129 cout <<
"Input the regularization degree (k_div) : " ;
137 int i_b = mg->
get_nr(l_b) - 1 ;
138 int j_b = mg->
get_nt(l_b) - 1 ;
176 Cmp source_regu(
mp) ;
187 double diff_ent = 1 ;
196 for(
int mer=0 ; (diff_ent > precis) && (mer<mermax) ; mer++ ) {
198 cout <<
"-----------------------------------------------" << endl ;
199 cout <<
"step: " << mer << endl ;
200 cout <<
"alpha_r: " << alpha_r << endl ;
201 cout <<
"diff_ent = " << diff_ent << endl ;
228 (source.
set()).set_dzpuis(4) ;
236 source_regu.std_base_scal() ;
257 source = - dlogn * dbeta ;
261 mpaff.
poisson(source(), par_nul, logn_quad.
set()) ;
263 dlogn_quad.set_etat_qcq() ;
265 mpaff.
dsdr(logn_quad(), dlogn_quad.
set()) ;
276 double nu_mat0_b =
logn_auto()(l_b, k_b, j_b, i_b) ;
277 double nu_mat0_c =
logn_auto()(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
279 double nu_quad0_b = logn_quad()(l_b, k_b, j_b, i_b) ;
280 double nu_quad0_c = logn_quad()(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
282 double alpha_r2 = ( ent_c - ent_b - nu_quad0_b + nu_quad0_c )
283 / ( qpig*(nu_mat0_b - nu_mat0_c) ) ;
285 alpha_r =
sqrt(alpha_r2) ;
306 double logn_c = logn()(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
307 ent = ent_c - logn() + logn_c ;
316 dlogn_auto = alpha_r*qpig * dlogn_auto ;
317 dlogn = dlogn_auto(0) + dlogn_quad() ;
330 - 0.5 * ( dlogn * dlogn + dbeta * dbeta ) ;
381 <<
"Characteristics of the star obtained by Etoile::equil_spher_regular : " 383 <<
"-----------------------------------------------------------------" 386 double ray =
val_r(l_b, 1., M_PI/2., 0) ;
387 cout <<
"Coordinate radius : " << ray / km <<
" km" << endl ;
389 double rcirc = ray *
a_car()(l_b, k_b, j_b, i_b) ) ;
391 double compact = qpig/(4.*M_PI) *
mass_g() / rcirc ;
393 cout <<
"Circumferential radius R : " << rcirc/km <<
" km" << endl ;
394 cout <<
"Baryon mass : " <<
mass_b()/msol <<
" Mo" << endl ;
395 cout <<
"Gravitational mass M : " <<
mass_g()/msol <<
" Mo" << endl ;
396 cout <<
"Compacity parameter GM/(c^2 R) : " << compact << endl ;
407 double vir_mat = source().integrale() ;
413 source = - ( dlogn * dlogn - 0.5 * tmp * tmp ) *
a_car()) ;
416 double vir_grav = source().integrale() ;
420 double grv3 = ( vir_mat + vir_grav ) / vir_mat ;
422 cout <<
"Virial theorem GRV3 : " << endl ;
423 cout <<
" 3P term : " << vir_mat << endl ;
424 cout <<
" grav. term : " << vir_grav << endl ;
425 cout <<
" relative error : " << grv3 << endl ;
int k_div
Index of regularity of the gravitational potential logn_auto .
void annule(int l)
Sets the Tenseur to zero in a given domain.
Component of a tensorial field *** DEPRECATED : use class Scalar instead ***.
Cmp exp(const Cmp &)
const Tenseur & gradient_spher() const
Returns the gradient of *this (Spherical coordinates) (scalar field only).
void set_triad(const Base_vect &new_triad)
Assigns a new vectorial basis (triad) of decomposition.
virtual double der_nbar_ent_p(double ent, const Param *par=0x0) const =0
Computes the logarithmic derivative from the log-enthalpy and extra parameters (virtual function imp...
Cmp sqrt(const Cmp &)
Square root.
virtual void homothetie(double lambda)
Sets a new radial scale.
void set_std_base()
Set the standard spectal basis of decomposition for each component.
virtual double mass_g() const
Gravitational mass.
const Base_vect_spher & get_bvect_spher() const
Returns the orthonormal vectorial basis associated with the coordinates of the mapping.
Tenseur logn_auto_regu
Regular part of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star...
Standard units of space, time and mass.
const Mg3d * get_mg() const
Gives the Mg3d on which the mapping is defined.
Tenseur nnn
Total lapse function.
Tenseur s_euler
Trace of the stress tensor in the Eulerian frame.
virtual void poisson_regular(const Cmp &source, int k_div, int nzet, double unsgam1, Param &par, Cmp &uu, Cmp &uu_regu, Cmp &uu_div, Tenseur &duu_div, Cmp &source_regu, Cmp &source_div) const
Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation.
double unsurc2
: unsurc2=1 for a relativistic star, 0 for a Newtonian one.
Tenseur press
Fluid pressure.
Tenseur shift
Total shift vector.
Tbl diffrel(const Cmp &a, const Cmp &b)
Relative difference between two Cmp (norme version).
Tenseur logn_auto_div
Divergent part (if k_div!=0 ) of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by t...
virtual double val_r(int l, double xi, double theta, double pphi) const =0
Returns the value of the radial coordinate r for a given in a given domain.
Cmp & set()
Read/write for a scalar (see also operator=(const Cmp&) ).
Tenseur u_euler
Fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer.
Tbl norme(const Cmp &)
Sums of the absolute values of all the values of the Cmp in each domain.
virtual void poisson(const Cmp &source, Param &par, Cmp &uu) const
Computes the solution of a scalar Poisson equation (Cmp version).
Tenseur nbar
Baryon density in the fluid frame.
Tenseur gam_euler
Lorentz factor between the fluid and Eulerian observers.
void equil_spher_regular(double ent_c, double precis=1.e-14)
Computes a spherical static configuration.
virtual double mass_b() const
Baryon mass.
Map & mp
Mapping associated with the star.
int get_nzone() const
Returns the number of domains.
virtual void equation_of_state()
Computes the proper baryon and energy density, as well as pressure from the enthalpy.
const Eos & eos
Equation of state of the stellar matter.
void std_base_scal()
Sets the spectral bases of the Valeur va to the standard ones for a scalar.
int nzet
Number of domains of *mp occupied by the star.
int get_nr(int l) const
Returns the number of points in the radial direction ( ) in domain no. l.
Tenseur a_car
Total conformal factor .
bool relativistic
Indicator of relativity: true for a relativistic star, false for a Newtonian one. ...
Tenseur ener
Total energy density in the fluid frame.
Tenseur logn_auto
Total of the logarithm of the part of the lapse N generated principaly by the star.
Tenseur ent
Log-enthalpy (relativistic case) or specific enthalpy (Newtonian case)
int get_nt(int l) const
Returns the number of points in the co-latitude direction ( ) in domain no. l.
Tenseur beta_auto
Logarithm of the part of the product AN generated principaly by by the star.
void set_etat_qcq()
Sets the logical state to ETATQCQ (ordinary state).
Tenseur ener_euler
Total energy density in the Eulerian frame.
Tenseur d_logn_auto_div
Gradient of logn_auto_div (if k_div!=0 )
virtual double der_ener_ent_p(double ent, const Param *par=0x0) const =0
Computes the logarithmic derivative from the log-enthalpy with extra parameters (virtual function im...
virtual void dsdr(const Cmp &ci, Cmp &resu) const
Computes of a Cmp.
Tensor handling *** DEPRECATED : use class Tensor instead ***.