1 /*
2  * Methods of class Base_val
3  *
4  * (see file base_val.h for documentation)
5  *
6  */
8 /*
9  * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Jean-Alain Marck
10  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Eric Gourgoulhon
11  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Philippe Grandclement
12  *
13  * This file is part of LORENE.
14  *
15  * LORENE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18  * (at your option) any later version.
19  *
20  * LORENE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23  * GNU General Public License for more details.
24  *
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  * along with LORENE; if not, write to the Free Software
27  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
28  *
29  */
34 /*
35  * $Id: base_val.C,v 1.18 2016/12/05 16:17:44 j_novak Exp $
36  * $Log: base_val.C,v $
37  * Revision 1.18 2016/12/05 16:17:44 j_novak
38  * Suppression of some global variables (file names, loch, ...) to prevent redefinitions
39  *
40  * Revision 1.17 2014/10/13 08:52:38 j_novak
41  * Lorene classes and functions now belong to the namespace Lorene.
42  *
43  * Revision 1.16 2014/10/06 15:12:56 j_novak
44  * Modified #include directives to use c++ syntax.
45  *
46  * Revision 1.15 2013/01/11 08:20:11 j_novak
47  * New radial spectral bases with Legendre polynomials (R_LEG, R_LEGP, R_LEGI).
48  *
49  * Revision 1.14 2012/01/17 14:44:19 j_penner
50  * Modified phi variables to only use 16 integers in arrays
51  *
52  * Revision 1.13 2009/10/23 12:55:16 j_novak
53  * New base T_LEG_MI
54  *
55  * Revision 1.12 2009/10/08 16:20:13 j_novak
56  * Addition of new bases T_COS and T_SIN.
57  *
58  * Revision 1.11 2008/08/19 06:41:59 j_novak
59  * Minor modifications to avoid warnings with gcc 4.3. Most of them concern
60  * cast-type operations, and constant strings that must be defined as const char*
61  *
62  * Revision 1.10 2008/02/18 13:53:38 j_novak
63  * Removal of special indentation instructions.
64  *
65  * Revision 1.9 2007/12/11 15:28:09 jl_cornou
66  * Jacobi(0,2) polynomials partially implemented
67  *
68  * Revision 1.8 2004/12/17 13:35:01 m_forot
69  * Add the case T_LEG
70  *
71  * Revision 1.7 2004/11/04 15:19:02 e_gourgoulhon
72  * operator<< : added names R_CHEBPI_P, R_CHEBPI_I, T_COSSIN_C, T_COSSIN_S.
73  *
74  * Revision 1.6 2004/08/24 09:14:41 p_grandclement
75  * Addition of some new operators, like Poisson in 2d... It now requieres the
76  * GSL library to work.
77  *
78  * Also, the way a variable change is stored by a Param_elliptic is changed and
79  * no longer uses Change_var but rather 2 Scalars. The codes using that feature
80  * will requiere some modification. (It should concern only the ones about monopoles)
81  *
82  * Revision 1.5 2003/09/16 08:54:09 j_novak
83  * Addition of the T_LEG_II base (odd in theta, only for odd m) and the
84  * transformation functions to and from the T_SIN_P base.
85  *
86  * Revision 1.4 2002/11/13 15:05:59 j_novak
87  * Affichage de la base T_COS
88  *
89  * Revision 1.3 2002/10/16 14:36:30 j_novak
90  * Reorganization of #include instructions of standard C++, in order to
91  * use experimental version 3 of gcc.
92  *
93  * Revision 1.2 2001/12/04 21:27:52 e_gourgoulhon
94  *
95  * All writing/reading to a binary file are now performed according to
96  * the big endian convention, whatever the system is big endian or
97  * small endian, thanks to the functions fwrite_be and fread_be
98  *
99  * Revision 2001/11/20 15:19:28 e_gourgoulhon
100  * LORENE
101  *
102  * Revision 2.8 2000/09/28 10:20:19 eric
103  * Affichage: nouvelles bases T_LEG_IP et T_LEG_PI.
104  *
105  * Revision 2.7 2000/09/08 10:06:45 eric
106  * Ajout des methodes set_base_r, etc...
107  *
108  * Revision 2.6 1999/12/28 12:57:26 eric
109  * Reorganisation des headers.
110  *
111  * Revision 2.5 1999/10/12 10:02:51 eric
112  * Implementation de sauve().
113  * Modif de << : affichage du nom des bases et non plus de leur numero.
114  *
115  * Revision 2.4 1999/10/01 15:56:21 eric
116  * Depoussierage.
117  * Documentation.
118  *
119  * Revision 2.3 1999/09/13 14:57:06 phil
120  * ajout de l'operateur ==
121  *
122  * Revision 2.2 1999/03/02 15:22:23 eric
123  * Affichage des bases.
124  *
125  * Revision 2.1 1999/03/01 14:54:01 eric
126  * *** empty log message ***
127  *
128  * Revision 2.0 1999/02/22 15:19:20 hyc
129  * *** empty log message ***
130  *
131  *
132  * $Header: /cvsroot/Lorene/C++/Source/Base_val/base_val.C,v 1.18 2016/12/05 16:17:44 j_novak Exp $
133  *
134  */
136 // Headers C
137 #include <cstdio>
138 #include <cassert>
140 // Headers Lorene
141 #include "headcpp.h"
142 #include "type_parite.h"
143 #include "base_val.h"
144 #include "utilitaires.h"
147  //---------------//
148  // Constructeurs //
149  //---------------//
151 // Constructeur
152 namespace Lorene {
153 Base_val::Base_val(int n) : nzone(n) {
154  b = new int[nzone] ;
155  for (int i=0 ; i<nzone ; i++) { // Boucle sur les zones
156  b[i] = NONDEF ;
157  }
158 }
160 // Copie
161 Base_val::Base_val(const Base_val & bi) : nzone(bi.nzone) {
162  b = new int[nzone] ;
163  for (int i=0 ; i<nzone ; i++) { // Boucle sur les zones
164  b[i] = bi.b[i] ;
165  }
166 }
168 // From file
170  fread_be(&nzone, sizeof(int), 1, fd) ; // nzone
171  b = new int[nzone] ;
172  fread_be(b, sizeof(int), nzone, fd) ; // b[]
173 }
175  //--------------//
176  // Destructeurs //
177  //--------------//
179 // Destructeur
181  delete [] b ;
182 }
184  //-------------//
185  // Affectation //
186  //-------------//
188 void Base_val::set_base_r(int l, int base_r) {
190  assert( (l>=0) && (l<nzone) ) ;
192  int base_t = b[l] & MSQ_T ;
193  int base_p = b[l] & MSQ_P ;
194  b[l] = base_p | base_t | base_r ;
196 }
198 void Base_val::set_base_t(int base_t) {
200  for (int l=0; l<nzone; l++) {
201  int base_r = b[l] & MSQ_R ;
202  int base_p = b[l] & MSQ_P ;
203  b[l] = base_p | base_t | base_r ;
204  }
205 }
207 void Base_val::set_base_p(int base_p) {
209  for (int l=0; l<nzone; l++) {
210  int base_r = b[l] & MSQ_R ;
211  int base_t = b[l] & MSQ_T ;
212  b[l] = base_p | base_t | base_r ;
213  }
214 }
217 // From Base_val
218 void Base_val::operator=(const Base_val & bi) {
219  // Protection
220  assert(nzone == bi.nzone) ;
221  for (int i=0 ; i<nzone ; i++) { // Boucle sur les zones
222  b[i] = bi.b[i] ;
223  }
224 }
226  //------------//
227  // Sauvegarde //
228  //------------//
230 // Save in a file
231 void Base_val::sauve(FILE* fd) const {
232  fwrite_be(&nzone, sizeof(int), 1, fd) ; // nzone
233  fwrite_be(b, sizeof(int), nzone, fd) ; // b[]
234 }
236  //------------//
237  // Impression //
238  //------------//
240 // Operateurs <<
241 ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Base_val & bi) {
243  static bool premier_appel = true ;
244  static const char* nom_r[MAX_BASE] ;
245  static const char* nom_t[MAX_BASE] ;
246  static const char* nom_p[MAX_BASE_2] ;
248  if (premier_appel) { // First call initializations
250  premier_appel = false ;
252  for (int i=0; i<MAX_BASE; i++) {
253  nom_r[i] = "UNDEFINED" ;
254  nom_t[i] = "UNDEFINED" ;
255  if(i%2==0){
256  nom_p[i/2] = "UNDEFINED" ; // saves a loop
257  }
258  }
260  nom_r[R_CHEB >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEB " ;
261  nom_r[R_CHEBU >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBU " ;
262  nom_r[R_CHEBP >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBP " ;
263  nom_r[R_CHEBI >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBI " ;
264  nom_r[R_CHEBPIM_P >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBPIM_P" ;
265  nom_r[R_CHEBPIM_I >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBPIM_I" ;
266  nom_r[R_CHEBPI_P >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBPI_P " ;
267  nom_r[R_CHEBPI_I >> TRA_R] = "R_CHEBPI_I " ;
268  nom_r[R_LEG >> TRA_R] = "R_LEG " ;
269  nom_r[R_LEGP >> TRA_R] = "R_LEGP " ;
270  nom_r[R_LEGI >> TRA_R] = "R_LEGI " ;
271  nom_r[R_JACO02 >> TRA_R] = "R_JACO02 " ;
273  nom_t[T_COS >> TRA_T] = "T_COS " ;
274  nom_t[T_SIN >> TRA_T] = "T_SIN " ;
275  nom_t[T_COS_P >> TRA_T] = "T_COS_P " ;
276  nom_t[T_COS_I >> TRA_T] = "T_COS_I " ;
277  nom_t[T_SIN_P >> TRA_T] = "T_SIN_P " ;
278  nom_t[T_SIN_I >> TRA_T] = "T_SIN_I " ;
279  nom_t[T_COSSIN_CP >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_CP" ;
280  nom_t[T_COSSIN_SI >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_SI" ;
281  nom_t[T_COSSIN_SP >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_SP" ;
282  nom_t[T_COSSIN_CI >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_CI" ;
283  nom_t[T_COSSIN_C >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_C " ;
284  nom_t[T_COSSIN_S >> TRA_T] = "T_COSSIN_S " ;
285  nom_t[T_LEG >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG " ;
286  nom_t[T_LEG_MP >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_MP " ;
287  nom_t[T_LEG_MI >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_MI " ;
288  nom_t[T_LEG_P >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_P " ;
289  nom_t[T_LEG_PP >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_PP " ;
290  nom_t[T_LEG_I >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_I " ;
291  nom_t[T_LEG_IP >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_IP " ;
292  nom_t[T_LEG_PI >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_PI " ;
293  nom_t[T_LEG_II >> TRA_T] = "T_LEG_II " ;
294  nom_t[T_CL_COS_P >> TRA_T] = "T_CL_COS_P " ;
295  nom_t[T_CL_SIN_P >> TRA_T] = "T_CL_SIN_P " ;
296  nom_t[T_CL_COS_I >> TRA_T] = "T_CL_COS_I " ;
297  nom_t[T_CL_SIN_I >> TRA_T] = "T_CL_SIN_I " ;
299  nom_p[P_COSSIN >> TRA_P] = "P_COSSIN " ;
300  nom_p[P_COSSIN_P >> TRA_P] = "P_COSSIN_P " ;
301  nom_p[P_COSSIN_I >> TRA_P] = "P_COSSIN_I " ;
304  } // End of first call operations
307  // Intro - Nombre de zones
308  int nzone = bi.nzone ;
309  o << "Bases of spectral expansions: " ;
310  for (int l=0 ; l<nzone ; l++) {
311  int base_r = (bi.b[l] & MSQ_R) >> TRA_R ;
312  int base_t = (bi.b[l] & MSQ_T) >> TRA_T ;
313  int base_p = (bi.b[l] & MSQ_P) >> TRA_P ;
314  o << endl ;
315  o << "Domain #" << l << " : r: " << nom_r[base_r]
316  << ", theta: " << nom_t[base_t]
317  << ", phi: " << nom_p[base_p] ;
318  }
319  o << endl ;
321  //Termine
322  return o ;
323 }
325  //----------------------//
326  // Manipulation de base //
327  //----------------------//
330  for (int i=0 ; i<nzone ; i++) {
331  b[i] = NONDEF ;
332  }
333 }
334  //----------------------//
335  // operateur logique //
336  //----------------------//
338 bool Base_val::operator== (const Base_val& c2) const {
340  return (*b == *c2.b) ;
341 }
342 }
#define T_LEG
fct. de Legendre associees
Definition: type_parite.h:236
void operator=(const Base_val &)
Definition: base_val.C:218
#define MAX_BASE_2
Smaller maximum bases used for phi (and higher dimensions for now)
Definition: type_parite.h:146
#define T_LEG_MP
fct. de Legendre associees avec m pair
Definition: type_parite.h:238
#define P_COSSIN
dev. standart
Definition: type_parite.h:245
void set_base_r(int l, int base_r)
Sets the expansion basis for r ( ) functions in a given domain.
Definition: base_val.C:188
#define T_LEG_PI
fct. de Legendre associees paires avec m impair
Definition: type_parite.h:224
#define TRA_P
Translation en Phi, used for a bitwise shift (in hex)
Definition: type_parite.h:162
#define R_CHEBPI_I
Cheb. pair-impair suivant l impair pour l=0.
Definition: type_parite.h:174
#define T_LEG_MI
fct. de Legendre associees avec m impair
Definition: type_parite.h:240
Lorene prototypes.
Definition: app_hor.h:67
#define TRA_T
Translation en Theta, used for a bitwise shift (in hex)
Definition: type_parite.h:160
#define MSQ_P
Extraction de l&#39;info sur Phi.
Definition: type_parite.h:156
#define T_COS
dev. cos seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:196
#define T_COSSIN_SP
sin pair-cos impair alternes, sin pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:210
#define R_LEGP
base de Legendre paire (rare) seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:184
Definition: base_val.C:180
#define R_LEGI
base de Legendre impaire (rare) seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:186
void set_base_t(int base_t)
Sets the expansion basis for functions in all domains.
Definition: base_val.C:198
int nzone
Number of domains (zones)
Definition: base_val.h:330
#define R_JACO02
base de Jacobi(0,2) ordinaire (finjac)
Definition: type_parite.h:188
#define T_SIN
dev. sin seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:198
#define T_CL_COS_P
CL of even cosines.
Definition: type_parite.h:228
#define TRA_R
Translation en R, used for a bitwise shift (in hex)
Definition: type_parite.h:158
#define T_LEG_I
fct. de Legendre associees impaires
Definition: type_parite.h:220
#define T_COS_I
dev. cos seulement, harmoniques impaires
Definition: type_parite.h:204
#define T_CL_SIN_P
CL of even sines.
Definition: type_parite.h:230
#define R_CHEBI
base de Cheb. impaire (rare) seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:170
#define R_CHEBP
base de Cheb. paire (rare) seulement
Definition: type_parite.h:168
#define T_COS_P
dev. cos seulement, harmoniques paires
Definition: type_parite.h:200
#define T_CL_SIN_I
CL of odd sines.
Definition: type_parite.h:234
#define MSQ_T
Extraction de l&#39;info sur Theta.
Definition: type_parite.h:154
void sauve(FILE *) const
Save in a file.
Definition: base_val.C:231
#define T_COSSIN_C
dev. cos-sin alternes, cos pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:192
void set_base_p(int base_p)
Sets the expansion basis for functions in all domains.
Definition: base_val.C:207
int * b
Array (size: nzone ) of the spectral basis in each domain.
Definition: base_val.h:334
#define MSQ_R
Extraction de l&#39;info sur R.
Definition: type_parite.h:152
#define T_SIN_P
dev. sin seulement, harmoniques paires
Definition: type_parite.h:202
int fwrite_be(const int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
Writes integer(s) into a binary file according to the big endian convention.
Definition: fwrite_be.C:73
bool operator==(const Base_val &) const
Comparison operator.
Definition: base_val.C:338
#define T_COSSIN_SI
sin impair-cos pair alternes, sin pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:214
#define T_LEG_IP
fct. de Legendre associees impaires avec m pair
Definition: type_parite.h:222
#define R_CHEBPIM_I
Cheb. pair-impair suivant m, impair pour m=0.
Definition: type_parite.h:178
#define R_CHEBPIM_P
Cheb. pair-impair suivant m, pair pour m=0.
Definition: type_parite.h:176
int fread_be(int *aa, int size, int nb, FILE *fich)
Reads integer(s) from a binary file according to the big endian convention.
Definition: fread_be.C:72
Base_val(int nb_of_domains)
Standard constructor.
Definition: base_val.C:153
Bases of the spectral expansions.
Definition: base_val.h:325
#define T_LEG_P
fct. de Legendre associees paires
Definition: type_parite.h:216
#define R_CHEBPI_P
Cheb. pair-impair suivant l pair pour l=0.
Definition: type_parite.h:172
#define NONDEF
base inconnue
Definition: type_parite.h:150
#define T_COSSIN_CI
cos impair-sin pair alternes, cos pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:212
void set_base_nondef()
Sets the spectral bases to NONDEF.
Definition: base_val.C:329
#define P_COSSIN_I
dev. sur Phi = 2*phi, freq. impaires
Definition: type_parite.h:249
#define R_CHEBU
base de Chebychev ordinaire (fin), dev. en 1/r
Definition: type_parite.h:180
#define P_COSSIN_P
dev. sur Phi = 2*phi, freq. paires
Definition: type_parite.h:247
#define T_LEG_II
fct. de Legendre associees impaires avec m impair
Definition: type_parite.h:226
#define T_CL_COS_I
CL of odd cosines.
Definition: type_parite.h:232
#define T_COSSIN_CP
cos pair-sin impair alternes, cos pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:208
#define MAX_BASE
Nombre max. de bases differentes.
Definition: type_parite.h:144
#define T_SIN_I
dev. sin seulement, harmoniques impaires
Definition: type_parite.h:206
#define T_LEG_PP
fct. de Legendre associees paires avec m pair
Definition: type_parite.h:218
#define T_COSSIN_S
dev. cos-sin alternes, sin pour m=0
Definition: type_parite.h:194
#define R_LEG
base de Legendre ordinaire (fin)
Definition: type_parite.h:182
#define R_CHEB
base de Chebychev ordinaire (fin)
Definition: type_parite.h:166