75 #include "graphique.h" 80 double pzero = 1.e-14 ;
83 sprintf(nom_zone,
"%d", lz) ;
89 char bslash[2] = {92,
'\0'} ;
92 strcpy(nomy,
"log(abs( c" ) ;
93 strcat(nomy, bslash) ;
94 strcat(nomy,
"dkj" ) ;
95 strcat(nomy, bslash) ;
96 strcat(nomy,
"u ))" ) ;
98 const char* device = 0x0 ;
103 int np = mp.get_mg()->get_np(lz) ;
106 if ( (lz == 0) && (np > 1) ) {
112 sprintf(nom_k,
"%d", k) ;
115 strcat(title,
"Theta coef. of F for k=" ) ;
116 strcat(title, nom_k) ;
117 strcat(title,
" (domain ") ;
118 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
122 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
125 sprintf(nom_k,
"%d", k) ;
127 strcat(title,
"Theta coef. of G for k=" ) ;
128 strcat(title, nom_k) ;
129 strcat(title,
" (domain ") ;
130 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
134 if (np == 1) newgraph = 2 ;
136 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
140 k = (lz == 0) ? 3 : 2 ;
142 sprintf(nom_k,
"%d", k) ;
145 strcat(title,
"Theta coef. of F for k=" ) ;
146 strcat(title, nom_k) ;
147 strcat(title,
" (domain ") ;
148 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
151 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
154 k = (lz == 0) ? 4 : 2 ;
156 sprintf(nom_k,
"%d", k) ;
159 strcat(title,
"Theta coef. of G for k=" ) ;
160 strcat(title, nom_k) ;
161 strcat(title,
" (domain ") ;
162 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
167 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
172 strcat(title,
"Phi coef. of F for j=0 (domain ") ;
173 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
179 des_coef_phi(mp.get_ff(), lz, j, 0, pzero, nomy, title, device,
180 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
183 strcat(title,
"Phi coef. of G for j=0 (domain ") ;
184 strcat(title, nom_zone) ;
188 des_coef_phi(mp.get_gg(), lz, j, 0, pzero, nomy, title, device,
189 newgraph, nxpage, nypage) ;
void des_map_et(const Map_et &mp, int lz)
Plots the coefficients of the functions and of a mapping of class Map_et .
void des_coef_phi(const Valeur &uu, int l, int j, int i, double pzero=1.e-14, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Plots the coefficients of the spectral expansion in of a Valeur .
void des_coef_theta(const Valeur &uu, int l, int k, int i, double pzero=1.e-14, const char *nomy=0x0, const char *title=0x0, const char *device=0x0, int newgraph=3, int nxpage=1, int nypage=1)
Plots the coefficients of the spectral expansion in of a Valeur .