[LORENE] strange GRV2/3 behaviour (Newtonian)

Reinhard Prix Reinhard.Prix at aei.mpg.de
Wed Nov 19 10:42:18 CET 2003


I've just noticed a funny feature of the codes Rotstar and Sfluide in
the Newtonian case:
we had noticed a while ago that for very low rotation rates or static
cases the virials in the Newtonian case become quite "bad", i.e. of
the order of 1e-5 for a precision of 1e-10, while in the relativistic
case one consistently gets GRV <= 1e-9. 

However, if you set freq_ini_si=100 for example, even if freq_si=0,
then you seem to get a solution that has GRV~1e-9...! 


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