1 /*
2  * Definition of Lorene class Valeur
3  *
4  */
6 /*
7  * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Jean-Alain Marck
8  * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Eric Gourgoulhon
9  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Philippe Grandclement
10  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Jerome Novak
11  * Copyright (c) 2001 Keisuke Taniguchi
12  *
13  * This file is part of LORENE.
14  *
15  * LORENE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18  * (at your option) any later version.
19  *
20  * LORENE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23  * GNU General Public License for more details.
24  *
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  * along with LORENE; if not, write to the Free Software
27  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
28  *
29  */
32 #ifndef __VALEUR_H_
33 #define __VALEUR_H_
35 /*
36  * $Id: valeur.h,v 1.23 2023/05/24 09:52:02 g_servignat Exp $
37  * $Log: valeur.h,v $
38  * Revision 1.23 2023/05/24 09:52:02 g_servignat
39  * Added multiplication by \xi in a given shell, and dealiasing product in angular direction only
40  *
41  * Revision 1.22 2021/11/24 13:12:17 g_servignat
42  * Addition of new method mult_xm1_shell(int) to multiply by (\xi +1) in a given shell.
43  *
44  * Revision 1.21 2021/11/22 15:19:45 j_novak
45  * Addition of new method mult_xm1_shell(int) to multiply by (\xi -1) in a
46  * given shell.
47  *
48  * Revision 1.20 2014/10/13 08:52:37 j_novak
49  * Lorene classes and functions now belong to the namespace Lorene.
50  *
51  * Revision 1.19 2014/10/06 15:09:40 j_novak
52  * Modified #include directives to use c++ syntax.
53  *
54  * Revision 1.18 2013/06/05 15:06:10 j_novak
55  * Legendre bases are treated as standard bases, when the multi-grid
56  * (Mg3d) is built with BASE_LEG.
57  *
58  * Revision 1.17 2013/01/11 15:44:54 j_novak
59  * Addition of Legendre bases (part 2).
60  *
61  * Revision 1.16 2012/01/18 14:43:42 j_penner
62  * added a routine to return the computational coordinate xi as a Valeur
63  *
64  * Revision 1.15 2012/01/17 10:17:23 j_penner
65  * functions added: Heaviside
66  *
67  * Revision 1.14 2005/11/17 15:18:46 e_gourgoulhon
68  * Added Valeur + Mtbl and Valeur - Mtbl.
69  *
70  * Revision 1.13 2005/10/25 08:56:34 p_grandclement
71  * addition of std_spectral_base in the case of odd functions near the origin
72  *
73  * Revision 1.12 2004/11/23 12:46:04 f_limousin
74  * Add functiun filtre_tp(int nn, int nz1, int nz2).
75  *
76  * Revision 1.11 2004/08/24 09:14:40 p_grandclement
77  * Addition of some new operators, like Poisson in 2d... It now requieres the
78  * GSL library to work.
79  *
80  * Also, the way a variable change is stored by a Param_elliptic is changed and
81  * no longer uses Change_var but rather 2 Scalars. The codes using that feature
82  * will requiere some modification. (It should concern only the ones about monopoles)
83  *
84  * Revision 1.10 2004/07/06 13:36:27 j_novak
85  * Added methods for desaliased product (operator |) only in r direction.
86  *
87  * Revision 1.9 2004/03/22 13:12:44 j_novak
88  * Modification of comments to use doxygen instead of doc++
89  *
90  * Revision 1.8 2003/11/06 14:43:37 e_gourgoulhon
91  * Gave a name to const arguments in certain method prototypes (e.g.
92  * constructors) to correct a bug of DOC++.
93  *
94  * Revision 1.7 2003/10/19 19:48:31 e_gourgoulhon
95  * Introduced new method display_coef.
96  *
97  * Revision 1.6 2003/10/13 20:48:52 e_gourgoulhon
98  * Added new method get_base() (to prepare the encapsulation of the member
99  * base).
100  *
101  * Revision 1.5 2003/09/23 08:52:53 e_gourgoulhon
102  * Added Scalar as a friend class.
103  *
104  * Revision 1.4 2002/10/16 14:36:30 j_novak
105  * Reorganization of #include instructions of standard C++, in order to
106  * use experimental version 3 of gcc.
107  *
108  * Revision 1.3 2002/09/13 09:17:33 j_novak
109  * Modif. commentaires
110  *
111  * Revision 1.2 2002/06/17 14:05:17 j_novak
112  * friend functions are now also declared outside the class definition
113  *
114  * Revision 2001/11/20 15:19:27 e_gourgoulhon
115  * LORENE
116  *
117  * Revision 2.51 2001/05/29 16:11:58 eric
118  * Modif commentaires (mise en conformite Doc++ 3.4.7).
119  *
120  * Revision 2.50 2001/05/26 14:49:37 eric
121  * Ajout de l'operator% : produit de deux Valeur avec desaliasage.
122  *
123  * Revision 2.49 2001/01/16 15:09:13 keisuke
124  * Change the argument of the function smooth.
125  *
126  * Revision 2.48 2001/01/16 14:54:01 keisuke
127  * Ajout de la fonction smooth.
128  *
129  * Revision 2.47 2000/11/10 13:31:53 eric
130  * Ajout de la fonction equipot_outward.
131  *
132  * Revision 2.46 2000/09/11 13:52:39 eric
133  * Ajout des methodes mult_cp() et mult_sp() ainsi que des membres associes
134  * p_mult_cp et p_mult_sp
135  *
136  * Revision 2.45 2000/09/08 11:43:26 eric
137  * Modif commentaires.
138  *
139  * Revision 2.44 2000/09/08 10:07:02 eric
140  * Ajout des methodes set_base_r, etc...
141  *
142  * Revision 2.43 2000/08/04 11:53:59 eric
143  * Ajout de l'operateur (int l) et de la fonction set(int l) pour l'acces
144  * individuel aux Tbl.
145  *
146  * Revision 2.42 1999/12/29 13:19:51 eric
147  * Modif commentaires.
148  *
149  * Revision 2.41 1999/12/29 13:11:08 eric
150  * Ajout de la fonction val_point_jk.
151  *
152  * Revision 2.40 1999/12/20 16:35:47 eric
153  * Ajout de la fonction set_base.
154  *
155  * Revision 2.39 1999/12/10 16:19:40 eric
156  * Modif commentaires.
157  *
158  * Revision 2.38 1999/12/10 16:11:13 eric
159  * Fonction set: suppression de l'appel a set_etat_c_qcq() pour
160  * augmenter l'efficacite.
161  *
162  * Revision 2.37 1999/12/07 14:52:43 eric
163  * Changement ordre des arguments (phi,theta,xi) --> (xi,theta,phi)
164  * dans la routine val_point.
165  *
166  * Revision 2.36 1999/12/06 16:46:46 eric
167  * Ajout de la fonction val_point.
168  *
169  * Revision 2.35 1999/11/30 12:41:21 eric
170  * Le membre base est desormais un objet de type Base_val et non plus
171  * un pointeur vers une Base_val.
172  *
173  * Revision 2.34 1999/11/29 10:25:32 eric
174  * Ajout de Valeur/Mtbl et Mtbl / Valeur dans l'arithmetique.
175  *
176  * Revision 2.33 1999/11/29 10:05:47 eric
177  * Ajout de Valeur*Mtbl dans l'arithmetique.
178  *
179  * Revision 2.32 1999/11/23 16:15:24 eric
180  * Suppression du membre statique Valeur_Zero.
181  * Suppression du constructeur par defaut.
182  *
183  * Revision 2.31 1999/11/23 14:30:47 novak
184  * Ajout des membres mult_ct et mult_st
185  *
186  * Revision 2.30 1999/11/22 15:40:48 eric
187  * Ajout des operateurs set(l,k,j,i) et (l,k,j,i).
188  * Ajout de la fonction annule(int l).
189  *
190  * Revision 2.29 1999/11/19 11:21:48 eric
191  * Ajout du membre p_stdsdp et de la fonction correspondante stdsdp().
192  *
193  * Revision 2.28 1999/11/19 09:28:38 eric
194  * Les valeurs de retour des operateurs differentiels sont desormais
195  * const Valeur &
196  * et non plus Valeur.
197  * Le laplacien angulaire (lapang) a desormais le meme statut que les
198  * autres operateurs differentiels.
199  *
200  * Revision 2.27 1999/11/16 13:09:48 novak
201  * Ajout de mult_x et scost
202  *
203  * Revision 2.26 1999/11/09 15:24:08 phil
204  * ajout de la fonction mathematique calculant la racine cubique
205  *
206  * Revision 2.25 1999/10/29 15:14:33 eric
207  * Ajout de fonctions mathematiques (abs, norme, etc...).
208  *
209  * Revision 2.24 1999/10/27 08:48:46 eric
210  * La classe Cmp est desormais amie (pour que Cmp::del_t() puisse appeler
211  * Valeur::del_t()).
212  *
213  * Revision 2.23 1999/10/21 14:21:06 eric
214  * Constructeur par lecture de fichier.
215  *
216  * Revision 2.22 1999/10/20 15:38:52 eric
217  * *** empty log message ***
218  *
219  * Revision 2.21 1999/10/20 15:31:04 eric
220  * Ajout de l'arithmetique.
221  *
222  * Revision 2.20 1999/10/19 15:30:24 eric
223  * Ajout de la fonction affiche_seuil.
224  *
225  * Revision 2.19 1999/10/18 15:07:02 eric
226  * La fonction membre annule() est rebaptisee annule_hard().
227  * Introduction de la fonction membre annule(int, int).
228  *
229  * Revision 2.18 1999/10/18 13:39:38 eric
230  * Routines de derivation --> const
231  * Suppression de sxdsdx (non implemente).
232  *
233  * Revision 2.17 1999/10/13 15:49:57 eric
234  * Depoussierage.
235  * Documentation.
236  *
237  * Revision 2.16 1999/09/14 17:17:47 phil
238  * *** empty log message ***
239  *
240  * Revision 2.15 1999/09/14 17:15:38 phil
241  * ajout de Valeur operator* (double, const Valeur&)
242  *
243  * Revision 2.14 1999/09/13 14:53:26 phil
244  * *** empty log message ***
245  *
246  * Revision 2.13 1999/09/13 14:17:52 phil
247  * ajout de Valeur friend operator+ (Valeur, Valeur)
248  *
249  * Revision 2.12 1999/04/26 16:24:23 phil
250  * ajout de mult2_xm1_zec()
251  *
252  * Revision 2.11 1999/04/26 16:12:45 phil
253  * ajout de mult_xm1_zec()
254  *
255  * Revision 2.10 1999/04/26 15:48:11 phil
256  * ajout de sxm1_zec()
257  *
258  * Revision 2.9 1999/04/26 12:57:24 phil
259  * ajout de lapang()
260  *
261  * Revision 2.8 1999/04/13 16:44:55 phil
262  * ajout de ylm_i()
263  *
264  * Revision 2.7 1999/04/13 16:31:46 phil
265  * *** empty log message ***
266  *
267  * Revision 2.6 1999/04/13 16:26:08 phil
268  * ajout ylm
269  *
270  * Revision 2.5 1999/02/24 15:24:34 hyc
271  * *** empty log message ***
272  *
273  * Revision 2.4 1999/02/23 15:55:46 hyc
274  * *** empty log message ***
275  *
276  *
277  * $Header: /cvsroot/Lorene/C++/Include/valeur.h,v 1.23 2023/05/24 09:52:02 g_servignat Exp $
278  *
279  */
281 // Fichier includes
282 #include <cstdio>
284 #include "mtbl.h"
285 #include "mtbl_cf.h"
287 namespace Lorene {
288 class Coord ;
289 class Itbl ;
297 class Valeur {
299  // Data :
300  // -----
301  private:
302  const Mg3d* mg ;
305  int etat ;
307  public:
309  mutable Mtbl* c ;
312  mutable Mtbl_cf* c_cf ;
317  // Derived data :
318  // ------------
319  private:
320  mutable Valeur* p_dsdx ;
321  mutable Valeur* p_d2sdx2 ;
322  mutable Valeur* p_sx ;
323  mutable Valeur* p_sx2 ;
324  mutable Valeur* p_mult_x ;
326  mutable Valeur* p_dsdt ;
327  mutable Valeur* p_d2sdt2 ;
328  mutable Valeur* p_ssint ;
329  mutable Valeur* p_scost ;
330  mutable Valeur* p_mult_ct ;
331  mutable Valeur* p_mult_st ;
333  mutable Valeur* p_dsdp ;
334  mutable Valeur* p_stdsdp ;
335  mutable Valeur* p_d2sdp2 ;
336  mutable Valeur* p_mult_cp ;
337  mutable Valeur* p_mult_sp ;
339  mutable Valeur* p_lapang ;
341  // Constructors - Destructor
342  // -------------------------
344  public:
345  explicit Valeur(const Mg3d& mgrid) ;
346  explicit Valeur(const Mg3d* p_mgrid) ;
349  Valeur(const Mg3d&, FILE* ) ;
351  Valeur(const Valeur& ) ;
352  ~Valeur() ;
354  // Assignement
355  // -----------
356  public:
357  void operator=(const Valeur& a) ;
358  void operator=(const Mtbl& mt) ;
359  void operator=(const Mtbl_cf& mtcf) ;
360  void operator=(double ) ;
362  // Access to individual elements
363  // -----------------------------
364  public:
373  Tbl& set(int l) {
374  assert(l < mg->get_nzone()) ;
375  assert(etat == ETATQCQ) ;
376  if (c == 0x0) {
377  coef_i() ;
378  }
379  if (c_cf != 0x0) {
380  delete c_cf ;
381  c_cf = 0 ;
382  }
383  return c->set(l) ;
384  };
391  const Tbl& operator()(int l) const {
392  assert(l < mg->get_nzone()) ;
393  assert(etat == ETATQCQ) ;
394  if (c == 0x0) {
395  coef_i() ;
396  }
397  return (*c)(l) ;
398  };
411  double& set(int l, int k, int j, int i) {
412  assert(l < mg->get_nzone()) ;
413  assert(etat == ETATQCQ) ;
414  if (c == 0x0) {
415  coef_i() ;
416  }
417  if (c_cf != 0x0) {
418  delete c_cf ;
419  c_cf = 0 ;
420  }
421  return c->set(l, k, j, i) ;
422  };
431  double operator()(int l, int k, int j, int i) const {
432  assert(etat != ETATNONDEF) ;
433  assert(l < mg->get_nzone()) ;
434  if (etat == ETATZERO) {
435  double zero = 0. ;
436  return zero ;
437  }
438  else{
439  if (c == 0x0) {
440  coef_i() ;
441  }
442  return (*c)(l, k, j, i) ;
443  }
444  };
455  double val_point(int l, double x, double theta, double phi) const ;
468  double val_point_jk(int l, double x, int j, int k) const ;
471  // Operations on coefficients
472  // --------------------------
473  public:
474  void coef() const ;
475  void coef_i() const ;
476  void ylm() ;
477  void ylm_i() ;
483  void val_propre_1d() ;
487  void val_propre_1d_i() ;
490  const Base_val& get_base() const {return base; } ;
493  void set_base(const Base_val& ) ;
498  void std_base_scal() ;
503  void std_base_scal_odd() ;
514  void set_base_r(int l, int base_r) ;
524  void set_base_t(int base_t) ;
534  void set_base_p(int base_p) ;
540  void filtre_tp(int nn, int nz1, int nz2) ;
544  // Differential operators
545  // ----------------------
546  public:
548  const Valeur& dsdx() const ;
550  const Valeur& d2sdx2() const ;
553  const Valeur& dsdt() const ;
555  const Valeur& d2sdt2() const ;
557  const Valeur& ssint() const ;
559  const Valeur& scost() const ;
561  const Valeur& mult_ct() const ;
563  const Valeur& mult_st() const ;
566  const Valeur& dsdp() const ;
568  const Valeur& stdsdp() const ;
570  const Valeur& d2sdp2() const ;
572  const Valeur& mult_cp() const ;
574  const Valeur& mult_sp() const ;
577  const Valeur& lapang() const ;
583  const Valeur& sx() const ;
589  const Valeur& sx2() const ;
595  const Valeur& mult_x() const ;
601  void sxm1_zec() ;
609  void mult_xm1_shell(int index) ;
617  void mult_xp1_shell(int index) ;
625  void mult_x_shell(int index) ;
631  void mult_xm1_zec() ;
637  void mult2_xm1_zec() ;
643  void va_x() ;
646  // Outputs
647  // -------
648  public:
649  void sauve(FILE *) const ;
659  void display_coef(double threshold = 1.e-7, int precision = 4,
660  ostream& ostr = cout) const ;
671  void affiche_seuil(ostream& ostr, int type = 0, int precision = 4,
672  double threshold = 1.e-7) const ;
675  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& , const Valeur& ) ;
677  // Memory management
678  // -----------------
679  private:
680  void nouveau() ;
681  void del_t() ;
682  void del_deriv() ;
683  void set_der_0x0() ;
685  // State manipulations
686  public:
693  void set_etat_nondef() ;
700  void set_etat_zero() ;
712  void set_etat_c_qcq() ;
724  void set_etat_cf_qcq() ;
734  void annule_hard() ;
741  void annule(int l) ;
753  void annule(int l_min, int l_max) ;
756  // Extraction of information
757  // -------------------------
758  public:
760  int get_etat() const {return etat ; };
763  const Mg3d* get_mg() const { return mg ; };
765  // Member arithmetics
766  // ------------------
767  public:
768  void operator+=(const Valeur& ) ;
769  void operator-=(const Valeur& ) ;
770  void operator*=(const Valeur& ) ;
772  // Miscellaneous
773  // -------------
774  public:
809  void equipot(double uu0, int nz_search, double precis, int nitermax,
810  int& niter, Itbl& l_iso, Tbl& xi_iso) const ;
845  void equipot_outward(double uu0, int nz_search, double precis,
846  int nitermax, int& niter, Itbl& l_iso,
847  Tbl& xi_iso) const ;
857  void smooth(int nzet, Valeur& uuva) const ;
859  friend class Cmp ;
860  friend class Scalar ;
861  friend void rotate_propre_pair (Valeur&, bool) ;
862  friend void rotate_propre_impair (Valeur&, bool) ;
863 };
864 ostream& operator<<(ostream& , const Valeur& ) ;
871 Valeur operator+(const Valeur& ) ;
872 Valeur operator-(const Valeur& ) ;
873 Valeur operator+(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
874 Valeur operator+(const Valeur&, const Mtbl& ) ;
875 Valeur operator+(const Mtbl&, const Valeur& ) ;
876 Valeur operator+(const Valeur&, double ) ;
877 Valeur operator+(double, const Valeur& ) ;
878 Valeur operator+(const Valeur&, int ) ;
879 Valeur operator+(int, const Valeur& ) ;
880 Valeur operator-(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
881 Valeur operator-(const Valeur&, const Mtbl& ) ;
882 Valeur operator-(const Mtbl&, const Valeur& ) ;
883 Valeur operator-(const Valeur&, double ) ;
884 Valeur operator-(double, const Valeur& ) ;
885 Valeur operator-(const Valeur&, int ) ;
886 Valeur operator-(int, const Valeur& ) ;
887 Valeur operator*(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
890 Valeur operator%(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
893 Valeur operator&(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
896 Valeur operator|(const Valeur&, const Valeur& ) ;
898 Valeur operator*(const Valeur&, double ) ;
899 Valeur operator*(double, const Valeur& ) ;
900 Valeur operator*(const Valeur&, int ) ;
901 Valeur operator*(int, const Valeur& ) ;
902 Valeur operator*(const Valeur& a, const Mtbl& b) ;
903 Valeur operator*(const Mtbl& b, const Valeur& a) ;
904 Valeur operator*(const Valeur& a, const Coord& c) ;
905 Valeur operator*(const Coord& c, const Valeur& a) ;
906 Valeur operator/(const Valeur& a, const Valeur& b) ;
907 Valeur operator/(const Valeur&, double ) ;
908 Valeur operator/(double, const Valeur& ) ;
909 Valeur operator/(const Valeur&, int ) ;
910 Valeur operator/(int, const Valeur& ) ;
911 Valeur operator/(const Valeur& a, const Mtbl& b) ;
912 Valeur operator/(const Mtbl& b, const Valeur& a) ;
914 Valeur sin(const Valeur& ) ;
915 Valeur cos(const Valeur& ) ;
916 Valeur tan(const Valeur& ) ;
917 Valeur asin(const Valeur& ) ;
918 Valeur acos(const Valeur& ) ;
919 Valeur atan(const Valeur& ) ;
920 Valeur exp(const Valeur& ) ;
921 Valeur Heaviside(const Valeur& ) ;
922 Valeur log(const Valeur& ) ;
923 Valeur log10(const Valeur& ) ;
924 Valeur sqrt(const Valeur& ) ;
925 Valeur pow(const Valeur& , int ) ;
926 Valeur pow(const Valeur& , double ) ;
927 Valeur abs(const Valeur& ) ;
928 Valeur racine_cubique (const Valeur&) ;
935 double totalmax(const Valeur& ) ;
942 double totalmin(const Valeur& ) ;
950 Tbl max(const Valeur& ) ;
958 Tbl min(const Valeur& ) ;
966 Tbl norme(const Valeur& ) ;
977 Tbl diffrel(const Valeur& a, const Valeur& b) ;
988 Tbl diffrelmax(const Valeur& a, const Valeur& b) ;
993 }
994 #endif
void std_base_scal_odd()
Sets the bases for spectral expansions (member base ) to the standard odd ones for a scalar...
Definition: valeur.C:833
friend void rotate_propre_pair(Valeur &, bool)
Friend fonction.
const Valeur & dsdt() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_dsdt.C:115
Cmp log(const Cmp &)
Neperian logarithm.
Definition: cmp_math.C:299
void equipot(double uu0, int nz_search, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter, Itbl &l_iso, Tbl &xi_iso) const
Determines an equipotential surface of the field represented by *this (inward search).
Mtbl_cf * c_cf
Coefficients of the spectral expansion of the function.
Definition: valeur.h:312
Cmp asin(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:147
const Valeur & dsdx() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_dsdx.C:114
Valeur * p_dsdt
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:326
Component of a tensorial field *** DEPRECATED : use class Scalar instead ***.
Definition: cmp.h:446
Cmp exp(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:273
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Valeur &)
Definition: valeur.C:499
void operator+=(const Valeur &)
+= Valeur
Valeur * p_d2sdt2
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:327
const Valeur & lapang() const
Returns the angular Laplacian of *this.
Definition: valeur_lapang.C:75
Valeur * p_sx
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:322
void ylm_i()
Inverse of ylm()
Definition: valeur_ylm_i.C:134
Valeur * p_ssint
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:328
void set_etat_cf_qcq()
Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state) for values in the configuration space (Mtbl_cf c_c...
Definition: valeur.C:715
void coef() const
Computes the coeffcients of *this.
Definition: valeur_coef.C:151
Cmp sqrt(const Cmp &)
Square root.
Definition: cmp_math.C:223
Valeur * p_dsdp
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:333
const Valeur & mult_sp() const
Returns applied to *this.
void set_etat_zero()
Sets the logical state to ETATZERO (zero).
Definition: valeur.C:692
Multi-domain array.
Definition: mtbl.h:118
void mult_x_shell(int index)
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, UNSURR ) \ (r -sampling = FIN ) \...
Lorene prototypes.
Definition: app_hor.h:67
void ylm()
Computes the coefficients of *this.
Definition: valeur_ylm.C:141
void annule_hard()
Sets the Valeur to zero in a hard way.
Definition: valeur.C:726
Cmp racine_cubique(const Cmp &)
Cube root.
Definition: cmp_math.C:248
Tensor field of valence 0 (or component of a tensorial field).
Definition: scalar.h:393
const Valeur & dsdp() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_dsdp.C:101
Base_val operator*(const Base_val &, const Base_val &)
This operator is used when calling multiplication or division of Valeur .
Valeur * p_scost
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:329
void coef_i() const
Computes the physical value of *this.
void display_coef(double threshold=1.e-7, int precision=4, ostream &ostr=cout) const
Displays the spectral coefficients and the associated basis functions.
Definition: valeur.C:539
void mult_xm1_zec()
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
Basic integer array class.
Definition: itbl.h:122
const Valeur & sx() const
Returns (r -sampling = RARE ) \ Id (r sampling = FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
Definition: valeur_sx.C:113
const Valeur & d2sdp2() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_d2sdp2.C:95
Values and coefficients of a (real-value) function.
Definition: valeur.h:297
void mult2_xm1_zec()
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
Cmp operator%(const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
Cmp * Cmp with desaliasing.
Definition: cmp_arithm.C:367
Cmp operator/(const Cmp &, const Cmp &)
Cmp / Cmp.
Definition: cmp_arithm.C:460
void annule(int l)
Sets the Valeur to zero in a given domain.
Definition: valeur.C:747
Tbl min(const Cmp &)
Minimum values of a Cmp in each domain.
Definition: cmp_math.C:461
Scalar operator|(const Scalar &, const Scalar &)
Scalar * Scalar with desaliasing only in r.
void set_base(const Base_val &)
Sets the bases for spectral expansions (member base )
Definition: valeur.C:813
Cmp cos(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:97
void smooth(int nzet, Valeur &uuva) const
Changes the function *this as a smooth one when there exists a discontinuity between the nucleus and ...
Definition: valeur_smooth.C:80
Tbl diffrel(const Cmp &a, const Cmp &b)
Relative difference between two Cmp (norme version).
Definition: cmp_math.C:507
void std_base_scal()
Sets the bases for spectral expansions (member base ) to the standard ones for a scalar.
Definition: valeur.C:827
const Valeur & d2sdx2() const
Returns of *this.
const Mg3d * get_mg() const
Returns the Mg3d on which the this is defined.
Definition: valeur.h:763
Cmp tan(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:123
int get_etat() const
Returns the logical state.
Definition: valeur.h:760
const Valeur & mult_x() const
Returns (r -sampling = RARE ) \ Id (r sampling = FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
void mult_xp1_shell(int index)
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, UNSURR ) \ (r -sampling = FIN ) \...
double operator()(int l, int k, int j, int i) const
Read-only of a particular element (configuration space).
Definition: valeur.h:431
const Mg3d * mg
Multi-grid Mgd3 on which this is defined.
Definition: valeur.h:302
const Valeur & scost() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_scost.C:102
Tbl norme(const Cmp &)
Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Cmp in each domain.
Definition: cmp_math.C:484
double val_point(int l, double x, double theta, double phi) const
Computes the value of the field represented by *this at an arbitrary point, by means of the spectral ...
Definition: valeur.C:885
Valeur * p_dsdx
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:320
Cmp atan(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:198
void sauve(FILE *) const
Save in a file.
Definition: valeur.C:478
const Valeur & ssint() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_ssint.C:115
void set_etat_nondef()
Sets the logical state to ETATNONDEF (undefined).
Definition: valeur.C:698
Cmp operator+(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_arithm.C:107
void del_t()
Logical destructor.
Definition: valeur.C:629
void nouveau()
Memory allocation.
Definition: valeur.C:620
Base_val base
Bases on which the spectral expansion is performed.
Definition: valeur.h:315
void filtre_tp(int nn, int nz1, int nz2)
Sets the n lasts coefficients in to 0 in the domain nz1 to nz2 when expressed in spherical harmonics...
Definition: valeur.C:927
friend void rotate_propre_impair(Valeur &, bool)
Friend fonction.
Mtbl * c
Values of the function at the points of the multi-grid.
Definition: valeur.h:309
void affiche_seuil(ostream &ostr, int type=0, int precision=4, double threshold=1.e-7) const
Prints only the values greater than a given threshold.
Definition: valeur.C:561
const Valeur & sx2() const
Returns (r -sampling = RARE ) \ Id (r sampling = FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
Definition: valeur_sx2.C:117
const Valeur & stdsdp() const
Returns of *this.
Definition: valeur_stdsdp.C:63
Valeur(const Mg3d &mgrid)
Definition: valeur.C:203
const Valeur & mult_st() const
Returns applied to *this.
Tbl max(const Cmp &)
Maximum values of a Cmp in each domain.
Definition: cmp_math.C:438
double totalmax(const Mtbl &)
Maximum value of the Mtbl elements in all domains.
Definition: mtbl_math.C:497
double val_point_jk(int l, double x, int j, int k) const
Computes the value of the field represented by *this at an arbitrary point in , but collocation point...
Definition: valeur.C:903
Cmp pow(const Cmp &, int)
Power .
Definition: cmp_math.C:351
void val_propre_1d()
Set the basis to the eigenvalues of .
Valeur * p_mult_st
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:331
Active physical coordinates and mapping derivatives.
Definition: coord.h:90
Valeur * p_d2sdx2
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:321
Tbl & set(int l)
Read/write of the Tbl in a given domain.
Definition: mtbl.h:221
Valeur * p_mult_cp
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:336
double totalmin(const Mtbl &)
Minimum value of the Mtbl elements in all domain.
Definition: mtbl_math.C:525
void operator=(const Valeur &a)
Assignement to another Valeur.
Definition: valeur.C:330
void mult_xm1_shell(int index)
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, UNSURR ) \ (r -sampling = FIN ) \...
Multi-domain grid.
Definition: grilles.h:279
void val_propre_1d_i()
Inverse transformation of val_propre_1d.
Bases of the spectral expansions.
Definition: base_val.h:325
Valeur operator &(const Valeur &, const Valeur &)
Valeur * Valeur with desaliasing only in and direction.
void set_base_r(int l, int base_r)
Sets the expansion basis for r ( ) functions in a given domain.
Definition: valeur.C:839
void operator-=(const Valeur &)
-= Valeur
const Tbl & operator()(int l) const
Read-only of the value in a given domain (configuration space).
Definition: valeur.h:391
void va_x()
Returns (r -sampling = RARE ) \ (r sampling = FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR )
Definition: valeur_x.C:43
const Valeur & mult_cp() const
Returns applied to *this.
Valeur * p_lapang
Pointer on the angular Laplacian.
Definition: valeur.h:339
Valeur * p_mult_ct
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:330
void set_base_p(int base_p)
Sets the expansion basis for functions in all domains.
Definition: valeur.C:865
Cmp log10(const Cmp &)
Basis 10 logarithm.
Definition: cmp_math.C:325
Valeur * p_sx2
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:323
Cmp acos(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:172
Cmp abs(const Cmp &)
Absolute value.
Definition: cmp_math.C:413
void operator*=(const Valeur &)
*= Valeur
void equipot_outward(double uu0, int nz_search, double precis, int nitermax, int &niter, Itbl &l_iso, Tbl &xi_iso) const
Determines an equipotential surface of the field represented by *this (outward search).
Valeur * p_d2sdp2
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:335
Coefficients storage for the multi-domain spectral method.
Definition: mtbl_cf.h:196
const Valeur & mult_ct() const
Returns applied to *this.
void set_etat_c_qcq()
Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state) for values in the configuration space (Mtbl c )...
Definition: valeur.C:704
void set_base_t(int base_t)
Sets the expansion basis for functions in all domains.
Definition: valeur.C:852
Cmp operator-(const Cmp &)
- Cmp
Definition: cmp_arithm.C:111
int etat
Definition: valeur.h:305
Cmp sin(const Cmp &)
Definition: cmp_math.C:72
Mtbl Heaviside(const Mtbl &)
Heaviside function.
Definition: mtbl_math.C:320
Basic array class.
Definition: tbl.h:164
void sxm1_zec()
Applies the following operator to *this : \ Id (r sampling = RARE, FIN ) \ (r -sampling = UNSURR ) ...
void del_deriv()
Logical destructor of the derivatives.
Definition: valeur.C:641
Valeur * p_mult_sp
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:337
Valeur * p_stdsdp
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:334
Definition: valeur.C:300
void set_der_0x0()
Sets the pointers for derivatives to 0x0.
Definition: valeur.C:668
Valeur * p_mult_x
Pointer on .
Definition: valeur.h:324
const Valeur & d2sdt2() const
Returns of *this.
Tbl diffrelmax(const Cmp &a, const Cmp &b)
Relative difference between two Cmp (max version).
Definition: cmp_math.C:542
const Base_val & get_base() const
Return the bases for spectral expansions (member base )
Definition: valeur.h:490