Installation of LORENE

See the prerequisites and the download instructions first.

1/ Set of the environment variable HOME_LORENE

Enter to Lorene root directory which has just been created by the CVS checkout command

 cd Lorene
and define HOME_LORENE to be the full path name of this directory: For future use of Lorene, it would be helpful to define HOME_LORENE in the resource file .cshrc .tchsrc or .bashrc in your home directory by inserting the line
 setenv HOME_LORENE /??/Lorene        in .cshrc or .tchsrc
 export HOME_LORENE=/??/Lorene        in .bashrc
where /?? denotes the full path to the Lorene directory. This avoids to set it manually after each login.

2/ Defining the parameters specific to your system

Before to launch the compilation of Lorene, you have to specify which compilers to use, with which options, and where are located some system libraries. This information should be passed to Lorene via the file $HOME_LORENE/local_settings.

This file is the only one of the Lorene distribution which is architecture/system dependent. It will be included by all the Lorene Makefiles, which are fully architecture independent.

Some templates files are provided in the directory Local_settings_examples for

To create the file  $HOME_LORENE/local_settings,  you simply have to copy one of these files into local_settings by typing, e.g. under Linux

cp Local_settings_examples/local_settings_linux_gcc-4.4 local_settings
You may then edit local_settings to adapt it to some special features of your system implementation, e.g. to use FFTW instead of the standard Fortran FFT, changing the FFT_DIR variable from FFT991 to FFTW3.

3/ Compiling

The compilation of Lorene is launched via the command (in the HOME_LORENE directory)

This will first create the Lorene documentation, including the HTML reference guide, provided Doxygen is installed on your system.Then the C++ part of LORENE is compiled, followed by the Fortran 77 one.

To read Lorene's reference manual, open the file $HOME_LORENE/Doc/refguide/index.html in a web browser

4/ Testing the installation

If everything went well with the compilation, you can check the link with LAPACK and PGPLOT libraries with

 make test
This will produce three executables:

 $HOME_LORENE/Test/test_fft : checks LAPACK and PGPLOT
 $HOME_LORENE/Test/test_lapack : checks LAPACK only
 $HOME_LORENE/Test/test_pgplot : checks LAPACK and PGPLOT

5/ Upgrading the installation

As a research software, LORENE is under permanent development. You should therefore run from time to time the commands

 cvs update -d
to get the latest version of LORENE.

The script $HOME_LORENE/lorene_up contains the above commands, so that it is equivalent to type


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