Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CLorene::Base_valBases of the spectral expansions
 CLorene::Base_vectVectorial bases (triads) with respect to which the tensorial components are defined
 CLorene::BholeBlack hole
 CLorene::Bhole_binaireBinary black holes system
 CLorene::Bin_bhnsClass for computing a black hole - neutron star binary system with comparable mass ()
 CLorene::Bin_bhns_extrClass for computing a Black hole - Neutron star binary system with an extreme mass ratio
 CLorene::Bin_ns_bhNeutron star - black hole binary system
 CLorene::Bin_ns_ncpExtended description of the class for Doc++ documentation
 CLorene::BinaireBinary systems
 CLorene::BinaryBinary systems
 CLorene::Binary_xctsBinary systems in eXtended Conformal Thin Sandwich formulation
 CLorene::Black_holeBase class for black holes
 CLorene::Change_varThis class defines a variable change to be used when solving elliptic equations
 CLorene::CmpComponent of a tensorial field *** DEPRECATED : use class Scalar instead ***
 CLorene::CompobjBase class for stationary compact objects (under development)
 CLorene::ConnectionClass Connection
 CLorene::CoordActive physical coordinates and mapping derivatives
 CLorene::DiffBase (abstract) class for 1D spectral differential operators in one domain
 CLorene::Dim_tblStorage of array dimensions
 CLorene::Dyn_eosEquation of state for use in dynamical code base class
 CLorene::EosEquation of state base class
 CLorene::Eos_bifluid2-fluids equation of state base class
Base class for stars *** DEPRECATED : use class Star instead ***
 CLorene::Evolution< TyT >Time evolution (*** under development ***)
 CLorene::Evolution< double >
 CLorene::Evolution< Lorene::Scalar >
 CLorene::Evolution< Lorene::Sym_tensor >
 CLorene::Evolution< Lorene::Tbl >
 CLorene::Evolution< Lorene::Vector >
 CLorene::Excised_sliceClass to compute single black hole spacetime excised slices
 CLorene::Excision_horSurface where boundary conditions for quantities in the bulk will be calculated It relies on geometrical properties of the associated Spheroid() (*** WARNING! under development***)
 CLorene::Excision_surfSurface where boundary conditions for quantities in the bulk will be calculated It relies on geometrical properties of the associated Spheroid() (*** WARNING! under development***)
 CLorene::FuncSpecClass for representing functions of 3 variables, supposed to be Cartesian coordinates $ f(x, y, z)$
 CLorene::Grille3d3D grid class in one domain
 CLorene::Grille_valBase class for Godunov-type grids
 CLorene::Hot_eosBase class for 2-parameters equations of state (abstract class)
 CLorene::Isol_holeClass to compute quasistationary single black hole spacetimes in vacuum
 CLorene::ItblBasic integer array class
 CLorene::MapBase class for coordinate mappings
 CLorene::MatriceMatrix handling
 CLorene::MetricMetric for tensor calculation
 CLorene::Mg3dMulti-domain grid
 CLorene::MtblMulti-domain array
 CLorene::Mtbl_cfCoefficients storage for the multi-domain spectral method
 CLorene::Ope_elementaryBasic class for elementary elliptic operators
 CLorene::ParamParameter storage
 CLorene::Param_ellipticThis class contains the parameters needed to call the general elliptic solver
 CLorene::Single_horBinary black holes system
 CLorene::SpheroidSpheroidal 2-surfaces embedded in a time-slice of the 3+1 formalism
 CLorene::StarBase class for stars
 CLorene::TabSpec3-indices array to be used with the representation of functions with Cartesian coordinates
 CLorene::TblBasic array class
 CLorene::Tbl_valFinite-difference array intended to store field values
 CLorene::TenseurTensor handling *** DEPRECATED : use class Tensor instead ***
 CLorene::TensorTensor handling
 CLorene::Time_sliceSpacelike time slice of a 3+1 spacetime
 CLorene::ValeurValues and coefficients of a (real-value) function