1 /*
2  * Prototypes of graphical routines
3  *
4  */
6 /*
7  * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Eric Gourgoulhon, Jerome Novak
8  * & Philippe Grandclement
9  *
10  * This file is part of LORENE.
11  *
12  * LORENE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15  * (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * LORENE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23  * along with LORENE; if not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25  *
26  */
29 #ifndef __GRAPHIQUE_H_
30 #define __GRAPHIQUE_H_
32 /*
33  * $Id: graphique.h,v 1.24 2022/02/10 16:33:53 j_novak Exp $
34  * $Log: graphique.h,v $
35  * Revision 1.24 2022/02/10 16:33:53 j_novak
36  * New drawing functions with logscale in y : des_profile_log, des_meridian_log.
37  *
38  * Revision 1.23 2014/10/13 08:52:34 j_novak
39  * Lorene classes and functions now belong to the namespace Lorene.
40  *
41  * Revision 1.22 2012/01/17 10:05:39 j_penner
42  * added point plot routine: des_points
43  *
44  * Revision 1.21 2011/03/27 16:36:04 e_gourgoulhon
45  * Added function save_profile.
46  *
47  * Revision 1.20 2008/08/19 06:41:59 j_novak
48  * Minor modifications to avoid warnings with gcc 4.3. Most of them concern
49  * cast-type operations, and constant strings that must be defined as const char*
50  *
51  * Revision 1.19 2005/08/24 09:02:23 j_novak
52  * Comments for new version of doxygen.
53  *
54  * Revision 1.18 2005/03/25 19:55:41 e_gourgoulhon
55  * Added the arguments nbound and xbound or draw_bound to the
56  * functions des_profile and des_profile_mult
57  * (draw of the domain boundaries).
58  *
59  * Revision 1.17 2005/03/24 22:00:08 e_gourgoulhon
60  * -- New functions des_coupe_* to plot a Scalar and a Vector
61  * -- Reorganization of documentation (functions referring to a Cmp
62  * or a Tenseur are now declared 'obsolete').
63  *
64  * Revision 1.16 2004/05/20 20:29:03 e_gourgoulhon
65  * Added argument 'device' to functions des_evol.
66  *
67  * Revision 1.15 2004/05/17 19:46:19 e_gourgoulhon
68  * -- Function des_profile_mult(const Scalar**,...): added argument
69  * device.
70  * -- Functions des_meridian: added arguments device and closeit.
71  *
72  * Revision 1.14 2004/05/11 20:08:11 e_gourgoulhon
73  * des_evol: modified the ordering of the argument list; the default
74  * value of closeit is now 'false'.
75  * New version of des_evol without specifying the index range.
76  *
77  * Revision 1.13 2004/04/05 14:41:38 e_gourgoulhon
78  * Added functions des_meridian.
79  *
80  * Revision 1.12 2004/03/22 13:12:41 j_novak
81  * Modification of comments to use doxygen instead of doc++
82  *
83  * Revision 1.11 2004/02/17 22:15:26 e_gourgoulhon
84  * -- Modified prototypes of des_profile's and des_profile_mult's
85  * -- Added des_profile_mult with arbitrary x sampling
86  * -- Added des_evol (time evolution)
87  *
88  * Revision 1.10 2004/02/15 21:52:35 e_gourgoulhon
89  * Changed prototype of des_profile_mult : Scalar* --> Scalar**.
90  *
91  * Revision 1.9 2004/02/12 16:19:34 e_gourgoulhon
92  * Added function des_profile_mult for Scalars.
93  * Modified prototype of des_profile_mult(const float*,...)
94  *
95  * Revision 1.8 2004/02/09 09:33:54 j_novak
96  * Minor modif.
97  *
98  * Revision 1.7 2004/02/04 14:28:12 p_grandclement
99  * Ajout de la version Scalar de des_profile
100  *
101  * Revision 1.6 2003/10/03 11:42:46 j_novak
102  * Removal of the functions associated with Iris Explorer.
103  *
104  * Revision 1.5 2003/09/22 12:50:47 e_gourgoulhon
105  * First version: not ready yet!
106  *
107  * Revision 1.4 2003/06/03 10:00:37 e_gourgoulhon
108  * Added a new version of des_profile for Cmp with scale and nomx
109  * specified in the argument list
110  *
111  * Revision 1.3 2003/01/17 13:48:17 f_limousin
112  * Add des_explorer and des_explorer_symz for a Bin_ns_ncp
113  *
114  * Revision 1.2 2002/09/13 09:17:33 j_novak
115  * Modif. commentaires
116  *
117  * Revision 2001/11/20 15:19:27 e_gourgoulhon
118  * LORENE
119  *
120  * Revision 1.24 2001/06/21 07:35:44 novak
121  * Added two routines for 2-surface star drawing (des_bi_coupe_y)
122  *
123  * Revision 1.23 2001/05/22 13:31:54 eric
124  * Ajout de des_explorer_coef
125  *
126  * Revision 1.22 2001/03/07 10:47:09 eric
127  * Ajout de des_explorer_symz
128  *
129  * Revision 1.21 2000/12/04 14:16:55 novak
130  * des_explorer2D added
131  *
132  * Revision 1.20 2000/06/22 16:09:03 eric
133  * Retour a la version 1.18 (1.19 etait une erreur).
134  *
135  * Revision 1.18 2000/03/02 10:33:32 eric
136  * Ajout des routines des_vect_bin_*
137  *
138  * Revision 1.17 2000/03/01 16:11:14 eric
139  * Ajout des dessins de champs vectoriels.
140  *
141  * Revision 1.16 2000/02/12 11:17:46 eric
142  * Ajout des versions de des_coupe_* avec determination automatique des
143  * bornes de la fenetre graphique.
144  *
145  * Revision 1.15 2000/02/11 18:43:27 eric
146  * Ajout de l'argument draw_bound aux routines des_coupe*.
147  *
148  * Revision 1.14 2000/02/11 17:47:33 eric
149  * Ajout des routines des_coupe_bin_*
150  *
151  * Revision 1.13 2000/02/11 16:51:49 eric
152  * Les routines de dessins de Cmp utilisent desormais les coordonnees
153  * cartesiennes abolues (X,Y,Z) et non plus relatives (x,y,z).
154  *
155  * Revision 1.12 2000/02/11 09:58:12 eric
156  * *** empty log message ***
157  *
158  * Revision 1.11 2000/02/11 09:56:14 eric
159  * Ajout des sorties pour Explorer.
160  *
161  * Revision 1.10 1999/12/27 12:22:25 eric
162  * *** empty log message ***
163  *
164  * Revision 1.9 1999/12/27 12:17:11 eric
165  * Ajout des routines des_domaine_*.
166  * Les valeurs par defaut du nombre de mailles pour le quadrillage des
167  * dans des_coupe_* passent de 80x80 a 100x100.
168  *
169  * Revision 1.8 1999/12/24 12:59:38 eric
170  * Ajout des routines des_surface_*
171  *
172  * Revision 1.7 1999/12/23 16:14:33 eric
173  * Les routines des_coupe_* dessine desormais egalement la surface
174  * de l'objet (ajout de l'argument defsurf).
175  *
176  * Revision 1.6 1999/12/20 11:04:24 eric
177  * Modif commentaires.
178  *
179  * Revision 1.5 1999/12/20 11:00:38 eric
180  * *** empty log message ***
181  *
182  * Revision 1.4 1999/12/20 10:53:52 eric
183  * Ajout des arguments device, newgraph, nxpage et nypage
184  * a des_coef_xi, des_coef_theta et des_coef_phi.
185  * Ajout de la routine des_map_et.
186  *
187  * Revision 1.3 1999/12/15 09:42:02 eric
188  * *** empty log message ***
189  *
190  * Revision 1.2 1999/12/10 12:14:09 eric
191  * Ajout des fonctions des_coef.
192  *
193  * Revision 1.1 1999/12/09 16:37:57 eric
194  * Initial revision
195  *
196  *
197  * $Header: /cvsroot/Lorene/C++/Include/graphique.h,v 1.24 2022/02/10 16:33:53 j_novak Exp $
198  *
199  */
203 namespace Lorene {
204 class Valeur ;
205 class Map ;
206 class Map_et ;
207 class Cmp ;
208 class Scalar ;
209 class Vector ;
210 class Sym_tensor ;
211 class Tenseur ;
212 class Etoile ;
213 class Binaire ;
214 class Bin_ns_ncp ;
215 template<typename TyT> class Evolution ;
244 void des_profile(const float* uutab, int nx, float xmin, float xmax,
245  const char* nomx, const char* nomy, const char* title,
246  const char* device = 0x0, int nbound = 0,
247  float* xbound = 0x0, bool logscale = false) ;
266 void des_profile(const float* uutab, int nx, const float *xtab,
267  const char* nomx, const char* nomy, const char* title,
268  const char* device = 0x0, int nbound = 0,
269  float* xbound = 0x0) ;
303 void des_profile_mult(const float* uutab, int nprof, int nx,
304  float xmin, float xmax, const char* nomx,
305  const char* nomy, const char* title, const int* line_style,
306  int ngraph, bool closeit, const char* device = 0x0,
307  int nbound = 0, float* xbound = 0x0, bool logscale=false) ;
340 void des_profile_mult(const float* uutab, int nprof, int nx,
341  const float* xtab, const char* nomx,
342  const char* nomy, const char* title, const int* line_style,
343  int ngraph, bool closeit, const char* device = 0x0, int nbound = 0,
344  float* xbound = 0x0) ;
363 void des_points(const float *uutab, int nx, float xmin, float xmax,
364  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
365  const char* device = 0x0, int nbound = 0,
366  float* xbound = 0x0) ;
404 void des_equipot(float* uutab, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax,
405  float ymin, float ymax, int ncour, const char* nomx, const char* nomy,
406  const char* title, const char* device = 0x0, int newgraph = 3,
407  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
453 void des_vect(float* vvx, float* vvy, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax,
454  float ymin, float ymax, double scale, double sizefl,
455  const char* nomx, const char* nomy, const char* title, const char* device = 0x0,
456  int newgraph = 3, int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
491 void des_domaine_x(const Map& mp, int l0, double x0, const char* device = 0x0,
492  int newgraph = 3, double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
493  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
494  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
495  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
530 void des_domaine_y(const Map& mp, int l0, double y0, const char* device = 0x0,
531  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
532  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
533  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
534  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
569 void des_domaine_z(const Map& mp, int l0, double z0, const char* device = 0x0,
570  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
571  double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
572  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
573  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
602 void des_coef(const double* cf, int n, double pzero,
603  const char* nomx, const char* nomy, const char* title, const char* device = 0x0,
604  int newgraph = 3, int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
651 void des_coef_xi(const Valeur& uu, int l, int k, int j, double pzero = 1.e-14,
652  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0, const char* device = 0x0,
653  int newgraph = 3, int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
694 void des_coef_theta(const Valeur& uu, int l, int k, int i, double pzero = 1.e-14,
695  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0, const char* device = 0x0,
696  int newgraph = 3, int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
737 void des_coef_phi(const Valeur& uu, int l, int j, int i, double pzero = 1.e-14,
738  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0, const char* device = 0x0,
739  int newgraph = 3, int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
756 void des_map_et(const Map_et& mp, int lz) ;
784 void des_profile(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
785  double theta, double phi, const char* nomy = 0x0,
786  const char* title = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true) ;
808 void des_profile(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max, double scale,
809  double theta, double phi, const char* nomx = 0x0,
810  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title= 0x0,
811  bool draw_bound = true) ;
853 void des_profile_mult(const Scalar** uu, int nprof, double r_min, double r_max,
854  const double* theta, const double* phi, double radial_scale = 1,
855  bool closeit = true, const char* nomy = 0x0,
856  const char* title = 0x0, int ngraph = 0, const char* nomx = 0x0,
857  const int* line_style = 0x0, const char* device = 0x0,
858  bool draw_bound = true) ;
875 void des_points(const Scalar& uu,
876  double theta = 0, double phi = 0, const char* nomy = 0x0,
877  const char* title = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true) ;
897 void des_points(const Scalar& uu, double scale,
898  double theta = 0, double phi = 0, const char* nomx = 0x0,
899  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title= 0x0,
900  bool draw_bound = true) ;
913 void save_profile(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
914  double theta, double phi, const char* filename) ;
941 void des_meridian(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
942  const char* nomy, int ngraph, const char* device = 0x0,
943  bool closeit = false, bool draw_bound = true) ;
964  void des_profile_log(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
965  double theta, double phi, double pzero = 1.e-16,
966  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0 ,
967  bool draw_bound = true) ;
1010  void des_prof_mult_log(const Scalar** uu, int nprof, double r_min, double r_max,
1011  const double* theta, const double* phi,
1012  double pzero = 1.e-16, double radial_scale = 1,
1013  bool closeit = true, const char* nomy = 0x0,
1014  const char* title = 0x0, int ngraph = 0,
1015  const char* nomx = 0x0, const int* line_style = 0x0,
1016  const char* device = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true) ;
1045  void des_meridian_log(const Scalar& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
1046  const char* nomy, int ngraph, double pzero = 1.e-16,
1047  const char* device = 0x0,
1048  bool closeit = false, bool draw_bound = true) ;
1082 void des_surface_x(const Scalar& defsurf, double x0, const char* device = 0x0,
1083  int newgraph = 3, double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
1084  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
1085  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
1086  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
1120 void des_surface_y(const Scalar& defsurf, double y0, const char* device = 0x0,
1121  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
1122  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
1123  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
1124  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
1159 void des_surface_z(const Scalar& defsurf, double z0, const char* device = 0x0,
1160  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
1161  double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
1162  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
1163  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
1195 void des_coupe_x(const Scalar& uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1196  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1197  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int ny = 100,
1198  int nz = 100) ;
1227 void des_coupe_x(const Scalar& uu, double x0, double y_min, double y_max,
1228  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1229  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1230  int ncour = 15, int ny = 100, int nz = 100) ;
1261 void des_coupe_y(const Scalar& uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1262  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1263  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
1264  int nz = 100) ;
1292 void des_coupe_y(const Scalar& uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max,
1293  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1294  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1295  int ncour = 15, int nx = 100, int nz = 100) ;
1326 void des_coupe_z(const Scalar& uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1327  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1328  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
1329  int ny = 100) ;
1357 void des_coupe_z(const Scalar& uu, double z0, double x_min, double x_max,
1358  double y_min, double y_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1359  const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1360  int ncour = 15, int nx = 100, int ny = 100) ;
1406 void des_coupe_vect_x(const Vector& vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl,
1407  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1408  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
1409  int ny = 20, int nz = 20) ;
1444 void des_coupe_vect_x(const Vector& vv, double x0, double scale, double
1445  sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min,
1446  double z_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1447  bool draw_bound = true, int ny = 20, int nz = 20) ;
1483 void des_coupe_vect_y(const Vector& vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl,
1484  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1485  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
1486  int nx = 20, int nz = 20) ;
1521 void des_coupe_vect_y(const Vector& vv, double y0, double scale, double
1522  sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min,
1523  double z_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1524  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int nz = 20) ;
1560 void des_coupe_vect_z(const Vector& vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl,
1561  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1562  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
1563  int nx = 20, int ny = 20) ;
1598 void des_coupe_vect_z(const Vector& vv, double z0, double scale, double
1599  sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min,
1600  double y_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Scalar* defsurf = 0x0,
1601  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int ny = 20) ;
1637 void des_meridian(const Sym_tensor& hh, double r_min, double r_max,
1638  const char* name, int ngraph0, const char* device = 0x0,
1639  bool closeit = false) ;
1668 void des_profile(const Cmp& uu, double r_min, double r_max,
1669  double theta, double phi, const char* nomy = 0x0,
1670  const char* title = 0x0 ) ;
1691 void des_profile(const Cmp& uu, double r_min, double r_max, double scale,
1692  double theta, double phi, const char* nomx = 0x0,
1693  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title= 0x0) ;
1724 void des_coupe_x(const Cmp& uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1725  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1726  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int ny = 100,
1727  int nz = 100) ;
1756 void des_coupe_x(const Cmp& uu, double x0, double y_min, double y_max,
1757  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1758  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1759  int ncour = 15, int ny = 100, int nz = 100) ;
1790 void des_coupe_y(const Cmp& uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1791  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1792  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
1793  int nz = 100) ;
1821 void des_coupe_y(const Cmp& uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max,
1822  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1823  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1824  int ncour = 15, int nx = 100, int nz = 100) ;
1855 void des_coupe_z(const Cmp& uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1856  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, double zoom = 1.2,
1857  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
1858  int ny = 100) ;
1886 void des_coupe_z(const Cmp& uu, double z0, double x_min, double x_max,
1887  double y_min, double y_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1888  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, bool draw_bound = true,
1889  int ncour = 15, int nx = 100, int ny = 100) ;
1924 void des_bi_coupe_y(const Cmp& uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0,
1925  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
1926  double zoom = 1.2,
1927  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
1928  int nz = 100) ;
1960 void des_bi_coupe_y(const Cmp& uu, double y0, double x_min, double x_max,
1961  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title = 0x0,
1962  const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
1963  bool draw_bound = true,
1964  int ncour = 15, int nx = 100, int nz = 100) ;
1999 void des_coupe_bin_x(const Cmp& uu1, const Cmp& uu2, double x0, double y_min,
2000  double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char* title,
2001  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2002  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int ny = 100,
2003  int nz = 100) ;
2038 void des_coupe_bin_y(const Cmp& uu1, const Cmp& uu2, double y0, double x_min,
2039  double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char* title,
2040  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2041  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
2042  int nz = 100) ;
2077 void des_coupe_bin_z(const Cmp& uu1, const Cmp& uu2, double z0, double x_min,
2078  double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char* title,
2079  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2080  bool draw_bound = true, int ncour = 15, int nx = 100,
2081  int ny = 100) ;
2117 void des_surface_x(const Cmp& defsurf, double x0, const char* device = 0x0,
2118  int newgraph = 3, double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
2119  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
2120  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
2121  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
2155 void des_surface_y(const Cmp& defsurf, double y0, const char* device = 0x0,
2156  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
2157  double z_min = -1, double z_max = 1,
2158  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
2159  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
2194 void des_surface_z(const Cmp& defsurf, double z0, const char* device = 0x0,
2195  int newgraph = 3, double x_min = -1, double x_max = 1,
2196  double y_min = -1, double y_max = 1,
2197  const char* nomx = 0x0, const char* nomz = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
2198  int nxpage = 1, int nypage = 1) ;
2245 void des_coupe_vect_x(const Tenseur& vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl,
2246  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2247  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
2248  int ny = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2283 void des_coupe_vect_x(const Tenseur& vv, double x0, double scale, double
2284  sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min,
2285  double z_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2286  bool draw_bound = true, int ny = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2322 void des_coupe_vect_y(const Tenseur& vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl,
2323  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2324  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
2325  int nx = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2360 void des_coupe_vect_y(const Tenseur& vv, double y0, double scale, double
2361  sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min,
2362  double z_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2363  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2399 void des_coupe_vect_z(const Tenseur& vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl,
2400  int nzdes, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2401  double zoom = 1.2, bool draw_bound = true,
2402  int nx = 20, int ny = 20) ;
2437 void des_coupe_vect_z(const Tenseur& vv, double z0, double scale, double
2438  sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min,
2439  double y_max, const char* title = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf = 0x0,
2440  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int ny = 20) ;
2481 void des_vect_bin_x(const Tenseur& vv1, const Tenseur& vv2, double x0,
2482  double scale, double sizefl, double y_min, double y_max,
2483  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title,
2484  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2485  bool draw_bound = true, int ny = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2526 void des_vect_bin_y(const Tenseur& vv1, const Tenseur& vv2, double x0,
2527  double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max,
2528  double z_min, double z_max, const char* title,
2529  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2530  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int nz = 20) ;
2571 void des_vect_bin_z(const Tenseur& vv1, const Tenseur& vv2, double x0,
2572  double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max,
2573  double y_min, double y_max, const char* title,
2574  const Cmp* defsurf1 = 0x0, const Cmp* defsurf2 = 0x0,
2575  bool draw_bound = true, int nx = 20, int ny = 20) ;
2610 void des_evol(const Evolution<double>& uu, const char* nomy = 0x0,
2611  const char* title = 0x0, int ngraph = 0, const char* device = 0x0,
2612  bool closeit = false, bool show_time = true, const char* nomx = 0x0) ;
2638 void des_evol(const Evolution<double>& uu, int j_min, int j_max,
2639  const char* nomy = 0x0, const char* title = 0x0,
2640  int ngraph = 0, const char* device = 0x0, bool closeit = false,
2641  bool show_time = true, const char* nomx = 0x0) ;
2647 }
2648 #endif
void des_surface_y(const Scalar &defsurf, double y0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double x_min=-1, double x_max=1, double z_min=-1, double z_max=1, const char *nomx=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing a stellar surface in a plane Y=constant.
void des_coupe_y(const Scalar &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int nx=100, int nz=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a Scalar in a plane Y=constant.
void des_coupe_z(const Scalar &uu, double z0, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int nx=100, int ny=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a Scalar in a plane Z=constant.
void des_domaine_z(const Map &mp, int l0, double z0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double x_min=-1, double x_max=1, double y_min=-1, double y_max=1, const char *nomx=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing the outer boundary of a given domain in a plane Z=constant.
void des_coupe_vect_x(const Vector &vv, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int ny=20, int nz=20)
Plots a vector field in a plane X=constant.
void des_vect_bin_y(const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int nx=20, int nz=20)
Plots the sum of two vectors in a plane Y=constant.
Lorene prototypes.
Definition: app_hor.h:67
void des_domaine_x(const Map &mp, int l0, double x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double y_min=-1, double y_max=1, double z_min=-1, double z_max=1, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing the outer boundary of a given domain in a plane X=constant.
void des_surface_z(const Scalar &defsurf, double z0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double x_min=-1, double x_max=1, double y_min=-1, double y_max=1, const char *nomx=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing a stellar surface in a plane Z=constant.
void des_profile(const float *uutab, int nx, float xmin, float xmax, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device=0x0, int nbound=0, float *xbound=0x0, bool logscale=false)
Basic routine for drawing a single profile with uniform x sampling.
Definition: des_profile.C:97
void des_coef_xi(const Valeur &uu, int l, int k, int j, double pzero=1.e-14, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Plots the coefficients of the spectral expansion in of a Valeur .
void des_coupe_vect_y(const Vector &vv, double y0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int nx=20, int nz=20)
Plots a vector field in a plane Y=constant.
void des_map_et(const Map_et &mp, int lz)
Plots the coefficients of the functions and of a mapping of class Map_et .
void des_evol(const Evolution< double > &uu, const char *nomy, const char *title, int ngraph, const char *device, bool closeit, bool show_time, const char *nomx)
Plots the variation of some quantity against time.
Definition: des_evolution.C:67
void des_coef_phi(const Valeur &uu, int l, int j, int i, double pzero=1.e-14, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Plots the coefficients of the spectral expansion in of a Valeur .
void des_equipot(float *uutab, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, int ncour, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
Basic routine for drawing isocontours.
Definition: des_equipot.C:77
void des_coef(const double *cf, int n, double pzero, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
Basic routine for drawing spectral coefficients.
Definition: des_coef.C:78
void des_coupe_vect_z(const Vector &vv, double z0, double scale, double sizefl, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int nx=20, int ny=20)
Plots a vector field in a plane Z=constant.
void des_coupe_bin_y(const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double y0, double x_min, double x_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int nx=100, int nz=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a the sum of two Cmp &#39;s in a plane Y=constant.
void des_profile_mult(const float *uutab, int nprof, int nx, float xmin, float xmax, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const int *line_style, int ngraph, bool closeit, const char *device=0x0, int nbound=0, float *xbound=0x0, bool logscale=false)
Basic routine for drawing multiple profiles with uniform x sampling.
Definition: des_profile.C:189
void des_domaine_y(const Map &mp, int l0, double y0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double x_min=-1, double x_max=1, double z_min=-1, double z_max=1, const char *nomx=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing the outer boundary of a given domain in a plane Y=constant.
void des_points(const float *uutab, int nx, float xmin, float xmax, const char *nomx=0x0, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int nbound=0, float *xbound=0x0)
Basic routine for plotting points using grid locations.
void des_vect(float *vvx, float *vvy, int nx, int ny, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, double scale, double sizefl, const char *nomx, const char *nomy, const char *title, const char *device, int newgraph, int nxpage, int nypage)
Basic routine for plotting vector field.
Definition: des_vect.C:75
void des_bi_coupe_y(const Cmp &uu, double y0, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int nx=100, int nz=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a Cmp in a plane Y=constant.
void des_coupe_bin_z(const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double z0, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int nx=100, int ny=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a the sum of two Cmp &#39;s in a plane Z=constant.
void des_prof_mult_log(const Scalar **uu, int nprof, double r_min, double r_max, const double *theta, const double *phi, double pzero=1.e-16, double radial_scale=1, bool closeit=true, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int ngraph=0, const char *nomx=0x0, const int *line_style=0x0, const char *device=0x0, bool draw_bound=true)
Draws the profile of Scalar &#39;s absolute value in log10 scale, along some radial axis determined by a ...
void des_meridian(const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, const char *nomy, int ngraph, const char *device=0x0, bool closeit=false, bool draw_bound=true)
Draws 5 profiles of a scalar field along various radial axes in two meridional planes and ...
void save_profile(const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, const char *filename)
Saves in a file the profile of a Scalar along some radial axis determined by a fixed value of ...
void des_meridian_log(const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, const char *nomy, int ngraph, double pzero=1.e-16, const char *device=0x0, bool closeit=false, bool draw_bound=true)
Draws 5 profiles of the absolute value of a scalar field in log10 scale along various radial directio...
void des_coupe_bin_x(const Cmp &uu1, const Cmp &uu2, double x0, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int ny=100, int nz=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a the sum of two Cmp &#39;s in a plane X=constant.
void des_vect_bin_x(const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int ny=20, int nz=20)
Plots the sum of two vectors in a plane X=constant.
void des_vect_bin_z(const Tenseur &vv1, const Tenseur &vv2, double x0, double scale, double sizefl, double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, const char *title, const Cmp *defsurf1=0x0, const Cmp *defsurf2=0x0, bool draw_bound=true, int nx=20, int ny=20)
Plots the sum of two vectors in a plane Z=constant.
void des_surface_x(const Scalar &defsurf, double x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, double y_min=-1, double y_max=1, double z_min=-1, double z_max=1, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *nomz=0x0, const char *title=0x0, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Basic routine for drawing a stellar surface in a plane X=constant.
void des_coupe_x(const Scalar &uu, double x0, int nzdes, const char *title=0x0, const Scalar *defsurf=0x0, double zoom=1.2, bool draw_bound=true, int ncour=15, int ny=100, int nz=100)
Draws isocontour lines of a Scalar in a plane X=constant.
void des_profile_log(const Scalar &uu, double r_min, double r_max, double theta, double phi, double pzero=1.e-16, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, bool draw_bound=true)
Draws the profile of a Scalar &#39;s absolute value in log10 scale, along some radial axis determined by ...
void des_coef_theta(const Valeur &uu, int l, int k, int i, double pzero=1.e-14, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Plots the coefficients of the spectral expansion in of a Valeur .