1 /*
2  * Definition of Lorene class Star_rot
3  *
4  */
6 /*
7  * Copyright (c) 2010 Eric Gourgoulhon
8  *
9  * This file is part of LORENE.
10  *
11  * LORENE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14  * (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * LORENE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * GNU General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  * along with LORENE; if not, write to the Free Software
23  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24  *
25  */
28 #ifndef __STAR_ROT_H_
29 #define __STAR_ROT_H_
31 /*
32  * $Id: star_rot.h,v 1.10 2023/07/04 09:01:09 j_novak Exp $
33  * $Log: star_rot.h,v $
34  * Revision 1.10 2023/07/04 09:01:09 j_novak
35  * Changed the name r_pol_circ -> r_circ_merid to explicitly show the radius is a circumferential one, along a meridian.
36  *
37  * Revision 1.9 2023/07/04 07:28:34 j_novak
38  * Added method "r_pol_circ()", to compute polar circumferential radius, with a circumference along a meridian.
39  *
40  * Revision 1.8 2017/10/20 13:55:41 j_novak
41  * Calss Star_rot is now friend of class Star.
42  *
43  * Revision 1.7 2017/04/11 10:46:55 m_bejger
44  * Star_rot::surf_grav() - surface gravity values along the theta direction
45  *
46  * Revision 1.6 2015/05/19 09:30:55 j_novak
47  * New methods for computing the area of the star and its mean radius.
48  *
49  * Revision 1.5 2014/10/13 08:52:36 j_novak
50  * Lorene classes and functions now belong to the namespace Lorene.
51  *
52  * Revision 1.4 2010/02/08 10:56:30 j_novak
53  * Added a few things missing for the reading from resulting file.
54  *
55  * Revision 1.3 2010/02/02 13:35:00 e_gourgoulhon
56  * Remove the "under construction" mark.
57  *
58  * Revision 1.2 2010/01/25 18:14:05 e_gourgoulhon
59  * Added member unsurc2
60  * Added method is_relativistic()
61  * Suppressed method f_eccentric
62  *
63  * Revision 1.1 2010/01/24 16:07:45 e_gourgoulhon
64  * New class Star_rot.
65  *
66  *
67  * $Header: /cvsroot/Lorene/C++/Include/star_rot.h,v 1.10 2023/07/04 09:01:09 j_novak Exp $
68  *
69  */
71 // Headers Lorene
72 #include "star.h"
74 namespace Lorene {
75 class Eos ;
77  //--------------------------//
78  // class Star_rot //
79  //--------------------------//
98 class Star_rot : public Star {
100  // Data :
101  // -----
102  protected:
111  double unsurc2 ;
113  double omega ;
240  // Derived data :
241  // ------------
242  protected:
244  mutable double* p_angu_mom ;
245  mutable double* p_tsw ;
246  mutable double* p_grv2 ;
247  mutable double* p_grv3 ;
248  mutable double* p_r_circ ;
249  mutable double* p_r_circ_merid ;
250  mutable double* p_aplat ;
251  mutable double* p_area ;
252  mutable double* p_z_eqf ;
253  mutable double* p_z_eqb ;
254  mutable double* p_z_pole ;
255  mutable double* p_mom_quad ;
256  mutable double* p_r_isco ;
257  mutable double* p_f_isco ;
258  mutable double* p_espec_isco ;
261  mutable double* p_lspec_isco ;
262  mutable double* p_f_eq ;
263  mutable Tbl* p_surf_grav ;
267  // Constructors - Destructor
268  // -------------------------
269  public:
278  Star_rot(Map& mp_i, int nzet_i, bool relat, const Eos& eos_i) ;
281  Star_rot(const Star_rot& ) ;
290  Star_rot(Map& mp_i, const Eos& eos_i, FILE* fich) ;
292  virtual ~Star_rot() ;
295  // Memory management
296  // -----------------
297  protected:
299  virtual void del_deriv() const ;
302  virtual void set_der_0x0() const ;
307  virtual void del_hydro_euler() ;
310  // Mutators / assignment
311  // ---------------------
312  public:
314  void operator=(const Star_rot& ) ;
316  // Accessors
317  // ---------
318  public:
322  bool is_relativistic() const {return relativistic; } ;
327  virtual double get_omega_c() const ;
330  const Scalar& get_bbb() const {return bbb;} ;
333  const Scalar& get_a_car() const {return a_car;} ;
336  const Scalar& get_b_car() const {return b_car;} ;
339  const Scalar& get_nphi() const {return nphi;} ;
344  const Scalar& get_tnphi() const {return tnphi;} ;
347  const Scalar& get_uuu() const {return uuu;} ;
352  const Scalar& get_nuf() const {return nuf;} ;
357  const Scalar& get_nuq() const {return nuq;} ;
360  const Scalar& get_dzeta() const {return dzeta;} ;
363  const Scalar& get_tggg() const {return tggg;} ;
377  const Vector& get_w_shift() const {return w_shift;} ;
391  const Scalar& get_khi_shift() const {return khi_shift;} ;
398  const Sym_tensor& get_tkij() const {return tkij;} ;
417  const Scalar& get_ak_car() const {return ak_car;} ;
419  // Outputs
420  // -------
421  public:
422  virtual void sauve(FILE* ) const ;
425  virtual void display_poly(ostream& ) const ;
427  protected:
429  virtual ostream& operator>>(ostream& ) const ;
432  virtual void partial_display(ostream& ) const ;
434  // Global quantities
435  // -----------------
436  public:
445  virtual const Itbl& l_surf() const ;
447  virtual double mass_b() const ;
448  virtual double mass_g() const ;
449  virtual double angu_mom() const ;
450  virtual double tsw() const ;
455  virtual double grv2() const ;
468  virtual double grv3(ostream* ost = 0x0) const ;
470  virtual double r_circ() const ;
471  virtual double r_circ_merid() const ;
472  virtual double aplat() const ;
473  virtual double area() const ;
474  virtual double mean_radius() const ;
476  virtual double z_eqf() const ;
477  virtual double z_eqb() const ;
478  virtual double z_pole() const ;
489  virtual double mom_quad() const ;
494  virtual const Tbl& surf_grav() const ;
502  virtual double r_isco(ostream* ost = 0x0) const ;
505  virtual double f_isco() const ;
508  virtual double espec_isco() const ;
511  virtual double lspec_isco() const ;
514  virtual double f_eq() const ;
517  // Computational routines
518  // ----------------------
519  public:
530  virtual void hydro_euler() ;
542  void update_metric() ;
552  void fait_shift() ;
557  void fait_nphi() ;
562  void extrinsic_curvature() ;
593  static double lambda_grv2(const Scalar& sou_m, const Scalar& sou_q) ;
674  virtual void equilibrium(double ent_c, double omega0, double fact_omega,
675  int nzadapt, const Tbl& ent_limit,
676  const Itbl& icontrol, const Tbl& control,
677  double mbar_wanted, double aexp_mass,
678  Tbl& diff, Param* = 0x0) ;
681  friend class Star ;
682 };
684 }
685 #endif
virtual void equilibrium(double ent_c, double omega0, double fact_omega, int nzadapt, const Tbl &ent_limit, const Itbl &icontrol, const Tbl &control, double mbar_wanted, double aexp_mass, Tbl &diff, Param *=0x0)
Computes an equilibrium configuration.
virtual double mass_g() const
Gravitational mass.
const Scalar & get_a_car() const
Returns the square of the metric factor A.
Definition: star_rot.h:333
Vector ssjm1_wshift
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the vector Poisson equation for ...
Definition: star_rot.h:237
Scalar dzeta
Metric potential .
Definition: star_rot.h:146
virtual double mean_radius() const
Mean star radius from the area .
Scalar ssjm1_dzeta
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for dzeta ...
Definition: star_rot.h:215
Scalar a_car
Square of the metric factor A.
Definition: star_rot.h:116
virtual double lspec_isco() const
Angular momentum of a particle on the ISCO.
static double lambda_grv2(const Scalar &sou_m, const Scalar &sou_q)
Computes the coefficient which ensures that the GRV2 virial identity is satisfied.
double * p_lspec_isco
Specific angular momentum of a particle on the ISCO.
Definition: star_rot.h:261
double * p_r_isco
Circumferential radius of the ISCO.
Definition: star_rot.h:256
Scalar nuf
Part of the Metric potential = logn generated by the matter terms.
Definition: star_rot.h:138
virtual double r_circ_merid() const
Crcumferential meridional radius.
double * p_f_eq
Orbital frequency at the equator.
Definition: star_rot.h:262
double * p_r_circ
Circumferential radius (equator)
Definition: star_rot.h:248
Scalar khi_shift
Scalar used in the decomposition of shift , following Shibata's prescription [Prog.
Definition: star_rot.h:172
bool relativistic
Indicator of relativity: true for a relativistic star, false for a Newtonian one. ...
Definition: star_rot.h:106
Scalar tnphi
Component of the shift vector.
Definition: star_rot.h:130
double * p_mom_quad
Quadrupole moment.
Definition: star_rot.h:255
virtual double f_eq() const
Orbital frequency at the equator.
Scalar bbb
Metric factor B.
Definition: star_rot.h:119
Lorene prototypes.
Definition: app_hor.h:67
Equation of state base class.
Definition: eos.h:209
virtual double z_pole() const
Redshift factor at North pole.
double * p_f_isco
Orbital frequency of the ISCO.
Definition: star_rot.h:257
Tensor field of valence 0 (or component of a tensorial field).
Definition: scalar.h:393
virtual double grv2() const
Error on the virial identity GRV2.
Base class for coordinate mappings.
Definition: map.h:688
void extrinsic_curvature()
Computes tkij and ak_car from shift , nnn and b_car .
virtual void hydro_euler()
Computes the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer from those in the fluid fram...
virtual double get_omega_c() const
Returns the central value of the rotation angular velocity ([f_unit] )
Definition: star_rot.C:666
virtual void del_deriv() const
Deletes all the derived quantities.
Definition: star_rot.C:310
Basic integer array class.
Definition: itbl.h:122
void update_metric()
Computes metric coefficients from known potentials.
Scalar nuq
Part of the Metric potential = logn generated by the quadratic terms.
Definition: star_rot.h:143
double omega
Rotation angular velocity ([f_unit] )
Definition: star_rot.h:113
Base class for stars.
Definition: star.h:175
virtual const Tbl & surf_grav() const
Surface gravity (table along the theta direction)
Tensor field of valence 1.
Definition: vector.h:188
bool is_relativistic() const
Returns true for a relativistic star, false for a Newtonian one.
Definition: star_rot.h:322
virtual double area() const
Integrated surface area in .
Class for isolated rotating stars.
Definition: star_rot.h:98
virtual const Itbl & l_surf() const
Description of the stellar surface: returns a 2-D Itbl containing the values of the domain index l on...
Scalar ssjm1_tggg
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for tggg ...
Definition: star_rot.h:220
const Vector & get_w_shift() const
Returns the vector used in the decomposition of shift , following Shibata's prescription [Prog...
Definition: star_rot.h:377
virtual void set_der_0x0() const
Sets to 0x0 all the pointers on derived quantities.
Definition: star_rot.C:337
void operator=(const Star_rot &)
Assignment to another Star_rot.
Definition: star_rot.C:376
virtual ostream & operator>>(ostream &) const
Operator >> (virtual function called by the operator <<).
Definition: star_rot.C:445
virtual ~Star_rot()
Definition: star_rot.C:300
virtual double r_isco(ostream *ost=0x0) const
Circumferential radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO).
Definition: star_rot_isco.C:74
double unsurc2
: unsurc2=1 for a relativistic star, 0 for a Newtonian one.
Definition: star_rot.h:111
double * p_tsw
Ratio T/W.
Definition: star_rot.h:245
Scalar nphi
Metric coefficient .
Definition: star_rot.h:125
virtual double espec_isco() const
Energy of a particle on the ISCO.
const Scalar & get_ak_car() const
Returns the scalar .
Definition: star_rot.h:417
double * p_z_eqf
Forward redshift factor at equator.
Definition: star_rot.h:252
const Scalar & get_khi_shift() const
Returns the scalar used in the decomposition of shift following Shibata&#39;s prescription [Prog...
Definition: star_rot.h:391
double * p_grv2
Error on the virial identity GRV2.
Definition: star_rot.h:246
double * p_area
Integrated surface area.
Definition: star_rot.h:251
double * p_r_circ_merid
Circumferential radius (meridian)
Definition: star_rot.h:249
virtual double mass_b() const
Baryon mass.
double * p_espec_isco
Specific energy of a particle on the ISCO.
Definition: star_rot.h:259
virtual void del_hydro_euler()
Sets to ETATNONDEF (undefined state) the hydrodynamical quantities relative to the Eulerian observer...
Definition: star_rot.C:362
virtual double f_isco() const
Orbital frequency at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO).
virtual double mom_quad() const
Quadrupole moment.
Scalar ssjm1_nuq
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for nuq by means of ...
Definition: star_rot.h:210
virtual double angu_mom() const
Angular momentum.
double * p_z_pole
Redshift factor at North pole.
Definition: star_rot.h:254
Parameter storage.
Definition: param.h:125
virtual void display_poly(ostream &) const
Display in polytropic units.
Definition: star_rot.C:675
Star_rot(Map &mp_i, int nzet_i, bool relat, const Eos &eos_i)
Standard constructor.
Definition: star_rot.C:97
const Scalar & get_bbb() const
Returns the metric factor B.
Definition: star_rot.h:330
double * p_grv3
Error on the virial identity GRV3.
Definition: star_rot.h:247
const Scalar & get_dzeta() const
Returns the Metric potential .
Definition: star_rot.h:360
Sym_tensor tkij
Tensor related to the extrinsic curvature tensor by .
Definition: star_rot.h:179
const Sym_tensor & get_tkij() const
Returns the tensor related to the extrinsic curvature tensor by .
Definition: star_rot.h:398
virtual double r_circ() const
Circumferential equatorial radius.
double * p_angu_mom
Angular momentum.
Definition: star_rot.h:244
Scalar b_car
Square of the metric factor B.
Definition: star_rot.h:122
const Scalar & get_tnphi() const
Returns the component of the shift vector.
Definition: star_rot.h:344
const Scalar & get_nuq() const
Returns the Part of the Metric potential = logn generated by the quadratic terms.
Definition: star_rot.h:357
const Scalar & get_nuf() const
Returns the part of the Metric potential = logn generated by the matter terms.
Definition: star_rot.h:352
double * p_aplat
Flatening r_pole/r_eq.
Definition: star_rot.h:250
virtual double z_eqb() const
Backward redshift factor at equator.
virtual void partial_display(ostream &) const
Printing of some informations, excluding all global quantities.
Definition: star_rot.C:613
virtual double grv3(ostream *ost=0x0) const
Error on the virial identity GRV3.
Scalar ssjm1_khi
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for the scalar by m...
Definition: star_rot.h:228
Scalar uuu
Norm of u_euler.
Definition: star_rot.h:133
const Scalar & get_nphi() const
Returns the metric coefficient .
Definition: star_rot.h:339
Scalar ssjm1_nuf
Effective source at the previous step for the resolution of the Poisson equation for nuf by means of ...
Definition: star_rot.h:204
virtual void sauve(FILE *) const
Save in a file.
Definition: star_rot.C:418
Basic array class.
Definition: tbl.h:164
const Scalar & get_uuu() const
Returns the norm of u_euler.
Definition: star_rot.h:347
Scalar tggg
Metric potential .
Definition: star_rot.h:149
const Scalar & get_b_car() const
Returns the square of the metric factor B.
Definition: star_rot.h:336
void fait_nphi()
Computes tnphi and nphi from the Cartesian components of the shift, stored in shift ...
Definition: star_rot.C:779
Scalar ak_car
Scalar .
Definition: star_rot.h:198
virtual double aplat() const
Flatening r_pole/r_eq.
Tbl * p_surf_grav
Surface gravity (along the theta direction)
Definition: star_rot.h:263
Vector w_shift
Vector used in the decomposition of shift , following Shibata&#39;s prescription [Prog.
Definition: star_rot.h:162
const Scalar & get_tggg() const
Returns the Metric potential .
Definition: star_rot.h:363
virtual double z_eqf() const
Forward redshift factor at equator.
Class intended to describe valence-2 symmetric tensors.
Definition: sym_tensor.h:226
void fait_shift()
Computes shift from w_shift and khi_shift according to Shibata&#39;s prescription [Prog.
Definition: star_rot.C:730
virtual double tsw() const
Ratio T/W.
double * p_z_eqb
Backward redshift factor at equator.
Definition: star_rot.h:253