Black hole-Neutron star binaries
Quasiequilibrium configurations in
circular orbits
Access to the data files
Each directory contains a different sequence. The names of the directories should be self-explanatory. For instance :
- "Ratio10_mNS0.1" indicates a mass ration of 10 and a NS mass of 0.1, in polytropic units.
- "Ratio5_compact0.150" refers to a mass ration of 5 and a NS of 0.150 compactness.
Each directory contains:
- One file named static.tar.gz
- Some files namesD_***.tar.gz, where *** denotes the coordinate distance between the two objects.
The static.tar.gz file contains
- par_grid_bh.d : the parameters for the BH grid.
- par_grid_ns.d : the parameters for the NS grid.
- par_eos.d : the parameters for the EOS.
- par_init.d : the parameters for the computation of the static configuration.
- statiques.dat : the file containing the initial guess for all the runs. It is generated by the init_ns_bh.C code (found in the Lorene/Codes/Bin_ns_bh directory).
The D_***.tar.gz files contain
- par_coal.d : the parameters for the computation of the configuration.
- bin.dat : the file containing the computed configuration. It is generated by the coal_ns_bh.C code and can be read
by lit_bin_ns_bh.C (both found in the Lorene/Codes/Bin_ns_bh directory).
Philippe Grandclément