[LORENE] Lorene compilation and gcc 3.4

Eric Gourgoulhon Eric.Gourgoulhon at obspm.fr
Fri Nov 26 11:16:59 CET 2004

Dear All,

The problem with the template classes Evolution*
in Lorene and g++ 3.4 is now fixed.

Please perform a cvs update and you should
be able to compile Lorene with g++ 3.4 without
any trouble.

Bon code !


Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:

> Dear All,
> There is a problem in Lorene compilation with the
> latest version of GNU C++ compiler, namely
> gcc 3.4: the template classes Evolution, Evolution_std
> and Evolution_full  do not compile.
> This comes from the following change in
> gcc 3.4 with respect to previous versions:
> "In a template definition, unqualified names will no longer
> find members of a dependent base."
> (extract of http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-3.4/changes.html)
> This problem will be fixed within a few days.
> Best regards,
>    Eric.

Eric Gourgoulhon
Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses THeories (LUTH)
UMR 8102 du CNRS / Observatoire de Paris, F-92195 Meudon Cedex, France
tel: +33 1 45 07 74 33 (secretariat : +33 1 45 07 75 10)
e-mail: eric.gourgoulhon/at/obspm.fr    WWW: http://www.luth.obspm.fr/

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