Class for a star in a NS-BH binary system. More...
#include <et_bin_nsbh.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Et_bin_nsbh (Map &mp_i, int nzet_i, bool relat, const Eos &eos_i, bool irrot, const Base_vect &ref_triad_i) | |
Standard constructor. More... | |
Et_bin_nsbh (const Et_bin_nsbh &) | |
Et_bin_nsbh (Map &mp_i, const Eos &eos_i, const Base_vect &ref_triad_i, FILE *fich, bool old=false) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const Et_bin_nsbh &) |
Destructor. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_n_auto () |
Read/write the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_n_comp () |
Read/write the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_confpsi_auto () |
Read/write the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_confpsi_comp () |
Read/write the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_n_auto () const |
Returns the part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_n_comp () const |
Returns the part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_n_auto () const |
Returns the gradient of { n_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_n_comp () const |
Returns the gradient of { n_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_confpsi () const |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_confpsi_auto () const |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_confpsi_comp () const |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_confpsi_auto () const |
Returns the gradient of { confpsi_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_confpsi_comp () const |
Returns the gradient of { confpsi_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_taij_auto () const |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}. More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_taij_comp () const |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_comp}. More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_taij_tot () const |
Returns the total extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}. More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_tkij_auto () const |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}. More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_tkij_tot () const |
Returns the total extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}. More... | |
virtual void | sauve (FILE *) const |
Save in a file. More... | |
void | fait_taij_auto () |
Computes (LB)^{ij} auto. More... | |
void | update_metric (const Bhole &comp) |
Computes metric coefficients from known potentials, when the companion is a black hole. More... | |
void | update_metric_der_comp (const Bhole &comp) |
Computes the derivative of metric functions related to the companion black hole. More... | |
virtual void | equilibrium_nsbh (double ent_c, int mermax, int mermax_poisson, double relax_poisson, int mermax_potvit, double relax_potvit, double thres_adapt, const Tbl &fact, Tbl &diff) |
Computes an equilibrium configuration in a NS-BH binary system. More... | |
void | equilibrium_nsbh (bool, double, int &, int, int, double, int, double, Tbl &) |
virtual void | kinematics (double omega, double x_axe) |
Computes the quantities bsn and pot_centri . More... | |
double | compute_angul () const |
double | compute_axe (double) const |
Tenseur & | set_logn_comp () |
Read/write the part of the lapse logarithm (gravitational potential at the Newtonian limit) generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_pot_centri () |
Read/write the centrifugal potential. More... | |
Tenseur & | set_w_shift () |
Read/write of w_shift . More... | |
Tenseur & | set_khi_shift () |
Read/write of khi_shift . More... | |
bool | is_irrotational () const |
Returns true for an irrotational motion, false for a corotating one. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_psi0 () const |
Returns the non-translational part of the velocity potential. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_psi () const |
Returns the gradient of the velocity potential (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_wit_w () const |
Returns the spatial projection of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the co-orbiting observer. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_loggam () const |
Returns the logarithm of the Lorentz factor between the fluid and the co-orbiting observer. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_logn_comp () const |
Returns the part of the lapse logarithm (gravitational potential at the Newtonian limit) generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_logn_auto () const |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_logn_auto_regu () const |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto_regu (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_logn_comp () const |
Returns the gradient of logn_comp (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_beta_comp () const |
Returns the part of the logarithm of AN generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_beta_auto () const |
Returns the gradient of beta_auto (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_beta_comp () const |
Returns the gradient of beta_comp (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_shift_auto () const |
Returns the part of the shift vector ![]() | |
const Tenseur & | get_shift_comp () const |
Returns the part of the shift vector ![]() | |
const Tenseur & | get_w_shift () const |
Returns the vector ![]() shift_auto , following Shibata's prescription [Prog. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_khi_shift () const |
Returns the scalar ![]() shift_auto following Shibata's prescription [Prog. More... | |
const Tenseur_sym & | get_tkij_comp () const |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor ![]() shift_comp . More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_akcar_auto () const |
Returns the part of the scalar ![]() shift_auto , i.e. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_akcar_comp () const |
Returns the part of the scalar ![]() shift_auto and shift_comp , i.e. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_bsn () const |
Returns the shift vector, divided by N , of the rotating coordinates, ![]() | |
const Tenseur & | get_pot_centri () const |
Returns the centrifugal potential. More... | |
const Cmp | get_decouple () const |
Returns the function used to construct tkij_auto from tkij_tot . More... | |
virtual double | mass_b () const |
Baryon mass. More... | |
virtual double | mass_g () const |
Gravitational mass. More... | |
virtual double | xa_barycenter () const |
Absolute coordinate X of the barycenter of the baryon density, defined according to the formula
where | |
virtual Tenseur | sprod (const Tenseur &t1, const Tenseur &t2) const |
Performs the scalar product of two tensors by contracting the last index of t1 with the first index of t2 . More... | |
virtual void | hydro_euler () |
Computes the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer from those in the fluid frame, as well as wit_w and loggam . More... | |
void | update_metric (const Etoile_bin &comp) |
Computes metric coefficients from known potentials, when the companion is another star. More... | |
void | update_metric (const Etoile_bin &comp, const Etoile_bin &star_prev, double relax) |
Same as update_metric (const Etoile_bin& ) but with relaxation. More... | |
void | update_metric_der_comp (const Etoile_bin &comp) |
Computes the derivative of metric functions related to the companion star. More... | |
void | fait_d_psi () |
Computes the gradient of the total velocity potential ![]() | |
void | fait_shift_auto () |
Computes shift_auto from w_shift and khi_shift according to Shibata's prescription [Prog. More... | |
virtual void | extrinsic_curvature () |
Computes tkij_auto and akcar_auto from shift_auto , nnn and a_car . More... | |
void | equilibrium (double ent_c, int mermax, int mermax_poisson, double relax_poisson, int mermax_potvit, double relax_potvit, double thres_adapt, const Tbl &fact, Tbl &diff, const Tbl *ent_limit=0x0) |
Computes an equilibrium configuration. More... | |
void | equil_regular (double ent_c, int mermax, int mermax_poisson, double relax_poisson, int mermax_potvit, double relax_potvit, double thres_adapt, const Tbl &fact, Tbl &diff) |
Computes an equilibrium configuration by regularizing the diverging source. More... | |
double | velocity_potential (int mermax, double precis, double relax) |
Computes the non-translational part of the velocity scalar potential ![]() | |
void | relaxation (const Etoile_bin &star_prev, double relax_ent, double relax_met, int mer, int fmer_met) |
Performs a relaxation on ent , logn_auto , beta_auto and shift_auto . More... | |
Map & | set_mp () |
Read/write of the mapping. More... | |
void | set_enthalpy (const Cmp &) |
Assignment of the enthalpy field. More... | |
virtual void | equation_of_state () |
Computes the proper baryon and energy density, as well as pressure from the enthalpy. More... | |
virtual void | equilibrium_spher (double ent_c, double precis=1.e-14, const Tbl *ent_limit=0x0) |
Computes a spherical static configuration. More... | |
void | equil_spher_regular (double ent_c, double precis=1.e-14) |
Computes a spherical static configuration. More... | |
virtual void | equil_spher_falloff (double ent_c, double precis=1.e-14) |
Computes a spherical static configuration with the outer boundary condition at a finite radius. More... | |
const Map & | get_mp () const |
Returns the mapping. More... | |
int | get_nzet () const |
Returns the number of domains occupied by the star. More... | |
bool | is_relativistic () const |
Returns true for a relativistic star, false for a Newtonian one. More... | |
const Eos & | get_eos () const |
Returns the equation of state. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_ent () const |
Returns the enthalpy field. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_nbar () const |
Returns the proper baryon density. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_ener () const |
Returns the proper total energy density. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_press () const |
Returns the fluid pressure. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_ener_euler () const |
Returns the total energy density with respect to the Eulerian observer. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_s_euler () const |
Returns the trace of the stress tensor in the Eulerian frame. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_gam_euler () const |
Returns the Lorentz factor between the fluid and Eulerian observers. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_u_euler () const |
Returns the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_logn_auto () const |
Returns the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_logn_auto_regu () const |
Returns the regular part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_logn_auto_div () const |
Returns the divergent part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_d_logn_auto_div () const |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto_div . More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_beta_auto () const |
Returns the logarithm of the part of the product AN generated principaly by the star. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_nnn () const |
Returns the total lapse function N. More... | |
const Tenseur & | get_shift () const |
Returns the total shift vector ![]() | |
const Tenseur & | get_a_car () const |
Returns the total conformal factor ![]() | |
double | ray_eq () const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double | ray_eq (int kk) const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double | ray_eq_pis2 () const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double | ray_eq_pi () const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double | ray_eq_3pis2 () const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double | ray_pole () const |
Coordinate radius at ![]() | |
virtual const Itbl & | l_surf () const |
Description of the stellar surface: returns a 2-D Itbl containing the values of the domain index l on the surface at the collocation points in ![]() | |
const Tbl & | xi_surf () const |
Description of the stellar surface: returns a 2-D Tbl containing the values of the radial coordinate ![]() ![]() | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual ostream & | operator>> (ostream &) const |
Save in a file. More... | |
virtual void | del_deriv () const |
Deletes all the derived quantities. More... | |
virtual void | set_der_0x0 () const |
Sets to 0x0 all the pointers on derived quantities. More... | |
virtual void | del_hydro_euler () |
Sets to ETATNONDEF (undefined state) the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
Tenseur | n_auto |
Part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | n_comp |
Part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur | d_n_auto |
Gradient of { n_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
Tenseur | d_n_comp |
Gradient of { n_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
Tenseur | confpsi |
Total conformal factor $$. More... | |
Tenseur | confpsi_auto |
Part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | confpsi_comp |
Part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur | d_confpsi_auto |
Gradient of { confpsi_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
Tenseur | d_confpsi_comp |
Gradient of { confpsi_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad}) More... | |
Tenseur_sym | taij_auto |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}. More... | |
Tenseur_sym | taij_comp |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_comp}. More... | |
Tenseur_sym | taij_tot |
Total extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}. More... | |
Tenseur_sym | tkij_auto |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}. More... | |
Tenseur_sym | tkij_tot |
Total extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}. More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_lapse |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for { n_auto} by means of { Map_et::poisson}. More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_confpsi |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for { confpsi_auto} by means of { Map_et::poisson}. More... | |
bool | irrotational |
true for an irrotational star, false for a corotating one More... | |
const Base_vect & | ref_triad |
Reference triad ("absolute frame"), with respect to which the components of all the member Tenseur 's are defined, except for w_shift and ssjm1_wshift . More... | |
Tenseur | psi0 |
Scalar potential ![]() | |
Tenseur | d_psi |
Gradient of ![]() ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | wit_w |
Spatial projection of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the co-orbiting observer. More... | |
Tenseur | loggam |
Logarithm of the Lorentz factor between the fluid and the co-orbiting observer. More... | |
Tenseur | logn_comp |
Part of the lapse logarithm (gravitational potential at the Newtonian limit) generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur | d_logn_auto |
Gradient of logn_auto (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | d_logn_auto_regu |
Gradient of logn_auto_regu (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | d_logn_comp |
Gradient of logn_comp (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | beta_comp |
Part of the logarithm of AN generated principaly by the companion star. More... | |
Tenseur | d_beta_auto |
Gradient of beta_auto (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | d_beta_comp |
Gradient of beta_comp (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad ) More... | |
Tenseur | shift_auto |
Part of the shift vector ![]() | |
Tenseur | shift_comp |
Part of the shift vector ![]() | |
Tenseur | w_shift |
Vector ![]() shift_auto , following Shibata's prescription [Prog. More... | |
Tenseur | khi_shift |
Scalar ![]() shift_auto , following Shibata's prescription [Prog. More... | |
Tenseur_sym | tkij_comp |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor ![]() shift_comp . More... | |
Tenseur | akcar_auto |
Part of the scalar ![]() shift_auto , i.e. More... | |
Tenseur | akcar_comp |
Part of the scalar ![]() shift_auto and shift_comp , i.e. More... | |
Tenseur | bsn |
3-vector shift, divided by N , of the rotating coordinates, ![]() | |
Tenseur | pot_centri |
Centrifugal potential. More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_logn |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for logn_auto by means of Map_et::poisson . More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_beta |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for beta_auto by means of Map_et::poisson . More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_khi |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for the scalar ![]() Map_et::poisson . More... | |
Tenseur | ssjm1_wshift |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the vector Poisson equation for ![]() Map_et::poisson . More... | |
Cmp | ssjm1_psi |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for the scalar ![]() Map_et::poisson_interne . More... | |
Cmp | decouple |
Function used to construct the part of ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_xa_barycenter |
Absolute coordinate X of the barycenter of the baryon density. More... | |
Map & | mp |
Mapping associated with the star. More... | |
int | nzet |
Number of domains of *mp occupied by the star. More... | |
bool | relativistic |
Indicator of relativity: true for a relativistic star, false for a Newtonian one. More... | |
double | unsurc2 |
![]() unsurc2=1 for a relativistic star, 0 for a Newtonian one. More... | |
int | k_div |
Index of regularity of the gravitational potential logn_auto . More... | |
const Eos & | eos |
Equation of state of the stellar matter. More... | |
Tenseur | ent |
Log-enthalpy (relativistic case) or specific enthalpy (Newtonian case) More... | |
Tenseur | nbar |
Baryon density in the fluid frame. More... | |
Tenseur | ener |
Total energy density in the fluid frame. More... | |
Tenseur | press |
Fluid pressure. More... | |
Tenseur | ener_euler |
Total energy density in the Eulerian frame. More... | |
Tenseur | s_euler |
Trace of the stress tensor in the Eulerian frame. More... | |
Tenseur | gam_euler |
Lorentz factor between the fluid and Eulerian observers. More... | |
Tenseur | u_euler |
Fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer. More... | |
Tenseur | logn_auto |
Total of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | logn_auto_regu |
Regular part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | logn_auto_div |
Divergent part (if k_div!=0 ) of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | d_logn_auto_div |
Gradient of logn_auto_div (if k_div!=0 ) More... | |
Tenseur | beta_auto |
Logarithm of the part of the product AN generated principaly by by the star. More... | |
Tenseur | nnn |
Total lapse function. More... | |
Tenseur | shift |
Total shift vector. More... | |
Tenseur | a_car |
Total conformal factor ![]() | |
double * | p_ray_eq |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_ray_eq_pis2 |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_ray_eq_pi |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_ray_eq_3pis2 |
Coordinate radius at ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_ray_pole |
Coordinate radius at ![]() | |
Itbl * | p_l_surf |
Description of the stellar surface: 2-D Itbl containing the values of the domain index l on the surface at the collocation points in ![]() | |
Tbl * | p_xi_surf |
Description of the stellar surface: 2-D Tbl containing the values of the radial coordinate ![]() ![]() | |
double * | p_mass_b |
Baryon mass. More... | |
double * | p_mass_g |
Gravitational mass. More... | |
Friends | |
class | Bin_ns_bh |
Class for a star in a NS-BH binary system.
This class is a derived class from { Etoile_bin}
Definition at line 79 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::Et_bin_nsbh | ( | Map & | mp_i, |
int | nzet_i, | ||
bool | relat, | ||
const Eos & | eos_i, | ||
bool | irrot, | ||
const Base_vect & | ref_triad_i | ||
) |
Standard constructor.
mp_i | Mapping on which the star will be defined |
nzet_i | Number of domains occupied by the star |
relat | should be { true} for a relativistic star, { false} for a Newtonian one |
eos_i | Equation of state of the stellar matter |
irrot | should be { true} for an irrotational star, { false} for a corotating one |
ref_triad_i | Reference triad ("absolute frame"), with respect to which the components of all the member { Tenseur}'s are defined, except for { w_shift} and { ssjm1_wshift} whose components are defined with respect to the mapping { mp} Cartesian triad. |
Definition at line 98 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi, confpsi_auto, confpsi_comp, d_confpsi_auto, d_confpsi_comp, d_n_auto, d_n_comp, n_auto, n_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::set_der_0x0(), Lorene::Cmp::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_zero(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), ssjm1_confpsi, ssjm1_lapse, taij_auto, taij_comp, taij_tot, tkij_auto, and tkij_tot.
Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::Et_bin_nsbh | ( | Map & | mp_i, |
const Eos & | eos_i, | ||
const Base_vect & | ref_triad_i, | ||
FILE * | fich, | ||
bool | old = false |
) |
Copy constructor.
Constructor from a file (see { sauve(FILE* )})
mp_i | Mapping on which the star will be defined |
eos_i | Equation of state of the stellar matter |
ref_triad_i | Reference triad ("absolute frame"), with respect to which the components of all the member { Tenseur}'s are defined, except for { w_shift} and { ssjm1_wshift} whose components are defined with respect to the mapping { mp} Cartesian triad. |
fich | input file (must have been created by the function { sauve}) |
Definition at line 176 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi, confpsi_auto, confpsi_comp, d_confpsi_auto, d_confpsi_comp, d_n_auto, d_n_comp, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, n_auto, n_comp, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::set_der_0x0(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_zero(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto, ssjm1_confpsi, ssjm1_lapse, taij_auto, taij_comp, taij_tot, tkij_auto, and tkij_tot.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Deletes all the derived quantities.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 450 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::del_deriv(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::p_xa_barycenter, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::set_der_0x0().
protectedvirtualinherited |
(undefined state) the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 470 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and Lorene::Etoile::del_hydro_euler().
virtualinherited |
Computes the proper baryon and energy density, as well as pressure from the enthalpy.
Reimplemented in Lorene::Et_magnetisation, and Lorene::Et_rot_bifluid.
Definition at line 569 of file etoile.C.
References Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Cmp::allocate_all(), Lorene::Etoile::del_deriv(), Lorene::Etoile::ener, Lorene::Eos::ener_ent(), Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::eos, Lorene::Mg3d::get_grille3d(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Eos::nbar_ent(), Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Eos::press_ent(), Lorene::Mtbl::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Cmp::set(), Lorene::Mtbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal(), Lorene::Mtbl::t, and Lorene::Grille3d::x.
inherited |
Computes an equilibrium configuration by regularizing the diverging source.
The values of logn_comp
, beta_comp
, pot_centri
are held fixed during the iteration.
ent_c | [input] Central enthalpy |
ent_limit | is the table of enthalpy values on the domain borders |
mermax | [input] Maximum number of steps |
mermax_poisson | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_et::poisson |
relax_poisson | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_et::poisson |
mermax_potvit | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
relax_potvit | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
thres_adapt | [input] Threshold on dH/dr for the adaptation of the mapping |
fact | [input] 1-D Tbl for the input of some factors :
diff | [output] 1-D Tbl for the storage of some error indicators :
Definition at line 147 of file et_bin_equil_regu.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::abs(), Lorene::Map::adapt(), Lorene::Param::add_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Param::add_int_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_tbl(), Lorene::Param::add_tenseur_mod(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_comp, Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::d_logn_auto_div, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_comp, Lorene::Eos::der_ener_ent_p(), Lorene::Eos::der_nbar_ent_p(), Lorene::diffrel(), Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::eos, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::flat_scalar_prod_desal(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map_et::homothetie(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::hydro_euler(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational, Lorene::Etoile::k_div, Lorene::Etoile_bin::loggam, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_div, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_regu, Lorene::Etoile_bin::logn_comp, Lorene::max(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile_bin::pot_centri, Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Etoile::ray_eq(), Lorene::Etoile::ray_pole(), Lorene::Map::reevaluate_symy(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::ref_triad, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Map::resize(), Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::Tbl::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_beta, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_khi, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_logn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_wshift, Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::tkij_auto, Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Map::val_r(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::velocity_potential().
virtualinherited |
Computes a spherical static configuration with the outer boundary condition at a finite radius.
ent_c | [input] central value of the enthalpy |
precis | [input] threshold in the relative difference between the enthalpy fields of two consecutive steps to stop the iterative procedure (default value: 1.e-14) |
Definition at line 60 of file etoile_eqsph_falloff.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Tenseur::annule(), Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::diffrel(), Lorene::Cmp::dsdr(), Lorene::Map_af::dsdr(), Lorene::Etoile::ener, Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::exp(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map_af::homothetie(), Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::mass_b(), Lorene::Etoile::mass_g(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::norme(), Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile::shift, Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2, and Lorene::Map::val_r().
inherited |
Computes a spherical static configuration.
The sources for Poisson equations are regularized by extracting analytical diverging parts.
ent_c | [input] central value of the enthalpy |
precis | [input] threshold in the relative difference between the enthalpy fields of two consecutive steps to stop the iterative procedure (default value: 1.e-14) |
Definition at line 118 of file et_equil_spher_regu.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Tenseur::annule(), Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile::d_logn_auto_div, Lorene::Eos::der_ener_ent_p(), Lorene::Eos::der_nbar_ent_p(), Lorene::diffrel(), Lorene::Map_af::dsdr(), Lorene::Etoile::ener, Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::eos, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::exp(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Map::get_bvect_spher(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient_spher(), Lorene::Map_af::homothetie(), Lorene::Etoile::k_div, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_div, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_regu, Lorene::Etoile::mass_b(), Lorene::Etoile::mass_g(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::norme(), Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Map_af::poisson(), Lorene::Map_af::poisson_regular(), Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_triad(), Lorene::Etoile::shift, Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal(), Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2, and Lorene::Map::val_r().
inherited |
Computes an equilibrium configuration.
The values of logn_comp
, beta_comp
, pot_centri
are held fixed during the iteration.
ent_c | [input] Central enthalpy |
mermax | [input] Maximum number of steps |
mermax_poisson | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_et::poisson |
relax_poisson | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_et::poisson |
mermax_potvit | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
relax_potvit | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
thres_adapt | [input] Threshold on dH/dr for the adaptation of the mapping |
fact | [input] 1-D Tbl for the input of some factors :
diff | [output] 1-D Tbl for the storage of some error indicators :
ent_limit | [input] : array of enthalpy values to be set at the boundaries between the domains; if set to 0x0 (default), the initial values will be kept. |
Definition at line 187 of file et_bin_equilibrium.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::abs(), Lorene::Map::adapt(), Lorene::Param::add_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Param::add_int_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_tbl(), Lorene::Param::add_tenseur_mod(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_comp, Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_comp, Lorene::diffrel(), Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::flat_scalar_prod_desal(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Map_et::homothetie(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::hydro_euler(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational, Lorene::Etoile_bin::loggam, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_regu, Lorene::Etoile_bin::logn_comp, Lorene::max(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile_bin::pot_centri, Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Etoile::ray_eq(), Lorene::Etoile::ray_pole(), Lorene::Map::reevaluate_symy(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::ref_triad, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Map::resize(), Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::Tbl::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tbl::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_beta, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_khi, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_logn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_wshift, Lorene::Etoile_bin::tkij_auto, Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Map::val_r(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::velocity_potential().
virtual |
Computes an equilibrium configuration in a NS-BH binary system.
The values of { n_comp}, { confpsi_comp}, { pot_centri} are held fixed during the iteration.
ent_c | [input] Central enthalpy |
mermax | [input] Maximum number of steps |
mermax_poisson | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_et::poisson |
relax_poisson | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_et::poisson |
mermax_potvit | [input] Maximum number of steps in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
relax_potvit | [input] Relaxation factor in Map_radial::poisson_compact |
thres_adapt | [input] Threshold on dH/dr for the adaptation of the mapping |
fact | [input] 1-D { Tbl} for the input of some factors : \ { fact(0)} : A resizing factor for the first shell |
diff | [output] 1-D { Tbl} for the storage of some error indicators : \ { diff(0)} : Relative change in the enthalpy field between two successive steps \ { diff(1)} : Relative error returned by the routine { Etoile_bin::velocity_potential} { diff(2)} : Relative error in the resolution of the Poisson equation for { n_auto} \ { diff(3)} : Relative error in the resolution of the Poisson equation for { confpsi_auto} \ { diff(4)} : Relative error in the resolution of the equation for { shift_auto} (x comp.) \ { diff(5)} : Relative error in the resolution of the equation for { shift_auto} (y comp.) \ { diff(6)} : Relative error in the resolution of the equation for { shift_auto} (z comp.) |
Definition at line 497 of file et_bin_nsbh_equilibrium.C.
virtualinherited |
Computes a spherical static configuration.
ent_c | [input] central value of the enthalpy |
precis | [input] threshold in the relative difference between the enthalpy fields of two consecutive steps to stop the iterative procedure (default value: 1.e-14) |
ent_limit | [input] : array of enthalpy values to be set at the boundaries between the domains; if set to 0x0 (default), the initial values will be kept. |
Definition at line 90 of file etoile_equil_spher.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Map_et::adapt(), Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Param::add_int_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_tbl(), Lorene::Tenseur::annule(), Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::diffrel(), Lorene::Cmp::dsdr(), Lorene::Map_af::dsdr(), Lorene::Etoile::ener, Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::exp(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Map_af::get_alpha(), Lorene::Map_et::get_alpha(), Lorene::Map_af::get_beta(), Lorene::Map_et::get_beta(), Lorene::Etoile::get_ent(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nr(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Etoile::get_press(), Lorene::Map_af::homothetie(), Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::mass_b(), Lorene::Etoile::mass_g(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::norme(), Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Map_af::poisson(), Lorene::Etoile::press, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Map_af::set_alpha(), Lorene::Map_af::set_beta(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile::shift, Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2, and Lorene::Map::val_r().
virtualinherited |
Computes tkij_auto
and akcar_auto
from shift_auto
, nnn
and a_car
Definition at line 67 of file et_bin_extr_curv.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_auto, Lorene::Tenseur::change_triad(), Lorene::contract(), Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ref_triad, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::tkij_auto.
inherited |
Computes the gradient of the total velocity potential .
Definition at line 767 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Cmp::annule(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn, Lorene::Tenseur::change_triad(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_psi, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::exp(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Tenseur::get_triad(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational, Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile_bin::psi0, Lorene::Etoile_bin::ref_triad, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_nondef(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_triad(), and Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2.
inherited |
Computes shift_auto
from w_shift
and khi_shift
according to Shibata's prescription [Prog.
Theor. Phys. 101 , 1199 (1999)] :
Definition at line 829 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::khi_shift.
void Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::fait_taij_auto | ( | ) |
Computes (LB)^{ij} auto.
To be used only when computing the total extrinsic curvature tensor in the case of a Bin_ns_bh
Definition at line 99 of file bin_ns_bh_kij.C.
References Lorene::Tenseur::change_triad(), Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the total conformal factor .
Definition at line 736 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the scalar generated by
, i.e.
Definition at line 1207 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the scalar generated by
and shift_comp
, i.e.
Definition at line 1213 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::akcar_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the logarithm of the part of the product AN generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 727 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the logarithm of AN generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 1139 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::beta_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the shift vector, divided by N , of the rotating coordinates, .
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1219 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn.
inline |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$.
Definition at line 257 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References confpsi.
inline |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 262 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References confpsi_auto.
inline |
Returns the part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 267 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References confpsi_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of beta_auto
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1144 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of beta_comp
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1149 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_beta_comp.
inline |
Returns the gradient of { confpsi_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 272 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References d_confpsi_auto.
inline |
Returns the gradient of { confpsi_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 277 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References d_confpsi_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1124 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto_div
Definition at line 722 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::d_logn_auto_div.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of logn_auto_regu
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1129 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_auto_regu.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of logn_comp
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1134 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_comp.
inline |
Returns the gradient of { n_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 249 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References d_n_auto.
inline |
Returns the gradient of { n_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 254 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References d_n_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the gradient of the velocity potential (Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1103 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_psi.
inlineinherited |
Returns the function used to construct tkij_auto
from tkij_tot
Definition at line 1227 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::decouple.
inlineinherited |
Returns the proper total energy density.
Definition at line 682 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::ener.
inlineinherited |
Returns the total energy density with respect to the Eulerian observer.
Definition at line 688 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler.
inlineinherited |
Returns the enthalpy field.
Definition at line 676 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::ent.
inlineinherited |
Returns the equation of state.
Definition at line 673 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::eos.
inlineinherited |
Returns the Lorentz factor between the fluid and Eulerian observers.
Definition at line 694 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler.
inlineinherited |
Returns the scalar used in the decomposition of
following Shibata's prescription [Prog.
Theor. Phys. 101 , 1199 (1999)] :
NB: w_shift
contains the components of with respect to the Cartesian triad associated with the mapping
Definition at line 1189 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::khi_shift.
inlineinherited |
Returns the logarithm of the Lorentz factor between the fluid and the co-orbiting observer.
Definition at line 1114 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::loggam.
inlineinherited |
Returns the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star.
In the Newtonian case, this is the Newtonian gravitational potential (in units of ).
Definition at line 704 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the divergent part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star.
In the Newtonian case, this is the diverging part of the Newtonian gravitational potential (in units of ).
Definition at line 718 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_div.
inlineinherited |
Returns the regular part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star.
In the Newtonian case, this is the Newtonian gravitational potential (in units of ).
Definition at line 711 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_regu.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the lapse logarithm (gravitational potential at the Newtonian limit) generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 1119 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::logn_comp.
inlineinherited |
inline |
Returns the part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 239 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References n_auto.
inline |
Returns the part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 244 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References n_comp.
inlineinherited |
Returns the proper baryon density.
Definition at line 679 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::nbar.
inlineinherited |
Returns the total lapse function N.
Definition at line 730 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::nnn.
inlineinherited |
Returns the number of domains occupied by the star.
Definition at line 665 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::nzet.
inlineinherited |
Returns the centrifugal potential.
Definition at line 1222 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::pot_centri.
inlineinherited |
Returns the fluid pressure.
Definition at line 685 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::press.
inlineinherited |
Returns the non-translational part of the velocity potential.
Definition at line 1098 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::psi0.
inlineinherited |
Returns the trace of the stress tensor in the Eulerian frame.
Definition at line 691 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::s_euler.
inlineinherited |
Returns the total shift vector .
Definition at line 733 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::shift.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the shift vector generated principaly by the star.
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1155 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the shift vector generated principaly by the companion star.
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1161 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_comp.
inline |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 283 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References taij_auto.
inline |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 289 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::tkij_comp.
inline |
Returns the total extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 296 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References taij_tot.
inline |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 302 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References tkij_auto.
inlineinherited |
Returns the part of the extrinsic curvature tensor generated by
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1201 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::tkij_comp.
inline |
Returns the total extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 308 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
References tkij_tot.
inlineinherited |
Returns the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer.
Definition at line 697 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::u_euler.
inlineinherited |
Returns the vector used in the decomposition of
, following Shibata's prescription [Prog.
Theor. Phys. 101 , 1199 (1999)] :
NB: w_shift
contains the components of with respect to the Cartesian triad associated with the mapping
Definition at line 1175 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::w_shift.
inlineinherited |
Returns the spatial projection of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the co-orbiting observer.
(Cartesian components with respect to ref_triad
Definition at line 1109 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::wit_w.
virtualinherited |
Computes the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer from those in the fluid frame, as well as wit_w
and loggam
The calculation is performed starting from the quantities ent
, ener
, press
, a_car
and bsn
which are supposed to be up to date.
From these, the following fields are updated: gam_euler
, u_euler
, ener_euler
, s_euler
, wit_w
and loggam
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 109 of file et_bin_hydro.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_psi, Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::exp(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational, Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::sprod(), Lorene::sqrt(), and Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2.
inlineinherited |
Returns true
for an irrotational motion, false
for a corotating one.
Definition at line 1095 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational.
inlineinherited |
Returns true
for a relativistic star, false
for a Newtonian one.
Definition at line 670 of file etoile.h.
References Lorene::Etoile::relativistic.
virtual |
Computes the quantities bsn
and pot_centri
The calculation is performed starting from the quantities nnn
, shift
, a_car
which are supposed to be up to date.
omega | angular velocity with respect to an asymptotically inertial observer |
x_axe | absolute X coordinate of the rotation axis |
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile_bin.
Definition at line 51 of file et_bin_nsbh_kinema.C.
References Lorene::Tenseur::annule(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::log(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile_bin::pot_centri, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::Etoile::shift, Lorene::Etoile_bin::sprod(), Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Map::xa, and Lorene::Map::ya.
virtualinherited |
Description of the stellar surface: returns a 2-D Itbl
containing the values of the domain index l on the surface at the collocation points in .
The stellar surface is defined as the location where the enthalpy (member ent
) vanishes.
Reimplemented in Lorene::Etoile_rot, and Lorene::Et_rot_bifluid.
Definition at line 78 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile::p_l_surf, and Lorene::Etoile::p_xi_surf.
virtualinherited |
Baryon mass.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 103 of file et_bin_global.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Cmp::integrale(), Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile::p_mass_b, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::sqrt(), and Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal().
virtualinherited |
Gravitational mass.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 140 of file et_bin_global.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Etoile::ener_euler, Lorene::Cmp::integrale(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::mass_b(), Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile::p_mass_g, Lorene::Etoile::relativistic, Lorene::Etoile::s_euler, Lorene::sqrt(), and Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal().
void Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::operator= | ( | const Et_bin_nsbh & | et | ) |
Assignment to another { Et_bin_nsbh}
Definition at line 256 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi, confpsi_auto, confpsi_comp, d_confpsi_auto, d_confpsi_comp, d_n_auto, d_n_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), n_auto, n_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::operator=(), ssjm1_confpsi, ssjm1_lapse, taij_auto, taij_comp, taij_tot, tkij_auto, and tkij_tot.
protectedvirtual |
Save in a file.
Operator >> (virtual function called by the operator <<).
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile_bin.
Definition at line 331 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn, confpsi_auto, d_confpsi_auto, d_n_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_psi, Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Map::get_ori_x(), Lorene::Map::get_rot_phi(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::irrotational, Lorene::Etoile_bin::khi_shift, Lorene::Etoile_bin::loggam, Lorene::max(), Lorene::min(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, n_auto, Lorene::Etoile::operator>>(), Lorene::Etoile::ray_eq(), Lorene::Etoile::ray_eq_pi(), Lorene::Etoile::shift, Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_comp, Lorene::Etoile::u_euler, Lorene::Map::val_r(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::w_shift, Lorene::Etoile_bin::wit_w, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::xa_barycenter().
inherited |
Coordinate radius at ,
Definition at line 123 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_p(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile::p_ray_eq.
inherited |
Coordinate radius at ,
Definition at line 443 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_p(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), and Lorene::Etoile::mp.
inherited |
Coordinate radius at ,
Definition at line 338 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_p(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile::p_ray_eq_3pis2.
inherited |
Coordinate radius at ,
Definition at line 259 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_p(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile::p_ray_eq_pi.
inherited |
Coordinate radius at ,
Definition at line 172 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_np(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nt(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_p(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile::p_ray_eq_pis2.
inherited |
Coordinate radius at [r_unit].
Definition at line 418 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_type_t(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, and Lorene::Etoile::p_ray_pole.
inherited |
Performs a relaxation on ent
, logn_auto
, beta_auto
and shift_auto
star_prev | [input] star at the previous step. |
relax_ent | [input] Relaxation factor for ent |
relax_met | [input] Relaxation factor for logn_auto , beta_auto , shift_auto , only if (mer % fmer_met == 0) . |
mer | [input] Step number |
fmer_met | [input] Step interval between metric updates |
Definition at line 866 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile::d_logn_auto_div, Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state(), Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_div, Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto_regu, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto.
virtual |
Save in a file.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile_bin.
Definition at line 315 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi_auto, n_auto, Lorene::Tenseur::sauve(), Lorene::Cmp::sauve(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::sauve(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::shift_auto, ssjm1_confpsi, and ssjm1_lapse.
Tenseur & Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::set_confpsi_auto | ( | ) |
Read/write the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 295 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi_auto, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv().
Tenseur & Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::set_confpsi_comp | ( | ) |
Read/write the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 302 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References confpsi_comp, and Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Sets to 0x0
all the pointers on derived quantities.
Reimplemented from Lorene::Etoile.
Definition at line 462 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::p_xa_barycenter, and Lorene::Etoile::set_der_0x0().
inherited |
Assignment of the enthalpy field.
Definition at line 468 of file etoile.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::del_deriv(), Lorene::Etoile::ent, and Lorene::Etoile::equation_of_state().
inherited |
Read/write of khi_shift
Definition at line 548 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::khi_shift.
inherited |
Read/write the part of the lapse logarithm (gravitational potential at the Newtonian limit) generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 527 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::logn_comp.
inlineinherited |
Tenseur & Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::set_n_auto | ( | ) |
Read/write the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 281 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and n_auto.
Tenseur & Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::set_n_comp | ( | ) |
Read/write the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 288 of file et_bin_nsbh.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and n_comp.
inherited |
Read/write the centrifugal potential.
Definition at line 534 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::pot_centri.
inherited |
Read/write of w_shift
Definition at line 541 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::del_deriv(), and Lorene::Etoile_bin::w_shift.
Performs the scalar product of two tensors by contracting the last index of t1
with the first index of t2
Both indices are supposed to be contravariant, so that a multiplication by is performed to lower one index. For instance, for two vectors
, this function returns the scalar
Definition at line 751 of file etoile_bin.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::flat_scalar_prod(), Lorene::Tenseur::get_type_indice(), and Lorene::Tenseur::get_valence().
void Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::update_metric | ( | const Bhole & | comp | ) |
Computes metric coefficients from known potentials, when the companion is a black hole.
comp | companion black hole |
Definition at line 67 of file et_bin_nsbh_upmetr.C.
References Lorene::Bhole::get_n_auto().
inherited |
Computes metric coefficients from known potentials, when the companion is another star.
The calculation is performed starting from the quantities logn_auto
, beta_auto
, shift_auto
, comp.logn_auto
, comp.beta_auto
, comp.shift_auto
which are supposed to be up to date. From these, the following fields are updated: logn_comp
, beta_comp
, shift_comp
, nnn
, a_car
, shift
, d_logn_auto
, d_beta_auto
, tkij_auto
, akcar_auto
comp | companion star. |
Definition at line 103 of file et_bin_upmetr.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto.
inherited |
Same as update_metric
(const Etoile_bin& ) but with relaxation.
comp | companion star. |
star_prev | previous value of the star. |
relax | relaxation parameter. |
Definition at line 207 of file et_bin_upmetr.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::logn_auto.
void Lorene::Et_bin_nsbh::update_metric_der_comp | ( | const Bhole & | comp | ) |
Computes the derivative of metric functions related to the companion black hole.
comp | companion BH. |
Definition at line 74 of file et_bin_nsbh_upmetr_der.C.
References Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), and Lorene::Bhole::get_n_auto().
inherited |
Computes the derivative of metric functions related to the companion star.
The calculation is performed starting from the quantities comp.d_logn_auto
, comp.d_beta_auto
, comp.tkij_auto
which are supposed to be up to date. From these, the following fields are updated: d_logn_comp
, d_beta_comp
, tkij_comp
, akcar_comp
comp | companion star. |
Definition at line 87 of file et_bin_upmetr_der.C.
References Lorene::Etoile_bin::d_logn_auto.
inherited |
Computes the non-translational part of the velocity scalar potential by solving the continuity equation.
mermax | [input] Maximum number of steps in the iteration |
precis | [input] Required precision: the iteration will be stopped when the relative difference on ![]() precis . |
relax | [input] Relaxation factor. |
Definition at line 145 of file et_bin_vel_pot.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Param::add_cmp_mod(), Lorene::Param::add_double(), Lorene::Param::add_int(), Lorene::Param::add_int_mod(), Lorene::Tenseur::annule(), Lorene::Cmp::annule(), Lorene::Etoile::beta_auto, Lorene::Etoile_bin::beta_comp, Lorene::Etoile_bin::bsn, Lorene::Tenseur::change_triad(), Lorene::Eos::der_nbar_ent(), Lorene::Etoile::ent, Lorene::Etoile::eos, Lorene::exp(), Lorene::flat_scalar_prod(), Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Map::get_bvect_cart(), Lorene::Map::get_bvect_spher(), Lorene::Tenseur::get_etat(), Lorene::Map::get_mg(), Lorene::Mg3d::get_nzone(), Lorene::Tenseur::get_triad(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient(), Lorene::Tenseur::gradient_spher(), Lorene::Eos::identify(), Lorene::log(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nnn, Lorene::Etoile::nzet, Lorene::Etoile_bin::psi0, Lorene::Tenseur::set(), Lorene::Cmp::set(), Lorene::Scalar::set_domain(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_etat_qcq(), Lorene::Scalar::set_outer_boundary(), Lorene::Tenseur::set_std_base(), Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::ssjm1_psi, and Lorene::Etoile::unsurc2.
virtualinherited |
Absolute coordinate X of the barycenter of the baryon density, defined according to the formula
where is the Lorentz factor between the fluid and Eulerian observers.
Definition at line 173 of file et_bin_global.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::a_car, Lorene::Etoile::gam_euler, Lorene::Cmp::integrale(), Lorene::Etoile_bin::mass_b(), Lorene::Etoile::mp, Lorene::Etoile::nbar, Lorene::Etoile_bin::p_xa_barycenter, Lorene::sqrt(), Lorene::Cmp::std_base_scal(), and Lorene::Map::xa.
inherited |
Description of the stellar surface: returns a 2-D Tbl
containing the values of the radial coordinate on the surface at the collocation points in
The stellar surface is defined as the location where the enthalpy (member ent
) vanishes.
Definition at line 104 of file etoile_global.C.
References Lorene::Etoile::l_surf(), Lorene::Etoile::p_l_surf, and Lorene::Etoile::p_xi_surf.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Total conformal factor $$.
Definition at line 101 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 104 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Part of the conformal factor $$ generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 109 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Gradient of { confpsi_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 114 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Gradient of { confpsi_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 119 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Gradient of { n_auto} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 93 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Gradient of { n_comp} (Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 98 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
Function used to construct the part of generated by the star from the total
Only used for a binary system where the other member is a black hole.
Mainly this Cmp
is 1 around the hole and 0 around the companion and the sum of decouple
for the hole and his companion is 1 everywhere.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the star.
Definition at line 85 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Part of the lapse { N} generated principaly by the companion star.
Definition at line 88 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
mutableprotectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for beta_auto
by means of Map_et::poisson
protected |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for { confpsi_auto} by means of { Map_et::poisson}.
Definition at line 164 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for the scalar by means of
is an intermediate quantity for the resolution of the elliptic equation for the shift vector
protected |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for { n_auto} by means of { Map_et::poisson}.
Definition at line 158 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for logn_auto
by means of Map_et::poisson
protectedinherited |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for the scalar by means of
protectedinherited |
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the vector Poisson equation for by means of
is an intermediate quantity for the resolution of the elliptic equation for the shift vector
(Components with respect to the Cartesian triad associated with the mapping
protected |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 126 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 133 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Total extrinsic curvature tensor $ A^{ij} = 2 N K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 140 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protected |
Part of the extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 146 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protected |
Total extrinsic curvature tensor $K^{ij}$ generated by { shift_auto} and { shift_comp}.
(Cartesian components with respect to { ref_triad})
Definition at line 152 of file et_bin_nsbh.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |