x0 

Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition.

Matching of the field represented by this accross domains and imposition of the boundary condition using the collocation method.

par_bc[input] Param to control the boundary conditions
par_mat[input/output] optional Param in which the matching matrices are stored (together with their LU decomposition).

◆ match_tau()

void Lorene::Scalar::match_tau ( Param par_bc,
Param par_mat = 0x0 

Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition.

Matching of the field represented by this accross domains and imposition of the boundary condition using the tau method.

par_bc[input] Param to control the boundary conditions par_bc must contain (at a minimum) a modifiable Tbl which specifies a physical boundary two integers, one specifying the domain that has the boundary the other specifying the number of conditions 1 -> Dirichlet 2 -> Robin (which may reduce to von Neumann, see below) two doubles, specifying the Robin BC parameters. If the first is zero, we see that Robin will reduce to von Neumann
par_mat[input/output] optional Param in which the matching matrices are stored (together with their LU decomposition).

Definition at line 75 of file scalar_match_tau.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ match_tau_shell()

void Lorene::Scalar::match_tau_shell ( Param par_bc,
Param par_mat = 0x0 

Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition.

Matching of the field represented by this accross domains and imposition of the boundary condition using the tau method.

par_bc[input] Param to control the boundary conditions
par_mat[input/output] optional Param in which the matching matrices are stored (together with their LU decomposition).

◆ match_tau_star()

void Lorene::Scalar::match_tau_star ( Param par_bc,
Param par_mat = 0x0 

Method for matching accross domains and imposing boundary condition.

Matching of the field represented by this accross domains and imposition of the boundary condition using the tau method for a grid with Map_star mapping.

par_bc[input] Param to control the boundary conditions par_bc must contain (at a minimum) a modifiable Tbl which specifies a physical boundary two integers, one specifying the domain that has the boundary the other specifying the number of conditions 1 -> Dirichlet 2 -> Robin (which may reduce to von Neumann, see below) two doubles, specifying the Robin BC parameters. If the first is zero, we see that Robin will reduce to von Neumann
par_mat[input/output] optional Param in which the matching matrices are stored (together with their LU decomposition).

Definition at line 591 of file scalar_match_tau.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ mult_cost()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_cost ( )

Multiplication by $\cos\theta$.

Definition at line 61 of file scalar_th_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::mult_cost().

◆ mult_r()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_r ( )

Multiplication by r everywhere; dzpuis is not changed.

Definition at line 211 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::mult_r().

◆ mult_r_ced()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_r_ced ( )

Multiplication by r in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag is not changed.

Definition at line 272 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::mult_r_zec().

◆ mult_r_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_r_dzpuis ( int  ced_mult_r)

Multiplication by r everywhere but with the output flag dzpuis
set to ced_mult_r .

ced_mult_r[input] value of dzpuis of the result.

Definition at line 224 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ mult_rsint()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_rsint ( )

Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ everywhere; dzpuis is not changed.

Definition at line 284 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::mult_rsint().

◆ mult_rsint_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_rsint_dzpuis ( int  ced_mult_r)

Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ but with the output flag dzpuis set to ced_mult_r .

ced_mult_r[input] value of dzpuis of the result.

Definition at line 297 of file scalar_r_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ mult_sint()

void Lorene::Scalar::mult_sint ( )

Multiplication by $\sin\theta$.

Definition at line 87 of file scalar_th_manip.C.

References del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::mult_sint().

◆ multipole_spectrum()

Tbl Lorene::Scalar::multipole_spectrum ( ) const

Gives the spectrum in terms of multipolar modes l .

a Tbl of size (nzone, lmax), where lmax is the maximal multipolar momentum over all domains. The l -th element contains the L1 norm of the l -th multipole (i.e. a sum over all m of the norms (coefficient space) of the component of a given $Y_l^m$.

Definition at line 962 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ operator Cmp()

Lorene::Scalar::operator Cmp ( ) const

Conversion to a Cmp.

Definition at line 680 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::set_dzpuis().

◆ operator()() [1/4]

const Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::operator() ( const Itbl ind) const

Returns the value of a component (read-only version).

ind1-D Itbl of size valence containing the values of each index specifing the component, with the following storage convention:
  • ind(0) : value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
  • ind(1) : value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
  • and so on...
reference on the component specified by ind

Definition at line 807 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Itbl::get_dim(), Lorene::Itbl::get_ndim(), Lorene::Tensor::position(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ operator()() [2/4]

const Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::operator() ( int  i1,
int  i2 
) const

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 2 (read-only version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
reference on the component specified by (i1,i2)

Definition at line 769 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ operator()() [3/4]

const Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::operator() ( int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3 
) const

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 3 (read-only version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
i3value of the third index (1, 2 or 3)
reference on the component specified by (i1,i2,i3)

Definition at line 780 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ operator()() [4/4]

const Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::operator() ( int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3,
int  i4 
) const

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 4 (read-only version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
i3value of the third index (1, 2 or 3)
i4value of the fourth index (1, 2 or 3)
reference on the component specified by (i1,i2,i3,i4)

Definition at line 792 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ operator*=()

void Lorene::Scalar::operator*= ( const Scalar ci)

*= Scalar

Definition at line 940 of file scalar_arithm.C.

References etat, Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator+= ( const Scalar ci)

+= Scalar

Definition at line 836 of file scalar_arithm.C.

References etat, Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator-= ( const Scalar ci)

-= Scalar

Definition at line 889 of file scalar_arithm.C.

References etat, Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ operator=() [1/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( const Scalar a)

Assignment to another Scalar defined on the same mapping.

Definition at line 452 of file scalar.C.

References dzpuis, etat, and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ operator=() [2/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( const Tensor a)

Assignment to a Tensor (of valence 0)

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 442 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, operator=(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ operator=() [3/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( const Cmp a)

◆ operator=() [4/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( const Valeur a)

Assignment to a Valeur.

Definition at line 555 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::get_etat(), and va.

◆ operator=() [5/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( const Mtbl a)

Assignment to a Mtbl.

Definition at line 598 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Mtbl::get_etat().

◆ operator=() [6/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( double  x)

Assignment to a double.

Definition at line 638 of file scalar.C.

References del_deriv(), dzpuis, set_etat_one(), set_etat_qcq(), set_etat_zero(), and va.

◆ operator=() [7/7]

void Lorene::Scalar::operator= ( int  n)

Assignment to an int.

Definition at line 659 of file scalar.C.

References del_deriv(), dzpuis, set_etat_one(), set_etat_qcq(), set_etat_zero(), and va.

◆ poisson() [1/2]

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson ( ) const

Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source.

The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this . Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2 or 4, i.e. that the quantity stored in *this is in fact $r^2 \sigma$ or $r^4 \sigma$ in the compactified external domain. The solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity is the returned Scalar.

Definition at line 139 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::poisson().

◆ poisson() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::poisson ( Param par,
Scalar uu 
) const

Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source (version with parameters to control the resolution).

The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this . Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2 or 4, i.e. that the quantity stored in *this is in fact $r^2 \sigma$ or $r^4 \sigma$ in the compactified external domain.

par[input/output] possible parameters
uu[input/output] solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity.

Definition at line 155 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::poisson().

◆ poisson_angu()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_angu ( double  lambda = 0) const

Solves the (generalized) angular Poisson equation with *this
as source.

The generalized angular Poisson equation is $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} u + \lambda u = \sigma$, where $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} u := \frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial \theta^2} + \frac{1}{\tan \theta} \frac{\partial u} {\partial \theta} +\frac{1}{\sin^2 \theta}\frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial \varphi^2}$.

lambda[input] coefficient $\lambda$ in the above equation (default value = 0)
solution u .

Definition at line 203 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::poisson_angu().

◆ poisson_dir_neu()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_dir_neu ( const Valeur limite,
int  num,
double  fact_dir,
double  fact_neu 
) const

Is identicall to Scalar::poisson() .

The regularity condition at the origin is replace by a mixed boundary condition (Dirichlet + Neumann).

limite[input] : angular function. The boundary condition is given by limite[num] .
num[input] : index of the boudary at which the condition is to be fullfilled.
fact_dir[input] : double in front of $\Psi$ (if $\Psi$ is the variable solved).
fact_neu[input] : double in front of the radial derivative of $\Psi$.

More precisely we impose $ fact\_dir.\Psi + fact\_neu.\frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial r}$ is equal to the source at the boundary between the domains num and num+1 (the latter one being a shell).

Definition at line 83 of file scalar_pde_frontiere.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Map::poisson_frontiere(), Lorene::Cmp::set_dzpuis(), and Lorene::Cmp::va.

◆ poisson_dirichlet()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_dirichlet ( const Valeur limite,
int  num 
) const

Is identicall to Scalar::poisson() .

The regularity condition at the origin is replace by a boundary condition of the Dirichlet type.

limite[input] : angular function. The boundary condition is given by limite[num] .
num[input] : index of the boudary at which the condition is to be fullfilled.

More precisely we impose the solution is equal to limite[num] at the boundary between the domains num and num+1 (the latter one being a shell).

Definition at line 67 of file scalar_pde_frontiere.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Map::poisson_frontiere(), Lorene::Cmp::set_dzpuis(), and Lorene::Cmp::va.

◆ poisson_frontiere_double()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_frontiere_double ( const Valeur lim_func,
const Valeur lim_der,
int  num_zone 
) const

Idem as Scalar::poisson_dirichlet , the boundary condition being on both the function and its radial derivative.

The boundary condition at infinity is relaxed.

Definition at line 118 of file scalar_pde_frontiere.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ poisson_neumann()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_neumann ( const Valeur limite,
int  num_front 
) const

Idem as Scalar::poisson_dirichlet , the boundary condition being on the radial derivative of the solution.

Definition at line 101 of file scalar_pde_frontiere.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Map::poisson_frontiere(), Lorene::Cmp::set_dzpuis(), and Lorene::Cmp::va.

◆ poisson_regular()

void Lorene::Scalar::poisson_regular ( int  k_div,
int  nzet,
double  unsgam1,
Param par,
Scalar uu,
Scalar uu_regu,
Scalar uu_div,
Tensor duu_div,
Scalar source_regu,
Scalar source_div 
) const

Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source (version with parameters to control the resolution).

The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this . The regularized source $\sigma_{\rm regu} = \sigma - \sigma_{\rm div}$ is constructed and solved. Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2 or 4, i.e. that the quantity stored in *this is in fact $r^2 \sigma$ or $r^4 \sigma$ in the compactified external domain.

k_div[input] regularization degree of the procedure
nzet[input] number of domains covering the star
unsgam1[input] parameter $1/(\gamma-1)$ where $\gamma$ denotes the adiabatic index
par[input/output] possible parameters
uu[input/output] solution
uu_regu[output] solution of the regular part of the source.
uu_div[output] solution of the diverging part of the source.
duu_div[output] derivative of the diverging potential.
source_regu[output] regularized source
source_div[output] diverging part of the source

Definition at line 65 of file scalar_poisson_regu.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::get_triad(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Map::poisson_regular(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), Lorene::Tensor::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Itbl::set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq().

◆ poisson_tau() [1/2]

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::poisson_tau ( ) const

Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source using a real Tau method The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this .

Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2, 3 or 4, i.e. that the quantity stored in *this is in fact $r^2 \sigma$, $r^3 \sigma$ or $r^4 \sigma$ in the compactified external domain. The solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity is the returned Scalar.

Definition at line 172 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::poisson_tau().

◆ poisson_tau() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::poisson_tau ( Param par,
Scalar uu 
) const

Solves the scalar Poisson equation with *this as a source using a real Tau method (version with parameters to control the resolution) The source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is represented by the Scalar *this .

Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2, 3 or 4, i.e. that the quantity stored in *this is in fact $r^2 \sigma$, $r^3 \sigma$ or $r^4 \sigma$ in the compactified external domain. The solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity is the returned Scalar.

Definition at line 187 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::poisson_tau().

◆ position()

int Lorene::Tensor::position ( const Itbl ind) const

Returns the position in the array cmp of a component given by its indices.

ind[input] 1-D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence giving the values of each index specifing the component, with the following storage convention:
  • ind(0) : value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
  • ind(1) : value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
  • and so on...
position in the array cmp of the pointer to the Scalar containing the component specified by ind

Reimplemented in Lorene::Tensor_sym, and Lorene::Vector.

Definition at line 534 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Itbl::get_dim(), Lorene::Itbl::get_ndim(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ primr()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::primr ( bool  null_infty = true) const

Computes the radial primitive which vanishes for $r\to \infty$.

i.e. the function $ F(r,\theta,\varphi) = \int_r^\infty f(r',\theta,\varphi) \, dr' $ where f is the function represented by *this (and must have a dzpuis = 2).

null_inftyif true (default), the primitive is null at infinity (or on the grid boundary). F is null at the center otherwise
function F

Definition at line 104 of file scalar_integ.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, and Lorene::Map::primr().

◆ raccord()

void Lorene::Scalar::raccord ( int  n)

Performs the $C^n$ matching of the nucleus with respect to the first shell.

Definition at line 65 of file scalar_raccord.C.

References etat.

◆ raccord_c1_zec()

void Lorene::Scalar::raccord_c1_zec ( int  puis,
int  nbre,
int  lmax 

Performs the $C^1$ matching of the external domain with respect to the last shell using function like $\frac{1}{r^i}$ with ${\tt puis} \leq i \leq {\tt puis+nbre}$ for each spherical harmonics with $l \leq {\tt lmax}$.

Definition at line 80 of file scalar_raccord_zec.C.

References etat.

◆ raccord_externe()

◆ sarra_filter_r()

void Lorene::Scalar::sarra_filter_r ( int  lzmin,
int  lzmax,
double  p,
double  alpha = -1E-16 

Applies an exponential filter to the spectral coefficients in the radial direction.

The filter is of the type: $ \forall n\leq N,\, b_n = \sigma(n/N ) a_n$, with $ \sigma(x) = \exp\left( \alpha x^{p} \right) $ and N the number of radial coefficients.

lzmin,lzmax[input] the indices of the domain where the filter is applied (in [lzmin , lzmax ])
p[input] the order of the filter
alpha[input] $\alpha$ appearing in the above formula.

Definition at line 108 of file scalar_exp_filter.C.

References etat, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ sarra_filter_r_all_domains()

void Lorene::Scalar::sarra_filter_r_all_domains ( double  p,
double  alpha = 1E-16 

Applies an exponential filter in radial direction in all domains for the case where p is a double (see Scalar:sarra_filter_r ).

Note that this may cause regularity problems at the origin if applied in a nucleus.

Definition at line 148 of file scalar_exp_filter.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and sarra_filter_r().

◆ sauve()

void Lorene::Scalar::sauve ( FILE *  fd) const

Save in a file.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 692 of file scalar.C.

References dzpuis, etat, Lorene::fwrite_be(), Lorene::Valeur::sauve(), and va.

◆ scalar_out_bound()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::scalar_out_bound ( int  n,
bool  leave_ylm = false 

Returns the Scalar containing the values of angular coefficients at the outer boundary.

l_dom[input] domain index
leave_ylm[input] flag to decide whether the coefficients are expressed in spherical harmonics or Fourier base

Definition at line 473 of file scalar_manip.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::base, Lorene::Valeur::coef(), etat, Lorene::Base_val::get_base_t(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Map::mp_angu(), Lorene::Base_val::set_base_t(), std_spectral_base(), va, and Lorene::Valeur::ylm().

◆ set() [1/4]

Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::set ( const Itbl ind)

Returns the value of a component (read/write version).

ind1-D Itbl of size valence containing the values of each index specifing the component, with the following storage convention:
  • ind(0) : value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
  • ind(1) : value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
  • and so on...
modifiable reference on the component specified by ind

Definition at line 663 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::del_deriv(), Lorene::Itbl::get_dim(), Lorene::Itbl::get_ndim(), Lorene::Tensor::position(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ set() [2/4]

Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::set ( int  i1,
int  i2 

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 2 (read/write version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
modifiable reference on the component specified by (i1,i2)

Definition at line 615 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ set() [3/4]

Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::set ( int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3 

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 3 (read/write version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
i3value of the third index (1, 2 or 3)
modifiable reference on the component specified by (i1,i2,i3)

Definition at line 630 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ set() [4/4]

Scalar & Lorene::Tensor::set ( int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3,
int  i4 

Returns the value of a component for a tensor of valence 4 (read/write version).

i1value of the first index (1, 2 or 3)
i2value of the second index (1, 2 or 3)
i3value of the third index (1, 2 or 3)
i4value of the fourth index (1, 2 or 3)
modifiable reference on the component specified by (i1,i2,i3,i4)

Definition at line 646 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::del_deriv(), Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ set_dependance()

void Lorene::Tensor::set_dependance ( const Metric met) const

To be used to describe the fact that the derivatives members have been calculated with met .

First it sets a null element of met_depend to &met and puts this in the list of the dependancies of met .

Definition at line 462 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::met_depend, and Lorene::Metric::tensor_depend.

◆ set_der_0x0()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_der_0x0 ( ) const

Sets the pointers for derivatives to 0x0.

Definition at line 312 of file scalar.C.

References ind_lap, p_dsdr, p_dsdradial, p_dsdrho, p_dsdt, p_dsdx, p_dsdy, p_dsdz, p_integ, p_lap, p_lapang, p_srdsdt, p_srstdsdp, and p_stdsdp.

◆ set_der_met_0x0()

void Lorene::Tensor::set_der_met_0x0 ( int  i) const

Sets all the i-th components of met_depend , p_derive_cov , etc...

to 0x0.

Definition at line 442 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::met_depend, Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_con, Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_cov, and Lorene::Tensor::p_divergence.

◆ set_domain()

Tbl& Lorene::Scalar::set_domain ( int  l)

Read/write of the value in a given domain.

This method should be used only to set the value in a given domain (it performs a call to del_deriv); for reading the value in a domain without changing it, the method domain(int ) is preferable.

l[input] domain index
writable Tbl containing the value of the field in domain l .

Definition at line 621 of file scalar.h.

References etat.

◆ set_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_dzpuis ( int  dzi)

Modifies the dzpuis flag.

NB: this method does not change the field values stored in the compactified external domain (use methods dec_dzpuis() , etc... for this purpose).

Definition at line 814 of file scalar.C.

References dzpuis.

◆ set_etat_nondef()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_etat_nondef ( )

Sets the logical state to ETATNONDEF (undefined).

Calls the logical destructor of the Valeur va
deallocates the memory occupied by all the derivatives.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 350 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ set_etat_one()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_etat_one ( )

Sets the logical state to ETATUN (one).

Fills the Valeur va with ones and deallocates the memory occupied by all the derivatives.

Definition at line 340 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ set_etat_qcq()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_etat_qcq ( )

Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state).

If the state is already ETATQCQ , this function does nothing. Otherwise, it calls the logical destructor of the Valeur va and deallocates the memory occupied by all the derivatives.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 359 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ set_etat_zero()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_etat_zero ( )

Sets the logical state to ETATZERO (zero).

Calls the logical destructor of the Valeur va and deallocates the memory occupied by all the derivatives.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 330 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ set_grid_point()

double& Lorene::Scalar::set_grid_point ( int  l,
int  k,
int  j,
int  i 

Setting the value of the field at a given grid point.

CAUTION: to gain in efficiency (especially when this method is invoqued inside a loop), the method del_deriv() (to delete the derived members) is not called by set_grid_point . It must thus be invoqued by the user, after all the calls to set_grid_point have been performed.

l[input] domain index
k[input] $\phi$ index
j[input] $\theta$ index
i[input] r ( $\xi$) index
writable value of the field at the specified grid point

Definition at line 690 of file scalar.h.

References etat.

◆ set_index_type() [1/2]

int& Lorene::Tensor::set_index_type ( int  i)

Sets the type of the index number i .

i must be strictly lower than valence and obey the following convention:

  • i = 0 : first index
  • i = 1 : second index
  • and so on...
reference on the type that can be modified (COV for a covariant index, CON for a contravariant one)

Definition at line 922 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Itbl::set(), and Lorene::Tensor::type_indice.

◆ set_index_type() [2/2]

Itbl& Lorene::Tensor::set_index_type ( )

Sets the types of all the indices.

a reference on the 1-D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence that can be modified (COV for a covariant one and CON for a contravariant one)

Definition at line 931 of file tensor.h.

References Lorene::Tensor::type_indice.

◆ set_inner_boundary()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_inner_boundary ( int  l,
double  x 

Sets the value of the Scalar at the inner boundary of a given domain.

l[input] domain index
x[input] (constant) value at the inner boundary of domain no. l

Definition at line 289 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ set_outer_boundary()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_outer_boundary ( int  l,
double  x 

Sets the value of the Scalar at the outer boundary of a given domain.

l[input] domain index
x[input] (constant) value at the outer boundary of domain no. l

Definition at line 321 of file scalar_manip.C.

References etat.

◆ set_spectral_base()

void Lorene::Scalar::set_spectral_base ( const Base_val bi)

Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va

Definition at line 803 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::set_base(), and va.

◆ set_spectral_va()

Valeur& Lorene::Scalar::set_spectral_va ( )

Returns va (read/write version)

Definition at line 610 of file scalar.h.

References va.

◆ set_triad()

void Lorene::Tensor::set_triad ( const Base_vect new_triad)

Assigns a new vectorial basis (triad) of decomposition.

NB: this function modifies only the member triad and leave unchanged the components (member cmp ). In order to change them coherently with the new basis, the function change_triad(const Base_vect& ) must be called instead.

Definition at line 528 of file tensor.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::triad.

◆ smooth_decay()

void Lorene::Scalar::smooth_decay ( int  k,
int  n 

Performs a $C^k$ matching of the last non-compactified shell with a decaying function $\sum_{j=0}^k {\alpha_j \over r^{\ell+n+j}}$ where $\ell$ is the spherical harmonic index and n is some specifiable parameter.

Definition at line 216 of file scalar_raccord_zec.C.

References etat.

◆ sol_divergence()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_divergence ( int  n) const

Resolution of a divergence-like equation.

The equation solved reads: $ \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial r} + \frac{n}{r} \phi = \sigma$, with $\phi$ the unknown and $\sigma$ the source represented by this.

n[input] the coefficient in front of the 1/r term.
the solution to the equation.

Definition at line 71 of file scalar_sol_div.C.

References etat.

◆ sol_elliptic()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic ( Param_elliptic params) const

Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting zero at infinity.

params[input] the operators and variables to be used.

Definition at line 237 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic().

◆ sol_elliptic_2d()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_2d ( Param_elliptic ope_var) const

Solves the scalar 2-dimensional elliptic equation with *this as a source.

Note that dzpuis must be equal to 2, 3 or 4, i.e. The solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity is the returned Scalar.

Definition at line 412 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_2d().

◆ sol_elliptic_boundary() [1/2]

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_boundary ( Param_elliptic params,
const Mtbl_cf bound,
double  fact_dir,
double  fact_neu 
) const

Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting zero at infinity and with inner boundary conditions.

params[input] the operators and variables to be used.
bound[input] : the boundary condition
fact_dir: 1 Dirchlet condition, 0 Neumann condition
fact_neu: 0 Dirchlet condition, 1 Neumann condition

Definition at line 259 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_boundary().

◆ sol_elliptic_boundary() [2/2]

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_boundary ( Param_elliptic params,
const Scalar bound,
double  fact_dir,
double  fact_neu 
) const

Resolution of general elliptic equation, with inner boundary conditions as Scalars on mono-domain angulare grids.

Definition at line 285 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_boundary().

◆ sol_elliptic_fixe_der_zero()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_fixe_der_zero ( double  val,
Param_elliptic params 
) const

Resolution of a general elliptic equation fixing the dericative at the origin and relaxing one continuity condition.

val[input] value of the derivative.
params[input] the operators and variables to be used.

Definition at line 389 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_fixe_der_zero().

◆ sol_elliptic_no_zec()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_no_zec ( Param_elliptic params,
double  val = 0 
) const

Resolution of a general elliptic equation, putting a given value at the outermost shell and not solving in the compactified domain.

params[input] the operators and variables to be used.
val[input] value at the last shell.

Definition at line 317 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_no_zec().

◆ sol_elliptic_only_zec()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_only_zec ( Param_elliptic params,
double  val 
) const

Resolution of a general elliptic equation solving in the compactified domain and putting a given value at the inner boundary.

params[input] the operators and variables to be used.
val[input] value at the inner boundary of the external domain.

Definition at line 344 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_only_zec().

◆ sol_elliptic_pseudo_1d()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_pseudo_1d ( Param_elliptic ope_var) const

Solves a pseudo-1d elliptic equation with *this as a source.

Definition at line 433 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_pseudo_1d().

◆ sol_elliptic_sin_zec()

Scalar Lorene::Scalar::sol_elliptic_sin_zec ( Param_elliptic params,
double *  coefs,
double *  phases 
) const

General elliptic solver.

The equation is not solved in the compactified domain and the matching is done with an homogeneous solution.

params[input] the operators and variables to be used.
coef[output] : coefficient of the oscillatory solution in the external domain.
phases[output] : phases (i.e. choice of the homogeneous solution to match with).

Definition at line 366 of file scalar_pde.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, set_etat_qcq(), and Lorene::Map_af::sol_elliptic_sin_zec().

◆ spectral_display()

void Lorene::Scalar::spectral_display ( const char *  comment = 0x0,
double  threshold = 1.e-7,
int  precision = 4,
ostream &  ostr = cout 
) const

Displays the spectral coefficients and the associated basis functions.

This function shows only the values greater than a given threshold.

commentcomment to be printed at top of the display (default: 0x0 = nothing printed)
threshold[input] Value above which a coefficient is printed (default: 1.e-7)
precision[input] Number of printed digits (default: 4)
ostr[input] Output stream used for the printing (default: cout)

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 747 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ srdsdt()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::srdsdt ( ) const

Returns $1/r \partial / \partial \theta$ of *this .

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 145 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ srstdsdp()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::srstdsdp ( ) const

Returns $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial / \partial \phi$ of *this .

If dzpuis is zero, then the returned Scalar has dzpuis = 2. It is increased by 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 177 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ std_spectral_base()

void Lorene::Scalar::std_spectral_base ( )

Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va to the standard ones for a scalar field.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 790 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::std_base_scal(), and va.

◆ std_spectral_base_odd()

void Lorene::Scalar::std_spectral_base_odd ( )

Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va to the standard odd ones for a scalar field.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Tensor.

Definition at line 797 of file scalar.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::std_base_scal_odd(), and va.

◆ stdsdp()

const Scalar & Lorene::Scalar::stdsdp ( ) const

Returns $1/\sin\theta \partial / \partial \phi$ of *this .

Definition at line 238 of file scalar_deriv.C.

References etat.

◆ tbl_in_bound()

Tbl Lorene::Scalar::tbl_in_bound ( int  n,
bool  leave_ylm = false 

Returns the Tbl containing the values of angular coefficients at the inner boundary.

l_dom[input] domain index
leave_ylm[input] flag to decide whether the coefficients are expressed in spherical harmonics or Fourier base

Definition at line 454 of file scalar_manip.C.

References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Tensor::mp.

◆ tbl_out_bound()

Tbl Lorene::Scalar::tbl_out_bound ( int  l_dom,
bool  leave_ylm = false 

Returns the Tbl containing the values of angular coefficients at the outer boundary.

l_dom[input] domain index
leave_ylm[input] flag to decide whether the coefficients are expressed in spherical harmonics or Fourier base

Definition at line 436 of file scalar_manip.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::coef(), etat, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, va, and Lorene::Valeur::ylm().

◆ test_poisson()

Tbl Lorene::Scalar::test_poisson ( const Scalar uu,
ostream &  ostr,
bool  detail = false 
) const

Checks if a Poisson equation with *this as a source has been correctly solved.

uu[input] Solution u of the Poisson equation $\Delta u = \sigma$, $\sigma$ being represented by the Scalar *this .
ostr[input/output] Output stream used for displaying err .
  • if true displays err(0,*) , err(1,*) and err(2,*)
  • if false (default), displays only the relative error err(0,*) .
2-D Tbl err decribing the errors in each domain:
  • err(0,l) : Relative error in domain no. l , defined as the maximum value of $|\Delta u - \sigma|$ in that domain divided by M , where M is the maximum value of $|\sigma|$ over all domains if dzpuis = 0 or $\sigma$ is zero in the compactified external domain (CED). If dzpuis != 0 and $\sigma$ does not vanish in the CED, the value of M used in the non-compactified domains is the maximum value over these domains, whereas the value of M used in the compactified external domain is the maximum value on that particular domain.
  • err(1,l) : Maximum value of the absolute error $|\Delta u - \sigma|$ in domain no. l
  • err(2,l) : Maximum value of $|\sigma|$ in domain no. l

Definition at line 63 of file scalar_test_poisson.C.

References abs, check_dzpuis(), dzpuis, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), laplacian(), max, Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Tbl::set(), and Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq().

◆ trace() [1/4]

Tensor Lorene::Tensor::trace ( int  ind1,
int  ind2 
) const

Trace on two different type indices.

ind1first index for the contraction, with the following convention :
  • ind1 = 0 : first index of the tensor
  • ind1 = 1 : second index of the tensor
  • and so on...
ind2second index for the contraction

Definition at line 97 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::cmp, Lorene::Tensor::get_n_comp(), Lorene::Tensor::indices(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Tensor::position(), Lorene::Itbl::set(), Lorene::Tensor::set(), set_etat_zero(), Lorene::Tensor::triad, Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ trace() [2/4]

Tensor Lorene::Tensor::trace ( int  ind1,
int  ind2,
const Metric gam 
) const

Trace with respect to a given metric.

ind1first index for the contraction, with the following convention :
  • ind1 = 0 : first index of the tensor
  • ind1 = 1 : second index of the tensor
  • and so on...
ind2second index for the contraction
gammetric used to raise or lower ind1 in order that it has a opposite type than ind2

Definition at line 156 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Metric::con(), Lorene::contract(), Lorene::Metric::cov(), Lorene::Tensor::trace(), Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ trace() [3/4]

Scalar Lorene::Tensor::trace ( ) const

Trace on two different type indices for a valence 2 tensor.

Definition at line 183 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Tensor::operator()(), set_etat_zero(), Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ trace() [4/4]

Scalar Lorene::Tensor::trace ( const Metric gam) const

Trace with respect to a given metric for a valence 2 tensor.

gammetric used to raise or lower one of the indices, in order to take the trace

Definition at line 200 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Metric::con(), Lorene::contract(), Lorene::Metric::cov(), Lorene::Tensor::trace(), Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ up()

Tensor Lorene::Tensor::up ( int  ind,
const Metric gam 
) const

Computes a new tensor by raising an index of *this.

indindex to be raised, with the following convention :
  • ind1 = 0 : first index of the tensor
  • ind1 = 1 : second index of the tensor
  • and so on... (ind must be of covariant type (COV )).
gammetric used to raise the index (contraction with the twice contravariant form of the metric on the index ind ).

Definition at line 228 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Metric::con(), Lorene::contract(), Lorene::Tensor::indices(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, Lorene::Tensor::n_comp, Lorene::Itbl::set(), Lorene::Tensor::set(), Lorene::Tensor::triad, Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ up_down()

Tensor Lorene::Tensor::up_down ( const Metric gam) const

Computes a new tensor by raising or lowering all the indices of *this .

gammetric used to lower the contravariant indices and raising the covariant ones.

Definition at line 308 of file tensor_calculus.C.

References Lorene::Tensor::down(), Lorene::Tensor::Tensor(), Lorene::Tensor::type_indice, Lorene::Tensor::up(), and Lorene::Tensor::valence.

◆ val_grid_point()

double Lorene::Scalar::val_grid_point ( int  l,
int  k,
int  j,
int  i 
) const

Returns the value of the field at a specified grid point.

l[input] domain index
k[input] $\phi$ index
j[input] $\theta$ index
i[input] r ( $\xi$) index

Definition at line 643 of file scalar.h.

References etat.

◆ val_point()

double Lorene::Scalar::val_point ( double  r,
double  theta,
double  phi 
) const

Computes the value of the field at an arbitrary point $(r, \theta, \phi)$, by means of the spectral expansion.

NB: if $(r, \theta, \phi)$ is a point of the spectral grid, the method val_grid_point is to be preferred, being much more efficient.

r[input] value of the coordinate r
theta[input] value of the coordinate $\theta$
phi[input] value of the coordinate $\phi$
value at the point $(r, \theta, \phi)$ of the field represented by *this . NB: in the compactified external domain, the returned value is the actual value of the field, i.e. the stored value divided by $ r^{\rm dzpuis} $.

Definition at line 896 of file scalar.C.

References etat.

◆ visu_box()

void Lorene::Scalar::visu_box ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  zmin,
double  zmax,
const char *  title0 = 0x0,
const char *  filename0 = 0x0,
bool  start_dx = true,
int  nx = 40,
int  ny = 40,
int  nz = 40 
) const

3D visualization (volume rendering) via OpenDX.

Prepares files for visualization by OpenDX of the values of the field in some rectangular box.

xmin[input] defines with xmax the x range of the visualization box
xmax[input] defines with xmin the x range of the visualization box
ymin[input] defines with ymax the y range of the visualization box
ymax[input] defines with ymin the y range of the visualization box
zmin[input] defines with zmax the z range of the visualization box
zmax[input] defines with zmin the z range of the visualization box
title[input] title for the graph (for OpenDX legend)
filename[input] name for the file which will be the input for OpenDX; the default 0x0 is transformed into "scalar_box"
start_dx[input] determines whether OpenDX must be launched (as a subprocess) to view the field; if set to false , only input files for future usage of OpenDX are created
nx[input] number of points in the x direction (uniform sampling)
ny[input] number of points in the y direction (uniform sampling)
nz[input] number of points in the z direction (uniform sampling)

Definition at line 345 of file scalar_visu.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::c_cf, check_dzpuis(), Lorene::Valeur::coef(), Lorene::Map::convert_absolute(), dec_dzpuis(), dzpuis, Lorene::Tensor::mp, Scalar(), va, Lorene::Map::val_lx(), and Lorene::Mtbl_cf::val_point().

◆ visu_section() [1/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::visu_section ( const char  section_type,
double  aa,
double  umin,
double  umax,
double  vmin,
double  vmax,
const char *  title = 0x0,
const char *  filename = 0x0,
bool  start_dx = true,
int  nu = 200,
int  nv = 200 
) const

3D visualization via a plane section.

Prepares files for visualization by OpenDX of the values of the field in a plane x=const, y=const or z=const

section_type[input] defines the type of section :
  • 'x' for a plane x = a with a = const (parameter aa )
  • 'y' for a plane y = a with a = const (parameter aa )
  • 'z' for a plane z = a with a = const (parameter aa )
aa[input] constant a defining the section plane
umin[input] defines with umax the range of the plane coordinate u
umax[input] defines with umin the range of the plane coordinate u
vmin[input] defines with vmax the range of the plane coordinate v
vmax[input] defines with vmin the range of the plane coordinate v
title[input] title for the graph (for OpenDX legend)
filename[input] name for the file which will be the input for OpenDX; the default 0x0 is transformed into "scalar_section"
start_dx[input] determines whether OpenDX must be launched (as a subprocess) to view the field; if set to false , only input files for future usage of OpenDX are created
nu[input] number of points in the u direction (uniform sampling)
nv[input] number of points in the v direction (uniform sampling)

Definition at line 81 of file scalar_visu.C.

References Lorene::Tbl::set(), and Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq().

◆ visu_section() [2/2]

void Lorene::Scalar::visu_section ( const Tbl plane,
double  umin,
double  umax,
double  vmin,
double  vmax,
const char *  title = 0x0,
const char *  filename = 0x0,
bool  start_dx = true,
int  nu = 200,
int  nv = 200 
) const

3D visualization via a plane section.

Prepares files for visualization by OpenDX of the values of the field in any given plane.

plane[input] : 2D Tbl defining the section plane: plane must of dimension 3x3 with the following content:
  • plane(0,i) : absolute Cartesian coordinates (xa0,ya0,za0) of some point in the plane considered as the origin for the plane coordinates (u,v): plane(0,0) = xa0 , plane(0,1) = ya0 ,
  • plane(0,2) = za0
  • plane(1,i) : components w.r.t. absolute Cartesian coordinates of the u-coordinate unit vector in the section plane
  • plane(2,i) : components w.r.t. absolute Cartesian coordinates of the v-coordinate unit vector in the section plane
umin[input] defines with umax the range of the plane coordinate u
umax[input] defines with umin the range of the plane coordinate u
vmin[input] defines with vmax the range of the plane coordinate v
vmax[input] defines with vmin the range of the plane coordinate v
title[input] title for the graph (for OpenDX legend)
filename[input] name for the file which will be the input for OpenDX; the default 0x0 is transformed into "scalar_section"
start_dx[input] determines whether OpenDX must be launched (as a subprocess) to view the field; if set to false , only input files for future usage of OpenDX are created
nu[input] number of points in the u direction (uniform sampling)
nv[input] number of points in the v direction (uniform sampling)

Definition at line 159 of file scalar_visu.C.

References Lorene::Valeur::c_cf, Lorene::Valeur::coef(), Lorene::Map::convert_absolute(), Lorene::Tensor::mp, va, Lorene::Map::val_lx(), and Lorene::Mtbl_cf::val_point().

◆ visu_section_anim()

void Lorene::Scalar::visu_section_anim ( const char  section_type,
double  aa,
double  umin,
double  umax,
double  vmin,
double  vmax,
int  jtime,
double  ttime,
int  jgraph = 1,
const char *  title = 0x0,
const char *  filename_root = 0x0,
bool  start_dx = false,
int  nu = 200,
int  nv = 200 
) const

3D visualization via time evolving plane section (animation).

Prepares files for visualization by OpenDX of the values of the field in a plane x=const, y=const or z=const at successive time steps

section_type[input] defines the type of section :
  • 'x' for a plane x = a with a = const (parameter aa )
  • 'y' for a plane y = a with a = const (parameter aa )
  • 'z' for a plane z = a with a = const (parameter aa )
aa[input] constant a defining the section plane
umin[input] defines with umax the range of the plane coordinate u
umax[input] defines with umin the range of the plane coordinate u
vmin[input] defines with vmax the range of the plane coordinate v
vmax[input] defines with vmin the range of the plane coordinate v
jtime[input] time step label
ttime[input] time t corresponding to jtime
jgraph[input] number of time steps between two graphs: the graph will be generated only if jtime is a multiple of jgraph
title[input] title for the graph (for OpenDX legend)
filename_root[input] beginning of the names for the files which will be the input for OpenDX (the end of names will be automatically generated from the time steps); the default 0x0 is transformed into "anim"
start_dx[input] determines whether OpenDX must be launched (as a subprocess) to view the field; if set to false , only input files for future usage of OpenDX are created
nu[input] number of points in the u direction (uniform sampling)
nv[input] number of points in the v direction (uniform sampling)

Definition at line 538 of file scalar_visu.C.

References visu_section().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ abs

Scalar abs ( const Scalar ci)

Absolute value.

Definition at line 526 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ acos

Scalar acos ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 202 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ asin

Scalar asin ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 170 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ atan

Scalar atan ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 234 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ cos

Scalar cos ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 107 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ diffrel

Tbl diffrel ( const Scalar a,
const Scalar b 

Relative difference between two Scalar (norme version).

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are norme[a(l)-b(l)]/norme[b(l)] if b(l)!=0 and norme[a(l)-b(l)] if b(l)=0 , where a(l) and b(l) denote symbolically the values of a and b
in domain no. l .

Definition at line 698 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ diffrelmax

Tbl diffrelmax ( const Scalar a,
const Scalar b 

Relative difference between two Scalar (max version).

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are max[abs(a(l)-b(l))]/max[abs(b(l))] if b(l)!=0 and max[abs(a(l)-b(l))] if b(l)=0 , where a(l) and b(l) denote symbolically the values of a and b
in domain no. l .

Definition at line 733 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ exp

Scalar exp ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 326 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ Heaviside

Scalar Heaviside ( const Scalar ci)

Heaviside function.

Definition at line 358 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ log

Scalar log ( const Scalar ci)

Neperian logarithm.

Definition at line 388 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ log10

Scalar log10 ( const Scalar ci)

Basis 10 logarithm.

Definition at line 421 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ max

Tbl max ( const Scalar ci)

Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain.

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are the set of the maximum values in each domain.

Definition at line 614 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ min

Tbl min ( const Scalar ci)

Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain.

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are the set of the minimum values in each domain.

Definition at line 642 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ norme

Tbl norme ( const Scalar ci)

Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Scalar in each domain.

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are the set of the sums of the absolute values in each domain.

Definition at line 670 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ operator%

Scalar operator% ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing.

Definition at line 460 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator* [1/3]

Scalar operator* ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar * Scalar.

Definition at line 426 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator* [2/3]

Scalar operator* ( const Mtbl mi,
const Scalar c1 

Mtbl * Scalar.

Definition at line 530 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator* [3/3]

Scalar operator* ( double  a,
const Scalar c1 

double * Scalar

Definition at line 571 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator+ [1/3]

Scalar operator+ ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar + Scalar.

Definition at line 116 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator+ [2/3]

Scalar operator+ ( const Scalar c1,
const Mtbl mi 

Scalar + Mbtl.

Definition at line 166 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator+ [3/3]

Scalar operator+ ( const Scalar t1,
double  x 

Scalar + double.

Definition at line 210 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator- [1/4]

Scalar operator- ( const Scalar ci)

- Scalar

Definition at line 93 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator- [2/4]

Scalar operator- ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar - Scalar.

Definition at line 273 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator- [3/4]

Scalar operator- ( const Scalar t1,
const Mtbl mi 

Scalar - Mbtl.

Definition at line 323 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator- [4/4]

Scalar operator- ( const Scalar t1,
double  x 

Scalar - double.

Definition at line 363 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator/ [1/5]

Scalar operator/ ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar / Scalar.

Definition at line 640 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator/ [2/5]

Scalar operator/ ( const Scalar c1,
const Mtbl mi 

Scalar / Mtbl.

Definition at line 678 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator/ [3/5]

Scalar operator/ ( const Mtbl mi,
const Scalar c2 

Mtbl / Scalar.

Definition at line 710 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator/ [4/5]

Scalar operator/ ( const Scalar c1,
double  x 

Scalar / double.

Definition at line 744 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator/ [5/5]

Scalar operator/ ( double  x,
const Scalar c2 

double / Scalar

Definition at line 778 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ operator<<

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  ost,
const Scalar ci 


Definition at line 708 of file scalar.C.

◆ operator|

Scalar operator| ( const Scalar c1,
const Scalar c2 

Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing only in r.

Definition at line 494 of file scalar_arithm.C.

◆ pow [1/2]

Scalar pow ( const Scalar ci,
int  n 

Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt int}$.

Definition at line 454 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ pow [2/2]

Scalar pow ( const Scalar ci,
double  x 

Power ${\tt Scalar}^{\tt double}$.

Definition at line 490 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ racine_cubique

Scalar racine_cubique ( const Scalar ci)

Cube root.

Definition at line 296 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ sin

Scalar sin ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 75 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ sqrt

Scalar sqrt ( const Scalar ci)

Square root.

Definition at line 266 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ tan

Scalar tan ( const Scalar ci)


Definition at line 139 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ totalmax

double totalmax ( const Scalar ci)

Maximum values of a Scalar in each domain.

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are the set of the maximum values in each domain.

Definition at line 556 of file scalar_math.C.

◆ totalmin

double totalmin ( const Scalar ci)

Minimum values of a Scalar in each domain.

1-D Tbl of size the number of domains, the elements of which are the set of the minimum values in each domain.

Definition at line 585 of file scalar_math.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cmp

Scalar** Lorene::Tensor::cmp

Array of size n_comp of pointers onto the components.

Definition at line 321 of file tensor.h.

◆ dzpuis

int Lorene::Scalar::dzpuis

Power of r by which the quantity represented by this
must be divided in the compactified external domain (CED) in order to get the correct physical values.

Definition at line 409 of file scalar.h.

◆ etat

int Lorene::Scalar::etat

The logical state ETATNONDEF (undefined), ETATZERO (null), ETATUN (one), or ETATQCQ (ordinary).

Definition at line 402 of file scalar.h.

◆ ind_lap

int Lorene::Scalar::ind_lap

Power of r by which the last computed Laplacian has been multiplied in the compactified external domain.

Definition at line 469 of file scalar.h.

◆ met_depend

const Metric* Lorene::Tensor::met_depend[N_MET_MAX]

Array on the Metric 's which were used to compute derived quantities, like p_derive_cov , etc...

The i-th element of this array is the Metric used to compute the i-th element of p_derive_cov , etc..

Definition at line 333 of file tensor.h.

◆ mp

const Map* const Lorene::Tensor::mp

Mapping on which the numerical values at the grid points are defined.

Definition at line 301 of file tensor.h.

◆ n_comp

int Lorene::Tensor::n_comp

Number of stored components, depending on the symmetry.

Definition at line 318 of file tensor.h.

◆ p_derive_con

Tensor* Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_con[N_MET_MAX]

Array of pointers on the contravariant derivatives of this with respect to various metrics.

See the comments of met_depend . See also the comments of method derive_con() for a precise definition of a "contravariant" derivative.

Definition at line 349 of file tensor.h.

◆ p_derive_cov

Tensor* Lorene::Tensor::p_derive_cov[N_MET_MAX]

Array of pointers on the covariant derivatives of this with respect to various metrics.

See the comments of met_depend . See also the comments of method derive_cov() for the index convention of the covariant derivation.

Definition at line 341 of file tensor.h.

◆ p_divergence

Tensor* Lorene::Tensor::p_divergence[N_MET_MAX]

Array of pointers on the divergence of this with respect to various metrics.

See the comments of met_depend . See also the comments of method divergence() for a precise definition of a the divergence with respect to a given metric.

Definition at line 357 of file tensor.h.

◆ p_dsdr

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdr

Pointer on $\partial/\partial r$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 417 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdradial

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdradial

Pointer on $\partial/\partial radial $ of *this.

Definition at line 461 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdrho

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdrho

Pointer on $\partial/\partial \rho $ of *this.

Definition at line 464 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdt

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdt

Pointer on $\partial/\partial \theta$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 430 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdx

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdx

Pointer on $\partial/\partial x$ of *this , where $x=r\sin\theta \cos\phi$ (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 440 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdy

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdy

Pointer on $\partial/\partial y$ of *this , where $y=r\sin\theta \sin\phi$(0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 445 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_dsdz

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_dsdz

Pointer on $\partial/\partial z$ of *this , where $z=r\cos\theta$ (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 450 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_integ

Tbl* Lorene::Scalar::p_integ

Pointer on the space integral of *this (values in each domain) (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 474 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_lap

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_lap

Pointer on the Laplacian of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 454 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_lapang

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_lapang

Pointer on the Laplacian of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 458 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_srdsdt

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_srdsdt

Pointer on $1/r \partial/\partial \theta$ of *this
(0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 422 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_srstdsdp

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_srstdsdp

Pointer on $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/\partial \phi$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 427 of file scalar.h.

◆ p_stdsdp

Scalar* Lorene::Scalar::p_stdsdp

Pointer on $1/\sin\theta \partial/\partial \phi$ of *this (0x0 if not up to date)

Definition at line 435 of file scalar.h.

◆ triad

const Base_vect* Lorene::Tensor::triad

Vectorial basis (triad) with respect to which the tensor components are defined.

Definition at line 309 of file tensor.h.

◆ type_indice

Itbl Lorene::Tensor::type_indice

1D array of integers (class Itbl ) of size valence
containing the type of each index: COV for a covariant one and CON for a contravariant one.

Definition at line 316 of file tensor.h.

◆ va

Valeur Lorene::Scalar::va

The numerical value of the Scalar.

Definition at line 411 of file scalar.h.

◆ valence

int Lorene::Tensor::valence

Valence of the tensor (0 = scalar, 1 = vector, etc...)

Definition at line 304 of file tensor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: