[LORENE] 3D visualization with OpenDX (con't)

Eric Gourgoulhon Eric.Gourgoulhon at obspm.fr
Tue Dec 16 09:17:48 CET 2003

Dear All,

I've just added a new function for 3D visu. through OpenDX:


This method proviodes the  3D visualization of a scalar
field by volume rendering (through some transparency
technique). The associated OpenDX script is


An example is provided by (after a cvs update !):

cd $HOME_LORENE/Tutorial
cp $HOME_LORENE/Visu/OpenDX/*.net .

Note that in the image window you can rotate the figure
with the mouse (move the mouse while pressing on the
left button). You can also change the visualization mode
from rotating to e.g. navigating or zooming by typing
Moreover, you can change the type of rendering
from volume transparency to isosurfaces by
selecting "Windows" -> "Open Visual Program Editor"
in the menu bar. Disconnect the module "AutoColor"
from "Collect" and connect instead the module

Best wishes,


Eric Gourgoulhon
Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses THeories (LUTH)
UMR 8102 du CNRS / Observatoire de Paris, F-92195 Meudon Cedex, France
tel: +33 (secretariat : +33
e-mail: Eric.Gourgoulhon at obspm.fr    WWW: http://www.luth.obspm.fr/

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