Radial mapping of rather general form. More...

#include <map.h>

Inheritance diagram for Lorene::Map_et:
Lorene::Map_radial Lorene::Map

Public Member Functions

 Map_et (const Mg3d &mgrille, const double *r_limits)
 Standard Constructor. More...
 Map_et (const Mg3d &mgrille, const double *r_limits, const Tbl &tab)
 Constructor using the equation of the surface of the star. More...
 Map_et (const Map_et &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 Map_et (const Mg3d &, FILE *)
 Constructor from a file (see sauve(FILE*) ) More...
virtual ~Map_et ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void operator= (const Map_et &mp)
 Assignment to another Map_et. More...
virtual void operator= (const Map_af &mpa)
 Assignment to an affine mapping. More...
void set_ff (const Valeur &)
 Assigns a given value to the function $F(\theta',\phi')$. More...
void set_gg (const Valeur &)
 Assigns a given value to the function $G(\theta',\phi')$. More...
virtual const Map_afmp_angu (int) const
 Returns the "angular" mapping for the outside of domain l_zone. More...
const double * get_alpha () const
 Returns a pointer on the array alpha (values of $\alpha$ in each domain) More...
const double * get_beta () const
 Returns a pointer on the array beta (values of $\beta$ in each domain) More...
const Valeurget_ff () const
 Returns a (constant) reference to the function $F(\theta',\phi')$. More...
const Valeurget_gg () const
 Returns a (constant) reference to the function $G(\theta',\phi')$. More...
virtual double val_r (int l, double xi, double theta, double pphi) const
 Returns the value of the radial coordinate r for a given $(\xi, \theta', \phi')$ in a given domain. More...
virtual void val_lx (double rr, double theta, double pphi, int &l, double &xi) const
 Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point given by its physical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$. More...
virtual void val_lx (double rr, double theta, double pphi, const Param &par, int &l, double &xi) const
 Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point given by its physical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$. More...
virtual bool operator== (const Map &) const
 Comparison operator (egality) More...
virtual double val_r_jk (int l, double xi, int j, int k) const
 Returns the value of the radial coordinate r for a given $\xi$ and a given collocation point in $(\theta', \phi')$ in a given domain. More...
virtual void val_lx_jk (double rr, int j, int k, const Param &par, int &l, double &xi) const
 Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point of arbitrary r but collocation values of $(\theta, \phi)$. More...
virtual void sauve (FILE *) const
 Save in a file. More...
virtual void homothetie (double lambda)
 Sets a new radial scale. More...
virtual void resize (int l, double lambda)
 Rescales the outer boundary of one domain. More...
void resize_extr (double lambda)
 Rescales the outer boundary of the outermost domain in the case of non-compactified external domain. More...
void set_alpha (double alpha0, int l)
 Modifies the value of $\alpha$ in domain no. l. More...
void set_beta (double beta0, int l)
 Modifies the value of $\beta$ in domain no. l. More...
virtual void adapt (const Cmp &ent, const Param &par, int nbr_filtre=0)
 Adaptation of the mapping to a given scalar field. More...
virtual void dsdxi (const Cmp &ci, Cmp &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial \xi$ of a Cmp. More...
virtual void dsdr (const Cmp &ci, Cmp &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Cmp. More...
virtual void srdsdt (const Cmp &ci, Cmp &resu) const
 Computes $1/r \partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Cmp. More...
virtual void srstdsdp (const Cmp &ci, Cmp &resu) const
 Computes $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/ \partial \phi$ of a Cmp. More...
virtual void dsdxi (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial \xi$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void dsdr (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void dsdradial (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Scalar if the description is affine and $\partial/ \partial \ln r$ if it is logarithmic. More...
virtual void srdsdt (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $1/r \partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void srstdsdp (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/ \partial \phi$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void dsdt (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $\partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void stdsdp (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu) const
 Computes $1/\sin\theta \partial/ \partial \varphi$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void laplacien (const Scalar &uu, int zec_mult_r, Scalar &lap) const
 Computes the Laplacian of a scalar field. More...
virtual void laplacien (const Cmp &uu, int zec_mult_r, Cmp &lap) const
 Computes the Laplacian of a scalar field (Cmp version). More...
virtual void lapang (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &lap) const
 Computes the angular Laplacian of a scalar field. More...
virtual void primr (const Scalar &uu, Scalar &resu, bool null_infty) const
 Computes the radial primitive which vanishes for $r\to \infty$. More...
virtual Tblintegrale (const Cmp &) const
 Computes the integral over all space of a Cmp. More...
virtual void poisson (const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu) const
 Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation. More...
virtual void poisson_tau (const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu) const
 Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation with a Tau method. More...
virtual void poisson_falloff (const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu, int k_falloff) const
virtual void poisson_ylm (const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu, int nylm, double *intvec) const
virtual void poisson_regular (const Cmp &source, int k_div, int nzet, double unsgam1, Param &par, Cmp &uu, Cmp &uu_regu, Cmp &uu_div, Tenseur &duu_div, Cmp &source_regu, Cmp &source_div) const
 Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation. More...
virtual void poisson_angu (const Scalar &source, Param &par, Scalar &uu, double lambda=0) const
 Computes the solution of the generalized angular Poisson equation. More...
virtual void poisson_angu (const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu, double lambda=0) const
virtual Paramdonne_para_poisson_vect (Param &para, int i) const
 Internal function intended to be used by Map::poisson_vect and Map::poisson_vect_oohara . More...
virtual void poisson_frontiere (const Cmp &, const Valeur &, int, int, Cmp &, double=0., double=0.) const
 Not yet implemented. More...
virtual void poisson_frontiere_double (const Cmp &source, const Valeur &lim_func, const Valeur &lim_der, int num_zone, Cmp &pot) const
virtual void poisson_interne (const Cmp &source, const Valeur &limite, Param &par, Cmp &pot) const
 Computes the solution of a Poisson equation in the shell . More...
virtual void poisson2d (const Cmp &source_mat, const Cmp &source_quad, Param &par, Cmp &uu) const
 Computes the solution of a 2-D Poisson equation. More...
virtual void dalembert (Param &par, Scalar &fJp1, const Scalar &fJ, const Scalar &fJm1, const Scalar &source) const
 Not yet implemented. More...
virtual void reevaluate (const Map *mp_prev, int nzet, Cmp &uu) const
 Recomputes the values of a Cmp at the collocation points after a change in the mapping. More...
virtual void reevaluate (const Map *mp_prev, int nzet, Scalar &uu) const
 Recomputes the values of a Scalar at the collocation points after a change in the mapping. More...
virtual void reevaluate_symy (const Map *mp_prev, int nzet, Cmp &uu) const
 Recomputes the values of a Cmp at the collocation points after a change in the mapping. More...
virtual void reevaluate_symy (const Map *mp_prev, int nzet, Scalar &uu) const
 Recomputes the values of a Scalar at the collocation points after a change in the mapping. More...
virtual void mult_r (Scalar &uu) const
 Multiplication by r of a Scalar, the dzpuis
of uu is not changed. More...
virtual void mult_r (Cmp &ci) const
 Multiplication by r of a Cmp. More...
virtual void mult_r_zec (Scalar &) const
 Multiplication by r (in the compactified external domain only) of a Scalar. More...
virtual void mult_rsint (Scalar &) const
 Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_rsint (Scalar &) const
 Division by $r\sin\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_r (Scalar &) const
 Division by r of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_r_zec (Scalar &) const
 Division by r (in the compactified external domain only) of a Scalar. More...
virtual void mult_cost (Scalar &) const
 Multiplication by $\cos\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_cost (Scalar &) const
 Division by $\cos\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void mult_sint (Scalar &) const
 Multiplication by $\sin\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_sint (Scalar &) const
 Division by $\sin\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void div_tant (Scalar &) const
 Division by $\tan\theta$ of a Scalar. More...
virtual void comp_x_from_spherical (const Scalar &v_r, const Scalar &v_theta, const Scalar &v_phi, Scalar &v_x) const
 Computes the Cartesian x component (with respect to bvect_cart) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher. More...
virtual void comp_x_from_spherical (const Cmp &v_r, const Cmp &v_theta, const Cmp &v_phi, Cmp &v_x) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void comp_y_from_spherical (const Scalar &v_r, const Scalar &v_theta, const Scalar &v_phi, Scalar &v_y) const
 Computes the Cartesian y component (with respect to bvect_cart ) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher . More...
virtual void comp_y_from_spherical (const Cmp &v_r, const Cmp &v_theta, const Cmp &v_phi, Cmp &v_y) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void comp_z_from_spherical (const Scalar &v_r, const Scalar &v_theta, Scalar &v_z) const
 Computes the Cartesian z component (with respect to bvect_cart ) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher . More...
virtual void comp_z_from_spherical (const Cmp &v_r, const Cmp &v_theta, Cmp &v_z) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void comp_r_from_cartesian (const Scalar &v_x, const Scalar &v_y, const Scalar &v_z, Scalar &v_r) const
 Computes the Spherical r component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart . More...
virtual void comp_r_from_cartesian (const Cmp &v_x, const Cmp &v_y, const Cmp &v_z, Cmp &v_r) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void comp_t_from_cartesian (const Scalar &v_x, const Scalar &v_y, const Scalar &v_z, Scalar &v_t) const
 Computes the Spherical $\theta$ component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart . More...
virtual void comp_t_from_cartesian (const Cmp &v_x, const Cmp &v_y, const Cmp &v_z, Cmp &v_t) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void comp_p_from_cartesian (const Scalar &v_x, const Scalar &v_y, Scalar &v_p) const
 Computes the Spherical $\phi$ component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart . More...
virtual void comp_p_from_cartesian (const Cmp &v_x, const Cmp &v_y, Cmp &v_p) const
 Cmp version More...
virtual void dec_dzpuis (Scalar &) const
 Decreases by 1 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void dec2_dzpuis (Scalar &) const
 Decreases by 2 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void inc_dzpuis (Scalar &) const
 Increases by 1 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void inc2_dzpuis (Scalar &) const
 Increases by 2 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED). More...
virtual void poisson_compact (const Cmp &source, const Cmp &aa, const Tenseur &bb, const Param &par, Cmp &psi) const
 Resolution of the elliptic equation $ a \Delta\psi + {\bf b} \cdot \nabla \psi = \sigma$ in the case where the stellar interior is covered by a single domain. More...
virtual void poisson_compact (int nzet, const Cmp &source, const Cmp &aa, const Tenseur &bb, const Param &par, Cmp &psi) const
 Resolution of the elliptic equation $ a \Delta\psi + {\bf b} \cdot \nabla \psi = \sigma$ in the case of a multidomain stellar interior. More...
const Mg3dget_mg () const
 Gives the Mg3d on which the mapping is defined. More...
double get_ori_x () const
 Returns the x coordinate of the origin. More...
double get_ori_y () const
 Returns the y coordinate of the origin. More...
double get_ori_z () const
 Returns the z coordinate of the origin. More...
double get_rot_phi () const
 Returns the angle between the x –axis and X –axis. More...
const Base_vect_spherget_bvect_spher () const
 Returns the orthonormal vectorial basis $(\partial/\partial r,1/r\partial/\partial \theta, 1/(r\sin\theta)\partial/\partial \phi)$ associated with the coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$ of the mapping. More...
const Base_vect_cartget_bvect_cart () const
 Returns the Cartesian basis $(\partial/\partial x,\partial/\partial y,\partial/\partial z)$ associated with the coordinates (x,y,z) of the mapping, i.e. More...
const Metric_flatflat_met_spher () const
 Returns the flat metric associated with the spherical coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_spher. More...
const Metric_flatflat_met_cart () const
 Returns the flat metric associated with the Cartesian coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_cart. More...
const Cmpcmp_zero () const
 Returns the null Cmp defined on *this. More...
void convert_absolute (double xx, double yy, double zz, double &rr, double &theta, double &pphi) const
 Determines the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$ corresponding to given absolute Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z). More...
void set_ori (double xa0, double ya0, double za0)
 Sets a new origin. More...
void set_rot_phi (double phi0)
 Sets a new rotation angle. More...

Public Attributes

Coord rsxdxdr
 $1/(\partial R/\partial \xi) R/\xi$ in the nucleus; \ $1/(\partial R/\partial \xi) R/(\xi + \beta/\alpha)$ in the shells; \ $1/(\partial U/\partial \xi) U/(\xi-1)$ in the outermost compactified domain. More...
Coord rsx2drdx
 $[ R/ (\alpha \xi + \beta) ]^2 (\partial R/\partial \xi) / \alpha$ in the nucleus and the shells; \ $\partial U/\partial \xi / \alpha$ in the outermost compactified domain. More...
Coord xsr
 $\xi/R$ in the nucleus; \ 1/R in the non-compactified shells; \ $(\xi-1)/U$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord dxdr
 $1/(\partial R/\partial\xi) = \partial \xi /\partial r$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(\partial U/\partial\xi) = - \partial \xi /\partial u$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord drdt
 $\partial R/\partial\theta'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial U/\partial\theta'$ in the compactified external domain (CED). More...
Coord stdrdp
 ${1\over\sin\theta} \partial R/\partial\varphi'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-{1\over\sin\theta}\partial U/\partial\varphi'$ in the compactified external domain (CED). More...
Coord srdrdt
 $1/R \times (\partial R/\partial\theta')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U \times (\partial U/\partial\theta)$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord srstdrdp
 $1/(R\sin\theta) \times (\partial R/\partial\varphi')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(U\sin\theta) \times (\partial U/\partial\varphi')$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord sr2drdt
 $1/R^2 \times (\partial R/\partial\theta')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U^2 \times (\partial U/\partial\theta')$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord sr2stdrdp
 $1/(R^2\sin\theta) \times (\partial R/\partial\varphi')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(U^2\sin\theta) \times (\partial U/\partial\varphi')$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord d2rdx2
 $\partial^2 R/\partial\xi^2$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial^2 U/\partial\xi^2 $ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord lapr_tp
 $1/R^2 \times [ 1/\sin(\theta)\times \partial /\partial\theta' (\sin\theta \partial R /\partial\theta') + 1/\sin^2\theta \partial^2 R /\partial{\varphi'}^2] $ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $- 1/U^2 \times [ 1/\sin(\theta)\times \partial /\partial\theta' (\sin\theta \partial U /\partial\theta') + 1/\sin^2\theta \partial^2 U /\partial{\varphi'}^2] $ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord d2rdtdx
 $\partial^2 R/\partial\xi\partial\theta'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial^2 U/\partial\xi\partial\theta'$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord sstd2rdpdx
 $1/\sin\theta \times \partial^2 R/\partial\xi\partial\varphi'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/\sin\theta \times \partial^2 U/\partial\xi\partial\varphi' $ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord sr2d2rdt2
 $1/R^2 \partial^2 R/\partial{\theta'}^2$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U^2 \partial^2 U/\partial{\theta'}^2$ in the compactified outer domain. More...
Coord r
 r coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord tet
 $\theta$ coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord phi
 $\phi$ coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord sint
 $\sin\theta$ More...
Coord cost
 $\cos\theta$ More...
Coord sinp
 $\sin\phi$ More...
Coord cosp
 $\cos\phi$ More...
Coord x
 x coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord y
 y coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord z
 z coordinate centered on the grid More...
Coord xa
 Absolute x coordinate. More...
Coord ya
 Absolute y coordinate. More...
Coord za
 Absolute z coordinate. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void reset_coord ()
 Resets all the member Coords. More...

Protected Attributes

const Mg3dmg
 Pointer on the multi-grid Mgd3 on which this is defined. More...
double ori_x
 Absolute coordinate x of the origin. More...
double ori_y
 Absolute coordinate y of the origin. More...
double ori_z
 Absolute coordinate z of the origin. More...
double rot_phi
 Angle between the x –axis and X –axis. More...
Base_vect_spher bvect_spher
 Orthonormal vectorial basis $(\partial/\partial r,1/r\partial/\partial \theta, 1/(r\sin\theta)\partial/\partial \phi)$ associated with the coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$ of the mapping. More...
Base_vect_cart bvect_cart
 Cartesian basis $(\partial/\partial x,\partial/\partial y,\partial/\partial z)$ associated with the coordinates (x,y,z) of the mapping, i.e. More...
 Pointer onto the flat metric associated with the spherical coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_spher. More...
 Pointer onto the flat metric associated with the Cartesian coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_cart. More...
 The null Cmp. More...
 Pointer on the "angular" mapping. More...

Private Member Functions

void set_coord ()
 Assignement of the building functions to the member Coords. More...
void fait_poly ()
 Construction of the polynomials $A(\xi)$ and $B(\xi)$. More...
virtual ostream & operator>> (ostream &) const
 Operator >> More...

Private Attributes

double * alpha
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of the values of $\alpha$ in each domain. More...
double * beta
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of the values of $\beta$ in each domain. More...
Tbl ** aa
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl ** daa
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A'(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl ** ddaa
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A''(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl aasx
 Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/\xi$ in the nucleus. More...
Tbl aasx2
 Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/\xi^2$ in the nucleus. More...
Tbl zaasx
 Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/(\xi-1)$ in the outermost compactified domain. More...
Tbl zaasx2
 Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/(\xi-1)^2$ in the outermost compactified domain. More...
Tbl ** bb
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl ** dbb
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B'(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl ** ddbb
 Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B''(\xi)$ in each domain. More...
Tbl bbsx
 Values at the nr collocation points of $B(\xi)/\xi$ in the nucleus. More...
Tbl bbsx2
 Values at the nr collocation points of $B(\xi)/\xi^2$ in the nucleus. More...
Valeur ff
 Values of the function $F(\theta', \phi')$ at the nt*np angular collocation points in each domain. More...
Valeur gg
 Values of the function $G(\theta', \phi')$ at the nt*np angular collocation points in each domain. More...


Mtblmap_et_fait_r (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_tet (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_phi (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sint (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_cost (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sinp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_cosp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_x (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_y (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_z (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_xa (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_ya (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_za (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_xsr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_dxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_srdrdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_srstdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2drdt (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2stdrdp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_d2rdx2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_lapr_tp (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_d2rdtdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sstd2rdpdx (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_sr2d2rdt2 (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_rsxdxdr (const Map *)
Mtblmap_et_fait_rsx2drdx (const Map *)

Detailed Description

Radial mapping of rather general form.


This mapping relates the grid coordinates $(\xi, \theta', \phi')$ and the physical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$ in the following manner [see Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998) for details]: $\theta=\theta'$, $\phi=\phi'$ and

  • $r = \alpha [\xi + A(\xi) F(\theta', \phi') + B(\xi) G(\theta', \phi')] + \beta$ in non-compactified domains,
  • $ u={1\over r} = \alpha [\xi + A(\xi) F(\theta', \phi')] + \beta$ in the (usually outermost) compactified domain, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constant in each domain, $A(\xi)$ and $B(\xi)$ are constant polynomials defined by
  • $A(\xi) = 3 \xi^4 - 2 \xi^6$ and $B(\xi) = (5\xi^3 - 3\xi^5)/2$ in the nucleus (innermost domain which contains r =0);
  • $A(\xi) = (\xi^3 - 3\xi + 2)/4$ and $B(\xi) = (-\xi^3 + 3\xi +2)/4$ in the other domains. The functions $F(\theta', \phi')$ and $G(\theta', \phi')$ depend on the domain under consideration and define the boundaries of this domain.

Definition at line 2783 of file map.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Map_et() [1/4]

Lorene::Map_et::Map_et ( const Mg3d mgrille,
const double *  r_limits 

Standard Constructor.

mgrille[input] Multi-domain grid on which the mapping is defined
r_limits[input] Array (size: number of domains + 1) of the value of r at the boundaries of the various domains :
  • r_limits[l] : inner boundary of the domain no. l
  • r_limits[l+1] : outer boundary of the domain no. l

Definition at line 155 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, beta, Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), Lorene::Map::mg, and set_coord().

◆ Map_et() [2/4]

Lorene::Map_et::Map_et ( const Mg3d mgrille,
const double *  r_limits,
const Tbl tab 

Constructor using the equation of the surface of the star.

mgrille[input] Multi-domain grid on which the mapping is defined It must contains at least one shell.
r_limits[input] Array (size: number of domains + 1) of the value of r at the boundaries of the various domains :
  • r_limits[l] : inner boundary of the domain no. l
  • r_limits[l+1] : outer boundary of the domain no. l The first value is not used.
tab[input] equation of the surface between the nucleus and the first shell in the form : ${\rm tab}(k,j) = r(\phi_k,\theta_j)$, where $\phi_k$ and $\theta_j$ are the values of the angular colocation points.

Definition at line 229 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, Lorene::Valeur::annule(), Lorene::Valeur::annule_hard(), beta, fait_poly(), ff, Lorene::Base_val::get_base_p(), Lorene::Tbl::get_dim(), Lorene::Tbl::get_ndim(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), gg, Lorene::max(), Lorene::min(), P_COSSIN, P_COSSIN_P, Lorene::Tbl::set(), Lorene::Valeur::set(), set_coord(), Lorene::Valeur::set_etat_c_qcq(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Valeur::std_base_scal(), and Lorene::Mg3d::std_base_scal().

◆ Map_et() [3/4]

Lorene::Map_et::Map_et ( const Map_et mpi)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 411 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, beta, fait_poly(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map::mg, and set_coord().

◆ Map_et() [4/4]

Lorene::Map_et::Map_et ( const Mg3d mgi,
FILE *  fich 

Constructor from a file (see sauve(FILE*) )

Definition at line 472 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, beta, fait_poly(), Lorene::fread_be(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map::mg, and set_coord().

◆ ~Map_et()

Lorene::Map_et::~Map_et ( )


Definition at line 509 of file map_et.C.

References aa, alpha, bb, beta, daa, dbb, ddaa, ddbb, Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adapt()

void Lorene::Map_et::adapt ( const Cmp ent,
const Param par,
int  nbr_filtre = 0 

Adaptation of the mapping to a given scalar field.

Computes the functions $F(\theta',\phi')$ and $G(\theta',\phi')$ as well as the factors $\alpha$ and $\beta$, so that the boundaries of some domains coincide with isosurfaces of the scalar field ent .

ent[input] scalar field, the isosurfaces of which are used to determine the mapping
par[input/output] parameters of the computation: \ par.get_int(0) : maximum number of iterations to locate zeros by the secant method \ par.get_int(1) : number of domains where the adjustment to the isosurfaces of ent is to be performed \ par.get_int(2) : number of domains nz_search where the isosurfaces will be searched : the routine scans the nz_search innermost domains, starting from the domain of index nz_search-1 . NB: the field ent must be continuous over these domains \ par.get_int(3) : 1 = performs the full computation, 0 = performs only the rescaling by the factor par.get_double_mod(0) \ par.get_int(4) : theta index of the collocation point $(\theta_*, \phi_*)$ [using the notations of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998)] defining an isosurface of ent \ par.get_int(5) : phi index of the collocation point $(\theta_*, \phi_*)$ [using the notations of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998)] defining an isosurface of ent \ par.get_int_mod(0) [output] : number of iterations actually used in the secant method \ par.get_double(0) : required absolute precision in the determination of zeros by the secant method \ par.get_double(1) : factor by which the values of $\lambda$ and $\mu$ [using the notations of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998)] will be multiplied : 1 = regular mapping, 0 = contracting mapping \ par.get_double(2) : factor by which all the radial distances will be multiplied \ par.get_tbl(0) : array of values of the field ent to define the isosurfaces.
nbr_filtre[input] Number of the last coefficients in $\varphi$ set to zero.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 111 of file map_et_adapt.C.

References Lorene::Param::get_double(), Lorene::Tbl::get_etat(), Lorene::Param::get_int(), Lorene::Param::get_int_mod(), Lorene::Cmp::get_mp(), Lorene::Tbl::get_ndim(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Tbl::get_taille(), Lorene::Param::get_tbl(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ cmp_zero()

const Cmp& Lorene::Map::cmp_zero ( ) const

Returns the null Cmp defined on *this.

To be used by the Tenseur class when necessary to return a null Cmp .

Definition at line 825 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::p_cmp_zero.

◆ comp_p_from_cartesian() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_p_from_cartesian ( const Scalar v_x,
const Scalar v_y,
Scalar v_p 
) const

Computes the Spherical $\phi$ component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart .

v_x[input] x-component of the vector
v_y[input] y-component of the vector
v_p[output] $\phi$-component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 186 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_p_from_cartesian() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_p_from_cartesian ( const Cmp v_x,
const Cmp v_y,
Cmp v_p 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 179 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_p_from_cartesian().

◆ comp_r_from_cartesian() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_r_from_cartesian ( const Scalar v_x,
const Scalar v_y,
const Scalar v_z,
Scalar v_r 
) const

Computes the Spherical r component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart .

v_x[input] x-component of the vector
v_y[input] y-component of the vector
v_z[input] z-component of the vector
v_r[output] r -component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 75 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_r_from_cartesian() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_r_from_cartesian ( const Cmp v_x,
const Cmp v_y,
const Cmp v_z,
Cmp v_r 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 68 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_r_from_cartesian().

◆ comp_t_from_cartesian() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_t_from_cartesian ( const Scalar v_x,
const Scalar v_y,
const Scalar v_z,
Scalar v_t 
) const

Computes the Spherical $\theta$ component (with respect to bvect_spher ) of a vector given by its cartesian components with respect to bvect_cart .

v_x[input] x-component of the vector
v_y[input] y-component of the vector
v_z[input] z-component of the vector
v_t[output] $\theta$-component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 131 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_t_from_cartesian() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_t_from_cartesian ( const Cmp v_x,
const Cmp v_y,
const Cmp v_z,
Cmp v_t 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 124 of file map_radial_comp_rtp.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_t_from_cartesian().

◆ comp_x_from_spherical() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_x_from_spherical ( const Scalar v_r,
const Scalar v_theta,
const Scalar v_phi,
Scalar v_x 
) const

Computes the Cartesian x component (with respect to bvect_cart) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher.

v_r[input] r -component of the vector
v_theta[input] $\theta$-component of the vector
v_phi[input] $\phi$-component of the vector
v_x[output] x-component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 79 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_x_from_spherical() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_x_from_spherical ( const Cmp v_r,
const Cmp v_theta,
const Cmp v_phi,
Cmp v_x 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 71 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_x_from_spherical().

◆ comp_y_from_spherical() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_y_from_spherical ( const Scalar v_r,
const Scalar v_theta,
const Scalar v_phi,
Scalar v_y 
) const

Computes the Cartesian y component (with respect to bvect_cart ) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher .

v_r[input] r -component of the vector
v_theta[input] $\theta$-component of the vector
v_phi[input] $\phi$-component of the vector
v_y[output] y-component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 138 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_y_from_spherical() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_y_from_spherical ( const Cmp v_r,
const Cmp v_theta,
const Cmp v_phi,
Cmp v_y 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 129 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_y_from_spherical().

◆ comp_z_from_spherical() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_z_from_spherical ( const Scalar v_r,
const Scalar v_theta,
Scalar v_z 
) const

Computes the Cartesian z component (with respect to bvect_cart ) of a vector given by its spherical components with respect to bvect_spher .

v_r[input] r -component of the vector
v_theta[input] $\theta$-component of the vector
v_z[output] z-component of the vector

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 195 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ comp_z_from_spherical() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::comp_z_from_spherical ( const Cmp v_r,
const Cmp v_theta,
Cmp v_z 
) const

Cmp version

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 187 of file map_radial_comp_xyz.C.

References Lorene::Map_radial::comp_z_from_spherical().

◆ convert_absolute()

void Lorene::Map::convert_absolute ( double  xx,
double  yy,
double  zz,
double &  rr,
double &  theta,
double &  pphi 
) const

Determines the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$ corresponding to given absolute Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z).

xx[input] value of the coordinate x (absolute frame)
yy[input] value of the coordinate y (absolute frame)
zz[input] value of the coordinate z (absolute frame)
rr[output] value of r
theta[output] value of $\theta$
pphi[output] value of $\phi$

Definition at line 305 of file map.C.

References Lorene::Map::ori_x, Lorene::Map::ori_y, Lorene::Map::ori_z, Lorene::Map::rot_phi, and Lorene::sqrt().

◆ dalembert()

void Lorene::Map_et::dalembert ( Param par,
Scalar fJp1,
const Scalar fJ,
const Scalar fJm1,
const Scalar source 
) const

Not yet implemented.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 72 of file map_et_dalembert.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ dec2_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Map_radial::dec2_dzpuis ( Scalar ci) const

Decreases by 2 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED).

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 751 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ dec_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Map_radial::dec_dzpuis ( Scalar ci) const

Decreases by 1 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the compactified external domain (CED).

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 646 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_cost()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_cost ( Scalar ci) const

Division by $\cos\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 88 of file map_radial_th_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_r()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_r ( Scalar ci) const

Division by r of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 517 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_r_zec()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_r_zec ( Scalar uu) const

Division by r (in the compactified external domain only) of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 588 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_rsint()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_rsint ( Scalar ci) const

Division by $r\sin\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 437 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_sint()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_sint ( Scalar ci) const

Division by $\sin\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 136 of file map_radial_th_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ div_tant()

void Lorene::Map_radial::div_tant ( Scalar ci) const

Division by $\tan\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 161 of file map_radial_th_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ donne_para_poisson_vect()

Param * Lorene::Map_et::donne_para_poisson_vect ( Param para,
int  i 
) const

Internal function intended to be used by Map::poisson_vect and Map::poisson_vect_oohara .

It constructs the sets of parameters used for each scalar Poisson equation from the one for the vectorial one.

para[input] : the Param used for the resolution of the vectorial Poisson equation : \ para.int() maximum number of iteration.\ para.double(0) relaxation parameter.\ para.double(1) required precision. \ para.tenseur_mod() source of the vectorial part at the previous step.\ para.cmp_mod() source of the scalar part at the previous step.
i[input] number of the scalar Poisson equation that is being solved (values from 0 to 2 for the componants of the vectorial part and 3 for the scalar one).
the pointer on the parameter set used for solving the scalar Poisson equation labelled by i .

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 78 of file map_poisson_vect.C.

References Lorene::Param::add_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Param::add_int_mod(), Lorene::Param::get_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::get_double(), Lorene::Param::get_int(), Lorene::Param::get_int_mod(), Lorene::Param::get_tenseur_mod(), and Lorene::Tenseur::set().

◆ dsdr() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdr ( const Cmp ci,
Cmp resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Cmp.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), it computes $-\partial/ \partial u = r^2 \partial/ \partial r$.

ci[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of ci

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 190 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ dsdr() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdr ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Scalar.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag of the output is 2 if the input has dzpuis = 0, and is increased by 1 in other cases.

uu[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 218 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ dsdradial()

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdradial ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial r$ of a Scalar if the description is affine and $\partial/ \partial \ln r$ if it is logarithmic.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag of the output is 2 if the input has dzpuis = 0, and is increased by 1 in other cases.

uu[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 277 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ dsdt()

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdt ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Scalar.

uu[input] scalar field
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 632 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ dsdxi() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdxi ( const Cmp ci,
Cmp resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial \xi$ of a Cmp.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), it computes $-\partial/ \partial u = \xi^2 \partial/ \partial \xi$.

ci[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of ci

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 98 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ dsdxi() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::dsdxi ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $\partial/ \partial \xi$ of a Scalar.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag of the output is 2 if the input has dzpuis = 0, and is increased by 1 in other cases.

uu[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 126 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ fait_poly()

void Lorene::Map_et::fait_poly ( )

Construction of the polynomials $A(\xi)$ and $B(\xi)$.

Definition at line 668 of file map_et.C.

References aa, bb, daa, dbb, ddaa, ddbb, Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ flat_met_cart()

const Metric_flat & Lorene::Map::flat_met_cart ( ) const

Returns the flat metric associated with the Cartesian coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_cart.

Definition at line 334 of file map.C.

References Lorene::Map::bvect_cart, and Lorene::Map::p_flat_met_cart.

◆ flat_met_spher()

const Metric_flat & Lorene::Map::flat_met_spher ( ) const

Returns the flat metric associated with the spherical coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_spher.

Definition at line 324 of file map.C.

References Lorene::Map::bvect_spher, and Lorene::Map::p_flat_met_spher.

◆ get_alpha()

const double * Lorene::Map_et::get_alpha ( ) const

Returns a pointer on the array alpha (values of $\alpha$ in each domain)

Definition at line 1049 of file map_et.C.

References alpha.

◆ get_beta()

const double * Lorene::Map_et::get_beta ( ) const

Returns a pointer on the array beta (values of $\beta$ in each domain)

Definition at line 1053 of file map_et.C.

References beta.

◆ get_bvect_cart()

const Base_vect_cart& Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart ( ) const

Returns the Cartesian basis $(\partial/\partial x,\partial/\partial y,\partial/\partial z)$ associated with the coordinates (x,y,z) of the mapping, i.e.

the Cartesian coordinates related to $(r, \theta, \phi)$ by means of usual formulae.

Definition at line 809 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::bvect_cart.

◆ get_bvect_spher()

const Base_vect_spher& Lorene::Map::get_bvect_spher ( ) const

Returns the orthonormal vectorial basis $(\partial/\partial r,1/r\partial/\partial \theta, 1/(r\sin\theta)\partial/\partial \phi)$ associated with the coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$ of the mapping.

Definition at line 801 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::bvect_spher.

◆ get_ff()

const Valeur & Lorene::Map_et::get_ff ( ) const

Returns a (constant) reference to the function $F(\theta',\phi')$.

Definition at line 1057 of file map_et.C.

References ff.

◆ get_gg()

const Valeur & Lorene::Map_et::get_gg ( ) const

Returns a (constant) reference to the function $G(\theta',\phi')$.

Definition at line 1061 of file map_et.C.

References gg.

◆ get_mg()

const Mg3d* Lorene::Map::get_mg ( ) const

Gives the Mg3d on which the mapping is defined.

Definition at line 783 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ get_ori_x()

double Lorene::Map::get_ori_x ( ) const

Returns the x coordinate of the origin.

Definition at line 786 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::ori_x.

◆ get_ori_y()

double Lorene::Map::get_ori_y ( ) const

Returns the y coordinate of the origin.

Definition at line 788 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::ori_y.

◆ get_ori_z()

double Lorene::Map::get_ori_z ( ) const

Returns the z coordinate of the origin.

Definition at line 790 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::ori_z.

◆ get_rot_phi()

double Lorene::Map::get_rot_phi ( ) const

Returns the angle between the x –axis and X –axis.

Definition at line 793 of file map.h.

References Lorene::Map::rot_phi.

◆ homothetie()

void Lorene::Map_et::homothetie ( double  lambda)

Sets a new radial scale.

lambda[input] factor by which the value of r is to be multiplied

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 928 of file map_et.C.

References Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ inc2_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Map_radial::inc2_dzpuis ( Scalar ci) const

Increases by 2 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED).

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 802 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ inc_dzpuis()

void Lorene::Map_radial::inc_dzpuis ( Scalar ci) const

Increases by 1 the value of dzpuis of a Scalar and changes accordingly its values in the
compactified external domain (CED).

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 699 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ integrale()

Tbl * Lorene::Map_et::integrale ( const Cmp ci) const

Computes the integral over all space of a Cmp.

The computed quantity is $\int u \, r^2 \sin\theta \, dr\, d\theta \, d\phi$. The routine allocates a Tbl (size: mg->nzone ) to store the result (partial integral) in each domain and returns a pointer to it.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 77 of file map_et_integ.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ lapang()

void Lorene::Map_et::lapang ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar lap 
) const

Computes the angular Laplacian of a scalar field.

uu[input] Scalar field u (represented as a Scalar) the Laplacian $\Delta u$ of which is to be computed
lap[output] Angular Laplacian of u (see documentation of Scalar

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 286 of file map_et_lap.C.

◆ laplacien() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::laplacien ( const Scalar uu,
int  zec_mult_r,
Scalar lap 
) const

Computes the Laplacian of a scalar field.

uu[input] Scalar field u (represented as a Scalar ) the Laplacian $\Delta u$ of which is to be computed
zec_mult_r[input] Determines the quantity computed in the compactified external domain (CED) : \ zec_mult_r = 0 : $\Delta u$ \ zec_mult_r = 2 : $r^2 \, \Delta u$ \ zec_mult_r = 4 (default) : $r^4 \, \Delta u$
lap[output] Laplacian of u

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 78 of file map_et_lap.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ laplacien() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::laplacien ( const Cmp uu,
int  zec_mult_r,
Cmp lap 
) const

Computes the Laplacian of a scalar field (Cmp version).

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 183 of file map_et_lap.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ mp_angu()

const Map_af & Lorene::Map_et::mp_angu ( int  ) const

Returns the "angular" mapping for the outside of domain l_zone.

Valid only for the class Map_af.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 1068 of file map_et.C.

References Lorene::c_est_pas_fait(), and Lorene::Map::p_mp_angu.

◆ mult_cost()

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_cost ( Scalar ci) const

Multiplication by $\cos\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 64 of file map_radial_th_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ mult_r() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_r ( Scalar uu) const

Multiplication by r of a Scalar, the dzpuis
of uu is not changed.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 147 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ mult_r() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_r ( Cmp ci) const

Multiplication by r of a Cmp.

In the CED, there is only a decrement of dzpuis

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 222 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ mult_r_zec()

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_r_zec ( Scalar ci) const

Multiplication by r (in the compactified external domain only) of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 299 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ mult_rsint()

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_rsint ( Scalar ci) const

Multiplication by $r\sin\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 358 of file map_radial_r_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ mult_sint()

void Lorene::Map_radial::mult_sint ( Scalar ci) const

Multiplication by $\sin\theta$ of a Scalar.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 112 of file map_radial_th_manip.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ operator=() [1/2]

◆ operator=() [2/2]

◆ operator==()

◆ operator>>()

ostream & Lorene::Map_et::operator>> ( ostream &  ost) const

◆ poisson()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson ( const Cmp source,
Param par,
Cmp uu 
) const

Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation.

Following the method explained in Sect. III.C of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998),
the Poisson equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is re-written as $a \tilde\Delta u = \sigma + R(u)$, where $\tilde\Delta$ is the Laplacian in an affine mapping and R(u) contains the terms generated by the deviation of the mapping *this from spherical symmetry. This equation is solved by iterations. At each step J the equation effectively solved is $\tilde\Delta u^{J+1} = s^J$ where

\[ s^J = 1/a_l^{\rm max} \{ {\tt source} + R(u^J) + (a_l^{\rm max}-a) [ \lambda s^{J-1} + (1-\lambda) s^{J-2} ] \} \ , \]

with $a_l^{\rm max} := \max(a)$ in domain no. l and $\lambda$ is a relaxation parameter.

source[input] source $\sigma$ of the Poisson equation
par[input/output] parameters for the iterative method: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations \ par.get_double(0) : [input] relaxation parameter $\lambda$ \ par.get_double(1) : [input] required precision: the iterative method is stopped as soon as the relative difference between $u^J$ and $u^{J-1}$ is greater than par.get_double(1) \ par.get_cmp_mod(0) : [input/output] input : Cmp containing $s^{J-1}$ (cf. the above equation) to start the iteration (if nothing is known a priori, this Cmp must be set to zero); output: value of $s^{J-1}$, to used in a next call to the routine \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] number of iterations actually used to get the solution.
uu[input/output] input : previously computed value of u to start the iteration (term R(u) ) (if nothing is known a priori, uu must be set to zero); output: solution u
with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 111 of file map_et_poisson.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ poisson2d()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson2d ( const Cmp source_mat,
const Cmp source_quad,
Param par,
Cmp uu 
) const

Computes the solution of a 2-D Poisson equation.

The 2-D Poisson equation writes

\[ {\partial^2 u\over\partial r^2} + {1\over r} {\partial u \over \partial r} + {1\over r^2} {\partial^2 u\over\partial \theta^2} = \sigma \ . \]

source_mat[input] Compactly supported part of the source $\sigma$ of the 2-D Poisson equation (typically matter terms)
source_quad[input] Non-compactly supported part of the source $\sigma$ of the 2-D Poisson equation (typically quadratic terms)
par[input/output] Parameters to control the resolution : \ par.get_double_mod(0) : [output] constant lambda such that the source of the equation effectively solved is source_mat + lambda * source_quad , in order to fulfill the virial identity GRV2. \ If the theta basis is T_SIN_I , the following arguments are required: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations \ par.get_double(0) : [input] relaxation parameter \ par.get_double(1) : [input] required precision: the iterative method is stopped as soon as the relative difference between $u^J$ and $u^{J-1}$ is greater than par.get_double(1) \ par.get_cmp_mod(0) : [input/output] input : Cmp containing $s^{J-1}$ to start the iteration (if nothing is known a priori, this Cmp must be set to zero); output: value of $s^{J-1}$, to used in a next call to the routine \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] number of iterations actually used to get the solution.
uu[input/output] solution u with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 83 of file map_et_poisson2d.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ poisson_angu()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson_angu ( const Scalar source,
Param par,
Scalar uu,
double  lambda = 0 
) const

Computes the solution of the generalized angular Poisson equation.

The generalized angular Poisson equation is $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} u + \lambda u = \sigma$, where $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} u := \frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial \theta^2} + \frac{1}{\tan \theta} \frac{\partial u} {\partial \theta} +\frac{1}{\sin^2 \theta}\frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial \varphi^2}$.

source[input] source $\sigma$ of the equation $\Delta_{\theta\varphi} u + \lambda u = \sigma$.
par[input/output] possible parameters to control the resolution of the Poisson equation. See the actual implementation in the derived class of Map for documentation.
uu[input/output] solution u
lambda[input] coefficient $\lambda$ in the above equation (default value = 0)

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 602 of file map_et_poisson.C.

References Lorene::Param::get_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::get_double(), Lorene::Scalar::get_dzpuis(), Lorene::Scalar::get_etat(), Lorene::Param::get_int(), Lorene::Param::get_int_mod(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map::mg, Lorene::Scalar::set_dzpuis(), and Lorene::Scalar::set_spectral_va().

◆ poisson_compact() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::poisson_compact ( const Cmp source,
const Cmp aa,
const Tenseur bb,
const Param par,
Cmp psi 
) const

Resolution of the elliptic equation $ a \Delta\psi + {\bf b} \cdot \nabla \psi = \sigma$ in the case where the stellar interior is covered by a single domain.

source[input] source $\sigma$ of the above equation
aa[input] factor a in the above equation
bb[input] vector b in the above equation
par[input/output] parameters of the iterative method of resolution : \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations \ par.get_double(0) : [input] required precision: the iterative method is stopped as soon as the relative difference between $\psi^J$ and $\psi^{J-1}$ is greater than par.get_double(0) \ par.get_double(1) : [input] relaxation parameter $\lambda$ \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] number of iterations actually used to get the solution.
psi[input/output]: input : previously computed value of $\psi$ to start the iteration (if nothing is known a priori, psi must be set to zero); output: solution $\psi$ which satisfies $\psi(0)=0$.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 158 of file map_radial_poisson_cpt.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ poisson_compact() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::poisson_compact ( int  nzet,
const Cmp source,
const Cmp aa,
const Tenseur bb,
const Param par,
Cmp psi 
) const

Resolution of the elliptic equation $ a \Delta\psi + {\bf b} \cdot \nabla \psi = \sigma$ in the case of a multidomain stellar interior.

nzet[input] number of domains covering the stellar interior
source[input] source $\sigma$ of the above equation
aa[input] factor a in the above equation
bb[input] vector b in the above equation
par[input/output] possible parameters to control the resolution of the equation. See the actual implementation in the derived class of Map for documentation.
psi[input/output] solution $\psi$ which satisfies $\psi(0)=0$.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 456 of file map_radial_poisson_cpt.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat(), and Lorene::Map_radial::poisson_compact().

◆ poisson_frontiere()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson_frontiere ( const Cmp ,
const Valeur ,
int  ,
int  ,
Cmp ,
double  = 0.,
double  = 0. 
) const

Not yet implemented.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 127 of file cmp_pde_frontiere.C.

◆ poisson_interne()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson_interne ( const Cmp source,
const Valeur limite,
Param par,
Cmp pot 
) const

Computes the solution of a Poisson equation in the shell .

imposing a boundary condition at the surface of the star

source[input] : source of the equation.
limite[input] : limite[num_front] contains the angular function being the boudary condition.
par[input] : parameters of the computation.
pot[output] : result.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 277 of file cmp_pde_frontiere.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ poisson_regular()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson_regular ( const Cmp source,
int  k_div,
int  nzet,
double  unsgam1,
Param par,
Cmp uu,
Cmp uu_regu,
Cmp uu_div,
Tenseur duu_div,
Cmp source_regu,
Cmp source_div 
) const

Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation.

The regularized source

source[input] source $\sigma$ of the Poisson equation $\Delta u = \sigma$.
k_div[input] regularization degree of the procedure
nzet[input] number of domains covering the star
unsgam1[input] parameter $1/(\gamma-1)$ where $\gamma$ denotes the adiabatic index.
par[input/output] parameters for the iterative method: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations \ par.get_double(0) : [input] relaxation parameter $\lambda$ \ par.get_double(1) : [input] required precision: the iterative method is stopped as soon as the relative difference between $u^J$ and $u^{J-1}$ is greater than par.get_double(1) \ par.get_cmp_mod(0) : [input/output] input : Cmp containing $s^{J-1}$ (cf. the above equation) to start the iteration (if nothing is known a priori, this Cmp must be set to zero); output: value of $s^{J-1}$, to used in a next call to the routine \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] number of iterations actually used to get the solution.
uu[input/output] input : previously computed value of u to start the iteration (term R(u) ) (if nothing is known a priori, uu must be set to zero); output: solution u
with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity.
uu_regu[output] solution of the regular part of the source.
uu_div[output] solution of the diverging part of the source.
duu_div[output] derivative of the diverging potential
source_regu[output] regularized source
source_div[output] diverging part of the source

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 88 of file map_et_poisson_regu.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ poisson_tau()

void Lorene::Map_et::poisson_tau ( const Cmp source,
Param par,
Cmp uu 
) const

Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation with a Tau method.

Following the method explained in Sect. III.C of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon & Marck, Phys. Rev. D 58 , 104020 (1998),
the Poisson equation $\Delta u = \sigma$ is re-written as $a \tilde\Delta u = \sigma + R(u)$, where $\tilde\Delta$ is the Laplacian in an affine mapping and R(u) contains the terms generated by the deviation of the mapping *this from spherical symmetry. This equation is solved by iterations. At each step J the equation effectively solved is $\tilde\Delta u^{J+1} = s^J$ where

\[ s^J = 1/a_l^{\rm max} \{ {\tt source} + R(u^J) + (a_l^{\rm max}-a) [ \lambda s^{J-1} + (1-\lambda) s^{J-2} ] \} \ , \]

with $a_l^{\rm max} := \max(a)$ in domain no. l and $\lambda$ is a relaxation parameter.

source[input] source $\sigma$ of the Poisson equation
par[input/output] parameters for the iterative method: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations \ par.get_double(0) : [input] relaxation parameter $\lambda$ \ par.get_double(1) : [input] required precision: the iterative method is stopped as soon as the relative difference between $u^J$ and $u^{J-1}$ is greater than par.get_double(1) \ par.get_cmp_mod(0) : [input/output] input : Cmp containing $s^{J-1}$ (cf. the above equation) to start the iteration (if nothing is known a priori, this Cmp must be set to zero); output: value of $s^{J-1}$, to used in a next call to the routine \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] number of iterations actually used to get the solution.
uu[input/output] input : previously computed value of u to start the iteration (term R(u) ) (if nothing is known a priori, uu must be set to zero); output: solution u
with the boundary condition u =0 at spatial infinity.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 360 of file map_et_poisson.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ primr()

void Lorene::Map_et::primr ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu,
bool  null_infty 
) const

Computes the radial primitive which vanishes for $r\to \infty$.

i.e. the function $ F(r,\theta,\varphi) = \int_r^\infty f(r',\theta,\varphi) \, dr' $

uu[input] function f (must have a dzpuis = 2)
resu[input] function F
null_inftyif true (default), the primitive is null at infinity (or on the grid boundary). F is null at the center otherwise

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 113 of file map_et_integ.C.

◆ reevaluate() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::reevaluate ( const Map mp_prev,
int  nzet,
Cmp uu 
) const

Recomputes the values of a Cmp at the collocation points after a change in the mapping.

mp_prev[input] Previous value of the mapping.
nzet[input] Number of domains where the computation must be done: the computation is performed for the domains of index $0\le {\tt l} \le {\tt nzet-1}$; uu is set to zero in the other domains.
uu[input/output] input : Cmp previously computed on the mapping *mp_prev ; ouput : values of (logically) the same Cmp at the grid points defined by *this.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 64 of file map_radial_reevaluate.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_dzpuis(), Lorene::Cmp::get_etat(), Lorene::Cmp::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ reevaluate() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::reevaluate ( const Map mp_prev,
int  nzet,
Scalar uu 
) const

Recomputes the values of a Scalar at the collocation points after a change in the mapping.

mp_prev[input] Previous value of the mapping.
nzet[input] Number of domains where the computation must be done: the computation is performed for the domains of index $0\le {\tt l} \le {\tt nzet-1}$; uu is set to zero in the other domains.
uu[input/output] input : Scalar previously computed on the mapping *mp_prev ; ouput : values of (logically) the same Scalar at the grid points defined by *this.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 179 of file map_radial_reevaluate.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_dzpuis(), Lorene::Scalar::get_etat(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ reevaluate_symy() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::reevaluate_symy ( const Map mp_prev,
int  nzet,
Cmp uu 
) const

Recomputes the values of a Cmp at the collocation points after a change in the mapping.

Case where the Cmp is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

mp_prev[input] Previous value of the mapping.
nzet[input] Number of domains where the computation must be done: the computation is performed for the domains of index $0\le {\tt l} \le {\tt nzet-1}$; uu is set to zero in the other domains.
uu[input/output] input : Cmp previously computed on the mapping *mp_prev ; ouput : values of (logically) the same Cmp at the grid points defined by *this.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 65 of file map_radial_reeval_symy.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_dzpuis(), Lorene::Cmp::get_etat(), Lorene::Cmp::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ reevaluate_symy() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_radial::reevaluate_symy ( const Map mp_prev,
int  nzet,
Scalar uu 
) const

Recomputes the values of a Scalar at the collocation points after a change in the mapping.

Case where the Scalar is symmetric with respect to the plane y=0.

mp_prev[input] Previous value of the mapping.
nzet[input] Number of domains where the computation must be done: the computation is performed for the domains of index $0\le {\tt l} \le {\tt nzet-1}$; uu is set to zero in the other domains.
uu[input/output] input : Scalar previously computed on the mapping *mp_prev ; ouput : values of (logically) the same Scalar at the grid points defined by *this.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 199 of file map_radial_reeval_symy.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_dzpuis(), Lorene::Scalar::get_etat(), Lorene::Tensor::get_mp(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ reset_coord()

void Lorene::Map_et::reset_coord ( )

Resets all the member Coords.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Map_radial.

Definition at line 651 of file map_et.C.

References Lorene::Coord::del_t(), Lorene::Map_radial::reset_coord(), rsx2drdx, and rsxdxdr.

◆ resize()

void Lorene::Map_et::resize ( int  l,
double  lambda 

Rescales the outer boundary of one domain.

The inner boundary is unchanged. The inner boundary of the next domain is changed to match the new outer boundary.

l[input] index of the domain
lambda[input] factor by which the value of $R(\theta, \varphi)$ defining the outer boundary of the domain is to be multiplied.

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 951 of file map_et.C.

References Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ resize_extr()

void Lorene::Map_et::resize_extr ( double  lambda)

Rescales the outer boundary of the outermost domain in the case of non-compactified external domain.

The inner boundary is unchanged.

lambda[input] factor by which the value of the radius of the outermost domain is to be multiplied.

Definition at line 58 of file map_et_resize_extr.C.

References Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ sauve()

void Lorene::Map_et::sauve ( FILE *  fich) const

Save in a file.

Reimplemented from Lorene::Map_radial.

Definition at line 802 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, beta, ff, Lorene::fwrite_be(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), gg, Lorene::Map::mg, Lorene::Valeur::sauve(), and Lorene::Map_radial::sauve().

◆ set_alpha()

void Lorene::Map_et::set_alpha ( double  alpha0,
int  l 

Modifies the value of $\alpha$ in domain no. l.

Definition at line 447 of file map_et.C.

References alpha, and reset_coord().

◆ set_beta()

void Lorene::Map_et::set_beta ( double  beta0,
int  l 

Modifies the value of $\beta$ in domain no. l.

Definition at line 458 of file map_et.C.

References beta, and reset_coord().

◆ set_coord()

◆ set_ff()

void Lorene::Map_et::set_ff ( const Valeur ffi)

Assigns a given value to the function $F(\theta',\phi')$.

Definition at line 585 of file map_et.C.

References ff, and reset_coord().

◆ set_gg()

void Lorene::Map_et::set_gg ( const Valeur ggi)

Assigns a given value to the function $G(\theta',\phi')$.

Definition at line 593 of file map_et.C.

References gg, and reset_coord().

◆ set_ori()

void Lorene::Map::set_ori ( double  xa0,
double  ya0,
double  za0 

◆ set_rot_phi()

void Lorene::Map::set_rot_phi ( double  phi0)

◆ srdsdt() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::srdsdt ( const Cmp ci,
Cmp resu 
) const

Computes $1/r \partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Cmp.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), it computes $1/u \partial/ \partial \theta = r \partial/ \partial \theta$.

ci[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of ci

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 340 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ srdsdt() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::srdsdt ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $1/r \partial/ \partial \theta$ of a Scalar.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag of the output is 2 if the input has dzpuis = 0, and is increased by 1 in other cases.

uu[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 394 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ srstdsdp() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::srstdsdp ( const Cmp ci,
Cmp resu 
) const

Computes $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/ \partial \phi$ of a Cmp.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), it computes $1/(u\sin\theta) \partial/ \partial \phi = r/\sin\theta \partial/ \partial \phi$.

ci[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of ci

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 488 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Cmp::get_etat().

◆ srstdsdp() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::srstdsdp ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $1/(r\sin\theta) \partial/ \partial \phi$ of a Scalar.

Note that in the compactified external domain (CED), the dzpuis flag of the output is 2 if the input has dzpuis = 0, and is increased by 1 in other cases.

uu[input] field to consider
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 543 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ stdsdp()

void Lorene::Map_et::stdsdp ( const Scalar uu,
Scalar resu 
) const

Computes $1/\sin\theta \partial/ \partial \varphi$ of a Scalar.

uu[input] scalar field
resu[output] derivative of uu

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 677 of file map_et_deriv.C.

References Lorene::Scalar::get_etat().

◆ val_lx() [1/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::val_lx ( double  rr,
double  theta,
double  pphi,
int &  l,
double &  xi 
) const

Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point given by its physical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$.

rr[input] value of r
theta[input] value of $\theta$
pphi[input] value of $\phi$
l[output] value of the domain index
xi[output] value of $\xi$

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 149 of file map_et_radius.C.

References Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), and Lorene::Param::add_int_mod().

◆ val_lx() [2/2]

void Lorene::Map_et::val_lx ( double  rr,
double  theta,
double  pphi,
const Param par,
int &  l,
double &  xi 
) const

Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point given by its physical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$.

This version enables to pass some parameters to control the accuracy of the computation.

rr[input] value of r
theta[input] value of $\theta$
pphi[input] value of $\phi$
par[input/output] parameters to control the accuracy of the computation: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations in the secant method to locate $\xi$ \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] effective number of iterations used \ par.get_double(0) : [input] absolute precision in the secant method to locate $\xi$
l[output] value of the domain index
xi[output] value of $\xi$

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 172 of file map_et_radius.C.

References Lorene::Param::get_double(), Lorene::Param::get_int(), Lorene::Param::get_int_mod(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ val_lx_jk()

void Lorene::Map_et::val_lx_jk ( double  rr,
int  j,
int  k,
const Param par,
int &  l,
double &  xi 
) const

Computes the domain index l and the value of $\xi$ corresponding to a point of arbitrary r but collocation values of $(\theta, \phi)$.

rr[input] value of r
j[input] index of the collocation point in $\theta$
k[input] index of the collocation point in $\phi$
par[input/output] parameters to control the accuracy of the computation: \ par.get_int(0) : [input] maximum number of iterations in the secant method to locate $\xi$ \ par.get_int_mod(0) : [output] effective number of iterations used \ par.get_double(0) : [input] absolute precision in the secant method to locate $\xi$
l[output] value of the domain index
xi[output] value of $\xi$

Implements Lorene::Map_radial.

Definition at line 421 of file map_et_radius.C.

References Lorene::Param::get_double(), Lorene::Param::get_int(), Lorene::Param::get_int_mod(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

◆ val_r()

double Lorene::Map_et::val_r ( int  l,
double  xi,
double  theta,
double  pphi 
) const

Returns the value of the radial coordinate r for a given $(\xi, \theta', \phi')$ in a given domain.

l[input] index of the domain
xi[input] value of $\xi$
theta[input] value of $\theta'$
pphi[input] value of $\phi'$
value of $r=R_l(\xi, \theta', \phi')$

Implements Lorene::Map.

Definition at line 95 of file map_et_radius.C.

References ff, Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), Lorene::Map::mg, and Lorene::Valeur::val_point().

◆ val_r_jk()

double Lorene::Map_et::val_r_jk ( int  l,
double  xi,
int  j,
int  k 
) const

Returns the value of the radial coordinate r for a given $\xi$ and a given collocation point in $(\theta', \phi')$ in a given domain.

l[input] index of the domain
xi[input] value of $\xi$
j[input] index of the collocation point in $\theta'$
k[input] index of the collocation point in $\phi'$
value of $r=R_l(\xi, {\theta'}_j, {\phi'}_k)$

Implements Lorene::Map_radial.

Definition at line 370 of file map_et_radius.C.

References ff, Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_r(), and Lorene::Map::mg.

Member Data Documentation

◆ aa

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::aa

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2796 of file map.h.

◆ aasx

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::aasx

Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/\xi$ in the nucleus.

Definition at line 2809 of file map.h.

◆ aasx2

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::aasx2

Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/\xi^2$ in the nucleus.

Definition at line 2812 of file map.h.

◆ alpha

double* Lorene::Map_et::alpha

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of the values of $\alpha$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2789 of file map.h.

◆ bb

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::bb

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2827 of file map.h.

◆ bbsx

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::bbsx

Values at the nr collocation points of $B(\xi)/\xi$ in the nucleus.

Definition at line 2840 of file map.h.

◆ bbsx2

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::bbsx2

Values at the nr collocation points of $B(\xi)/\xi^2$ in the nucleus.

Definition at line 2843 of file map.h.

◆ beta

double* Lorene::Map_et::beta

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of the values of $\beta$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2791 of file map.h.

◆ bvect_cart

Base_vect_cart Lorene::Map::bvect_cart

Cartesian basis $(\partial/\partial x,\partial/\partial y,\partial/\partial z)$ associated with the coordinates (x,y,z) of the mapping, i.e.

the Cartesian coordinates related to $(r, \theta, \phi)$ by means of usual formulae.

Definition at line 715 of file map.h.

◆ bvect_spher

Base_vect_spher Lorene::Map::bvect_spher

Orthonormal vectorial basis $(\partial/\partial r,1/r\partial/\partial \theta, 1/(r\sin\theta)\partial/\partial \phi)$ associated with the coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$ of the mapping.

Definition at line 707 of file map.h.

◆ cosp

Coord Lorene::Map::cosp


Definition at line 742 of file map.h.

◆ cost

Coord Lorene::Map::cost


Definition at line 740 of file map.h.

◆ d2rdtdx

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::d2rdtdx

$\partial^2 R/\partial\xi\partial\theta'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial^2 U/\partial\xi\partial\theta'$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1661 of file map.h.

◆ d2rdx2

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::d2rdx2

$\partial^2 R/\partial\xi^2$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial^2 U/\partial\xi^2 $ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1640 of file map.h.

◆ daa

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::daa

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A'(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2801 of file map.h.

◆ dbb

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::dbb

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B'(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2832 of file map.h.

◆ ddaa

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::ddaa

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $A''(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2806 of file map.h.

◆ ddbb

Tbl** Lorene::Map_et::ddbb

Array (size: mg->nzone ) of Tbl which stores the values of $B''(\xi)$ in each domain.

Definition at line 2837 of file map.h.

◆ drdt

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::drdt

$\partial R/\partial\theta'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-\partial U/\partial\theta'$ in the compactified external domain (CED).

Definition at line 1589 of file map.h.

◆ dxdr

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::dxdr

$1/(\partial R/\partial\xi) = \partial \xi /\partial r$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(\partial U/\partial\xi) = - \partial \xi /\partial u$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1581 of file map.h.

◆ ff

Valeur Lorene::Map_et::ff

Values of the function $F(\theta', \phi')$ at the nt*np angular collocation points in each domain.

The Valeur ff is defined on the multi-grid mg->g_angu (cf. class Mg3d ).

Definition at line 2850 of file map.h.

◆ gg

Valeur Lorene::Map_et::gg

Values of the function $G(\theta', \phi')$ at the nt*np angular collocation points in each domain.

The Valeur gg is defined on the multi-grid mg->g_angu (cf. class Mg3d ).

Definition at line 2857 of file map.h.

◆ lapr_tp

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::lapr_tp

$1/R^2 \times [ 1/\sin(\theta)\times \partial /\partial\theta' (\sin\theta \partial R /\partial\theta') + 1/\sin^2\theta \partial^2 R /\partial{\varphi'}^2] $ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $- 1/U^2 \times [ 1/\sin(\theta)\times \partial /\partial\theta' (\sin\theta \partial U /\partial\theta') + 1/\sin^2\theta \partial^2 U /\partial{\varphi'}^2] $ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1652 of file map.h.

◆ mg

const Mg3d* Lorene::Map::mg

Pointer on the multi-grid Mgd3 on which this is defined.

Definition at line 694 of file map.h.

◆ ori_x

double Lorene::Map::ori_x

Absolute coordinate x of the origin.

Definition at line 696 of file map.h.

◆ ori_y

double Lorene::Map::ori_y

Absolute coordinate y of the origin.

Definition at line 697 of file map.h.

◆ ori_z

double Lorene::Map::ori_z

Absolute coordinate z of the origin.

Definition at line 698 of file map.h.

◆ p_cmp_zero

Cmp* Lorene::Map::p_cmp_zero

The null Cmp.

To be used by the Tenseur class when necessary to return a null Cmp .

Definition at line 731 of file map.h.

◆ p_flat_met_cart

Metric_flat* Lorene::Map::p_flat_met_cart

Pointer onto the flat metric associated with the Cartesian coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_cart.

Definition at line 725 of file map.h.

◆ p_flat_met_spher

Metric_flat* Lorene::Map::p_flat_met_spher

Pointer onto the flat metric associated with the spherical coordinates and with components expressed in the triad bvect_spher.

Definition at line 720 of file map.h.

◆ p_mp_angu

Map_af* Lorene::Map::p_mp_angu

Pointer on the "angular" mapping.

Definition at line 733 of file map.h.

◆ phi

Coord Lorene::Map::phi

$\phi$ coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 738 of file map.h.

◆ r

Coord Lorene::Map::r

r coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 736 of file map.h.

◆ rot_phi

double Lorene::Map::rot_phi

Angle between the x –axis and X –axis.

Definition at line 699 of file map.h.

◆ rsx2drdx

Coord Lorene::Map_et::rsx2drdx

$[ R/ (\alpha \xi + \beta) ]^2 (\partial R/\partial \xi) / \alpha$ in the nucleus and the shells; \ $\partial U/\partial \xi / \alpha$ in the outermost compactified domain.

Definition at line 2872 of file map.h.

◆ rsxdxdr

Coord Lorene::Map_et::rsxdxdr

$1/(\partial R/\partial \xi) R/\xi$ in the nucleus; \ $1/(\partial R/\partial \xi) R/(\xi + \beta/\alpha)$ in the shells; \ $1/(\partial U/\partial \xi) U/(\xi-1)$ in the outermost compactified domain.

Definition at line 2865 of file map.h.

◆ sinp

Coord Lorene::Map::sinp


Definition at line 741 of file map.h.

◆ sint

Coord Lorene::Map::sint


Definition at line 739 of file map.h.

◆ sr2d2rdt2

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::sr2d2rdt2

$1/R^2 \partial^2 R/\partial{\theta'}^2$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U^2 \partial^2 U/\partial{\theta'}^2$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1678 of file map.h.

◆ sr2drdt

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::sr2drdt

$1/R^2 \times (\partial R/\partial\theta')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U^2 \times (\partial U/\partial\theta')$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1621 of file map.h.

◆ sr2stdrdp

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::sr2stdrdp

$1/(R^2\sin\theta) \times (\partial R/\partial\varphi')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(U^2\sin\theta) \times (\partial U/\partial\varphi')$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1629 of file map.h.

◆ srdrdt

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::srdrdt

$1/R \times (\partial R/\partial\theta')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/U \times (\partial U/\partial\theta)$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1605 of file map.h.

◆ srstdrdp

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::srstdrdp

$1/(R\sin\theta) \times (\partial R/\partial\varphi')$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/(U\sin\theta) \times (\partial U/\partial\varphi')$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1613 of file map.h.

◆ sstd2rdpdx

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::sstd2rdpdx

$1/\sin\theta \times \partial^2 R/\partial\xi\partial\varphi'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-1/\sin\theta \times \partial^2 U/\partial\xi\partial\varphi' $ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1669 of file map.h.

◆ stdrdp

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::stdrdp

${1\over\sin\theta} \partial R/\partial\varphi'$ in the nucleus and in the non-compactified shells; \ $-{1\over\sin\theta}\partial U/\partial\varphi'$ in the compactified external domain (CED).

Definition at line 1597 of file map.h.

◆ tet

Coord Lorene::Map::tet

$\theta$ coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 737 of file map.h.

◆ x

Coord Lorene::Map::x

x coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 744 of file map.h.

◆ xa

Coord Lorene::Map::xa

Absolute x coordinate.

Definition at line 748 of file map.h.

◆ xsr

Coord Lorene::Map_radial::xsr

$\xi/R$ in the nucleus; \ 1/R in the non-compactified shells; \ $(\xi-1)/U$ in the compactified outer domain.

Definition at line 1570 of file map.h.

◆ y

Coord Lorene::Map::y

y coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 745 of file map.h.

◆ ya

Coord Lorene::Map::ya

Absolute y coordinate.

Definition at line 749 of file map.h.

◆ z

Coord Lorene::Map::z

z coordinate centered on the grid

Definition at line 746 of file map.h.

◆ za

Coord Lorene::Map::za

Absolute z coordinate.

Definition at line 750 of file map.h.

◆ zaasx

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::zaasx

Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/(\xi-1)$ in the outermost compactified domain.

Definition at line 2817 of file map.h.

◆ zaasx2

Tbl Lorene::Map_et::zaasx2

Values at the nr collocation points of $A(\xi)/(\xi-1)^2$ in the outermost compactified domain.

Definition at line 2822 of file map.h.

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