class Bin_NS

Binary neutron star configuration on a Cartesian grid.


Binary neutron star configuration on a Cartesian grid.

A binary black hole system is constructed on a Cartesian grid from data stored in a file resulting from a computation by Taniguchi and Gourgoulhon.

Importation of Lorene data is performed by means of the constructor Bin_NS::Bin_NS(int, const double*, const double*, const double*, const char*). This constructor takes general arrays for the location of the Cartesian coordinates , i.e. it does not assume that the grid is a uniform one. Note also that these arrays are 1-D, as well as all the metric fields, in order to be use with any ordering of the 3-D storage.

This class is very simple, with all data members being public. A typical example of use is the following one

 *	    // Define the Cartesian grid by means of the arrays xg, yg, zg:
 *	    for (int i=0; i<nb_points; i++) {
 *           xg[i] = ...
 *           yg[i] = ...
 *           zg[i] = ...
 *	    }
 *	    // Read the file containing the spectral data and evaluate
 *	    //  all the fields on the Cartesian grid :
 *	    Bin_NS binary_system(nb_points, xg, yg, zg, datafile) ;
 *	    // Extract what you need :
 *	    double* gamma_xx = binary_system.g_xx ; // metric coefficient g_xx
 *	    double* shift_x = binary_system.beta_x ; // x comp. of shift vector
 *	    ...
 *	    // Save everything in an ASCII file :
 *	    ofstream file_ini("ini.d") ;
 *	    binary_system.save_form(file_ini) ;
 *	    file_ini.close() ;

Champs publics

[more]char eos_name1[100]
Eos name star 1
[more]double gamma_poly1
Adiabatic index of EOS 1 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise)
[more]double kappa_poly1
Polytropic constant of EOS 1 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise) [unit: ]
[more]char eos_name2[100]
Eos name star 2
[more]double gamma_poly2
Adiabatic index of EOS 2 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise)
[more]double kappa_poly2
Polytropic constant of EOS 2 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise) [unit: ]
[more]double omega
Orbital angular velocity [unit: rad/s]
[more]double dist
Distance between the centers (maxiumum density) of the two neutron stars [unit: km]
[more]double dist_mass
Distance between the center of masses of two neutron stars [unit: km]
[more]double mass1_b
Baryon mass of star 1 (less massive star) [unit: ]
[more]double mass2_b
Baryon mass of star 2 (massive star) [unit: ]
[more]double mass_adm
ADM mass of the binary system [unit: ]
[more]double angu_mom
Total angular momentum of the binary system [unit: ]
[more]double rad1_x_comp
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the x axis toward the companion star [unit: km]
[more]double rad1_y
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the y axis [unit: km]
[more]double rad1_z
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the z axis [unit: km]
[more]double rad1_x_opp
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the x axis opposite to the companion star [unit: km]
[more]double rad2_x_comp
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the x axis toward the companion star [unit: km]
[more]double rad2_y
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the y axis [unit: km]
[more]double rad2_z
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the z axis [unit: km]
[more]double rad2_x_opp
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the x axis opposite to the companion star [unit: km]
[more]int np
Total number of grid points
[more]double* xx
1-D array storing the values of coordinate x of the np grid points [unit: km]
[more]double* yy
1-D array storing the values of coordinate y of the np grid points [unit: km]
[more]double* zz
1-D array storing the values of coordinate z of the np grid points [unit: km]
[more]double* nnn
Lapse function at the np grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* beta_x
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]
[more]double* beta_y
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]
[more]double* beta_z
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]
[more]double* g_xx
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* g_xy
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* g_xz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* g_yy
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* g_yz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* g_zz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)
[more]double* k_xx
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* k_xy
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* k_xz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* k_yy
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* k_yz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* k_zz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]
[more]double* nbar
Baryon density in the fluid frame at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]
[more]double* ener_spec
Specific internal energy at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]
[more]double* u_euler_x
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]
[more]double* u_euler_y
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]
[more]double* u_euler_z
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

Méthodes publiques

[more] Bin_NS(int nbpoints, const double* xi, const double* yi, const double* zi, const char* filename)
Constructor from Lorene spectral data.
[more] Bin_NS(FILE* )
Constructor from a binary file (previously created by save_bin)
[more] Bin_NS(ifstream& )
Constructor from a formatted file (previously created by save_form)
[more] ~Bin_NS()
[more]void save_bin(FILE* ) const
Save in a binary file.
[more]void save_form(ofstream& ) const
Save in a formatted file.

Méthodes privées

[more]void alloc_memory()
Allocate the memory for the arrays g_ij, k_ij, etc

ochar eos_name1[100]
Eos name star 1

odouble gamma_poly1
Adiabatic index of EOS 1 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise)

odouble kappa_poly1
Polytropic constant of EOS 1 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise) [unit: ]

ochar eos_name2[100]
Eos name star 2

odouble gamma_poly2
Adiabatic index of EOS 2 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise)

odouble kappa_poly2
Polytropic constant of EOS 2 if it is polytropic (0 otherwise) [unit: ]

odouble omega
Orbital angular velocity [unit: rad/s]

odouble dist
Distance between the centers (maxiumum density) of the two neutron stars [unit: km]

odouble dist_mass
Distance between the center of masses of two neutron stars [unit: km]

odouble mass1_b
Baryon mass of star 1 (less massive star) [unit: ]

odouble mass2_b
Baryon mass of star 2 (massive star) [unit: ]

odouble mass_adm
ADM mass of the binary system [unit: ]

odouble angu_mom
Total angular momentum of the binary system [unit: ]

odouble rad1_x_comp
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the x axis toward the companion star [unit: km]

odouble rad1_y
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the y axis [unit: km]

odouble rad1_z
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the z axis [unit: km]

odouble rad1_x_opp
Coordinate radius of star 1 (less massive star) parallel to the x axis opposite to the companion star [unit: km]

odouble rad2_x_comp
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the x axis toward the companion star [unit: km]

odouble rad2_y
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the y axis [unit: km]

odouble rad2_z
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the z axis [unit: km]

odouble rad2_x_opp
Coordinate radius of star 2 (massive star) parallel to the x axis opposite to the companion star [unit: km]

oint np
Total number of grid points

odouble* xx
1-D array storing the values of coordinate x of the np grid points [unit: km]

odouble* yy
1-D array storing the values of coordinate y of the np grid points [unit: km]

odouble* zz
1-D array storing the values of coordinate z of the np grid points [unit: km]

odouble* nnn
Lapse function at the np grid points (1-D array)

odouble* beta_x
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]

odouble* beta_y
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]

odouble* beta_z
Component of the shift vector of non rotating coordinates [unit: ]

odouble* g_xx
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* g_xy
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* g_xz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* g_yy
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* g_yz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* g_zz
Metric coefficient at the grid points (1-D array)

odouble* k_xx
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* k_xy
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* k_xz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* k_yy
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* k_yz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* k_zz
Component of the extrinsic curvature at the grid points (1-D array) [unit: c/km]

odouble* nbar
Baryon density in the fluid frame at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

odouble* ener_spec
Specific internal energy at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

odouble* u_euler_x
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

odouble* u_euler_y
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

odouble* u_euler_z
Component of the fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer, at the np grid points (1-D array) [unit: ]

o Bin_NS(int nbpoints, const double* xi, const double* yi, const double* zi, const char* filename)
Constructor from Lorene spectral data.

This constructor takes general arrays xi, yi, zi for the location of the Cartesian coordinates , i.e. it does not assume that the grid is a uniform one. These arrays are 1-D to deal with any ordering of a 3-D storage.

Paramètres :
nbpoints - [input] Total number of grid points
xi - [input] 1-D array (size nbpoints) storing the values of coordinate x of the grid points [unit: km]
yi - [input] 1-D array (size nbpoints) storing the values of coordinate y of the grid points [unit: km]
zi - [input] 1-D array (size nbpoints) storing the values of coordinate z of the grid points [unit: km]
filename - [input] Name of the (binary) file containing the result of a computation by means of the multi-domain spectral method.

o Bin_NS(FILE* )
Constructor from a binary file (previously created by save_bin)

o Bin_NS(ifstream& )
Constructor from a formatted file (previously created by save_form)

o ~Bin_NS()

ovoid alloc_memory()
Allocate the memory for the arrays g_ij, k_ij, etc

ovoid save_bin(FILE* ) const
Save in a binary file. This file can be subsenquently read by the evolution code, or by the constructor Bin_NS::Bin_NS(FILE* ).

ovoid save_form(ofstream& ) const
Save in a formatted file. This file can be subsenquently read by the evolution code, or by the constructor Bin_NS::Bin_NS(ifstream& ).

Cette classe n'a pas de classe descendante.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& , const Bin_NS& )
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$Id: Bin_NS.html,v 1.4 2010/07/14 16:56:37 e_gourgoulhon Exp $

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